Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Gerry sat on his knees and pulled the doctor hard onto his cock. It was not the most comfortable position, but it allowed Gerry to fuck the Thai man and watch Toby sitting on his face up close. In all his newfound sexual activity, Gerry had surprised himself at just how strong and manly he felt. A life of vanilla sex or no sex at all had left the older man feeling weak and shriveled. But now, in a few short days he felt reinvigorated, a sex superhero, albeit a grey haired one with a hairy chest and a little overweight.

"I love you Daddy," Toby said, stroking his cock as the doctor tongued his ass. "He's a real good slut."

Gerry leaned forward across the doctor and kissed the boy, his cock pulling the doctor up against his torso. The doctor groaned in discomfort which only made Gerry feel all the more powerful at what he could do to another man.

"I love you kiddo," Gerry said, realising the import of his words as they echoed round the hall. "And I love how you fuck other men for me."
Toby groaned and dribbled a little precum onto the doctor's belly as he jerked his cock harder.

"I love making you happy," he panted, grinding on Dr. Phetmang's face. "I love turning you on. I'll fuck other men for you. I'll take other cocks for you. The doctor will take good care of my ass so I can take lots of cocks."

He popped up and leaned down to look at Dr. Phetmang upside down. The doctor's face was flushed and wet and bewildered, but his pupils were widely dilated, as if he were high.

"You will, won't you?" Toby pressed.

Dr. Phetmang nodded. "I'll take good care of your ass... little Toby."

"That's right!"

Toby grinned pointed his cock at the Asian man's mouth, wanting to feel that tight grip on his cock again. He had to lower himself down to get the right angle, and leaned down low to enjoy a close up view of Gerry's cock entering the man's ass.

"Fuck, Daddy, fuck, so hot... I'm gonna cum soon!"
Gerry tried hard to pound the doctor. He wanted to go deep and hard, but the angle wasn't great. Still, he stayed hard all the same watching Toby bounce on the doctor's face, and listen to the kid's filthy mouth.

'I'll fuck other men for you daddy....' Oh yes you will little Toby, and how. The doctor spoke too. Called the kid 'little Toby' just like Gerry. What was the doctor all about, Gerry pondered. Fucking Doctor Victor Phetmang had triggered something in the Thai man. Opened the floodgates and unleashed a torrent built up over years. Even when the doctor was in obvious discomfort he never complained, but just adjusted himself and bent into the fuck like a willing captive. For an amateur there seemed not much to faze the doctor. And as for medical matters, Gerry guessed that a doctor knew what he was doing, or at least knew the risks. Plus there were the boxes of viagra tumbled about the floor to thank him for. Doctor Phetmang clearly had a longer term liaison in mind.

"I'm gonna cum soon," Toby cried out. The boy was on his knees fucking the doctor's mouth, legs apart, punching his cock down between the doctor's lips, bending his back like rubber. It was a vision of wanton teenage lust and athleticism, and Gerry found himself thrusting along with Toby's rhythm, watching the boy's cock rise and fall in the doctor's throat. Fuck you slut, the older man heard himself saying in his head in time to the thrusting. And then out loud. "Fuck you, slut! Fuck you...." so loudly he didn't hear the key in the lock.

"Fuck you, slut," Gerry cried as the front door opened and Andrea stepped inside.
Toby was just about to go over the edge when the door near them swung wide open. He pulled in a huge gasp as he turned to see Gerry's wife enter, and immediately stop cold as her eyes and mouth widened in mingled surprise and horror.

"Gerry?!" she shrieked, her purse falling to the floor. A few things went tumbling and rolling out of it.

This abruptly struck Toby as so funny that as soon as he exhaled, it came out in a boisterous laugh. He felt manic and crazed, knowing that this was either going to be the end of things or the start of an even better life, so there was nothing to do but go full tilt. There was no coming back from being caught sharing a three-way gay fuck with the bitch's husband, so they might as well finish, and finish spectacularly.

Gerry's words rang in his ears - perfect words for the moment.

"Fuck you, slut!" Toby echoed gleefully, and threw his head back in a wild battle cry as he pumped Dr. Phetmang's throat with cum. He reared up onto his knees before he was fully done and pumped his cock, making sure Andrea got a nice view of him streaking both the Asian man and her husband with thick, white ropes of cum.

Beneath him, he heard the doctor cough, trying to recover from the vigorous throat fuck before he gurgled out pathetically, "Mrs... Metzler? What...?"

Panting, Toby peered down between his legs. Phetmang was looking back, staring up at Andrea in a shock of recognition.

"Dr. Phetmang?" Andrea shrilled, clutching her chest in an almost comical caricature of shock that reflected the doctor's.

They knew each other? This was too much! Toby laughed again, and Andrea's horrified glare flicked back to him. Her face reddened as she gritted her teeth, perhaps ready to explode at him, no doubt blame him for all of this. It didn't make much difference to Toby by now. He was more concerned about the possibility of missing Gerry cumming up the whore's ass.

"C'mon, Daddy, c'mon!" he growled.
To Gerry everything seemed to unfold in slow motion. Andrea stepped into the room. She shrieked. Toby laughed, yelled 'fuck you slut', and came. Copiously. First into the doctor's mouth and then, rising on his knees, spraying cum along the doctor's chest as far as his cock, bouncing around as Gerry fucked the doctor's ass.

Various notions competed in Gerry's head for attention. His wife was in the room. His teenage lover was cumming everywhere. He was fucking a guy's ass. He wanted to cum badly. He should say something, but what? This was so wrong. He wanted to cum....badly....

Toby was high on his knees now. Gerry could see along the doctor's cum-streaked torso to where the Thai man's neck stretched out to his head, bent back on the floor between the kid's legs. The doctor was coughing, struggling to turn his head, maybe to pull himself away from Gerry. The older man held tight to the doctor's hips, keen to orgasm deep inside the Thai man and not on the rug.

Gerry felt his cock spasm and the cum flow, sluicing along the shaft and into Dr Phetmang's ass. Words formed in his throat, but they only emerged as growls. Even as he flooded the doctor's rectum with seed, he stared at Andrea and opened his mouth, grunting in time to his cock pulsing.

"Grrr, grrr, grrr...."

"Mrs Metzler...." The doctor sprayed cum like a fountain from his mouth onto the hall rug. But the words were unmistakable.

"Dr Phetmang!"

Toby laughed. Gerry grunted, nearly empty now, thrusting deep, milking himself dry with the aid of the doctor's tight passage.

"C'mon daddy," Toby called.

"C'mon." Gerry heard himself repeat Toby's words. "C'mon. Grrr."

The doctor struggled to escape. Finished, Gerry released his grip on the Thai man's hips and the doctor slid away. Gerry's greasy cock bobbed up and down in the cool air. Andrea looked at him, her eyes wide with surprise, then at the doctor, on his knees now, naked, cum leaking from his ass onto the hall rug. Gerry grabbed for Toby's hand and pulled the boy onto his feet. He wanted his mouth round Toby's soiled cock, wanted to lick it clean, wanted...what?
So many unforgettable moments had happened since Gerry had come into Toby's life. He had so many favorites. This was a new one, and a big one - Daddy pulling him close, right in front of his wife. He finally felt like he'd won. He'd come out on top, defeated the bad guy, gotten what he'd wanted. And maybe the same was true for Gerry.

"Grrrr," he echoed back, but it came out more like a purr than a growl. "Grr, Daddy, grrrr..."

He thrust his hips forward and slipped his cock into Gerry's mouth, smiling down at the old man and caressing his face as Daddy sucked his cock, which was still half hard thanks to his youth and the force of his excitement for this scenario.

"Enough - that's enough!" Andrea shrilled hysterically. "Gerry—!"

"No," Toby disagreed. "No, I got more. I got more!"

Grinning devilishly, he pulled out just far enough to sit the tip of his cock on Gerry's lower lip, and then he started to leak piss, moaning with pleasure as he forced it through his partially erect cock. It dribbled and streamed down Gerry's chin and chest.

Beneath him, the doctor was about to make some attempt to get up and find a shred of dignity, but Toby placed a foot on the man's chest to keep him down.

"Fuck you, slut," he repeated again, and it could have been directed at either Phetmang or Andrea or both. But he had to raise his eyes to Andrea when he took a step back and pointed his cock down at the doctor, pissing copiously and forcefully. Thanks to the state of his member, it went wildly off in random directions, splashing his golden stream all over the man's sweaty body, on Gerry, all over the carpet, perhaps even on Andrea's shoes. He grinned wider and groaned in ecstasy.
Gerry sat on his knees, struck dumb with amazement as Toby, holding his cock with both hands like a firehose, sprayed piss everywhere. On the doctor. On the hall rug. On the wall. On Gerry. Even on Andrea's shoes, heaven forbid.

"Fuck you slut," the boy was yelling. "Fuck you slut." Who the slut was to be fucked wasn't exactly clear to Gerry, but what was clear was that he'd crossed a boundary. Crossed to somewhere from which there was no way back.

Andrea was hysterical. Her yelling had now become something more guttural, more primal, a howling moan as if a bomb was dropping from the sky and would explode on impact.

Gerry was conscious of piss on his face, in his mouth, dripping from his chin onto his chest and his thighs. Toby stepped across in front of him, the boy's firm ass in his face, clenched with effort as he expelled the last shots of piss from his bladder, accompanied by another 'fuck you slut' directed at the doctor apparently who struggled to his feet. Dr Phetmang was as wet with piss as Gerry, but in addition bore the obvious signs of cum on his bottom lip and, Gerry surmised, leaking from his ass.

"Doctor. Really. I don't...." Andrea said, shaking her head.

Doctor Phetmang, naked and streaked with bodily fluids, stood and somehow composed himself, drawing himself up to full height and standing erect, almost like he imagined that he was standing in the hallway appropriately clad and making a house call. And then to Gerry's amazement, the doctor held his hand out to Andrea as if offering to greet her formally.

"Mrs Metzler," he said incongruously, dripping piss onto the hall rug. "How do you know Mr Keller and his boy Toby?"
Toby sat down heavily with a satisfied sigh, his bum hitting the damp rug. He leaned against Gerry, still intending to mark his territory, apparently, as he savored the afterglow. His cock was still partially hard and he was stroking it slowly as if he meant to coax it back to its full glory.

Andrea, meanwhile, was cringing back from the cum-and-piss-covered doctor absurdly attempting to offer her a polite greeting, avoiding his hand as he were trying to offer her a dead animal. She was as flabbergasted by his words as she was by what she'd just witnessed.

"That," she finally spat out, after several false starts that made her look like a gulping fish, "is my husband!"

She glanced in Gerry's direction then, but obliquely, as if he were a bright light that she was trying not to look directly at.

"...And never have I been more disgusted and embarrassed to admit it," she added darkly, squatting to hastily gather up her spilled purse contents. Her eyes flicked across to Toby, who just watched her smugly.

"I knew you were trash from the moment I laid eyes on you, you little shit," she snarled.

"Yeah?" Toby giggled, drawing his fingers through the mess on Gerry's chest and then licking them clean. "I knew you were trash long before I got here. But get off your high horse, lady - we know you whore around. Why don't you just fuck off already?"

While Dr. Phetmang stood awkwardly, caught in the middle, Andrea stood up to her full height, obviously incensed at being called a whore.

"Gerry!" she barked, tapping her toe impatiently, apparently even now expecting him to defend her.
Gerry blinked, dumbstruck as events unfolded around him over which he felt an ever increasing lack of control. Toby stood beside him, stroking his cock ostentatiously, holding it out to Andrea like some lewd phallic challenge. How the kid stayed hard for so long Gerry could only surmise. The joys of being eighteen.

The doctor, meanwhile, just loitered in the hallway, naked and greased like some spent sex doll, as nonplussed as Gerry at what had happened and their discovery. Gerry watched him offer his hand to Andrea and her rejection like some slow motion daytime soap, except it was adult rated.

"That is my husband," Andrea said, flaming with disgust. The doctor looked round, blinking feverishly, as if he wasn't quite sure who she meant and that maybe a fourth man had appeared from somewhere at the back of the house.

Then Andrea called Toby trash. Gerry closed his eyes and waited for the explosion. Toby didn't disappoint. Whore. Well, it was true, but hardly pointed a way to the exit. And who were Toby and Gerry, and Doctor Phetmang for that matter, to throw that accusation about.

When he opened his eyes, Gerry found Andrea staring at him, tapping her toe.

"Andrea," he said, hoping the mere recital of her name might cause some clear-headed words to materialize in his head. It's not what it looks like? The doctor was just checking on Toby? I was in the shower when the doorbell rang and I forgot my robe? Fuck, he thought. I hope I'm not smiling.

"Why are you smiling, you stupid man?"

"It's not...the doctor was just...I was in the shower..."

Andrea raised her hand and slapped Gerry hard across the face. He lost his balance and fell against Toby and then onto the floor.
Suddenly all this was a lot less funny to Toby. Andrea calling her husband stupid. Gerry feebly looking for some excuse, as if he could explain away walking out of the shower and accidentally fucking two guys in the front entranceway. And the final straw, Andrea hitting him - actually hitting him for fuck's sake.

Toby tried to catch him, but Gerry was too big. He threw himself down and knelt over the older man dramatically, as if Gerry had been shot down in the streets instead of slapped by his wife. He fawned over his Daddy for a few moments before clenching his teeth and turning his head around to glower at Andrea as if he could shoot deadly laser beams out of his eyes.

"BITCH!" he screamed. "How fucking DARE you?! This is all because of you, you know! You started this! You were the first one to fuck around with other guys in this house, so you set the pace here. Now everyone knows you're a skank and a hypocrite. You're done treating him like shit! Get out of here!"

Andrea's face went pale except for two bright spots of red in her cheeks as her nostrils flared. She clutched her purse protectively and looked around the room, having no immediate answer for this. Her eyes settled on Dr. Phetmang again.

"And how did you get involved in all this?" she demanded sharply.

The small Thai man flinched back slightly, as if she might hit him next. He balked, glancing in Gerry and Toby's direction as if for help, not wanting to say anything he shouldn't. Getting no immediate answer, he shifted on his feet and looked at her again.

"Well... I... your husband, and... stepson...?"

"Pardon me?" Andrea shrilled.
Gerry lay meekly on the hall rug and let Toby cover him, not so much because he'd been struck, but mostly because he was tired. Toby was screaming. Andrea was shrieking. The noise made his head hurt. The older man kept his eyes tight shut, hoping that somehow the floor would open up and he'd drop noiselessly into a quiet, warm, dark hole.

But through the cacophony Gerry could hear the poor Thai doctor digging a hole for himself. It wasn't enough that nice Doctor Phetmang had offered his hand to Andrea naked and streaked with cum, but had then referred to Gerry as Mr Keller and now Toby as her stepson. There wasn't much more which could go wrong unless the doctor decided he too needed to empty his bladder on Andrea's shoes.

How the fuck did Andrea and Dr Phetmang know each other? It could only be the college, Gerry surmised. That was the trouble with small towns. Everyone knew everyone else. How he could be so stupid as to ever imagine he could fuck a student and then a doctor in a small town and not be found out?

But is that what I imagined, Gerry thought. Or is it because I always wanted to be found out? Wanted to come out? Wanted to be true to myself, even when I didn't know who I was?

He felt himself spiraling deeper and deeper into self analysis, even as the sound of the doctor trying to explain himself intruded from far away.

"Mrs Metzler," the Thai man was saying, "I appreciate everything you did for me with the job at the college clinic. Coming to work here was beyond my wildest dreams. And to find my true self with....your husband and your stepson....I will never be able to repay you. I just wish we hadn't encountered each other like this."

It was a heartfelt speech, Gerry thought, eyes still firmly shut, head buried deep in the carpet. And could not have been a more appropriate thank you if they'd all been standing clothed and socially distanced in some neutral place. Well, not all of them. It wasn't like Toby was part of the deal.

Gerry cocked one eye open. In deep shadow he could make out the top of Toby's thigh and a smudge of pubic hair up close to his face. If he twisted a little he could just see the top of the kid's cock and if he opened his mouth....

"Dr Phetmang, Gerry is my husband. For the time being,” Andrea said. "As for the naked teenage punk lying on top of him, he's going back to the filthy ghetto he was dragged from. And as for you, I suggest you make an urgent survey of positions vacant at college clinics far, far away."

Gerry heard the door open and then slam behind her.
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Toby was worried about Dr. Phetmang at first, not knowing how the man might manage a showdown with Queen Bitch. In the end, he was touched by the man's sincerity. Finding his true self - jesus! Was that what they were all doing? Finding their true selves?

All he managed as a final retort to Andrea was an animalistic baring of his teeth before she made her hasty exit.

It was quiet in the house, in the wake of her. Perhaps there were many questions to be asked, many conversations to be had, but the boy saw how distant Gerry was. He looked every bit as checked out as if he'd been on drugs - Toby knew the look well. There would be no use to any conversations now. So the trio sat quietly with one another until it was time to drag themselves to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Leaving behind his telephone number and the bag of Viagra, he went off to work, and the old man and the teen were left silently wondering where the chips were going to fall, whether Andrea really would make good on her threats.

It wasn't until they were on their way to school the next morning that Toby started to panic, but it wasn't about Andrea.

"Oh my god, I haven't done any homework! This whole fucking weekend has been like, outside reality! What am I gonna do, Daddy? Would you... can you... can you get me out of things? Can you like, write me notes?"
Gerry glanced across at Toby sitting alongside him in the car. It seemed totally unreal that after the momentous weekend they should be driving to school on Monday morning. Like father and son. Jesus!

The previous afternoon had passed in a blur. Andrea had probably left him, an eventuality that in hindsight seemed inevitable. Just a matter of time. There would be complications to follow, of course. Legal and financial and social ones, but other people surmounted them so why couldn’t he?

And Dr Phetmang had gone to work. A fucking threesome on the hall rug and discovered by his wife, but after an unremarkable conversation, the Thai man went about his business. Andrea had been on the doctor‘s selection panel. What were the odds? The doctor was a beautiful man and a great fuck, but why ruin his life? Gerry recalled wishing him luck as he showed him the door. Luck! He hoped the doctor would find what he was looking for.

Which left the eighteen year old boy sitting next to him. He was fucking an eighteen year old boy! There was no way of saying it which didn’t make him nauseous and giddy with sheer fucking exhilaration. Fucking an eighteen year old. It was like some crazy wet dream, some wild porno he might have watched late at night with his trousers round his ankles and his cock in his hand, lonely and unfulfilled and wishing he’d made better decisions every step of his long ordinary life.

And now somehow, Gerry had made those decisions. Or they’d been made for him. Fucking an eighteen year old! Jesus fucking Christ!

“I haven’t done any homework,” Toby was saying in a panic. “Write me notes.”

”When the fuck did you start worrying about homework, kiddo? Or has Uncle Gerry made a difference? Given you a goal in life? Ha!”

Homework. Notes. It was probably a good idea. Help the kid as well as fuck him. The least he could do.

”And don’t call me Daddy at school. Ok?”
Toby pouted at his sarcasm. Last week, the man had seemed sincere about his actual counseling - surely not all of that had been bullshit. Had it all gone out the window now that the guy had gotten his dick into a student?

"You did make a difference," Toby muttered. "Don't laugh at me! If nothing else, I don't want to spend another year struggling through all this schoolwork shit. I hate school. I used to like it because at least I could be somewhere other than home, but teachers always, always make me feel like I'm fucking retarded, and I'm sick of it. Please, just let me get that stupid piece of paper and be done."

He sighed dramatically, flopping back in his seat and letting his head hit the headrest. He didn't want to think about real life, but they were driving straight at it. It was unavoidable. Even if he dropped out, Gerry would still have to work.

Would Gerry continue looking after him? Would they live in the house now? Would Andrea leave? Would he have to get a job himself? Questions he couldn't yet ask.

"I'm not gonna call you Daddy in front of people - I'm not that much of an idiot."

He turned to face Gerry, an impish grin spreading across his face.

"But nobody can stop me from calling you anything I want when it's just you and me in your office..."
As usual Gerry underestimated Toby. Or let his self doubt show in poorly chosen words. Toby was not an idiot. If anything he was a way more mature guy sexually than Gerry. Which if the older man was honest with himself was a big part of the fun.

And as for making a difference, that was a good thing. Toby said so. Gerry should be pleased that they were both getting something transformative out of their relationship.

"Sorry," Gerry said, placing a hand on Toby's knee. "I'm a sad confused old pervert who's found something special and doesn't know quite how to respond. And today, kiddo, we've both got things to do. I'll have a line of kids just like you outside my office door and you, well you have to get through a few more weeks of school. I'll do everything I can to make it easy for you, but I can't make it go away. Unless you want to go back to Central High. No?"

Gerry waited while Toby contemplated that idea in silence. Going back to Central would make things easier for Gerry and he knew his counterpart there well enough to call in a few favors.

"Think about it," Gerry said, "while we get through today. You can spend time in my office when I'm not interviewing, but when I am you really have to go to class. Just sit quietly up the back and speak when you're spoken to. 'Small target strategy' they call it. I can almost smell the school break coming up so just hang in there."

Gerry parked the car and they walked inside. The halls were already busy so they blended in rather than look like two guys together. The principal was waiting for Gerry at his office door.

"Keller," the principal said. "Haven't you got a class to go to?" He waved Toby away. Gerry met the boy's eyes and nodded gently.

"Gerry, I've got a special job for you."

Gerry grunted an acknowledgement as he unlocked his office, fixing his mouth into a 'shhh' and keeping his eyes fixed on Toby as the kid slipped into a shadow. "Please step inside, Mr Gray."
Toby gazed up at the older man with an obvious need to trust and rely on him. Gerry was showing increasing signs of being every bit as lost and confused about life as he was himself, and Toby had a hard time accepting that concept. Gerry Metzler was his Daddy. He was also still the guidance counsellor, and the boy had not given up on getting guidance from him, even with school and general life things.

He nodded at each little nugget of advice, however trite, and clung to all of it, needing something to go on. He winced at the idea of going back to Central (Cuntral, on account of all the cunts who go there, Gerry had said at their very first appointment). He figured Gerry had broached the idea of going back to his old school just to be disingenuous. He'd do what was necessary to graduate from Fillmore - he had to. It wouldn't be too much longer. Maybe after this marathon weekend, there might actually be enough breaks from fucking to allow him to devote some thought to his schoolwork.

Shying back as Principal Gray approached, he nodded and made eye contact with Gerry one last time silently before running off to class.

First period wasn't nearly as bad as he'd expected. At least, nothing specific was due in this class, and all he had to do was pay attention. He even took notes, amazingly. Math would be later on today, and there was going to be a test he was completely unprepared for. He'd fucked instead of studying. Maybe Gerry would be able to get him out of the test, give the teacher the sob story about what had been going on at his home. Even if he hadn't been distracted becoming the counselor's little boycunt, what kid after going through what he'd gone through at home with his deadbeat drug addict mom, and having to leave his only home and family behind, was going to spend the next few days thinking about trigonometry? The administration would have to make some allowances for him or that wouldn't look too good for them. He could discuss it with Gerry at their daily appointment. Presuming they didn't spend all of that fucking, too.

Which, if he were honest, he couldn't necessarily complain about.

As 9:15 approached, Toby shouldered his backpack and hurried back to Gerry's office for their usual forty-minute session.
Gerry followed the Principal into the office. After the crazy weekend the room seemed dull, almost monotone, lacking in depth. Gerry felt all his doubt and guilt and confusion weigh even more heavily.

"Are you making progress with that kid, Gerry?"

For a moment Gerry wasn't sure which kid Principal Gray was referring to. He saw so many kids. The corridor outside was buzzing with them.


"Keller. The refugee from Central who was loitering outside the door. He skulked off when I saw him. Any progress?"

Progress. At least that was a new word Gerry hadn't applied in his head to anything which had happened with Toby. Well, sir, I could see he needed a steady hand so I fucked him and another guy on my hall rug in front of my wife....

"A little progress maybe, Fred. I mean, the kid's here at school this morning. He might even go to class."

"Good." Fred Gray sat in the student chair and pointed to Gerry's chair. "When Central sent him to us I knew you would be the guy to give him one last chance."

Gerry sat opposite, watching his life flash before him. Maybe Fred Gray would give a character reference to the judge after the authorities inevitably caught up with Gerry.

"Gerry, I've got another job for you. The Principals' Fraternity met last week and decided to do something about all these school counsellors resigning or going on stress leave. It's just burnout and self doubt. The usual mid career stuff. But it's getting serious and I proposed you as the guy with the respect and the runs on the board to deal with it. I want you to chair a group, a counselling session if you will, for high school counsellors. I hope you don't mind, but I've convened it for this afternoon after school. You can use my office. Strangely it's only the male counsellors who seem to be getting into trouble. The women all seem to have their lives under control. So if that's OK at 4.00pm there'll be seven guys in my office for you to meet with, have a chat about what's bugging them, and how we might deal."

The Principal stood without waiting for Gerry to agree and moved to the door.

"And I've invited the new school chaplain too. Might be good for him to get to know you and your colleagues, and get used to providing some practical pastoral care rather than all that happy clappy mumbo jumbo he goes on about."

Gerry sat in silence after the Principal closed the door behind him, wishing for the time to pass. When he looked up the clock said 9.15. He glanced at the open diary before him. 9.15am. 'Toby Keller', he read.
Toby hurried to the counsellor's office and invited himself in, immediately closing the door behind him and dropping his backpack. It was surreal being back in here, after just a few days, which seemed like half a lifetime ago. Last week, he'd slept on the floor in here, stolen sandwiches and juice in here, given Gerry all kinds of shit in here, and ultimately ended up in his lap. Now, he went straight for the lap, straddling the counsellor without asking permission.

"Gee, Mr. Metzler, I got a real problem," he said saucily, clutching the man around his neck. "I need to be fucked and no one around here is fucking me. My ass feels so nice today, so ready for it. Pleeease give me some guidance. Guide your fat daddy cock up my tight little teenage ass..."

He pressed slow, warm kisses all over the older man's neck and cheeks before leaning back to meet his eyes.

"I actually do have school related shit to talk about too. Do you want to get that out of the way first or leave it for later?"
"School related shit."

Gerry let the boy sit on his lap and kiss him. He felt a mixture of warmth and trepidation, the latter mostly related to whether his office door was locked. Was the boy ready to be fucked up the ass after the weekend assault? He guessed if the boy wanted it, then fucking his ass was OK. They could always stop if the kid was too sore.

"Hop off, kiddo, and I'll lock the door."

Toby did as he asked and Gerry made sure they were secure. He turned to find the teen hopping anxiously from one foot to the other, bursting with sexual energy and anticipation. Fucking a student in his office at school. The most sackable of all the sackable offences Gerry had already committed. It seemed a long way back to his former boring life, even if that was possible and he wanted it.

"What are you waiting for, baby boy? Get that fucking sexy body undressed for Daddy."
Toby didn't need to be asked twice. As soon as Gerry said the word "Daddy", the absurd student/counsellor act was over. He shucked his clothes as quickly as if they had been on fire and shoved Gerry's laptop and supplies over to hop onto the desk, plopping his bare ass on the smooth surface.

"Daddyyyy," he groaned in a low, soft voice. "My ass... it hurts... just enough to turn me on. I want to feel you in there, hurting me... hurting me just enough. Make me forget that douchebag cop. I need my Daddy in me."

He sank back, parting his legs wide and stroking his already stiff cock, showing off for Daddy.

"C'mon, Daddy. Right here on your desk. Or in your chair. Or on the floor. Or up against the wall. Up against the door, making people wonder what's going on in the guidance counsellor's office. Anywhere, and any way you please."
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Gerry unleashed his cock as Toby undressed and sat, bare-assed, on his desk. The kid groaned about his sore ass, taunting the older man to fuck him, to hurt him, to make him forget being raped by the cop. The teen opened his legs and stroked his hard cock brazenly.

"C'mon Daddy. Right here on your desk....any way you please."

Gerry couldn't really explain it, then or later. He stepped out of his shoes and trousers, tore down his underpants and let his cock point at the ceiling. He'd never been so hard, so quickly. And there was the eighteen year old fucktoy, naked and stiff, sitting on the blotter amongst his papers, like some tool to be used.

He spat on his hands, then rubbed his cock. Did he have any lube? Shit! The boy's eyes were fixed on him, on his cock, on his face, on his cock again. The boy who'd changed his life forever in a few short days.

"C'mon Daddy....any way you please..."

Inside his head, something snapped. Something to do with anxiety and fear and torment and desire. And sheer, unadulterated lust. Carnality. Gerry could never remember feeling so aroused, so empowered, so capable of....what? Don't think it, he heard a little voice say. Don't think. Do.

He stepped over to the boy, spitting on his hands, transferring the goo to his cock. It felt like a steel rod in his palms. Like a tree trunk.

"On your front, baby boy," he said, taking the boy by the waist, pulling him upright, spinning him round, grabbing the back of his neck and bending him roughly over the desk. The boy grunted as Gerry slammed his head hard into the table. "Open your legs, slut. Open your fucking legs!"

He found the boy's tight asshole with his fingers and shoved them inside. The boy was warm and pliable. He twisted and pushed, opening the boy wide, feeling the soft body squirm and writhe on his fingertips, resisting the penetration. He sensed the sudden shortness of breath in the teen, and the air catching in his own throat.

"Fuck you, Toby," he said, his hand tight on the boy's neck. He extracted his fingers, took hold of his cock, found the pulsing hole he'd made and thrust himself inside, hard and deep. Only then did he breathe out.
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Toby had still been partly expecting Gerry would put the brakes on. This was his office - someone could come knocking! People would be walking by! What if the principal barged in? But suddenly the old man seemed totally out of control, like Toby had hardly seen him before, and the rush of adrenaline mingled with lust this brought about in him dulled his pain receptors, allowing him to be slammed roughly onto the table and recklessly penetrated and still remain hard as steel himself and whimpering with pleasure.

He stretched his legs wide, presenting himself for Daddy.

"Fuck yes I'm your boy slut," he babbled, enjoying the sound of a pencil cup being toppled over and all the writing utensils tumbling to the floor. "Look what a goddamn slut I am!"

This was his fault, and he was thrilled about it. He was ready to be "punished" for being so sexy and so slutty that the counsellor was totally unable to hold back, and damn the consequences. He was a little demon boy, the teen boy version of those sirens in those Greek epics. He was beautiful and terrible, luring men to their doom.

Fuck you, Toby.

Just like Gerry had cursed at the slutty doctor in the front hall yesterday as he fucked him. Fuck you, slut. Fuck me, Daddy. Yell at me for being so naughty. Punish me because I'm your bad little boy. Treat me like the trash I am.

He groaned loudly when Gerry shoved his fat cock all the way in, running him through with his weapon. No lube but a hasty mouthful of spit! Was Gerry so hot to trot that he'd undo all the healing his poor ass had been doing over the past couple of days?

Well, he could be mad about that later. Right now he was just enjoying Gerry's unrestrained lust far too much. He was enjoying that big, strong hand clamped around his neck, keeping him pinned to the desk. He was dripping precum all over the blotter. His arms flailed wildly, pretending to be fighting a little, and he ended up knocking more supplies off the desk. It felt great. Supplies rolled, papers scattered. The cheap desk was really starting to rattle now, and at one point Toby heard what he thought was Gerry's laptop hit the floor.
Gerry knew it was crazy mad to be fucking a student in his office. Even a crazy mad kid like Toby. Especially Toby. The kid was a cute, hot, infuriating little shit. A shit who undressed and sat naked on his counsellor's desk stroking his cock and asking to be fucked. To be hurt. Sometimes over the past few days Gerry had imagined there was a way back from the fabulous dark place he found himself. A way to gloss over what he and Toby were doing. A way to wipe the slate clean and step into the light and just get on with his boring old life. The one where he didn't fuck students and where he wasn't going to jail.

And then the little shit strips off, strokes his cock and invites Gerry to fuck him.

The older man had the teen pinned to the desk, his cock up the boy's ass, punching and pushing, hard, relentless, answering the invitation to hurt him with compliance. And for a guy with a sore ass, Toby was giving a convincing display of enjoying everything his Daddy could throw his way. Gerry jammed himself inside Toby, again and again. In reply, the kid grunted, flung his arms about, knocked the desk stationery flying, even the laptop.

"Fuck you, Toby," Gerry heard himself saying. "Fuck YOU!"
Toby might not have fully realized what he was asking for when he begged for this, but he was all in nonetheless. He was committed to being used. Committed to being fucked. Committed to the inevitability that this would mean being hurt. And yes, it hurt. He did not ask for Gerry to stop, or slow down, or ease up. He kept his legs spread and his head pressed against the desk.

He grunted like an animal while Daddy treated him like a fucktoy. It hurt, and he deserved it. Fuck you, Toby. Fuck you. Bad boy. Trash. Good for nothing but fucking.

He was so hard against the desk blotter. It seemed amazing he could be this aroused while in this much pain, but he was a ramrod. He felt his own sweat building between his body and the desk, mixing with the precum he was steadily leaking.

"Uhhh fuck Daddy fuck!" he groaned in one burst. "Gonna..."

He didn't manage any more words before he felt the heat explode, his own semen flooding the desk blotter and smearing all over his front. His body started to go limp, but he still didn't want this to end.

"Oohhh don't stop," he whimpered.
The more the kid took Gerry's assault, the more the older man was spurred on. The feeling of power, of complete domination over the boy, of having someone in your hands, rocking on the end of your cock, groaning and writhing and bucking, gave the older man a sexual high even greater than anything he'd felt in the last few days. His head filled with rage as his cock filled with blood. The kid was nothing, nobody, fresh meat, a tempting morsel sent to drive men wild. So go with it, Gerry told himself. Fuck the kid senseless. He's yours. To use. To own. To obliterate.

Toby was groaning 'fuck, daddy, fuck.' And 'don't stop...'. Gerry was just a cock now. Just a cock, long and hard, embedded inside Toby. Just his hand on the boy's scrawny neck, his other on the boy's back, pushing down into the sweaty pliant flesh. Just his hips, his torso, slamming into the kid's butt. Just his feet, rooted to the floor, just the semen pooling and rushing through his body, teasing and taunting him, threatening to blow...

"Fucking God," Gerry cried as the torrent unleashed. "Fuck!"