Good Weird v Bad Weird

you are the one okay with being lied to.
The funny thing is…they KNOW they’re being lied to. They don’t care. It’s like sweet nothings being breathed into their ear…kinda like Biden sniffing and breathing on little girls.
I see my good doc twice a year. I follow some orders. I ignore the experimental advice. Not sure what you’re not understanding about that.
I understand completely. You know better than your doctor. 👍

You keep trying to spin this is a some “anti-vax” type position though. Now line up like the good little lamb you are and take that booster!
You are taking it that way. I have done nothing of the sort.
While there is truth in what you say, it’s also the tired old dem playbook at work. They Focus Group everything that comes out of their mouths. This has been going on since the Clinton yrs at least and probably before.

Go find the montages of these idiots desperately trying to fit it into a sentence, knowing full well how idiotic it sounds. None but the true believers have faith in it.
Ever hear of Frank Luntz?
Yes less offensive and not so in your face way, yet the same tactic as your comment. Trying to put those you disagree on defense.
Not unlike convicted felon DonOld J Trump applying his favorite nickname to black NY attorney general Letitia James: "peekaboo".

Everyone with half a brain (sorry Icanhelp1!) knows our racist ex-president is dogwhistling "jigaboo", but it gives him what he thinks is "plausible deniability" to all white audiences.
You might want to take a look at the countries that are pulling your vaunted “vaccines”…you know…the one that’s up to what? Ten boosters now? (I don’t know the actual number but betting it’s closing in on double digits.).
I "might" want to? I think not. You anti-vaxx "resurchers" have an abyssmal track record.
Maybe all the blue lits should just drop the weirdness before it breaks something, like a glass house.
Isn't some degree of weird needed3 to realise big ideas. Bad ones or good. Ron L Hubbard was weird creating a "church" out of bullshit. Or the last 2 people who did real pioneer work by taking risks Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. Both very weird characters and aholes. Some people have just a weird nature. Just go on YouTube and watch best of Aubrey Plaza. And then there are people I'm not sure about if they Weird, seriously ill, or just crazy. ' Giant Jewish Space Laser' springs to mind

Democrats and other decent, intelligent people have been using “weird” as a pejorative for Trump and the MAGAts’ idiocy, hypocrisy, sycophancy, and policy positions / statements.


Maybe all the blue lits should just drop the weirdness before it breaks something, like a glass house.
How loudly can I say it?

I AM WEIRD. I’ve always been a weird dork with weird hobbies and weird interests. Threatening to call me “weird” is like Perona threatening Usopp with negativity

How loudly can I say it?

I AM WEIRD. I’ve always been a weird dork with weird hobbies and weird interests. Threatening to call me “weird” is like Perona threatening Usopp with negativity
That's fine here, but making judgements of good and bad weird tends to boomerang.
Or maybe it's just that you're weird weird.
When you have to parse the meaning of weird…you’ve lost the debate.
this is how mean girls operate.
The use of weird as currently being used in this news cycle, is simply a cute and self justified way of belittling one who disagrees with you.

What I’m enjoying across thread after thread is just how mightily the RW’s are struggling with this. Lmao! 😂

Tell em trump didn’t build a wall or that he is a habitual liar and they wrap themselves comfortably in cognitive dissonance.

Call em weirdos… 🤣😭😂🤣🍿
his bodily mannerisms—the faces he pulls, the weird hand things, the above holding his drinks with both hands— plus the way he can't help but blurt stuff out without checking in with his brain first to see if it makes sense, the blatant lies and doubling down on lies, the mocking of the disabled etc..., are all the hallmarks of a young child, a 4-year old prone to tantrums
his bodily mannerisms—the faces he pulls, the weird hand things, the above holding his drinks with both hands— plus the way he can't help but blurt stuff out without checking in with his brain first to see if it makes sense, the blatant lies and doubling down on lies, the mocking of the disabled etc..., are all the hallmarks of a young child, a 4-year old prone to tantrums

If you’re asking me…
Yes I did see trump yesterday at the NABJ.
Spamming "weird" all over national media may have just decided the election, by branding the Dems as the opposite of weird: bland, conformist, etc. What nobody wants to be now.
Spamming "weird" all over national media may have just decided the election, by branding the Dems as the opposite of weird: bland, conformist, etc. What nobody wants to be now.
....or it just could be crystallizing public opinion that the right wing policies of Trump. Vance and Project 2025 are, in fact, so far removed from American values that they are....well, weird.
Spamming "weird" all over national media may have just decided the election, by branding the Dems as the opposite of weird: bland, conformist, etc. What nobody wants to be now.
People want weird in their pop stars and celebrities. A weird President isn’t fun, it’s scary.
It's 2024 and the bitter-ender anti-vaxxers are STILL yammering about an "experimental" vaccine, 3 billion doses later.

Gotta admire their commitment to their delusional beliefs, science be damned!

I'm seriously wondering now if ivermectin impairs cognitive function. There definitely seems to be a strong correlation.