Got an interesting word to share?

quoll said:
monosyllabic troglodyte has always been one of my favourites, and very fitting for that other board. ;)

Nice, quoll! I'm stealing this for my newest insult.
bertrande said:
She may not have seen it - shall I direct her to it, or keep your secret :p
Aaah what the hell, I haven't had a good arse kickin' for a while, you can dob me in. ;)

Lynxie said:
Nice, quoll! I'm stealing this for my newest insult.
Thankies :) It's a splendiferous little phrase isn't it. Scary how many people it fits.
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Character and any and all forms of it. I got this wrong in an oral spelling test back in 4th grade (along with most of the class) and it bugged me so much I made sure I would never get it wrong again.
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Push Present.. A gift a man gives a woman for "Pushing" out his baby.

Some women I've talked to found this one to be offensive.. Especially the term.
I'm such a pseudosapiens :rolleyes:
When I was younger I always felt out of place. I felt like I had to try hard to fit into the human race at all (still do most of the time).
One day it poped into my head pseudosapien ie something which attempts to closely resemble human. I thought it was brilliant and it rolls off the tongue so well.
Well I do a little reasearch the other day and learn that sapiens is the part that means inteligent so a pseudosapiens would actually be someone trying to imitate or act inteligent, which I find terribly ironic since I thought I was so brilliant coming up with it. :D
It turns out homo is the part meaning man so more properly it would be pseudohomo or pseudohomosapiens.
You just know pseudohomo would be taken the the complete wrong way and neither of those roll off the tongue well at all. :(
So it turns out all I am left with is a new good put down,
you fuckin pseudosapiens :D
Believe it or not.

Scalywag said:
treadly I have not heard. Pushy i would use as a term to mean: somewhat aggressive. "That used car salesman was pushy."

quoll, in what way do you use these words?

Nightbird said:
Push Present.. A gift a man gives a woman for "Pushing" out his baby.

Some women I've talked to found this one to be offensive.. Especially the term.

The are both terms for a bicycle. :D "I'm off for a ride on my ...