Got an interesting word to share?

kikmosa said:
I use the word TANJ mayself. It stands for There Ain't No Justice. Sounds bad but can't get you in trouble if you forget and say it where you shouldn't, lol.
*waves* I always liked TANSTASFL, there aint no such thing as a free lunch. :rose:
Scalywag said:
Shit. I just realized I've humped three different blueys on the list! :p
Oh oh, be afwaid, be vewy afwaid.

I seriously did spill coffee o6n mt key5board a6nd 6noqw thi6ngs are a 5bit stupid especiallyqw a6nsd q as 6n, LOL if this qwas6n't so dam6ned fu6n6ny it qwould 5be a6n6noyi6ng.
Australians must find the "Fanny Pack" to be very umm funny.

Eilan how many Bluey's are you married too?
I find it quite interesting that people so commonly alternate the use of "then" and "than" interchangably.....they are two different words! :rolleyes:
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I'm from pittsburgh and we seem to have our own little language there. We say gumban (rubber band), reddup (clean up), still mill (Steel mill), liberry(library), we shop at the gyn iggle (giant eagle), I could go on and on. I have actually had people pin point me as being from pittsburgh not just from the north.
Nightbird said:
Australians must find the "Fanny Pack" to be very umm funny.

Eilan how many Bluey's are you married too?

:D :D Just thinking about them makes me smile, I wonder if you can get them in a six pack?
"You sir can kiss my fanny"
Yes please :p
karndav said:
I'm from pittsburgh and we seem to have our own little language there. We say gumban (rubber band), reddup (clean up), still mill (Steel mill), liberry(library), we shop at the gyn iggle (giant eagle), I could go on and on. I have actually had people pin point me as being from pittsburgh not just from the north.
Sounds a bit like the way New Zealanders speak except with the empasis on different syllables: You would live in Puttsburgh

No offense to any Kiwis and feel free to take the piss out of me too :)

How to speak Kiwi
(say out loud for full effect!)
Milburn - capital of Victoria
Peck - to fill a suitcase
Pissed aside - chemical which kills insects
Pigs - for hanging out washing with
Pump - to act as agent for prostitute
Pug - large animal with a curly tail
Nin tin dough - computer game
Munner stroney - soup
Min - male of the species
Mess Kara - eye makeup
McKennock - person who fixes cars
Mere - Mayor
Leather - foam produced from soap
Lift - departed
Kiri Pecker - famous Australian businessman
Kittle crusps - potato chips
Ken's - Cairns
Jumbo - pet name for someone called Jim
Jungle Bills - Christmas carol
Inner me - enemy
Fush - marine creatures
Fitter cheney - type of pasta
Ever cardeau - avocado
Fear hear - blonde
Ear - mix of nitrogen and oxygen
Ear roebucks - exercise at the gym
Duffy cult - not easy
Amejen - visualise
Day old chuck - very young poultry
Bug hut - popular recording
Bun button - been bitten by insect
Beard - a place to sleep
Sucks Peck - Half a dozen beers
Ear New Zulland - an extinct airline
Beers - large savage animals found in U.S. forests
Veerjun - mythical New Zealand maiden
One Doze - well known computer program
Brudge - structure spanning a stream
Sex - one less than sivven
Tin - one more than nine
Iggs Ecktly - Precisely
Earplane - large flying machine
Beggage Chucken - place to leave your suitcase at the earport
Sivven Sucks Sivven - large Boeing aircraft
Sivven Four Sivven - larger Boeing aircraft
Cuds - children
Pits - domestic animals
Cuttin - baby cat
Munce - usually served on toast
Scalywag said:
Quoll, I know a guy originally from Missouri that lived many years in Texas that I could picture pronouncing a lot of those words and phrases exactly the way you spelled them.

I've been know to use "get on the horn" to mean making a phone call.
Example: Get on the blower and find out if they can take delivry Mondy instead a Fridy.

I have no idea how I started using this one.
Aussiefied it for ya. :D
In the spirit of those who have mentioned nonsense words used in their families or neighborhoods, my father used to refer to any mild stomach ailment as "the willipuss wallapuss."
If I understand correctly, in America if you lucked out, then that is a good thing. In Oz that would be a bad thing.

If you root for your team, your sexual prowess is indeed impressive.

Skippy is a kangaroo or a term used by other ethnic groups to describe an Aussie.
quoll said:
If I understand correctly, in America if you lucked out, then that is a good thing.

you understand correctly. :)

you're damn near bilingual. ;)
Slightly AsQ said:
I grew up in Milwaukee. Everyone there uses the word "bubbler" for a drinking fountain. If someone ever asks you for a "bubbler" you know they're from Milwaukee, or at least Wisconsin.

That's not a bubbler

Where I grew up this was a bubbler
Google images agrees too.

When I was a kid I loved the word spastic as in, to be spastic but I needed something to desgribe the act of being spastic so I decided spasticate, spastication, and spasticating were fully legitimate words.

Sorry just a rambling mental spastication :rolleyes:
Got an Interesting word to share

I love the words epiphany and infinity, my own personal favorites!

Rose :rose:
monosyllabic troglodyte has always been one of my favourites, and very fitting for that other board. ;)