Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Charlotte and Gerry drove in silence. Henry prattled to Toby about shopping until they too fell silent, not speaking until they reached the edge of town.

"Tecumseh if you please," he said, directing Charlotte to the right.

"I might have guessed," she said. "Gentlemen's Outfitters, yeah? Not Walmart."

Henry laughed and Gerry couldn't help smiling to himself. He hoped the kid had cleansed himself thoroughly. As for Charlotte, well...that was a conversation they'd have when and if they were both good and ready. Being in the company of Henry and Toby suddenly felt like a boon, an opportunity to kick the whole thing down the road.

"Over there," Henry said, pointing. "I've got a charge account."

Gerry turned and saw it. Marcos and Wiseman. Of course you have a charge account, he thought. He'd heard of it. Way too expensive for his budget. All European gear, expensive labels, trendsetting. He was more than interested to go inside, especially with someone like Henry who was buying.

Charlotte nosed the car up to the kerb and they all climbed out. Gerry watched Toby stand and fidget, all four of them dressed in a way likely to have them barred entry.

"Walk this way," Henry said, entering the store. The doorman smiled and called him sir. Gerry, Charlotte and Toby followed. The doorman was less animated.
It was strange how normal everything was all of a sudden. They were just four pals taking a trip to the mall, as if no daughter had just witnessed her father's gay orgy with two teens and a doctor.

A little nervousness twisted Toby's stomach as Henry directed them toward the place where he preferred to shop. Not Walmart indeed. He would have been perfectly happy with Walmart. Hell, he'd have been perfectly happy with shit from Dollar General. "New" was luxurious enough for him, regardless of how bottom-of-the-barrel cheap it was. The store they were heading into now was worlds away from cheap, and he suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. He and Henry were both dressed like a couple of beach sluts, but he felt as if he would somehow telegraph "white trash" to the staff here far more than Henry did.

He avoided the eyes of the man at the door and followed the group inside. The store even smelled expensive, somehow. The floor was shiny - marble maybe? - and sparsely furnished, as if advertising how much space they could afford to waste. In no way did Toby feel he had a right to be here, so he edged closer to Henry, needing some protection or validation from his friend.

"You're not gonna buy me anything here, are you?" he whispered nervously. "This place is insane. They called you 'sir'! I feel like I'm about to burst into flames..."
Gerry watched Henry take Toby by the hand and walk to the other end of the store. He sensed Charlotte standing beside him before he turned. She didn't make eye contact as he went to speak.

"No need to say anything," she said, cutting him off abruptly. "Like I told Toby, if you're happy, I'm happy."

Charlotte turned and walked out into the car park. For a moment Gerry thought about following her, but then he heard someone squealing. Toby or Henry. He wasn't quite sure. One of the two sales assistants, Marcos or Wiseman perhaps, was by his side.

"Perhaps sir would like me to show him something in our summer range," he said in a deep mysterious voice. The man placed his hand lightly against Gerry's side, running it down lightly beyond the belt until it stopped below Gerry's hip bone.

The man was maybe Gerry's age. He found it hard to guess. He was shorter, very thin, dressed in a black suit with white dress shirt completely unbuttoned, so that Gerry could see his chest hair and several gold chains through the long vee.

"Or perhaps sir would like to watch while my colleagues and I assist the young gentlemen."

The man's voice sounded dangerously seductive for someone simply selling clothes. Gerry turned to see the doorman lock the front door and walk towards them. He was much younger, mid twenties maybe, tall and handsome in his black and white uniform which Gerry could now see was body hugging.

"Mr Henry likes me to shut the store while he's shopping," the doorman said as he walked by.

"Follow me," the other man said, mincing away towards the back of the room.
"Just relax," Henry urged the nervous boy. "You'll enjoy this. Trust me."

Toby's eyebrows went up. He was quickly getting the sense that this was about to be more than just clothes shopping, especially as he realized that there were suddenly no other customers here.

Following the guidance of the impeccably dressed employees, Toby found himself and Henry in a room lined with a semicircle of mirrors. Toby's heart was starting to thump. He felt very exposed, and he liked it. The men took a couple of cloth measuring tapes and approached the two boys.

"They have to measure everything first," Henry explained with a smirk when Toby raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do we have to get undressed?" Toby whispered, now holding back giggles.

"Just do what they tell you!"

Now caught between excitement and nervousness, Toby looked up at the tall man in the extremely tailored suit who was now standing right in front of him.

"Your name, young sir?"

"Toby. Toby Keller."

"Master Keller, I'm Craig, and I'll be taking your measurements today. I'm sure you clean up as well as Master Merton, don't you? I can see definite potential. Stand up straight... just like this. Upright, but at ease."

Toby bit his lip as Craig's hands started to guide him into position - shoulders, arms, back, hips. Soon those hands were roaming further, up and down his outer thighs.

"Nothing in your pockets, sir?"

Toby shook his head, blushing, and soon Craig was wrapping that fabric tape around various parts of him, making plenty of what seemed like unnecessary contact as he made his way down the boy's body.

"How old are you, Master Keller?"


"Mm, what an age. What an age indeed."

"It's been fun so far," Toby chuckled, and he watched Craig's gaze flick to his colleagues around the mirrored room.
Gerry leaned against the wall and watched as Henry helped Toby navigate the measuring. He might as well have been invisible. The two teenagers were center of attention, beautiful and young and proud. Under Henry's watch, Toby seemed to grow. He seemed physically larger with a personality expanding to match. Far from the shy, naive, angry kid Gerry had taken under his wing, Toby was funny, out there almost, happy to be handled by these two older men in the fitting room with their exaggeratedly homosexual demeanors.

"Mr Wiseman...." Henry began before correcting himself...."Craig, we need outfits for a weekend at college. Underwear, sporty, smart casual, something for clubbing, shoes. And a bag each for carrying everything."

"The usual"?" Craig queried. Henry nodded.

"Are you going to match or contrast?"

Henry watched the other man, Marcos, busying himself amongst the drawers and cupboards on the opposite wall, fetching out items of clothing and drooping them over his arm. The doorman, thus far without a name, disappeared through a door which bore a large glittery star and the logo 'Men's Club'.

"Why don't you try these on," Craig said when Marcos brought a tray of underwear forward. "Slip those awful things off and we can dispose of them. I'm surprised at you, Master Merton, allowing a friend of yours to appear so....." He hesitated, as if searching for something polite to say...." so not on trend."

Were Toby and Henry friends, Gerry wondered. They were mortal enemies at first, yet here they were having obviously fucked and having jointly fucked the doctor. And me....Gerry smiled. But friends? Or partners in crime? So different. So utterly without any common experiences. A partnership made in heaven or hell. It remained to be seen.

"Yes," Craig was saying as he helped slide a pair of black satin briefs up Toby's legs, busying himself with the crotch. "Very nice. Does Master Keller dress to the left or right?"
Toby held his breath as he stripped down fully, his cock instantly at half mast as he felt eyes on him, and caught glimpses of himself from several different angles in the many mirrors. He blushed at the "not on trend" remark.

"It's not Henry's fault I didn't have anything decent," he murmured. "He brought me here to fix it."

It didn't take long for him to get over the momentary embarrassment. Without anything on, Toby could be anyone. He could be a spoiled little rich boy like Henry. And, he realized as he perused the fancy underwear, he was about to feel like one.

Craig got very close to him, touching plenty of him unnecessarily as he helped him don the black satin, even slipping his cool hand inside to cup his package, as if to make sure it was properly settled, but of course, this only made him harder and more prone to popping out of the briefs.

"Holy shit, this is luxury," he sighed, resting one arm casually on Craig's shoulder. "I already feel like a million bucks, and we've only done underwear."

Dress to the left or right - wait, what did that mean? He looked to Henry for help, who smirked at him.

"He's asking which side your cock hangs at, Tobes. Not that it..."

"Not that it spends a lot of time hanging!" Toby laughed over him, both of them having the same thought simultaneously.

"Well, I don't really know - I never thought about it. Is it important?"

"Very important, Master Keller," Craig purred while sliding the satin briefs slightly down to tuck beneath the boy's blushing balls, and made a few unnecessary measurements. "We need to get to know your body intimately in order to know how to dress it."

Once the measuring tape was free of his jewels, Toby gave his hips a little shake, causing his hardening cock to swing back and forth. "I dunno if it likes right or left, but it sure likes to go up. How can we find out how it hangs when it doesn't want to hang?"

"Well, most men dress to the left, particularly if they're right-handed," Craig said, managing to sound professional for a brief few moments. "We can also get a hint from your testicles - which one hangs lower."

Toby sighed and shivered as the man's smooth, precise hand gave his shaft a few careful strokes, and then cupped and fondled his balls. "Wh... what are they saying to you?"

"They're saying you're a vigorous young man with so much seed to spill, that we may need to make sure you spill it before we can be absolutely sure how you hang when soft."

Toby licked his lips in anticipation. "I'll be impressed if you can get me soft," he retorted in gentle challenge.
Even as he watched and enjoyed the Toby and Henry show, Gerry continued to be surprised. Far from hanging his head and speaking under his breath like when they first met, Toby was now bantering and badgering and flirting like a pro.

Like a pro....the phrase jarred momentarily. Toby and Henry were graduating in a few weeks. Henry would be off to the best college money could buy and a life of unbounded privilege. Toby the opposite. The future held nothing. Even his newfound confidence would be little substitute for the lack of money and connections. There was Henry of course, but Gerry still saw their relationship as a convenience, a dalliance for Henry. He would drop Toby in an instant, especially once geography intervened.

But there was talk of California over the summer. Henry's father. The recording studio. Sure it was San Diego, but Los Angeles wasn't far. Maybe Toby could make connections. With whom? Doing what? Gerry couldn't get the word 'pro' out of his head. Toby. In Los Angeles. A pretty, sassy young guy could go far, or go somewhere quickly at least. And with the right advice he could bank some money, stay healthy, keep clean, and....Gerry forced himself not to reach the end of his musings, but he knew where his thoughts were going. Should he counsel Toby? Steer him? The ultimate act of guidance. California is the place for a hot young kid with no money who doesn't mind....selling his ass...there, he'd thought it now.

"I'll be impressed if you can get me soft."

Toby was flirting shamelessly with the two older store owners as Gerry let his thoughts subside and he woke up. The boy was wearing the satin briefs under his cock which was hard. The kid was swinging it about, in the face of the kneeling man whose eyes were fixed on it like a prize. Toby and Henry were laughing, hands around each other's waist. Marcos, the other owner, stood against the wall, rubbing his crotch.

"Craig has a special skill," Henry said, smiling broadly. He leaned down to whisper it to Toby, but loud enough for Gerry to hear. "When this guy sucks your cock, he goes one step further. He swallows it. Properly. All the way down. Without gagging. He swallows and your cock goes down his throat. Like he's swallowing a sausage. Yeah. And he's kneeling in front of you hungry for it, Toby. So why don't you....put the old guy to the test?"
Toby grinned with a kid-in-a-candy-store level of glee. Clothes shopping was certainly a whole lot more fun than he'd expected. The only thing missing from this encounter was someone to take pictures. Too bad Charlotte stayed behind.

"Yeah," he purred. "Let's see what you've got, Craig. Good old Craig. Daddy Craig. I love a hungry daddy mouth around my cock."

He took the older man's face between his hands and pulled it close to him, but only teased him, rubbing his throbbing dick against the salesman's face, leaving a smear of precum down one cheek.

"I want you to swallow my cock," he whispered, "but first... I want you to tell me how many cocks you think you've sucked in your life. I want to know just how experienced of a cocksucker you are before I enjoy your skills."
"How many cocks...."

Craig paused, precum rolling down his cheek and onto his starched collar, Toby's cock in his face. For a moment the older man looked wistful as if recalling past conquests.

"In my life...well, if I just count up this week....ha! Mr Marcos, have you been keeping count?"

Craig's colleague in the store, Marcos, stopped busying himself with collecting articles of clothing for the boys and stood alongside. He placed one finger over his mouth to look pensive, and with his other hand stroked Toby's cock, holding it against his friend's face.

"This week, Mr Wiseman, would be ten in the store, and maybe another ten at the club, well out the back...." He nodded towards the room the doorman had entered..."and that's not counting the number of times you sucked my cock."

"So let's say 25 this week," Craig said, still on his knees. He leaned his head round when his friend took his hand away and kissed Toby's cock, softly and lovingly, taking in a deep breath. "And I've been working here long Mr Marcos?"

"How long?" his friend mused. "Do you mean in years or cocks?"

Henry laughed at the way these two old gay men were toying with Toby. Not that Toby wasn't up for it. The teen watched Gerry standing, a look of admiration on his face, as his mentee was exceeding his wildest expectations. Henry always regarded Gerry as a bit sad and sucking him off as charity work. He couldn't even imagine what a long term relationship must be like, all that samey cock sucking and assplay and just knowing the smell and the girth and...well...everything about the other person. But he understood that Marcos and Wiseman had been together a long time, even if they sucked any cock which came into reach. They were a couple and maybe when you got old, being a couple was better than playing the field. Was that what Gerry saw in Toby? Maybe, but Toby in Gerry? Surely not.

Henry stepped over and placed one hand on Mr Marcos's waist and the other on Toby's shoulder.

"I think maybe Mr Wiseman can't remember how many cocks he's sucked. It's such a big number. He probably doesn't even remember how many times he's sucked mine. But I think Toby, he wants to suck your cock now. Well not suck. Swallow it. Right down into his neck, Toby. Like Mr Marcos is going to do to me. Yeah?"
When Toby registered their surnames, it was only then that he realized this store was theirs, and this was what they did. Together. Partners in more ways than one? It was sort of beautiful, in its own way, the desperately idealistic part of Toby thought. The same part of him that had seen a sad man in his office processing his wife's infidelity and felt inclined to comfort him, even though no one had ever offered him such gestures. The same part of him that heard the sad old man once call him "boyfriend" and believed it all the way through, to his own detriment. The boy could have been thoroughly jaded by now, despite his tender age, but witnessing an older couple like this tempted him to continue believing in something.

Could he have something like this one day? He'd started out assuming that a real relationship had to be sexually exclusive. Why else would Gerry have cried about his wife fucking other guys? But Toby supposed not every relationship needed to be some depressing suburban hetero marriage. The whole thing was a sham anyway. Marcos and Wiseman - they weren't a sham. They were two successful gentlemen who obviously had very fulfilling lives together. And all the cock they wanted.

"Yeah," he finally exhaled, dazzled, almost reverent. "Yeah, swallow it down. I wanna feel it."

And feel it he did. Craig Wiseman took his cock in his warm mouth and immediately into the tight grip of his throat. Toby growled with satisfaction. He hadn't experienced a bad blowjob yet, but Gerry had been brand new at it, and Henry, though experienced, was as young as he was and couldn't possibly be as seasoned as men who'd done this for decades. This was a blowjob as exquisite as the expensive clothing they sold.

"Holy fuck!" he moaned, jerking his hips forward as he held the back of the older man's head. "Feels like you're gonna yank the cum right outta my balls!"
Both older men were kneeling before the boys now, their mouths wide open. Gerry felt a bit superfluous and tried to melt into the wall. Toby was feeding his cock into Wiseman's mouth, thrusting his hips, giving the older guy no respite, his hands on the back of the guy's head.

Henry addressed his cocksucker a little more theatrically, waving his cock across the man's face then tracing a line round the lips as the tongue followed the cock head, before almost dropping himself inside. The boy looked at Gerry, his face all serious as if to say 'watch and learn Metzler', before closing his eyes and tilting his head back.

And then Gerry witnessed the two older shop guys swallow the cocks. Not suck, but swallow with obvious motions as their throat muscles engulfed the cocks and drew them down inside. There was no coughing, no gagging, just the gradual and inexorable devouring of cock. Gerry saw the mens' muscles contracting, rippling in their necks, gently, rhythmically, and the swelling of their flesh as their digestive tracts filled with swollen flesh. It almost reminded him of the way snakes swallow prey, slowly, pacing themselves to ensure the whole animal is taken inside.

Having cried out enthusiastically at the start of the process, Toby was now as silent as Henry, both boys enjoying the experience. Gerry wondered how the two older men breathed, and how much practice it took to achieve what they were doing, as if time and the need for oxygen had been suspended, and cock was everything.

And when both boys had their torsos pressed hard against the older mens' faces, time indeed seemed to standstill and there was just this lewd, logic-defying display going on in the room, as if the four men were now joined into two, one single cock sucking and swallowing beast.

Strangely, Gerry thought, it was Henry who came first, the boy opening his eyes and not calling out, but sighing as his cock bucked inside Mr Marcos's throat and his seed sprayed into the old man. And yet even as his throat must have been overwhelmed with fluid and throbbing muscle, Gerry watched Mr Marcos visibly swallow again, without obvious discomfort, not just the end of Henry's cock but his discharge as well which Gerry imagined cascading into the man's stomach.

Now it was Toby's turn.