Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Toby was practically trembling in anticipation of the young Asian doctor examining his asshole, and not only because it would hurt. Having another man touch him in an intimate place while Gerry watched was much more exciting now than it had been in the garden shed, with the cop who genuinely scared and hurt him. And even then, Gerry had been aroused. Toby kept checking the old man's crotch and oh yes, there was life returning to that tired organ. He wanted to know if the doctor was getting hard too, wanted to do whatever would make the man get unprofessional. He didn't have a view of the doctor's body from his position, but Gerry would.

"Whatever you need to put up my ass, I'll take it, even if it hurts. All I need is enough lube, right Daddy? The bad man didn't use it and that's why I'm in such rough shape. I'm sure I must be so, so red."

"When was the last time you had a bowel movement, Toby?" The doctor's voice was low and hushed.

"Just before we came here," Toby sighed. "It hurt a lot but there wasn't any blood."

The boy sighed and whimpered a little as the doctor's examination went on. A speculum wasn't very sexy, but Toby reached for Gerry, wanting the man's help to stay in the moment. His hand found the older man's bulge, and he squeezed it openly.

"Will you come down here and kiss me, Daddy? Tell me what a good boy I am?"
Gerry heard Toby's invitation to kiss him, but watched the doctor for his reaction. Dr Phetmang dropped the speculum which clanged onto the floor. He picked it up, dropped it into a bin and fiddled around for a clean one.

"I need Toby on his back, Mr Keller," the doctor said turning back. "Feet in the stirrups. Yes, the ones we use for pregnant women."

Toby stood, turned and lay on his back. Gerry was enjoying being called Mr Keller, especially as the doctor couldn't get his head around the idea that he wasn't Toby's father. I've just explained that I am fucking this kid, he thought. Not computing for the good doctor. He mouthed 'Mr Keller' to Toby, winking, a big smile across his face.

"Feet in the stirrups, son," he said, grabbing first one foot and then the other. The stirrups were far apart, as if designed to accommodate much larger people than Toby. They stretched him wide open, his angry red asshole on full display, and his cock, nearly fully erect, waving at the ceiling.

"Where should I stand, doctor," Gerry asked. "I need to relax my boy so you can go all the way in. What do you think could have caused all that chafing? You're gonna need plenty of lube."

The older man could barely hide his excitement at the thought of the doctor's reaction to the several ways he intended to relax Toby. Gerry's cock pushed hard into the front of his trousers.
Toby had to cover his mouth to stifle a giggle at "Mr. Keller", and even more so at Gerry's reaction. He wiggled his toes as the doctor moved his feet, getting as playful as he dared, and scooted his butt all the way to the end of the table to give the man a clear view of his nether regions.

"Can you see my ass real good?" he piped up, just to rub it in. "Daddy, we should get a bed like this..."

Dr. Phetmang was more flustered by the minute. There was so much coming at him, he didn't seem to know what to respond to. Making things worse was the way his gaze was distracted by the battered boy's upstanding cock. He could not even resist glancing a few times at the groin of the older man as if he needed to check whether they were both aroused. He was only shooting himself in the foot, but he was getting past the point of all reason.

"Ah... hm... you can stay here at his side," the doctor stammered. "I just need... a little space to work down here. I just need to make sure there are no, ah... injuries. If no... obvious bleeding, probably only irritation, and there is some home care you may do and... abstain from... hm... p-penetrative sex until it feels better."

He looked wide-eyed at Gerry for a moment before taking up a tube of generic-looking gel lubricant with a slightly tremoring hand.

"I will... yes... be sure to... lubricate..."

"Don't make it too cold!" Toby sang out, and reached for Gerry demandingly as his cock twitched and leaped before the doctor's wide, dark eyes.
Gerry watched as the doctor leaned over to access Toby's asshole. The kid's cock, almost fully erect, bobbed and waved in the Asian man's face, obviously distracting the doctor, making him baulk and back away. At the same time Toby was reaching out for Gerry, aiming his hand at the older man's cock now bulging at the front of his trousers.

"Here," Gerry said, "let me hold that thing out of your way."

He grabbed hold of Toby's cock tightly with one hand and took the boy's outstretched hand with the other, guiding him down to the mound behind his zip. Gerry caught Toby's gaze, smiled, then nodded towards Doctor Phetmang.

"He's gonna lube you up kiddo, then open your hole with the speculum and take a look. Let's see how you like a bit of cold metal up your boycunt. Everything OK doctor?"

Boycunt! Gerry thrilled at the dirty talk, how easily it came to him now, and what fun it was embarrassing the doctor and hopefully turning Toby on at the same time.

The doctor coughed and muttered a 'yes', then placed his lubed hand against the teen's asshole, slopping the goo generously onto the raw red flesh.

"Is that OK Toby? Not too painful I hope? Take a deep breath now while I insert the speculum so that I can stretch you open."
Toby pulled in a small gasp when Gerry took hold of his cock, which felt extra sensitive, not just because it had gotten so much attention lately, but because this was a totally new situation and it had charged him up with extra excitement.

"Daddyyy," he protested in a teasing stage whisper, pretending to be mortified that the man would grab his hard-on right in front of the doctor's face. The way he throbbed in Gerry's hand communicated how he really felt.

"I don't want cold metal up my boycunt," he added, still whispering too loudly as he slowly petted Daddy's firm bulge, "I just want you up my boycunt."

He throbbed again. Dr. Phetmang, too, throbbed, but his tidy white coat kept it hidden.

Another gasp from the boy. The doctor was applying the lubricant.

"Ohhh... god," he sighed. "It's really sensitive, but okay. You're so nice, Dr. Phetmang. You're really gentle. I can tell. Stretch me open, just go slow."

Toby locked his eyes on Gerry. "Haven't I said that to you, Daddy?" he whispered. "Stretch me open... go slow... ohhh...."
Gerry felt Toby throbbing in his hand without having to provide much stimulation except to hold on tight. Toby's throbbing was stimulating Gerry, however, and he wondered how far he could go in a doctor's room to gain some relief. Every time the kid said 'boycunt' Gerry sensed the doctor flinch. The poor guy was getting seriously rattled. After dropping the first speculum, the tube of lube was now on the floor and in reaching for it, Dr Phetmang had managed to kick it under the gurney. He took his hands away from Toby's asshole leaving the second speculum in place, knelt down and tried to reach under the table. Even as Toby whispered 'stretch me open' Gerry was drawn to the doctor's ass wiggling under his white coat.

With his free hand Gerry reached for the speculum protruding from Toby's ass through a glob of lube. When the doctor let go, Toby had clenched over it, the tight little pucker clutching it like a straw sucked into a mouth.

"I'll just hold this for you doctor," Gerry said, one hand on the speculum, the other round Toby's cock, neither free to address Gerry's cock which was painfully hard.

"Doctor Phetmang has dropped the lube, Toby," Gerry said. "He's under the table. Just hang on kiddo. He'll be back inside you in a minute."
Toby was awash with strange sensations. The cold metal stretching his abused hole was painful and uncomfortable, but the whole situation was enough to get him excited, helped along by Gerry's loving hand. The rush of adrenaline was unprecedented. Toby felt powerful, and somehow more in love than ever.

"Maybe Dr. Phetmang needs to relax a little," he sighed, grinning up at Gerry and kneading the bulge in his pants more firmly. "Oh... Daddy... what a time to get so hard for me. If I can't have you inside me right now, I'll at least think about you being inside me, so it will feel better."

His hand kept stroking, moving up and down the hard shaft he could feel beneath Gerry's pants.

The doctor finally pulled himself up, lube in hand, but certainly no more relaxed than before. He didn't know what direction to turn in. Quickly he set the bottle down and peeled off his gloves only to put on a new pair before returning to the speculum, gulping.

"Dr. Phetmang," Toby whispered sweetly, waiting until the anxious, horny Asian doctor looked almost bashfully in his direction. He smiled at the man, and did not stop his deliberate groping of Gerry's groin.

"Dr. Phetmang... just breathe. You're doing fine. You're just fine. I like you. I like you even though you had to put cold metal inside me instead of something more fun."
Gerry looked for the doctor's reaction to Toby's flirting. The poor guy was a mess. Working in a college clinic would surely confront you with all kinds of deviant behavior, Gerry thought. A Doctor working here would see sexually transmitted diseases, sexual injuries, unwanted pregnancies, and lots of red, raw asses like the one Toby was mooning him with. Or maybe Dr Phetmang was new to the job and wasn't used to such things.

Trying to disregard Toby's hand rubbing on the bulge in his trousers, Gerry turned to the doctor.

"Dr Phetmang, how long have you been working at the clinic?"

The doctor sighed and smiled, as if this simple question was the first time he'd had an opportunity to take a breath in a while.

"Mr Keller," he said, leaning back against a chair. "This is my first week. I arrived from Bangkok on Wednesday, had Thursday to find a place and settle in and then started yesterday. And I don't mind telling you..." the doctor gulped heavily..."I don't understand American college students. My first day it was all morning after pills and vaginal bleeding and penises bent out of shape it is you, father and son. And you are fucking? Seriously? I can see your son is fucking already. Someone has been very rough when putting something up his bottom. But I misheard you when you said you are fucking him. My oh my..."

Dr Phetmang wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

"And now your son is flirting with me. And rubbing your groin. Stop that little Toby. It's not nice. You make me want to rub myself."

The doctor smiled again, blinking at Gerry. "See? I put the speculum inside him and he wants something more fun. Inside his ass. What did you call it? Boycunt. And now I am hard too."

Gerry looked down at the doctor's trousers, bulging just like his were. The doctor ran a hand down his torso and rubbed his own bulge.

"Yesterday, after maybe one hour at my new job, a girl came to see me with sore nipples. She sat right where your son is, Mr Keller, took off her shirt and said her nipples hurt when her boyfriend sucked them. And I said how do you mean and she said I should suck them and see what happens, and I did, Mr Keller, stupidly I sucked her nipples. Nothing happened except I got hard. I gave her some ointment and she gave me her phone number."

He pointed to his desk.

"I liked sucking her nipples. And I don't even like girls very much..."
Toby was delighted when the doctor started to talk about himself, even admit the boy made him want to touch himself. That he was hard. He gasped softly and squeezed Gerry's shaft when he saw Dr. Phetmang actually reach a hand down to rub himself. It was actually happening. He throbbed, dribbling a little precum into Gerry's hand.

"I don't like girls very much either, Doc," Toby giggled. "I like... men. And my nipples are a little sore too."

He let go of Gerry's cock bulge so he could pinch his own little pink nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, sighing at the stimulation.

"Fuck, what a cool job you have. Horny people coming in and out all day. God, I love that I'm making you hard, Doc. Maybe you need to get it out of your system before someone else comes that doesn't want you hard for them. I think you're hot. Especially when you say naughty things like 'boycunt'. You've seen my cock - you wanna see my Daddy's?"

Toby's fingers started to pluck at the button of Gerry's pants.
Gerry couldn't help smiling as Toby tormented the doctor. The kid's fingers tugged at Gerry's flies. He let Toby undo the top button unaided, and then finished the job.

"You wanna see my Daddy's cock?"

Gerry watched the confusion, maybe even fear, wash over Doctor Phetmang's face. Was that a nod? An affirmation? A smile beginning at the corner's of the doctor's mouth?

"Ahem, maybe I should examine you too, Mr Keller."

The doctor laughed nervously.

"If you've been fucked in your bottom like the boy."

Gerry let his trousers fall to the floor. His cock was hard, proudly tenting his underwear. He let Toby feel him up, slowly and deliberately, stroking the shaft through the stretched fabric, massaging the balls, giving the doctor a show, a rehearsal for what the teen could do to the doctor if he wanted.

"He's very good," Gerry said fixing the doctor with a blank stare. "My little Toby. Yes, he fucks me too like I fuck him. In the bottom. He's a very good boy."
The smile that was on Toby's face was candid and genuine. He'd been waiting all his life for someone to tell him he was a good boy and mean it. It took him until he was an eighteen-year-old cock whore, but that was okay. He'd found his place. This was where he could be his best self. A very good boy. Daddy's very good little cumslut boycunt, getting sluttier by the day.

He finally shifted his wide, hungry eyes back to Dr. Phetmang, who was so stimulated by everything that was happening that he could hardly tell what to do with himself. Toby felt a wet spot forming on Gerry's underwear and massaged the pad of his thumb across it, encouraging that slick, warm wetness as the doctor watched. Very slowly, he slid his hand up to slide the waistband of Gerry's underwear down until his engorged cock became visible, and finally popped out, slapping soundly against Toby's forearm.

"Look," he purred, "Look at that delicious daddy cock. Look, Doc. We've both got our cocks out and we all need some relief. Can I see yours? Please, Doctor? Let me see yours. I know you need to let it out. I know you're so hard, and you need it so bad..."

The doctor hesitated nervously, and then all at once pulled his white coat open and fumbled his trousers open, pushing his briefs down to let himself free. Toby gasped happily and beckoned him to come closer. The doctor obliged, squeezing in closer to Gerry to get within the reach of the boy's arm. Toby being locked into position with his legs in the stirrups, he couldn't move around much, so he had to let go of Gerry's cock to touch Dr. Phetmang's.

The doctor's cock was smooth and slender, and the boy's hand easily wrapped around it. He gave it several encouraging strokes.

"Wow, you're so hard. And so wet. I want you to cum. Where do you want to cum today, doc? In me? In Daddy? All over both of us?"
Gerry was entranced by Toby's pursuit of the doctor. While it was a letdown to have Toby remove his hand from his cock, to see the kid grab the doctor's organ was highly arousing. Gerry was conscious of his own cock jutting proudly ahead of him, painfully swollen and ready to burst. He so wanted to hold off, to see where Toby might lead the confused doctor and to participate, to enjoy a threesome perhaps, and to cum when the time was right, memorably, collegiately, as part of a trio. He licked his lips in anticipation.

"Where do you want to cum...?" Toby asked the doctor.

The doctor stood still, eyes closed tight, enjoying Toby's stroking, swelling all the while, leaning a little into the teen's assault, then putting out his hands for support. Gerry stepped out of his trousers, then his underpants, lifted his shirt off his head and naked, stepped alongside the doctor, letting one hand alight on his left shoulder where the doctor held tight.

"You see doctor," Gerry said, "you can deny yourself your whole life. Like me. One gay experience in my late teens and then years of denial, and guilt and fear and trepidation. And then along comes an opportunity like little Toby here, to be my real self. It opens the floodgates, doctor. All those years of denial, all those fucks not had. Wasted time has to be made up, you know. We've been fucking like rabbits, little Toby and I, this past week. And maybe I'm a little weary, a little sore, a little unsure about what comes next. But I can tell you truthfully, doctor..." Gerry saw that Dr Phetmang had opened his eyes and turned towards him..."I don't regret a moment of it and a single fucking thing I've done, we've done, together." He leaned down and kissed the doctor on the lips, gently at first until the doctor opened his mouth a little and Gerry could push his tongue inside and taste the doctor's breath, before disengaging. "And nor will you, doctor. Nor will you."

Gerry smiled down at Toby looking on amazed.

"So doctor," Gerry said, "where do you want to cum?"
Toby was breathless as he watched Gerry soothe, coax, and arouse the man with his words and kiss. He expected to be jealous seeing his daddy kiss another man, but it just made him harder. He could see the man's few remaining flimsy boundaries crumbling before his eyes. It also touched him in an unexpected way to hear Gerry tell someone how he really felt about everything they'd been through in recent days. It was incredible to realize it really only had been days - their lives had both changed so drastically. What had happened between them was powerful, and here was another lost soul pulled into their orbit.

When the two men turned to face one another, Toby saw an opportunity and eased his daddy's cock into place alongside the doctor's more slender model and stroked them both together. He heard the shiver in the doctor's breath.

"I want..." the Asian man stammered, keeping up smoldering eye contact with Gerry as the teen's hand pleasured their paired cocks. "I want... to cum on your little boy's shameless face. Such a little... little sweet looking face, and so... naughty. Cum on that naughty face. Very bad naughty boy with cum on his face."

"Yes," Toby purred. "Yes, Doctor. I want that too. Such a fucked up little boy slut, filthy fuckslut for a horny man to use. Give me what I deserve. Take off your gloves. And everything else. Be naked with us."

Visibly shaking, the doctor began to undress, assisted by Gerry while Toby watched, still locked into his spread position with that uncomfortable metal gadget discouraging him from moving around too much.

Very soon the Asian doctor was bared, his flat chest heaving with his ragged breaths. He was smooth and fit with hardly any hair on him, and Toby enjoyed watching Gerry's eyes roam over his naked body. All three were naked now.

"Come touch me," Toby begged. "Touch my cock like I'm touching yours. Do you want to kiss me? Kiss daddy's fucktoy before you cum on it?"

He watched the doctor's face. So hungry; so horny. So little resistance left. The man reached out his bare hand, trembling slightly, and brushed his fingers along the eighteen-year-old's shaft, not with a physician's touch but the touch of a man seized by desire who had been denying himself for far too long and barely dared to indulge his fantasies. Toby sighed and reached down to caress his hand, encouraging it. The doctor's hand was cool and soft, finally wrapping around him as it grew in confidence, giving him a little stroke.

"That's so good," Toby sighed. "Doesn't it feel good to be bad and touch a boy's hard cock? Daddy knows how good that feels. See how hard he is too? You can touch daddy."

The doctor soon had a cock in both hands, moaning softly at the near overwhelm of the experience. Toby stuck his tongue out at the man lewdly, and Dr. Phetmang bent over, drawing out the moment briefly before extending his own tongue to make contact - tongue to tongue, another little moan, and then lip-to-lip. Toby sucked the man's tongue into his mouth and thrust his cock into the man's smooth hand. He resumed his stroking of the doctor's throbbing erection while the man held both of theirs.
Gerry let Toby's seductive words do their work. The doctor was putty in the teen slut's hands. Where the fuck Toby got the confidence to address older men, even authority figures, like some accomplished boy whore who knew? He was hard as steel listening to Toby encourage the doctor to touch his penis, stroke him, kiss him, do whatever the doctor fancied doing to an 18 year old boy. It was all Gerry could do to hold back. But he knew the doctor was experiencing what he himself experienced only days ago, the prospect of loosening the shackles, throwing off the guilt and the shame, and taking advantage of this sudden stroke of luck.

Gerry felt the doctor take his cock in his shaking palm as he watched Dr Phetmang lean down towards Toby's face, tongue out, taunting, tempting, inviting the doctor to use that tongue. The pretty Asian man leaned into the boy and kissed him, tongue to tongue at first, the two fleshy protrusions seeking, then finding each other like two eyeless snakes. Then Toby and the doctor kissed, gently at first until Gerry could see Toby drawing the other man in, sucking at him, probing his mouth, opening himself up, giving permission to explore, to intrude, to occupy.

Dr Phetmang breathed suddenly, a loud gasping intake of breath. Gerry knew how he felt. Breathless and overcome. It would be like that for the rest of this encounter, he knew, as the doctor crossed every line he'd ever set himself, skin on skin, mouth on mouth, tongue on tongue, cock on cock, and then being inside another man and him being inside you.

"Take it easy, doctor," Gerry whispered. "Do whatever you want. There are no limits here. Everything is available to you, open to you, free to be used and enjoyed."

Without taking his hand from Toby's cock, the doctor turned and smiled at Gerry. The two older men kissed again, deep and lingering. Gerry let the doctor find his rhythm, his tongue sweeping round his mouth, stretching and searching breathlessly for that special payback.

"I think naughty little Toby wants you to suck his cock, doctor," Gerry said when they both came up for air. "It's what naughty boys like Toby want. And naughty daddies like me. Why don't we stand little Toby up and you kneel down between us so we can both enjoy your mouth?"
Toby relaxed, smiling blissfully up at the sight of the two older men lewdly making out while the doctor's bare hand lingered on his cock, perhaps touching a cock other than his own in a sexual way for the first time ever. Would he just be making Dr. Phetmang's job harder from here on out, inspiring him to get constantly aroused? Did he care? Anyway, the doc had already confessed to sucking some slut's tits in the exam room, so he was already well over that edge. Either he'd end up getting fired or he'd have an easy sexual outlet for the rest of his career - he and Gerry were in the exact same boat there. Regardless, they were all having a fucking great time that he was sure none of them would trade for anything.

He practically purred when Gerry suggested that the doctor suck his cock. Naughty boys... naughty daddies. How many naughty daddies were out there longing for a naughty boy? How easily could they find them if they went looking? Would Gerry continue to be so open to sharing his premium fucktoy, the choice little boycunt he'd broken in himself and claimed for his own?

He didn't need to overanalyze it right now. Right now, there was an anxious little Thai doctor, brand new to his role and even newer to gay sex, salivating for his teen cock. Toby took initiative and finally pulled his legs out of the stirrups before reaching down to withdraw the speculum from his ass, grunting at the brief flash of discomfort.

"Someone's gotta clean this thing off, since it's been in my ass," he decided, smirking at both of them. Feeling too filthy for his own good, maybe just wanting to see poor little Dr. Phetmang look so charmingly shocked again, he handed it to Gerry.

"Here, Daddy - I know how much you love my ass."

He watched the doctor more than he watched Gerry lick the instrument. Sure enough, the man's sweet little mouth hung open in fascination at the crass display. Toby grinned and slid down from the exam table, pressing himself up against the man's side so he could feel the young, naked body against him. Toby licked the doctor's neck and cheek and gave his cock a few strokes before giving his shoulders a gentle push downward in suggestion.

"Please, Dr. Phetmang," he urged, grinning all the while. "You have to help us. Naughty boys and big grown-up daddies both need their cocks taken care of. And you can tell us how good we taste, so we know we're healthy. We really do need a good physical, don't we, Daddy?"
Gerry took the speculum from Toby and placed it in his mouth. As well as the kid's earthy scent it was coated in lube and not greatly to Gerry's taste, but hey, they were giving Doctor Phetmang a show. Gerry licked slowly along one side and then the other, as Toby cosied up to the doctor and licked his neck, echoing Gerry. The doctor watched Gerry aghast, envy and disgust in his eyes.

"We need a good physical," Toby said, putting his hand on the doctor's head and pushing him down.

Gerry knew the doctor was resisting, not because he didn't want to give way to temptation, but because of the proximity of it. The poor guy, a lifetime's mess of deprivation and contradiction, was on the verge of becoming the cock whore he'd jerked himself to sleep with every night. Somehow edging towards it made the shock and anticipating the release all the more overwhelming, like floating inexorably towards Niagara, the cloud of spray, the roar, the lip coming ever closer...

"We need a fucking physical, Doctor," Gerry said not as sweetly as Toby. This good cop bad cop routine was beginning to chime with Gerry. The sweet youth dangling sexual ecstasy versus the hairy daddy threatening simply to fuck you. "Like little Toby says. Time to give in, doctor."

Gerry dropped the speculum on the gurney and placed his hand over Toby's atop the doctor's head, pushing down hard. He met Toby's eyes as the doctor's head dropped, and winked evilly. He felt his cockhead brush against the doctor's skin, his chin maybe, his cheek, his hair.

"Hmmm, doctor," he said, looking down to place his hand under Doctor Phetmang's chin, pulling him up towards the two glistening cocks waving in his face.
Toby wasn't sure at first what to make of Gerry getting aggressive all of a sudden, but when he saw the wink, he understood.

"It's okay, Daddy; he knows what to do," Toby soothed, nuzzling Gerry's arm and dropping a few kisses along his shoulder. He lowered his eyes to the kneeling doctor. "Don't mind him being a beast - daddies just have big needs. But maybe you do need to hurry up, Doc. You have other appointments, don't you?"

He petted the Asian man's soft, silky hair and coaxed him closer.

"Have a taste, hmm? Start with mine, because it's smaller. Open up now. I know you can. And I know you want it."

Toby painted the wet tip of his cock across the man's lips. Dr. Phetmang reflexively licked the wetness he had smeared there, and Toby and Gerry could both see the first taste of cock igniting something in the man's dark eyes.

"Mmmm," Toby encouraged, as if feeding a toddler. He pushed a little closer, trying to get inside that trembling wet mouth. Here comes the airplane....

And the doctor's mouth opened for him. He sighed and thrust in a few times as those sweet lips wrapped around him, taking it slow and easy for now. He noticed the immediate gag reflex and eased back.

"You can do it... you can do it," Toby urged, smiling. "That feels soooo nice."

The boy wrapped an arm around Gerry's middle as they both watched the doctor savor his first time sucking a dick. Toby didn't occupy the man's mouth for too long, though - he had a very urgently horny daddy that needed satisfaction.

"Now Daddy's turn, before he gets grumpy."

Toby pulled out and turned the doctor's chin to face the larger, fatter cock raring to get in. As soon as Gerry had gotten past Dr. Phetmang's wet, soft lips, Toby reached up his own lips to find Gerry's, wanting to kiss him while his cock was sucked.
Gerry watched Toby fuck the doctor's mouth. The kid was almost sweet, just light probing, opening the doctor's lips and letting the mouth virgin explore the taste and feel of a hard cock. Yet Dr Phetmang immediately gagged at Toby's gentle assault. Or maybe the realization that he had a cock in his mouth was just too confronting, however much the older man had desired it for so long.

Gerry patted the doctor's head. "You can do it," Toby said, sliding an arm around his daddy, and Gerry smiled encouragement.

The doctor was breathless, opening and closing his mouth as if he was drowning, gasping for air.

"Breathe," Gerry said, twiddling with the doctor's soft black hair. "It's your first cock. Bound to be a thrill, a shock, every emotion all at once."

Toby pulled out and turned the doctor's head to face Gerry's cock, the precum winking on the proud head. So you gagged on Toby's cock, Gerry thought. Let's see what you make of this, doctor.

He pushed his knob against the doctor's lips, resolutely, with none of Toby's tentative politeness. The lips opened and Gerry slipped inside along with the oxygen the doctor craved. As he felt the doctor's mouth close over his shaft, Gerry felt Toby's lips on his own, kissing him as the doctor sucked greedily. The older man bent into the teen's embrace, his hand still firmly planted on the doctor's head, guiding the Thai man along the shaft and then back, a little deeper each time, a little stronger, probing for the doctor's gag reflex. He felt Dr Phetmang reach an arm round, his fingers on Gerry's buttocks, holding tight, pressing into the soft flesh. Gerry let his hand slip behind the doctor's head and with the new grip, pulled the doctor onto his cock until he contacted the back of the mouth, holding him there, teasing, taunting, denying relief, the doctor gulping and coughing around Gerry's cock, saliva foaming and dripping to the floor.

"Daddy's turn," Gerry whispered to Toby. "Daddy's turn to fuck the nice sweet doctor's mouth...hmmm."

He tensed his thighs, clenched his ass muscles and pushed hard into the doctor. Gerry felt the fingers gripping his ass weaken with the doctor's resolve as he tested the virgin to the limit.

"The nice doctor likes cocksucking, kiddo," Gerry said. "I wonder what else he likes."
As the kiss broke, both Gerry and Toby looked down to enjoy the sight of the doctor struggling with the older man's fat cock. Was this how charmingly pathetic he himself had looked, Toby wondered, when he'd first had his face fucked? And did Dr. Phetmang feel the way he had - like he'd found his purpose, his addiction? Was the doctor longing to be used, to feel dirty?

"Don't be too hard on him, Daddy, or we'll wear him out before he gets a chance to find out what else he likes," Toby teased.

When Gerry eased up on him, leaving the doctor coughing and sputtering, wild-eyed and flushed, with saliva streaming down his chin, Toby bent down to reach the man's face and spoke nearly against his lips:

"You look so sexy. You look such a mess. You like being a messy, filthy cocksucker, don't you, Dr. Phetmang? Your cock is so hard. Look at you. I know a cock whore when I see one, because I am one."

Toby ran a finger up the doctor's wet chin to gather some of the drool and licked it off of his finger before suddenly spitting into the man's open mouth. He watched the shock on his face, and the unexpected surge of lust. Oh yes, this was a man who wanted to be used, just like Toby did.

"Did you see that, Daddy?" Toby whispered excitedly, turning to grin at Gerry, like a little boy wanting to show off what he'd learned. "Did you see?"
Gerry watched Toby spit into the doctor's mouth. It was an act of wanton lust and domination. And utterly depraved, Gerry thought, for one so young.

The doctor held his mouth open, even as the older man and his boy whore rubbed their cocks against the kneeling man's lips. Gerry could see Toby's spit on the man's tongue and leaned down to add his own sputum to the gooey slick.

"Suck us, doctor," Gerry said. "Suck this sweet cock."

He took hold of Toby's cock and with his other hand behind Doctor Phetmang's head, fed the boy into the Thai man's mouth, slowly but surely, watching the two men engage, the doctor's lips slide along the shaft.

"Suck him, doctor. Suck the teen cock. Just like a fucking lollipop, doctor. Just like the twinks you've seen in the pornos you watch on your laptop, yeah?"

Did the doctor nod in acknowledgement?

"Well doctor, this is the real thing now. A horny little twink in your mouth. Mmm..."

Gerry relaxed his hand, letting the doctor lean back until Toby's cock head slipped back out across his bottom lick. He pushed his own cock up under the doctor's nose where he knew the Thai man could smell the precum as it leaked onto his face.

"Which cock do you think he wants to suck next, kiddo?"
Toby moaned softly as Gerry fed his cock to the doctor, goading him to suck the twink cock like he must have been dreaming about. How many desperate inexperienced men who drooled over eighteen-year-olds or sexy daddies on the internet got this chance dropped right into their laps like this?

"Ohhh, he wants more of daddy now," Toby purred. "Of course you do, Dr. Phetmang. Daddy's cock is so juicy and yummy. But maybe you need daddy cock elsewhere...? You've seen a lot of things in porn you want to try, haven't you? Maybe you want a turn at being the slutty little twink."

The doctor looked equally excited and petrified by this. Toby stroked his face while Gerry continued to paint the man's lips with his precum.

"You want to be fucked?" Toby whispered. "Do you want to be fucked, Doc? You want daddy to fuck your little bum like he fucks mine?"

Dr. Phetmang's lips trembled as he knelt there in apprehensive indecision. Toby grabbed his hand and pulled him up, urging him to stand. He took the Asian man's face between his hands and kissed him long and deep, running his tongue around the man's mouth.

"Tell me what you need," Toby whispered urgently against the doctor's lips.

"I... I need... c..."

"Cock? Say it."


"Doesn't that feel good? Say it, Doc. Say more. Say the bad, naughty, dirty things."

"Fuck... cock... ass. I need cock to fuck my ass."

Toby grinned excitedly and reached out to give Gerry a few strokes. "Ready to pop a cherry, daddy? He needs it bad. You heard him."
"I need a cock to fuck my ass."

Gerry watched Toby's face as the doctor said the words Toby told him to. The boy's face was lit with crude excitement, complete ecstasy. Gerry understood. Unrestrained dirty talk, standing here naked with other men, pointing his hard cock round the room, simply letting go of all the guilt and the closeting built up over all those years. He felt it too. The unadulterated joy, the sweet release. Not just with Toby, but here with another man, an almost complete stranger kneeling before them, naked, tentative, available, his mouth forming around words he'd only ever said to himself.

"I hear him, kiddo. He needs it bad."

But it was more than the joy and release. Gerry felt something else. Power. Control over these other men. Toby, his partner for sure, but also his discovery, his toy, his plaything. His creation. And now the doctor. What to make of the doctor's experience? What was he to the two of them?

"Open his mouth for me, Toby," Gerry said, almost softly. "Open his fucking mouth."

He nodded at Toby as the teen complied, pushing his hands between the doctor's lips and pulling them wide apart. The doctor, on his knees, bent his neck to accommodate Toby's forceful intervention, his eyes meeting Gerry's, imploring 'fuck my mouth' more plainly than words could ever do. The older man stepped forward, grabbed the doctor's head tightly and plunged his cock between the boy's hands into the doctor's mouth, as hard and deep as he could reach. It was sexual and sexy and sensual and stimulating. Gerry wondered how a cock could be so engorged and not explode. But it was the sheer power which overwhelmed Gerry, the annihilation of Doctor Phetmang who was now just a cock holder, just a mere hole, a space into which Gerry could shove his cock, remorselessly, relentlessly, with regard only for himself and his own pleasure.

He wanted to verbalise, to say how he felt, but only a guttural scream came to from his throat. Was it too much? Had this pursuit of power and pleasure despoiled him too? And the boy? What would he make of what Gerry was doing, fucking the doctor's mouth? Raping the doctor's mouth?

And there was still the doctor's ass to come...don't cum, he told himself. Don't cum in his mouth. Gerry tightened his grip on the doctor's head, slamming himself into the Thai man's face. Cum in his ass, Gerry. Cum in his ass...
Toby divided his attention between the desperately cockhungry yet apprehensive young doctor and Gerry, who had become a beast in the face of this opportunity. There was a side of Gerry that scared him a little - the side of him that had gotten hard watching Toby get brutalized by the dirty cop. Certainly Toby had his own share of that dark side, he himself having ultimately gotten aroused. But did he want to encourage that in either of them?

Watching Gerry get carried away as he held the Asian man's mouth open, and hearing the choking noises the savage face-fucking caused, Toby started getting nervous. He let go of the doctor's mouth with one hand and placed the other on Gerry's chest. Toby had come in as the "good cop" and he intended to keep that role.

"Shh, daddy - it's his first time," he soothed. "It's his first time. And his ass is waiting for you. Let's get him up on the table. I'll get him ready for you and then you can fuck his brains out and fill his slutty little ass with cum, yeah?"
Gerry knew he was going too far. He wanted to go too far. Somehow with his new found dominance over other men there was always a bridge to cross, always a deeper place, always another notch, another level of sexual ecstasy to reach. The doctor's mouth enveloped his cock just as his hands enclosed the doctor's head. He could sense the doctor struggling under his assault, hear him gagging and gasping, feel the man's saliva oozing around his cock. He shut his eyes to keep out distractions, anything which might hold him back, deny him the orgasm, the ecstasy he was so close to achieving. It was like watching the cop fuck Toby, watching the brutality of it, the annihilation, the boy and the cock becoming one, only this time he wasn't watching. It was his cock brutalising the doctor. If he could only hold tighter, punch deeper, thrust his cock head further in and down and through....

And then that boy voice. "'s his first time...". Toby sounding almost from the next room, yet the teen's soothing hands were on his naked skin. "...his ass is waiting for you...". The doctor's ass. The doctor asked him to fuck his ass. I need to cum in his ass, Gerry thought.

"I'll get him ready for you," Toby was saying, "...fuck his brains out...fill his slutty ass...".

Gerry came to as if from a dream, opened his eyes. He still held the doctor fast on his cock, the Thai man's eyes shut tight, but his mouth slackening a little, the drool streaming around Gerry's cock and down the man's cheeks and chin. He loosened his grip on the back of the man's head. Doctor Phetmang had now had his face fucked.

"On the table, little Toby," Gerry said taking one last thrust, one final lunge into Doctor Phetmang, one more deep push between the man's lips. "On his back, legs in the stirrups...and the speculum, I think. The lube and the speculum. Let's have a good look at the cute little doctor's ass."
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"Oh, he is very cute, isn't he?" Toby agreed, getting down on one knee next to Dr. Phetmang the moment Gerry had withdrawn. He wrapped his arms around the slender Thai man and soothed him through his coughing and choking, rubbing his back and kissing away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks.

"I know exactly how you feel," he whispered to the man. "Come on - there's plenty more to go. I know you can do it. You gonna be good for daddy? Are you?"

Toby made eye contact and slowly nodded yes, until he had the doctor nodding along with him. The man was bewildered but his pupils were huge. Yes, he would be good for daddy.

Toby helped him rise and get up onto the examination table.

"Time for me to play doctor."

The boy set Dr. Phetmang's feet into the stirrups and picked up the lube he'd abandoned earlier.

"Now just relax - it's gonna be a bit cold," he warned, smirking as he pretended to take the doctor's role. He squirted some of the clear jelly onto his fingers and spread it all around the doctor's twitching pink hole, teasing him a little before pressing two fingers through the tight barrier. Dr. Phetmang gasped and trembled.

"Come look, daddy," Toby invited. "Come put a finger in him and feel how tight he is!"