Good Weird v Bad Weird

The funny thing is…they KNOW they’re being lied to. They don’t care. It’s like sweet nothings being breathed into their ear…kinda like Biden sniffing and breathing on little girls.

You should take a step back and wonder why is it you are so freaking gullible and dumb to repeat and insinuate that Biden is a practicing pedo outwardly showing it to the viewing press 🙄🤷‍♀️. Then ask why you're in support of a convicted con artist, scammer, and adultering rapist. THEN, maybe just maybe, you may begin to understand why you've been happily interacting with a member who is black but isn't black, gay but conservative, claims to call out lies while admitting to being a liar, and a trumper who doesn’t know crap diddly about politics (wait, that actually tracks).

I’m saying I think you like being a willing mark. You should stay far away from Atlantic City and Vegas.
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All their replies, if you can even understand em, boil down to an "I know you are but what am I" simpleton response.
Feels like I'm talking with a child strapped in a car booster seat arguing that they're not sleepy, they're not sleepy, they're not zzzzzzzzzzz.
Gerbil walking randomly on a keyboard.
Now, that's down right mean! But so applicable that it is also funny just thinking about the image of a gerbil on a keyboard and the outcomes. It's like that phrase about a thousand monkeys with typewriters...
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -Hunter S. Thompson, the other Hunter who did a lot of drugs.
Oh the first half of my OP got cut off! I started by saying what a weirdo I am. My hobbies are writing smut and watching cartoons. I’ve alway been a weird dork. I even published a story here about being a horny dork.

My example of Good Weird was the Addams Family. They’re all big freaks, but it’s cool because they’re not trying to force anybody else to act like them. They just keep to themselves and enjoy their eccentricities.

Creulla Deville is Bad Weird because her weird fashion obsession spills out and hurts others.
"This one time at band camp I stuck a flute in my pussy."

Bad weird.

Minnesota GOP Senate candidate: ‘The bad guys won in WWII’

In a tweet from 2022 that has since resurfaced, White claims that “‘bad guys” won the second world war, saying, “The bad guys won in WWII. There were no ‘good guys’ in that war. The controlling interests had a jump ball. If you look closely, you see the link between liberalism and communism in the Allied forces.”