Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

It was too much - Toby had bitten off more than he could chew. But he wouldn't surrender. Sticky with cum and sweat, he didn't even realize there were also tears and snot. He was a mess, an absolute mess, and on some level, it was absolutely euphoric for the boy. Gerry was still fucking him. He felt so used and disgusting.

Gerry was loud when he came. That gave Toby great satisfaction. The man was putting himself right on the verge of being fired, and maybe even arrested. Why did that excite him so much?

The boy's well fucked ass was sloppy with the counsellor's cum, but Gerry still wasn't finished. Toby moaned, feeling as if he was right on the edge of cumming again. So he let himself go, whimpering as he did so.

But he wasn't about to cum. It was something else. And it still felt fucking fantastic. He felt a flood of warmth beneath his belly and sighed along with the sweet release. His puddle of piss grew and spread until it was trickling down the edges of the desk. Particularly thrilling then was the small splashing noises resulting from his weak body jerking as Gerry continuing to fuck him while he lay there across the desk in his own piss.
Gerry swooned as he discharged his seed into the boy. He felt all the usual highs of sexual release and more. His balls empty, his cock raw, but it just wouldn't go down. Dr Phetmang's little blue pills, of course. Just the one, popped this morning to see what would happen. And it was this. Fucking hell!

The kid lay stretched out before him, still not begging him to stop or trying to slide off or crying. Well maybe sobbing a little. With fucking joy, Gerry thought. As if!

He wanted to talk to the boy. Say something. Anything. Obscene. Affectionate. Admonishing. Hear his voice command the silence. The kid was whimpering, even as Gerry continued to punch his cock hard into the not-so-tight ass, all the while anticipating the softening, the coming down from the sexual high. But it wasn't happening. Gerry smiled to himself. Uncle Gerry the sex god. Ha!

And then Toby started to piss. It flowed along the desk and over the sides. Gallons of piss, produced like some sort of lewd challenge. So you can fuck all day, daddy. And I can piss all over your desk.

"You filthy little shit!"

Gerry increased his tempo. The desk, the office, the kid himself, it was all a fucking fetid stinking mess now. Like fucking in a zoo. In a pig sty. In a dirty back alley. If the kid could piss everywhere then Gerry could destroy him and his hot little soiled ass. Gerry and Dr Phetmang's little helpers. He accepted the challenge. He'd cum, Toby had pissed, he was still hard and aimed to stay that way after the kid's bladder was empty. The older man leaned down, his head nearly resting on the top of Toby's back just behind where the older man still pinned the boy's neck. He could smell the piss now.

"Finished pissing, baby boy?" he half whispered. "Finished wrecking daddy's fucking office?"

Gerry grabbed Toby's hair and pulled his head up.

"Lick it all up for me like the good little sewer mouth you are."

He pushed Toby's face into the piss.
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Toby was in heaven. Full of Daddy's still hard cock, full of his cum, lying in piss, Daddy hissing at him, swearing at him, squeezing his throat, pulling his hair, rubbing his nose in his mess like he was a dog. Rubbing his face in his shame. But he wasn't ashamed - not really. He was so goddamn proud.

He opened his mouth and started to slurp away at the puddle he'd made, noisily licking the surface of the desk. He could feel in his ass how it was turning Gerry on.

"Mmmm," he moaned, as if it were the most delicious treat. He swiped a hand beneath his stomach, to find some of his cum that had mixed with the piss, and licked it all off his fingers so that Gerry could see.

"So good, Daddy," he sighed. "I love being a filthy little piggy in your office. You like having your little fucktoy at work, don't you? Go ahead and fuck me more. Fuck me hard. And then you can explain to my teachers why I can't sit down in class this afternoon. Sorry, sir, I just got fucked so much and so hard, I can't sit in my chair - I have a note from the guidance counsellor."
Toby simply licked up his own piss. No matter how hard Gerry tried to provoke the kid into objecting or struggling or fighting back, the response was always the opposite. The kid even made sounds like he enjoyed drinking piss, wiping a palm across his lower body, sweeping up piss and cum and sweat, then licking the goo off his fingers ostentatiously, taunting the older man.

"So good," the kid said. "Fuck me more."

Gerry knew what a hate fuck was. At least in a theoretical sense. Female students trooped in and out of his office all day reporting their boyfriends had hate fucked them, largely to assert control. 'He hated what I did or said or didn't do or didn't say. And I deserved it, Mr Metzler, honestly I did. He was right to fuck me hard like that. I learned my lesson. I still love him....' Pathetic was how Gerry regarded these stories, and he did what he could to teach these girls some self esteem. Yet here he was trying to exert exactly the same dominating authority on little Toby, hate fucking him, because he could. And yet the kid had his measure.

"On your knees, slut," Gerry said, dragging the kid upright, then pushing him down hard to the floor. Toby had an insane smirk on his face, licking his own cum from his lips, reveling in what Gerry thought was humiliation or should have been. With one hand Gerry held Toby's hair, wound tightly between his fingers. The boy sat back on his haunches, his face bent up to meet Gerry's. And with his other hand, the older man forced the teen's mouth open, then aimed his cock and unleashed a stream of piss directly into the back of the boy's throat.
Toby's cock surged back to renewed life when the older man forced him to the floor and gripped his hair, only to piss forcefully into his mouth. He scrambled to swallow as quickly as he could to avoid choking, making obscene wet gulping noises, but plenty of the salty liquid ran down his chin and chest. His eyes were streaming with tears all the while, but he still reached down to stroke himself, unbearably aroused at being used and humiliated like this.

His hand slowed once Gerry's piss stream ended, and there was no sound in the room but their heavy breathing and the occasional subtle tap of piss still dripping from the desk to the floor. The sweet smell of fresh piss and sex filled the room. Toby licked his lips and looked up at Gerry, trying to read the man's expression. This encounter seemed different from previous ones. Gerry seemed different. Was it because of the cop? Was it because of what happened with Dr. Phetmang? Or maybe Toby had done something wrong.

Toby had enjoyed every moment of this and was ready to ask for more, but the vibe was strange. He wasn't sure whether or not he'd just been punished.

"Are you mad at me, Daddy?" he whispered.
Gerry looked down at the kid, hand still wrapped tightly in the dank, dirty hair. The room reeked of piss and sweat and sex. Liquid dripped from the table onto the linoleum floor. His chemically-hardened cock bobbed inches from the boy's wet nose. He saw the faintest look of uncertainty in Toby's eyes. How must the teen feel, his ass raw from the rough fucking, his mouth sour with piss, his face having been used as if it was a wall simply being pissed against?

And Gerry? Wanting to revel in the domination, in the annihilation of the boy, in being the alpha male and the kid merely his tool, his toy, an accessory to his pleasure. This was his reward for putting everything on the line. Was it enough?

"Are you mad at me Daddy?"

Mad? He could hear the clock ticking. They couldn't stay like this all morning. He had appointments. Toby had class. He needed to prepare for the fucking stupid meeting the Principal had set him. His bladder was empty. His semen discharged. The near silence beat in his head. Mad?

"I'm still hard, baby boy. Suck my cock until I tell you to stop."
Daddy was hard and needed his cock sucked - did he need more of an answer than that? This was Toby's purpose. This was why he existed. He opened up and Gerry shoved his cock in aggressively.

Toby reached out to grip the older man's thighs to keep himself steady while his mouth was fucked. He kept his eyes pointed upward, assuring Daddy of his loyalty. He struggled a little, gagging, and drooling copiously down his chin. The tears were still coming. Tears, snot, drool, cum, piss...

Did Daddy still love him? Had he earned it? Was he doing well? Was he satisfying Gerry? Did he deserve to even think about himself right now?

Toby tried to turn off his brain and just focus on cocksucking. If only all of his teachers could understand he had more important things in his life than math and science and literature...
Gerry just let Toby get on with sucking his cock. The older man had cum and pissed, and wasn‘t quite as hard as when he’d started, but his cock wasn’t going down just yet, so....

He liked the way the kid worked him over, hands on thighs to steady himself under the onslaught. And a modicum of gagging and spitting, just enough to give Gerry a reason to continue if annihilating the teen was his goal.

And it was. Or it had been. But the longer the mouth fuck continued, the more obvious it was to Gerry that he was the one who would fade first. What was it with this kid? Eighteen and fucking like a professional man whore.

And then there was the state of the room. That was another issue which nagged at Gerry. Making a mess, whether spilling something in the kitchen or fucking a student who pissed all over his office, triggered all his domestic anxiety. At some point the desire to find a mop and bucket would overcome the desire to have his cock sucked. Fuck!

Not to mention the undeniable fact that they were fucking in his office during Toby‘s allotted session, the scheduled end of which was rapidly approaching. Double fuck!

With a huge sigh Gerry stopped thrusting himself into the kid‘s mouth and just stood, cock still deeply engaged, but stilled. The silence and the scent of piss were absolute.
Toby noticed Gerry slow to a stop, but he hadn't told Toby to stop yet. That's what he'd instructed - suck it until he said to stop. Was this a test?

The boy immediately threw extra effort into the blowjob, running his tongue lewdly up and down the shaft and slurping at Gerry's balls before taking his cock in again as deep as he could, kneading the man's buttocks encouragingly.

Gerry was distracted. Toby could tell. Was he not doing a good job? Granted, the old man had already cum, and the boy was surprised he was even still hard, but maybe he expected to cum a second time. And if that was what Daddy wanted, dammit, Toby would keep trying even if it meant he'd miss his next class.

Left without any other obvious means to increase the old man's arousal, Toby slid his fingers into Gerry's cleft and started pressing against his asshole, hoping he might enjoy being finger fucked while he was sucked.

Or was Toby just not doing it for him anymore? Was he boring? Not enough? Did Gerry need more guys to fuck? Other guys? What did he want? Why wouldn't he say it if he wanted something different?

Toby's expression turned dark with frustration, even as he kept up his vigorous sucking of the old man's cock.
Toby continued to suck Gerry's cock even as the older man ceased pumping the boy's mouth and stood still. It was immensely pleasurable despite Gerry having already cum and pissed. The kid was good. Energetic. Relentless. And Gerry realised he had instructed the boy to suck his cock until he told him to stop.

The room was lit by a skylight. Gerry could tell from the way the shaft of light fell how much time had elapsed. The session would soon come to an end. You couldn't fuck all day, could you? Well, not in a school counsellor's office, at least. That's what weekends were for. And after hours. And holidays. And the car. And the shed. And the dayroom. And down by the canal. And....fucking all day....fuck....Gerry felt his cock stir a little. Thank Christ for Dr Phetmang's pills.

Toby was exploring Gerry's asshole now. A new wave of pleasure swept the older man's body. He shivered. Did Toby feel it, he wondered? Should he speak? Congratulate the boy? Or just let him wonder how he was going? Sometimes it was a good not to affirm things for young people, but let them work it out for themselves. Fuck! The voice in his head sounded like a counselling textbook, when what he should have been remembering was Lesson 101: Don't Fuck the Students!
It had to be a test, Toby thought. Daddy's blowjob test. Maybe he could finally get an 'A' in something. He certainly had a way better shot at this than he did at his upcoming math test.

Paying close attention to Gerry's reactions, Toby massaged the older man's cock lovingly with his tongue while his left hand pumped the base of the shaft. His right hand focused on the backside, pushing two fingers up the man's asshole, gradually working his way up to a steady fucking motion.

"Mmmm," he hummed, making an effort to show that he was enjoying himself, as well as to send some pleasant vibrations through Gerry's core - going for extra credit, perhaps.
Toby‘s deft attention to both his cock and ass lulled Gerry into daydreaming. He felt himself losing track of time as if watching from far away. His legs went to sleep. His back settled into a relaxed slump. The kid’s humming as he sucked Gerry’s cock imparted a soothing rhythm. The older man’s original intentions of taking out his frustrations by hate fucking his teen protege slipped quietly away into a gentle reverie. He found himself stroking the boy’s hair, kneading his cheeks and chin, feeling his cock inside the boy’s mouth and running his fingertips around the shaft where it parted the boy’s lips.

And all the while he stayed hard, mystifyingly, unprecedentedly, magnificently hard, like his tired old cock was suddenly renewed and might never go down.

And then someone rapped on the door.

“Fucking Christ. Fuck!”

He slapped Toby on the cheek. The kid seemed to suck even harder, and twist his fingers even further into Gerry’s ass if that was possible.

“Come on, kiddo. There’s someone at the door. Fuck!”

He slapped even harder. His cock slipped out of the boy’s mouth with a loud pop. Even in his panic, Gerry noted there was something amusing and arousing about slapping Toby. Slapping....hmmmm....
Toby finally felt like he was succeeding. He was doing right, getting Daddy excited as well as relaxed. Daddy was rewarding him with affectionate touches, and the boy felt like he was glowing with pleasure. It was too good to stop... even when there was a knock at the door.

Fuck 'em. This is MY session.

Both the sound and sensation of the older man's hand slapping his cheek somehow only excited him, spurring him on. He desperately wanted to make Gerry cum, and he could cum again too. Jesus Christ, twice for both of them during one counselling session - was it in the cards?

A second slap. This time the boy lost his grip on the old man's cock and was left gasping. His cheek was hot and stinging. His rigidly upstanding cock clearly illustrated how he felt about this. He almost asked Gerry to smack him again, but he could see the real urgency on the man's face.

They were in trouble. Someone was waiting at the door. There was another, louder knock. Gerry gestured for him to hurry up and go through a side door that Toby had always assumed was a supply closet, but when he jumped up to grab all of his scattered clothes and his backpack and retreated through the indicated door, he found himself unexpectedly in the nurse's office.

Giving Gerry a wide-eyed look of surprise, he quickly shut the door behind him.

It was empty and almost dark in here. The nurse wasn't even in. What were the chances? Toby grinned, feeling almost invincible. He had no idea who was at Gerry's door or why, but it wasn't his problem now. Now, he could have a quick shower and get dressed again without having to go back to class smelling like piss.
Once Toby was out of the room, Gerry checked that he was properly dressed and cracked opened the door. Henry Merton stood there waiting for his session, doe eyed and anxious.

”I’ll see you in the library in five,” Gerry said through the two inch gap.

Henry Merton. The senior with the nineteenth century name and the twenty first century hang ups.

”But I like your office, Mr Metzler.”

Henry was the definition of a free spirit. He stood looking po-faced back at Gerry through a bright purple fringe with lipstick and nail polish to match. The counsellor ran his eyes quickly down to the ground. Billowing mesh shirt, unbuttoned with hairy chest and pierced nipples showing, nestled in a web of leather and gold chains, above alarmingly tight fluorescent orange jeans worn so low on the hips that Gerry could see an inch of pubic hair, incongruously in original black rather than purple, framing Henry's prominent cock mound. How many times had Gerry suggested Henry dress a little more modestly? Which he knew was unfair. What concern was radical dressing so long as it was not unlawfully indecent, exposed pubic hair notwithstanding. The girls were permitted to attend class in bare midriffs, eye-wateringly short skirts and plunging necklines, so why not the boys?

"The library, please Henry. And button up your shirt."

The kid sighed, rolled his mascaraed eyes, and walked away. Gerry watched for a moment as Henry swung his ass along the corridor, the shadow at the top of the boy's bum crack visible under the mesh shirt, before turning back to survey the wrecked office as he walked over to the nurse's room door to check on Toby.
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The boy had just gotten out of the shower and was naked and dripping when the door opened.
He froze, panicking for a brief moment before confirming it was only Gerry. Toby sighed with relief and hastily toweled himself off.

"We got fucking lucky!" he laughed. "Nurse isn't even here. Jesus, that was fun, wasn't it? Sorry about your desk, Daddy."

He laughed, indicating he really wasn't very sorry at all, before leaning in to kiss Gerry hard and deep, massaging the old man's crotch as he did so.

"Too bad our sessions aren't longer," he sighed as he pulled on his underpants. "Oh, can you write me some notes? I got a math test I'm like, three hundred percent unprepared for, and I'm behind on basically every assignment. You can get me extensions, right? I'll try to look sad about all my problems at home."

He smirked as he clambered into his jeans and t-shirt.

"Oh yeah, and who was pounding on the fucking door during my session? You're not in trouble, are you?"
Having spent Toby‘s counselling session fucking, Gerry came down rapidly from the high of sexual arousal. He stood and watched the boy towel off in the nurse’s room, and let the boy kiss him, then massage his crotch, impassively. It felt great, of course, but having failed to enrage the kid, or make him beg for mercy during the rough sex, Gerry now felt spent, used almost, and certainly unmotivated.

Toby, on the other hand, laughed and joked, as if he was the instigator of the rough sex, he the aggressor, he the dominant member of the relationship. And perhaps he was, Gerry pondered ruefully. Perhaps the eighteen year old dominated the fifty three year old. The older man felt his face fall at the realisation.

And then there was the school-related shit Toby wanted. The notes, the help, the intervention. As if Gerry could wave a magic wand and make miracles happen. Was it even possible for Toby to graduate as opposed to just seeing out the semester?

“Let me talk to your teachers,” he said, “and we‘ll see what’s best.”

As for looking sad, Gerry had tried to beat Toby down and failed. Defeat just wasn’t in Toby’s repertoire.

And then Toby asked who was pounding on the door.

”No, not in trouble. Just the next guy, the next session. Henry Merton. Do you know Henry? He’s a senior like you. The kid who dresses like Mick Jagger. Purple hair, open shirt, tight jeans, gold chains. Mick Jagger....”

Toby didn’t know who Mick Jagger was. Gerry had to think.

”Harry Styles then. Fashionable in a crazy, colourful sort of way.”

Gerry noticed Toby turn up his mouth at the mention of Henry.

”You know Henry then?”
Toby frowned at the vague non-answer Gerry offered him. The old man looked unhappy; Toby was perceptive enough to at least notice that. He frowned. Was Gerry mad at him? Bored with him? Now that he was back at work, had he come to his senses and realized what they'd done was not okay? Was Gerry going to break up with him?

Thoughts of losing Daddy immediately triggered anxiety about ending up a homeless high school dropout, but he tried to hold himself back, not wanting to lose his mind right now. If there was one thing that was definitely going to be a boner killer for Gerry, it was probably that.

Mick Jagger? The name was vaguely familiar, but he couldn't come up with an image to associate with the name. Purple hair, though - there was only one boy around with purple hair. Toby smirked wryly.

"Yeah, I know Henry. The one who has to advertise like a fucking gay peacock. He tries way too hard. Like, tone it down a little, bro. That guy's look burns my retinas. And he's always showing off his pubes..."

Toby trailed off and narrowed his eyes, stopping himself short of calling Henry Merton a slut. Because Toby was a slut, and proud of it. And what would happen if Gerry was alone with other boy sluts?

"Think any of the teachers are fucking him?" he asked, watching the old man closely to gauge his reaction.
Gerry smiled at Toby's description of Henry as a 'fucking gay peacock'. Henry was flamboyant. Was he gay though? Or just a gaudy teenage emo? Gaudy and emo...hmmm. Gerry was contemplating whether those words went together as Toby's question sank in.

"Think any of the teachers are fucking him?"

Gerry had to think. Did Toby mean males and females? And were any of the other teachers at Fillmore fucking students? The seconds dragged as Gerry wondered. For some strange reason he'd imagined that he was the only teacher breaking the rules. The only wayward student fucker. But it couldn't possibly be true, could it? He knew of several other school counsellors who'd got into trouble. Indeed, he might be meeting with some of them later in the Principal's office. And the weekend newspapers were full of stories about teachers being charged and tried and incarcerated for fucking students. The realisation shocked him. Of course he wasn't the only one. But if he wasn't, then which of his colleagues were fucking students? And were they fucking Henry?

The older man noticed how closely Toby watched him as he wrestled with the question.

"No. Fucking Henry? No. I don't think you?"
Toby shrugged, looking mildly annoyed at having the question turned around on him.

"How would I know? I never talk to him. And you're the one who's counselling him, apparently."

The tone he used for the word "counselling" was dripping with skepticism - he might as well have said "fucking". He stared at Gerry for a few more beats, on the verge of asking him if he thought Henry was hot. But he didn't have time right now to press forward with such inquiries - if he wanted to have a hope of graduating, he had to at least show up.

"Come on, at least write a note to get me out of the math test for now," he pressed, pulling on Gerry's arm. "I'll study for a makeup test - honestly, I will. Today. I'll study this afternoon. I'm just not ready right now. I was fucking all weekend instead of doing homework. You know - you were there. And you can't tell me it's not at least fifty percent your fault that I didn't have a chance to study, so it's the least you could do right now."

Gerry finally caved, and soon Toby was running off to hand the fresh note to his math teacher. He tried his best to look like a beleaguered, troubled teen who had had his world turned upside down this weekend instead of a smug little whore who'd achieved a position as the guidance counsellor's fucktoy. The teacher perused the note and gave him a long look, clearly tempted to be skeptical given the boy's track record, but trying not to let it show, in case the seriousness of the kid's situation as implied by Metzler's note was legitimate.

"Alright, Toby. You can spend this period in the library. Studying. I'll give you the makeup test on Friday."

"Okay," the boy said humbly, shouldering his backpack. "Thanks."

He retreated from the room, avoiding the curious, judgmental stares of his classmates, and hurried to the library, looking around for a good place to sit.

When he heard traces of Gerry's voice, he thought it was just his imagination. He kept walking and soon realized it was for real. He peeked through one of the shelves, holding his breath, and spotted Gerry sitting with Henry in an usually deserted corner of the library.

Perhaps he wouldn't get any studying done this period after all.
Gerry picked up what he could from the floor of his office, but decided the mess was too much to handle. He'd speak with the janitor later. Blame it on some sick kid pranking him. He'd just relocate all his counselling sessions to the library. It was quiet and usually empty. After all, what self respecting Fillmore student ever picked up a book, let alone read one?

Henry was pacing amongst the deserted book stacks. Gerry pretended he hadn't really noticed before, but Henry was a very striking young man. Not classically beautiful. No. He wasn't muscled. Or waif-like. Not at all like Toby in that sense. He wouldn't fit under the chin like Toby. Taller. Bulkier, but not overweight. Not willowy. A healthy weight. Yes, that was it, Gerry thought.

What made Henry striking was the way he dressed and paraded himself. The boy had that typical emo hangdog look in one sense, peering out through a shaggy fringe and never meeting your eyes. And the fringe changed color on a regular basis. Today it was purple. It had been red, blonde, blue and a sort of rainbow wash. And he wore makeup and painted his nails. Probably his toenails as well. Full marks for artistic effort, Gerry thought. Henry's file reported that the art teachers loved him. So colorful, so flamboyant, so outside the square. The music and drama teachers said the same although besides a clashing electric guitar solo Henry had performed one lunch time and solved the school's roosting pigeon problem, Gerry was unaware of many successes.

Flamboyant was the word best ascribed to Henry's dress sense. No matter how often he was advised to dress modestly and draw less attention to himself, Henry just saw this feedback as a challenge. Gerry had thought of Mick Jagger and then Harry Styles to describe Henry's style to Toby, but when he glanced down the kid's file he found a reference to Machine Gun Kelly. Gerry had to google that name. And yes, there was a resemblance. While Henry wasn't sporting any visible tattoos on his very exposed flesh, he had pierced his nipples with a pair of silver rings, his ears multiple times, his nose and according to the file, his tongue.

Gerry found a vacant corner at the back of the library and coughed noisily as he sat, causing the kid to look round and saunter over. Despite having been asked to button his transparent mesh shirt, Henry's hairy chest was still on display, as wide as his nipple rings, and as low as the patch of pubic hair which peeked over the waist band of the orange jeans. He sat opposite Gerry, crotch forward, legs splayed for a modicum of comfort in the tight trousers, bare chest folding into the angle of the chair.

"So Henry," Gerry began. "Everything going OK? Music? Drama? Art?"

Henry grunted incoherently behind the purple curtain.

"OK. Any problems you want to tell me about?"

The boy took his time raising his head, his hair parting just enough for Gerry to find one eye to meet. Henry leaned forward in the chair, the several leather and gold chains he wore swinging out.

"I'm eighteen now, Mr Metzler, and I want to fuck an older man."

The kid's stare was dark and intense. For a moment Gerry wasn't sure whether he was more surprised that Henry called him Mr Metzler or by what he wanted. He felt his breath catch in his throat, and coughed up some spittle which he wiped from his chin with his hand.

"Sorry. Henry. You want to...."

"Fuck an older man, Mr Metzler. Like you."
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Toby white knuckled on the bookshelf when he heard what Henry was saying. Jesus Christ! Was Gerry somehow now telegraphing his sexual availability to eighteen-year-old boys, or had students of all sexes always thrown themselves at the guidance counsellor? Toby was confident he was the only teen the man had fucked, but was he going to remain that way, or was he just the one who had opened a floodgate?

Less than a week together, and they already had a third in Dr. Phetmang. Was that a red flag? Was Gerry just going to fuck any guy he pleased now? Toby believed he was special, and mattered to someone, for once in his life, and the idea that he might have just been an easy opportunity, a vulnerable target, soon to be discarded like the trash he probably was, made him want to kick all the books off these shelves and/or sit down and cry. He was angry with himself for even having these feelings. Gerry had called him his boyfriend - that meant something. Why should he doubt his Daddy? He didn't want to make things even worse by acting like some jealous bitch who didn't want his lover looking at any other guy lest he lose all control of himself and just fuck any available piece of meat like an animal.

Toby almost walked away then, part of him wanting to take the high road and give them privacy, but he knew that it was mostly because he couldn't bear to witness it if Gerry actually showed interest in that fucking clown. He knew, however, that he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he didn't stay to see how Gerry handled Henry.

Holding his breath, he stayed put and stared through the gaps in the books to see Gerry's face and hear his response.
Gerry knew how careful he needed to be. He and Henry were alone in the library so could speak confidentially, but the very fact they were in a quiet, private place might give Henry the wrong signals.

"An older man like me?"

Gerry knew they were the wrong words, but Henry had thrown him. He knew the boy was a performer, a prima donna, a peacock as Toby called him. But he'd always thought of Henry as a 'look, don't touch' kinda guy.

"Like you, Mr Metzler....Gerry...."

Gerry could see both of Henry's eyes now. The boy's expressionlessness had been replaced by something else. Anticipation? Expectation? Lust? Jesus....

"Well....are you a virgin, Henry? Are you already fucking or is this an unresolved fantasy?"

The boy slumped back in the chair. Gerry was pleased at the greater distance suddenly between them.

"A virgin!" The senior crossed his arms in disgust. "An eighteen year old virgin at Fillmore. Fuck it, Mr Metzler. Do you think I'm some kinda weirdo?"

Gerry couldn't help but smile, thinking back to his senior high school days. He'd received a new bicycle when he turned eighteen, to ride to school for his final few months. Sure riding a bicycle meant you could rub your junk on the seat, but that was as sexual as it got. And yet his time with the Korean boy would follow soon in that heady summer.

"Don't laugh at me Mr Metzler," Henry said. "I'm serious. And I've come to you because I thought you could help me."

"Help you in what way, Henry?"

The boy leaned forward again, his mesh shirt opening wide. The silver rings piercing the boy's nipples swung forward, glinting in the light. What was the legal age for getting a nipple piercing in this state, Gerry wondered. The boy reached out and put a hand on Gerry's thigh, banishing any more thoughts about body art. The bigger problem was how Henry began gently caressing the counsellor's leg with his finger tips. Gerry put his hand over Henry's to still the fingers, but the boy made no attempt to remove them.

" I saw you," Henry said.

Gerry started, trying to sit up, to escape even. Fuck! What the fuck did Henry see? He tried to speak, but the words just bubbled away with the saliva which filled his mouth.

"I saw you. Down by the canal. You and that crazy kid from Central. I never thought I'd see you fucking a kid, Mr Metzler."

Gerry breathed hard. Henry was speaking softly, but there was steel in his eyes.

"Exactly what did you see, Henry?"

Gerry knew what Henry was going to say, but he needed to play for time, especially if he was going to find out what Henry really wanted and what he, Gerry, could do about it without everything going to shit.

"You fucking the crazy kid up the ass over the hood of your car. And then you kneeling in the gravel and sucking his cock." Henry paused, a broad smile breaking across his face. "My school counsellor fucking a student in public. Hey, Mr Metzler. Why look so shocked? It was you. Or do you have an evil twin?"

For a nanosecond Gerry wondered if he could get away with the evil twin excuse. He almost told Henry he was brilliant. Which he was. If only it had been Gerry's idea. And of course, a moment later he realized what a fucking stupid idea it was and fell back into a deeper despair.

"So what do you want Henry?"

Henry leaned forward even closer and ran his hand along the thigh until it rested on Gerry's cock. The older man was hard now, however much he didn't want to be. He might even have offered to fuck Henry there and then if they hadn't been in the school library with daylight flooding in. Would fucking Henry shut him up or just make things worse? He knew the answer to that as soon as he thought it.

" I want to fuck older men, Gerry. Fucking guys my own age is a bore. I want to fuck a guy with experience, with a bit of flesh on him. And hair, Mr Metzler. I want to wrap my mouth around a fat, hairy old cock and suck off an old guy who thinks it's never going to happen to him, and now it is happening and he wants to fuck me back, fuck me hard, fuck me in the ass and mouth, cum on my face, in my hair, up my ass, and lick me out and spit on me and fuck me again. I want a Daddy, Gerry. That's what I want."

It was a long speech, but the time didn't help Gerry come up with any solutions. And what Henry was asking for, what he wanted was wonderful. A dream come true. Gerry realized he would have gladly fucked Henry if they'd had this conversation two weeks ago. He'd gladly fuck him now, except for....

"So, Mr Metzler...." Henry rubbed hard at the teacher's cock through the fabric, kneading and pinching and circling into the folds as far as he could. Gerry could feel the precum leaking into his underwear, expecting the telltale dark stain to appear on the outside of his clothes at any second. "Gerry, what are you going to do to help me get what I want?"

At that moment Henry looked away. Gerry turned his head to follow the boy's gaze. The school chaplain, Gabriel Dance, walked by the window. Fortyish, tall, fit, long blonde hair flipping up into a breeze-backed wave, much too well dressed for a penurious chaplain so obviously from a good family. Youngest son, Gerry surmised from his look and the New England accent. Older brothers go into business and the military, youngest into the church. That's still how the grand Boston families manage their affairs. And there was no Mrs Dance, Gerry recalled.

Gerry watched Henry lick his lips, and then smile as he turned his head back. Gerry couldn't help but smile in response. He knew what Henry wanted.
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Toby felt sick to his stomach when Henry disclosed that he'd seen them fucking over the hood of Gerry's car. Even more so at what Henry said next.

I want a Daddy, Gerry.

Toby clenched his jaw so hard he could feel the pain radiating through his skull.


Toby strained to see what was happening between the counsellor and the purple-haired boy, but he could only catch small glimpses through the bookshelves. He was at least ninety percent sure Henry was groping the older man, and that Gerry was, of course, enjoying it. It couldn't just be a blackmail thing. Was Henry jerking him off? Would the boy suck him off, right here in the library?

Toby couldn't bear it. He turned, shouldered his backpack, and tiptoed away. If Gerry was going to be someone else's Daddy, he didn't want to witness it.

Feeling betrayed, frustrated, disoriented, and crestfallen, Toby drifted down the aisle, only then noticing Gabriel Dance, the chaplain, passing by. He didn't know the man personally, but he knew who he was. He wasn't sure why he went after the man. Did he want to tattle to someone, blow Gerry's secret now that he was fucking around with other students? Did he want to get revenge and try to seduce another man? Did he want actual guidance, the kind Gerry Metzler might have slightly dropped the ball on, considering they'd ended up fucking and Toby was still in a bad place schoolwork-wise.

"Hey... Mr. Dance?"

The man paused and smiled, doing his good chaplain thing of being oh so accessible, and oh so ready to help troubled kids. "What can I do for you?"

"Um... I'm Toby. Toby Keller."

He could see in the man's expression that he was familiar with his file, even if they'd never met before.

"I'm glad to meet you, Toby. Why aren't you in class?"

Toby explained a bit of his situation, and the note that had gotten him excused from today's math test.

"I can't focus," he complained. "I have too much on my mind. Talking to the counsellor is fine, but maybe I need a little something more."

"Of course - I can spare a little time. Come on over to my office and we'll have a chat."

Once they'd gotten settled in Gabriel's office, Toby stared at him with wide eyes for almost a minute, at a loss, before he finally came up with something to talk about.

"Um... I'm thinking a lot about sex," he confessed. "I guess you probably think all of it is wrong unless you're married. But like, putting that aside... do you think it's like, really, really bad for an older man to have sex with someone who's 18?"
Gerry sat in the library for a long time after Henry left. His brain felt scrambled. The older man could barely recall what had passed between them. The kid had rubbed his thigh, and his cock, and told him he wanted to fuck older men. Yes, Gerry remembered that. And then looked outside as the chaplain passed by the window. He wanted to fuck the chaplain. Yes? That was what Henry had told him. Or what he meant. Gerry remembered the boy licking his lips and smiling. But what had he said back? Had he encouraged the boy? Admonished him? Counselled him? Fuck!

And where was Toby? Suddenly Gerry felt uneasy that the kid was out of his sight. Two crazy teen daddy fuckers wandering the halls. Was anyone safe?

He leaned his head back against the cool wall and sighed. That was just insane. Imagining the male faculty were somehow vulnerable to eighteen year old boys intent on fucking older men. They had experience and agency and responsibility and maturity and....Gerry was hard again. His fucking cock tented his slacks. How long had he been like that, brazenly erect in a corner of a high school library? A telltale stain appeared where the tip of his cock pointed at the ceiling, restrained only by the stretched fabric. He rubbed at it, but it didn't go away. Jesus Christ! Toby and Henry. And his office rank with piss and sex....

He stood, adjusted himself, willing the erection to subside. There were noises coming from elsewhere in the room. He took a deep breath, positioned his papers in front of the damp patch, and walked across the floor to the hallway. The librarian, Martin Stamp, acknowledged him with a shy nod of the head. Gerry had helped Martin unpack his things when he'd taken the job at the beginning of the year. He nodded back and went to speak to the young man, but was overcome with an image of the librarian, sprawled naked across his desk, being spit roasted by Toby and Henry. He spluttered his words, his cock stirring again. There was no Mrs Stamp. The librarian was a single man. Was he gay? Gerry had never really thought about it. But now....


Gabriel Dance, the school chaplain, looked hard into Toby Keller's face, searching for a clue as to what the boy was up to.

"Is it really bad for an older man to have sex with someone who's 18?"

He hadn't meant to repeat what the boy had said even if the chaplaincy training stressed confirmation, affirmation, reiteration...all the 'ations'.

"Is it really bad...." He stopped himself before he said the problem words again, but they just seemed to slip out.

Toby Keller. Gabriel had read the files, just like they taught at training. Read the files. Smile. Be accessible. Affirm. Smile some more. You can't be friends with all the kids but you can be like their big brother. Their big, churchy, helpful, godly brother. Uncle, more likely, Gabriel had always thought, given he was nearly forty.

"Is it really bad...." Fuck! He'd said it again. Fuck! Now the little voice in his head was cursing. Toby Keller was trouble. He'd read the files. Trouble. But this?

"Ummm...Toby...well..." Gabriel crossed his legs, nipping his cock painfully between his legs in his too-tight trousers. He winced and crossed them the opposite way. "Ummm....Jesus...." Now he was taking the Lord's name in vain. "Forget I said any of that." Oh why wasn't this like the training? "Has someone.....Toby, has an older man.....I'm not really sure....have you spoken with Mr Metzler? He might be better at this than me."
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Toby stared steadily at the chaplain, starting to enjoy his obvious discomfort. The man had seemed so confident and open, and now he was stammering and trying to immediately pawn him off on someone else. In Toby's mind, it immediately signaled that the supposed holy man had sexual temptations himself. Why else would be falling all over himself now, hardly able to get out a coherent sentence.

"Of course I've spoken with Mr. Metzler," Toby replied, trying to sound plaintive and desperate for help. "He helps me with a lot of things in school and in my personal life, but he can't help with everything. I want to talk about morality. Isn't that your wheelhouse?"

He sighed and shifted in his seat, making a show of adjusting the crotch of his jeans.

"I just want to know what you think... from a right and wrong perspective. The law says I can fuck anyone I want, since I'm 18. Sorry - I mean, have sex with. So like, it's not illegal for someone, no matter how much older than me they are, to fu-... um, have sex with me. Or, I mean, someone my age. Say it was someone your age, and someone my age."

He paused a moment, letting that sink in, as his big brown doe eyes continued to study the man.

"Would it be... immoral... sinful... to fuck? Or think about fucking? Or touch each other? If we both wanted it?"

This time he didn't bother correcting his language. He watched the chaplain squirm, perhaps adjusting his own crotch. Toby could hope so. He let a tiny smile show.

"Well... uh, Toby... there are... different ways to, ummm... conceptualize something so, er... multifaceted. There are many factors to consider. Many... many factors. Perhaps... it's a larger question than, ummmm... we can tackle right now. Why don't we look at setting aside some time when I have more... availability? Next... week, maybe. I just remembered, I have a prior commitment, so... my apologies. We'll talk again soon."

Gabriel smiled weakly and nodded toward the door. Toby found it curious that the man wasn't getting up to usher him out. Was he trying to hide a bulge beneath his desk? Oh god, let it be true. Toby stood, again smiling softly, and adjusted his pants again, this time in full view of the chaplain.

"Okay. See you soon."

Toby slipped out, wondering if he'd set something in motion, or if he was just reading too much into it. He did intend to see Gabriel again soon, but perhaps not until he'd laid everything on the table with Gerry.

I know you let that kid grope you in the library, you fuck....