Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

A loud moan was brought forth from the boy - deep pleasure mingled with relief, like sinking into a hot tub, as the older man entered him. He didn't even let himself be pushed forward at first, concentrating fully on the sensation of Daddy inside him. The most sweetly familiar cock, the one that had popped his cherry, the one that made him crave every sweet, stupid lie. Boyfriend, love, always. The ridiculous man/boy, teacher/student, father/son fantasy he'd bought into, to his own detriment. He was still ready to buy into it, at least for a short time. A temporary insanity he'd fully invited. He pressed his back up against Gerry, tucking his face up against the man's neck and savoring his scent and presence, silently begging Daddy to be who he'd promised to be, if only for a short time.

Finally, he allowed himself to be thrust forward, his cock popping through the Asian man's tight little asshole. He placed one hand on Dr. Phetmang's back and reached back with the other to hang onto Gerry's hip as he started rocking his hips back and forth, getting deeper into the doctor and feeling his Daddy push deeper into him with each motion.

"Ahh, Jesus, fuck...!" he moaned. "So good...! Henry are you seeing this? Fuck... Daddy... harder, please, harder!"
Gerry felt Toby's hand on his hip and then the boy push hard into Dr Phetmang. The doctor gurgled away on Henry's cock, sandwiched tight between the two teens. In response to the hand, Gerry placed his hands round Toby's waist, pinning the boy so that Gerry could thrust harder too. Over Toby's shoulder he watched the doctor's head, not so much bobbing now as rocking about, and Henry, only half awake, throwing his head back on the sofa in ecstasy.

In this position all the memories of the past few weeks played over in Gerry's head. The initial seduction if that's what it was, the sex in the office and then the house, over the hood by the canal, their first encounter with the doctor, the gangbang, the janitor....Gerry couldn't even remember what order the events had occurred. It was just a flood of fucking, Toby's ass, his mouth, his hands, his lips, his hair, his smell, his cum sweet on Gerry's tongue or dripping greasily from Gerry's ass.

Gerry opened his eyes. Nothing had changed while he daydreamed. The four men rocked together, a chain of flesh and blood and cocks and mouths, linked in pleasure and carnality. From this angle, Gerry, who was only average height, realized again just how small Toby was, watching as he could over the top of the boy's head. Henry was taller, but he'd only received oral from Henry. What would it feel like to fuck Henry from behind, he wondered, his face buried in the boy's back. What would it feel like....?
Oblivious to the fact that Gerry was fantasizing about fucking Henry at this moment, Toby let himself melt between the two men, gradually sinking down onto Phetmang's back and reaching clumsily for the man's dripping cock while Gerry kept up the force of the group fuck. Every bit as out of it as Henry now, he let himself be the meat in the sandwich as drool dripped from his open mouth onto the Asian man's back.

He might as well have been between one Daddy and another, and in his mind Daddy was calling him all the perverse, beautiful things he used to - baby boy and kiddo boycunt and fuckmeat and everything in between. Daddy's little slut. Daddy might have been thinking of another boy, but inside Toby's fantasy world, he was the only little slut, the only boy, the only cunt, and they had a bond no one else could match - no other boy, and certainly not his dumb bitch wife.

"Daddyyy," he cooed, half seductive, half whiny. "Talk dirty to me, Daddy. Tell me you've missed your little boycunt. Tell me I'm good..."
Gerry simply relaxed into the moment, the clinch, spooning against Toby's back as they sank ever lower, bent forward, across the doctor's back, ever closer to Henry with his eyes clamped shut. He could see where Toby's arm slunk down beside the doctor and by the tugging motion, Gerry knew the teen was feeling for Doctor Phetmang's cock, if not already actively masturbating the Asian man.

It was hard to believe things had got so out of hand, then almost toxic with Toby, and now were back almost like a new beginning. Gerry had tried so hard to step back, interpreting the friction between them as a loss of trust after the school incidents, or maybe just a lack of attraction. He knew how much he wanted sex with other men, with Henry, with anyone. And he guessed that for all Toby's promiscuity, the boy still indicated that there was something special about Gerry, not least because of his insistence at calling him Daddy. Toby was whispering it now, in that low, seductive childish voice. ' dirty to me daddy...boycunt..."

From wanting to give Toby room, and room for himself to play around too, especially when Toby was away on the upcoming trips, Gerry felt himself falling ever deeper into today's coupling, if that was the right word for four way fucking. And in the back of his mind the notion that his daughter was waiting patiently outside in the car tried to intrude, but to little avail.

"I've missed you, kiddo," Gerry whispered back. "Missed your tight little hole and your wet mouth and your sweet lips and...."

Fuck! He didn't want to cum. Not yet. Not so quickly. He had so much he wanted to do now. In this instant. To feel his cock inside Toby's mouth as well, and Toby in his ass and mouth. And the doctor. And Henry. Henry. God! Thinking about fucking Henry when he was fucking Toby seemed so treacherous. Yet Toby wouldn't think twice about fucking Henry or anyone. Would he?
Toby was beside himself, surrounded by man flesh and being soothed with sweetly familiar filthy talk from his Daddy. Sex was sex, but Gerry made him who he was, who he wanted to be. He didn't exactly fall apart without Gerry, but without him, he was just a free floating nobody, drifting aimlessly, without intent or purpose. Fun, but soulless. Here, full of Daddy, he was someone. He was connected to another person in what felt like more than a physical way. He could believe he was capable of loving and being loved.

He was so close to cumming already, to unloading inside the doctor, but he didn't want to cum without Daddy's direction. Gerry was speaking of his mouth, his lips.... Was that a direction? Rising up again, he pressed his back against Gerry's front and twisted around so he could kiss the older man.

"Tell me what you want, Daddy," he panted against Gerry's lips. "You wanna suck Dr. Phetmang's ass off my cock? You wanna throw me down on this couch next to Henry and fuck my mouth or my cunt? I'll cum wherever you want. Tell me what you want."
"Tell me what you want Daddy."

Gerry nearly swooned as Toby turned and spoke, their faces close, the boy twisting hard against the older man's cock spearing into his ass.

"I'll cum wherever you want. Tell me...."

On the couch Henry had stretched out completely as Doctor Phetmang deep throated his cock. It seemed that the doctor only had one thing on his mind and that was to swallow Henry's cock and then swallow Henry's cum. The doctor made no attempt to change his position, and besides stretching out and closing his eyes tight, nor did Henry. And as much as Gerry had thought about fucking Henry and the doctor, Toby's pleading, his offer of a blank check, his cute little face pivoted round to meet Gerry's gaze, was electrifying.

But what did Gerry want?

The teacher leaned down and kissed the student. He held Toby tightly, pushing their faces together, feeling the boy's flesh twisting into the embrace, pinned as he was between Gerry's cock and the doctor's ass. Gerry felt powerful using Toby like this, tasting him, feeling him inside, opening and stretching him at both ends.

"I want...." He began, then stopped. Gerry could feel the orgasm building strongly inside him. It was closer than he wanted it to be. He lifted Toby out of the doctor and held him up. "I want to fuck your face, kiddo. I want you to take me all the way down and then I want to milk my cock onto your tongue."

It seemed to Charlotte that her father and the boys had been inside a mighty long time. It hadn't occurred to her to ask how long they'd be, even if it was possible to tell in the apparent emergency. But she was bored, even as she mulled over what her mother had told her. Her father and Toby. Her father and other guys? There was an Asian guy at least. How strange, she thought, when as far as she could tell, her father was pretty much a sexless being. A walking wallet she used to call him. It made her smile remembering it. She remembered how it was her father who'd taught her the facts of life, not her mother, mostly with a book he gave out to students, but still, it was Daddy. It was Gerry who'd bought her condoms on prom night and placed them in her purse. He hadn't even been embarrassed like she was, and afterwards she was so pleased he'd been so forward thinking, even if looking back on that night, fucking her date with one of her dad's condoms had not been a great idea. It's boys, she thought. "I just hope boys are nicer to Daddy than they have been to me," she heard herself say out loud.

She looked up at the apartment, but there was no movement. The sun was high now. Charlotte stretched, touching the door handle and opening it without really thinking about it. The door was open now so she climbed out, looked about, and made her way to the entrance to the building. There were only two apartments listed at the door the guys had used. First and second floor. And Gerry and Toby had appeared on the second floor balcony, so she walked upstairs. There was a small landing at the top and a door to the right. An open door. And sounds of people from inside. Not talking so much as a murmur. Muffled. Like people were working out maybe. Breathing exercises. She stepped up to the door and put her eyes to the crack.
Toby wasn't aware of the presence peeking through the slightly cracked open the door as he and Gerry kissed like lovers, as Gerry held him close and told him exactly what he wanted him to do. Toby was laser focused on Daddy, unaware of the man's actual daughter witnessing this lewdness.

"Fuck yes, Daddy, I want your cum so bad!" he hissed.

It was when he moved closer to the couch, so he could kneel there near Henry and have Gerry stand next to Dr. Phetmang - parallel blowjobs - that his eyes briefly swept past the door. He didn't even register anything unusual at first, he was so focused on the task at hand, so there was no sign he'd caught sight of their voyeur. But once he was on his knees with Gerry's cock ramming his throat, he realized belatedly there had been someone there. There was only one person it could have been, he reasoned.

He didn't look again, but he was convinced she was there, watching. Watching her father facefuck a teenage boy. Did he want her to be there watching them? Did it turn him on more to know that Charlotte saw all this happening? He was certainly curious. Curious as to whether she was watching in morbid, sick fascination, or gathering material for later tattling or blackmail, or actually getting off on it. Whatever the case, Toby didn't stop. He liked performing.

Running his hands up Gerry's thighs, he moaned with pleasure and gripped the older man's familiar, doughy ass cheeks. His own cock bobbed and dripped with the thrill of all this as he waited for Daddy to cum.
Gerry leaned into Toby as the kid knelt and massaged his ass. The room was quiet except for the sounds of sucking and traffic on the street outside. The doctor was relentless, blowing Henry without coming up for air or relief. The taller boy simply stretched along the couch, his ecstatic face hidden now behind Toby's ass.

"I want your cum so bad," Toby said before Gerry inserted himself between the boy's lips, silencing him. Being asked what he wanted to do and then saying it gave Gerry a renewed sense of power. He must have felt powerful in his life before, but in his sexual life? He couldn't really remember but it didn't matter as the boy's pneumatic sucking drove him harder and higher. Toby was good at this. Gerry always knew. Taking cock into his mouth, his throat made him gag, but somehow Toby had reserves drawn from somewhere. Or was it simply a lot of practice?

"Take my cock, kiddo," he said, his hands tight on the sides of Toby's face, pulling the boy onto him, pushing harder, overcoming resistance, feeling his cock head gliding round the inside of the boy's mouth and then the goal, the top of his throat, the stop and then the give as he slid deeper, expecting Toby to hold back, make him stop, but no...nothing...sliding deeper...imagining his cock head blinking into the darkness of the boy's insides.


For a moment Charlotte's eyes didn't focus on the crack but on the door. The light behind glared and she only saw shadows moving in the tight space. But as her eyes adjusted she realized there were two men, and maybe the sounds of more, one standing and one kneeling. She didn't register who they might be, but simply watched what was happening between them, her gaze drawn to where the smaller man on his knees, naked, his little cock swinging before him, pressed his face into the groin of the naked man standing.

What were they doing? She knew it was a question with a simple answer, but nothing computed except the motion of the kneeling man's head and the standing man's hands on his face, pulling him into him, then releasing, clenching his buttocks, pushing, hard, to and fro, rhythmically, poetically almost, flesh and bodies and the harsh light behind them.

And then a cloud crossed the sun, the light instantly dimmed and she could see clearly the lines of their muscles, the shape of their faces. Daddy and Toby. Daddy fucking Toby. Daddy's cock inside Toby's mouth. All the way in. Nothing between them now. Toby's face hard against Daddy's groin. And then back as Daddy's cock grew between them and the profile of Toby's face was revealed. And then in again. Hard. Toby's face gone. And back.

Charlotte found her hand between her legs. Touching her sex. Feeling her wetness. Teasing the folds of skin, the hard little nub, the moist hole, inside herself now, standing on a landing in an apartment building with an open door. All the way inside herself now, echoing the rhythm of Daddy and wet...fuck!

And when she paused for a moment and concentrated on what was going on inside the room something was different...something about Toby. Fuck! He was sucking Daddy just as hard as ever. But he was looking at her.
The Gerry that was fucking his face right now was a far cry from the pathetic, weak cuck of a man that Toby had grown to be disgusted with once the illusion of their relationship had been shattered. This was the Gerry who had kept him interested in the first place - this was Daddy. Daddy who knew what to do and what to say. Daddy who was in charge, letting him relax into the sweet simplicity of being Daddy's Little Boycunt. A Daddy he could count on.

Of course, his logical brain knew he couldn't count on this man, but in the moment, it was a taste of what he longed for. He relaxed his throat as much as he could manage to take that hard cock, to welcome it inside him and give Gerry the pleasure he longed for. There was also a certain element of competitiveness - Toby wanted to prove he was the best, that no one could take his place.

And that he could put on a good show.

He opened his eyes to peek up at Gerry. The old man's eyes were closed, focusing as he was on the sensation of the teen's tight throat around his cock. Then, Toby shifted his eyes in the direction of the doorway, this time lingering.

It was hard to see at first, as his eyes had been watering a little, but soon it became clear that Charlotte was indeed there, and looking right at him. This time, he didn't look away. She was standing there watching him suck off her own father. She definitely didn't seem mad or disgusted. In fact....

Holy shit. His eyes caught movement below her waist. Quickly the boy grabbed his own cock and started jerking it. Whatever this was, he was riding it out. He had no sexual interest in her whatsoever, but the taboo thrill of knowing she was getting off along with them was undeniable.
Charlotte found herself fading in and out of focus. As she watched Toby suck her daddy’s cock, her own arousal heightened to the point where she would close her eyes for a moment to concentrate on frigging herself. But she wasn’t very good at pleasuring herself. Somehow, she just never got it right. Nor did boys arouse her much. All in all, Charlotte’s sex life was one fat fucking disappointment.

And so with that sad realisation she’d open her eyes and focus again on Toby. What a show the kid put on. She’d watched porn. She’d even spied on her girlfriends sucking cock once or twice. But they were nothing like this. Toby was committed, sensuous, skilled, enthusiastic, debauched…superlatives flowed through her brain. He was a natural. The way he addressed the cock. The way he used his hands and his mouth in tandem. The way his lips parted, his head rocked, his tongue flicked. And the way he seemed able to swallow the cock whole, not just the tip or the top of the shaft, but the entire goddam thing all the way down to the balls and the hair and the mound, until his sweet boyish face was pressed deep into her daddy’s fifty three year old groin. Impossible as it was, Charlotte imagined Toby swallowing a 12 inch cock, a 2 foot cock, an endless cock that slid into his mouth, down his throat, twisted through his guts and emerged writhing like a snake from his asshole to circle back again.

And so she found herself fingering her pussy, sliding the digit in deep, twisting, searching for the sweet spot, nearly getting there and then disappointing herself again.

And then it dawned on her as she emerged again from the fugg of frigging herself. Daddy was naked. Toby was sucking his cock and kneading his soft white ass while the older man banged roughly into his face. But was this love? Lust? Was he making Toby happy? Was he smiling? Snarling? Was he a happy fucker? Or a monster? She couldn’t see her daddy’s face.
Toby slid back on Gerry's cock and then went deep again, moaning with satisfaction every time he heard the older man make a noise of pleasure. Wanting to make things even more exciting for Daddy as well as Charlotte, he pulled off for a moment only to pop two fingers into his mouth and coat them liberally in drool before sucking that fat cock back again, and reaching around to slip those slick fingers between Gerry's cheeks, probing for his twitching asshole. He knew what Daddy liked.

The boy finger fucked the man until he knew the conclusion was near. Gerry gripped his hair firmly and held him in place so that his cum flooded over the boy's tongue. He didn't swallow a drop. Instead he held it all in his mouth and leaned back, putting on a big show of sticking out his cum-coated tongue to show it off.

Sliding his fingers carefully out of Gerry's asshole, Toby stood, offering his mouth immediately to Daddy and sealing his lips around the man's plunging his tongue in to pass him the mouthful. Leaving Gerry with his own cum, Toby showily licked clean the fingers that had just been up his Daddy's ass.

"Spit it back to me," he whispered, raising his chin and opening his mouth wide while continuing to stroke his own cock.
Gerry was keen to hang on as long as possible but Toby's finger up his ass pushed him to the edge. He held the boy's head back by his hair. Toby dutifully stuck out his tongue and looked up expectantly. How much Gerry wanted to hold that gaze, look into those eyes, keep himself on the brink of orgasm. But nature was too strong and his cock pulsed, then dowsed the boy's tongue and mouth with goo. It was a significant orgasm. A full load, heavy and white and sticky. Toby held it in his mouth while Gerry grabbed the boy's hair, turning his head to and fro as the teen displayed his prize.

Before Gerry was ready, Toby stood and they kissed, sweet semen passing between them, coating Gerry's tongue now. And when they disengaged, Toby licked his fingers straight from Gerry's ass, ostentatiously.

Beside them, Doctor Phetmang lay back on the sofa, Henry's spent cock lolling against his youthful face, the boy's cum pooling thickly on the doctor's chin and chest. Toby was asking Gerry to spit in his mouth, opening wide, begging his teacher to soil him all over again, spit and kiss the mouth which would now taste earthily of Gerry's own ass. How could he resist?
Toby opened wide like a kid catching snowflakes, receiving a long, slimy stream of cum mixed with drool from Gerry's mouth, followed by a hard spit that splattered the mess all over his face. Soon the old man was leaning in aggressively to lick his face like a dog, now and then stabbing his tongue into the boy's mouth, the two of them sharing the flavors of their lewd acts.

When the kiss broke, Toby looked back to smirk at Charlotte briefly through the crack in the door before surveying the pair collapsed on the sofa. Henry looked very satisfied, having been diligently sucked off by the Thai doctor, and Dr. Phetmang looked gratified but was still very hard. Toby, too, was aching for release, so he did the most natural thing he could think of in the moment - he climbed up over the doctor in the 69 position and aimed his cock at the man's mouth while his own mouth took in Dr. Phetmang's throbbing hard-on.

After a minute or so of mutual sucking and moaning, Toby pulled off only to exclaim, "Someone lick my ass for fuck's sake!" before returning to his task.
Charlotte gave up trying to pleasure herself so she could watch and listen. Her father, her sainted, respected father held Toby by the hair and milked his cock onto the boy's tongue, while the boy stuck his finger in her daddy's ass. She wasn't aroused so much as astounded. Mommy was right. But it didn't upset her. She was amazed. Astounded that Daddy had it in him, had cut loose and was fucking a teenager. In a room with another teenager and the doctor presumably. She could hear Henry laughing.

Toby smiled at her, briefly but deliberately. She knew her cover was blown, but Toby was not worried in any way. Indeed, he just kept performing. Charlotte watched him kiss her father and then climb onto the sofa. She could see a man's legs only as far as the knees, so she pushed the door open a little further. Toby's head came into view. He was sucking the man's cock. The rest of his body was hidden, but she could tell by the way the boy was rocking that he and the man - the doctor? - were sixty-nining.

Daddy disappeared from view for a moment and then Toby raised his head. The doctor's cock was hard and upright, pointing under the boy's chin.

"Somebody lick my ass for fuck's sake," Charlotte heard Toby say, before she watched the boy return to the cock, slipping his mouth over the shaft and swallowing it down.


Gerry reveled in what a performer Toby was. The kid fucked like he was being watched. Like he was in a porno or on a stage. It was somehow precocious and enthusiastically innocent at the same time.

The older man rolled semen round his mouth as he watched his student sucking the doctor, and the doctor doing likewise although Phetmang's face was hidden under Toby's heaving buttocks. Gerry glanced again at Henry who had pretty much disregarded him the whole time. If Toby was a performer then Henry was...what? Henry seemed more worldly than Toby, not just more experienced but more aware of what he was doing, both too himself and other men. Toby seemed to splash about as if sex was like a swimming pool you jumped into on a hot day. Whereas Henry gave Gerry the impression he had goals, a bucket list maybe which he was ticking off. What the fuck was on Henry's bucket list?

"Somebody lick my ass for fuck's sake," Toby said before forcing his mouth down again on Phetmang's cock. Should I lick it, Gerry wondered even though the doctor and Henry were much closer to the zone. He noticed Henry was looking at him now. For approval maybe? Gerry nodded. He was nearly worn out and thought he might sit for a bit. And there was Charlotte in the car. Charlotte! Fuck! How long had they been in the doctor's apartment?

Henry roused himself and positioned his face behind Toby's ass, grabbed the boy's ass cheeks with both hands and spread them. Gerry could see Toby's neatly puckered asshole and below it Doctor Phetmang's face sucking Toby's cock. The doctor was quickly obscured as Henry lowered his face between Toby's cheeks and poked his tongue into the hole.
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Toby squealed with delight, totally unselfconscious about how unmanly his noises were when he was this deep in pleasure. Henry was clearly going to be just fine, judging by how diligently he tongue-fucked his friend.

Having Henry in on one of their group fucks with Dr. Phetmang was exciting enough for Toby, but knowing they also had an audience - Gerry's literal daughter, no less - was almost too much to bear. It didn't take long for him to fill the doctor's mouth with a fresh load of boy cum, which apparently triggered the Thai man into letting loose. Toby sucked up every drop and slowly pulled off as Henry eased back from his own feast. Sliding down onto his knees in front of the couch, where he hoped Charlotte could see him, he opened his mouth wide to show Gerry the cum he still held there, proudly, like a little boy showing off an art project.

Just for the sake of sluttiness, he let some of it dribble down his chin before he swallowed.

"Anyone have to piss?" he panted. "Come on - give it to me. We'll have to clean up anyway. Piss on me. I need it!"
"Anyone have to piss...."

Gerry did everything he could to summon the need to piss, but he was worried about Charlotte. Usually his 53 year old bladder was only too ready to leak down his legs. And at Toby's suggestion he could run like a fire hydrant.

But Charlotte? How long had they been fucking in the doctor's apartment? And all the while she was sitting in the car outside.

The more he thought about it, the more he feared she'd be knocking at the door, interrupting them. Or worse.

Toby knelt before him, open mouthed, displaying his teacher's cum for anyone who wanted an eyeful, begging to be pissed on, as he returned to sucking Phetmang's cock and Henry knelt down between the boy's legs to spread his ass cheeks. Gerry was torn like never before. No. Anxiety overwhelmed him. He looked round for his clothes scattered about the apartment, gathering them up and throwing them on a panic. He took one last longing look at the threesome writhing on the floor, smiled at no one in particular, and turned to the door. Gerry was already on the stairs when it occurred to him how strange that it should be unlocked.
Only because he had been occasionally monitoring their silent voyeur at the door did Toby notice that Gerry was making his exit. Did he spot his daughter peeking in at them? Was he going to confront her? Were things about to blow up?

He couldn't afford to care right now. At least he'd had what might have been a last hurrah with Daddy. And right now, he'd happily enjoy what remained of this particular encounter, especially as Henry was feasting on his ass and he could tell Dr. Phetmang's cock was about to deliver him something more than cum. The doctor groaned, squirmed, and shuddered, and soon the hot, acrid, salty taste filled Toby's mouth. He raised his head, sputtering and panting, and growled with satisfaction as the Thai man's eager piss spurted across his face and over his shoulders and chest.

It was thrilling even knowing the doctor was violating his own carpet by pissing on him right here in his living room. Making a mess was great fun for the boy, but it was even better knowing it would be someone else's problem to clean up.

Laughing with satisfaction, Toby let the warm piss continue to dribble down his body. Behind him, he felt Henry rise up and grip the back of his neck, holding him in place, and soon a hot, fresh stream was sluicing down Toby's back, to the sound of Henry chuckling in the distinctive tone of a boy getting away with mischief. Toby giggled along with him, holding his arms wide and letting himself be showered.

"God, yes!" he groaned. "I'm so fucking filthy..."

"So fucking filthy," Phetmang echoed, looking practically hypnotized. He rolled around, sticking his ass in the air, begging for more.

"Put something in," he begged. "Anything. Everything. More than cock. More than cock..."

"What a whore - look at him!" Toby laughed, grabbing the doctor's cheeks and spreading them wide to have a good look at the blushing red, winking hole. "What you wanna put up there?"

Henry pushed forward, obviously intrigued by this, and spat messily on the Asian man's asshole. "Let's see how much he can take. Think he can take my whole hand?"

"Jesus!" Toby huffed. "I dunno, man..."

Henry was obviously determined to try, and judging by the noises Phetmang was making, he was at least as interested in this idea as Henry was. Toby, feeling just about spent by now, and getting cold and uncomfortable with his naked body covered in a film of drying piss, watched Henry work his fingers further and further into the doctor for a few minutes before deciding to leave them to it.

"I need to shower - you guys have fun."
Charlotte was sitting in the car when Gerry returned to the street. But the door was open, he noticed, like she'd been somewhere, or was about to go. And he stank of sex, of men and fucking and cum and earthy assiness. Fuck, how he reeked, he realised, stopping at the sidewalk and thinking about going back upstairs. But she'd turned her head and noticed him, expressionless, bored from sitting so long in the car.

He walked across and opened the door, standing away from his daughter in case she smelled him. He wished he'd told Toby and Henry to shower. Wished he'd done it himself.

"The guys will be down in a minute," Gerry said, wishing he knew how long they'd actually be. "The doctor is just finishing up with Henry."


Henry waited for Toby to retreat to the bathroom, turning back to Doctor Phetmang. The Asian man lay on his back, panting, legs spread, eyes gazing with longing back at the boy who hovered over him.

"Fuck me," the doctor said. "As hard as you like."

"As hard as...."

What was Toby's problem with fisting, Henry wondered. The kid knew what he meant when he'd suggested seeing if the doctor could take a whole hand up his ass. Of course he did. And fled to the bathroom. Toby had a problem. Just with fisting? Or maybe...Henry pondered...maybe with fucking itself. I mean, he thought, the kid fucks like a boy whore, but he fucks Gerry like a lover. A lover. Toby, the fucking idiot, is in love with Gerry, Henry said to himself. The stupid little fuck is in love with his goddam fucking teacher. Tired, sad old Gerry Metzler whose daughter was waiting in the car outside, who thinks her Daddy is the greatest man who ever lived, who thinks Toby and Henry are lovebirds, who....Jesus!

"Fucking versus love, eh doctor?" Henry looked down at Doctor Phetmang and licked his lips. "I think we're gonna find out your limits today."

The boy reached for the lube and coated his right hand liberally. Then he repositioned himself on his knees between the doctor's outstretched legs, placed his finger tips against the doctor's asshole, and without ceremony, pushed his fingers inside, popping the sphincter and causing Doctor Phetmang to audibly wince.

"Deep breaths, doctor, while I fucking examine you for a change."
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Feeling spent for the time being and eager to move along before Charlotte had too much time to think about what she'd witnessed, Toby showered as quickly as he could, hastily toweled off, and scrambled into his clothes. During that short time, Henry and Dr. Phetmang had apparently made a fair bit of progress. When he stepped out into the living room, the doctor was moaning like the shameless slut he was while Henry spat degrading names at him. The boy's hand had by now nearly disappeared inside the Thai man.

"Holy shit," Toby marveled, taking a few moments to admire the scene before smacking Henry's bottom and spitting in Dr. Phetmang's face. "You whores."

He placed his mouth next to Henry's ear: "Don't be too long - Charlotte's waiting."

Dashing down to the ground floor, Toby felt his legs trembling and his insides shaking. He'd had a hell of a fun time at the doc's apartment, but knowing that Gerry's daughter had just witnessed what her father was doing with schoolboys, he could only imagine what conversation they might be having. If any.

Gerry certainly hadn't noticed their voyeur at the door. If there was a conversation happening, Charlotte would have to broach the subject. Would she? The anticipation was tying Toby in knots. Quickly he made his way out to the car, struggling to calm his breathing as he slid into the backseat.

"Henry'll be... a few minutes," he mumbled, nervously glancing at the rearview mirror to catch Charlotte's eye.
Henry almost turned his head when he felt the smack, then Toby's breath on his ear and saw his friend's spit splash into the doctor's eyes.

"Don't be too long - Charlotte's waiting."

If he'd turned they'd have kissed. Henry was sure. And maybe Toby would have stayed and helped him violate the doctor. What was Toby's fucking problem with fisting? Would he fist Gerry? Or let Gerry fist him?

But before he could make up his mind, Henry heard the door shut and knew Toby was gone. It was just he and the doctor in the apartment now, and his fist inside the doctor, turning and twisting, the doctor wincing and moaning, sweating like a pig, and yet signaling with his eyes that everything was great. The teen leaned forward, wondering how long before someone came back upstairs looking for him, and if he could make the doctor cum on his hand and if he really cared one way or another, his face hard up against the doctor's now, his hand slipping even further inside, stretching the man's anal cavity grotesquely.

"Doctor," Henry said almost dreamily, "You are one great fucking whore."


"Henry'll be a few minutes."

Charlotte glanced in the mirror and caught Toby's gaze for a brief moment. Her father sat half in half out of the car, the door opened wide. They weren't late but if they were going to drive to the college it was time to go.

"If Henry's gonna be a while," she said, fishing, "we could go back to his place and pack a bag. You must know what he needs."

She felt pleased to be so rational and calm given what she'd just witnessed. Neither Toby nor her father were going to say anything, she guessed. So should she? Is Henry OK? Is the doctor treating him? Can he stand on his own?

But the more questions she composed, the more contrived they sounded. You guys have a good fuck? Maybe she should ask it under her breath and see if they heard her and reacted. It wasn't as if she was worried or even cared. Guys fuck. She knew that. And not just Toby and Henry. Her father. Sure fucking his students was probably dumb, but it's not like he fucked them at school....did he?

Her father had said the doctor was just finishing with Henry. Finishing. He was pretending treatment, but finishing could just as easily mean cumming. The doctor was cumming. Or Henry was cumming. Or both. And Daddy and Toby had cum. She'd seen Daddy cum in Toby's mouth. It was a beautiful thing. If only she'd been able to record it. It didn't disgust her. It thrilled her. To have seen a man's cock, her father's cock, hard and erect, throbbing and pulsing, then spewing its white gooey load into the boy's open mouth. She was wet again thinking about it. So she hadn't been able to photograph it, but she would in the future. Her new project. Cocks cumming in mouths. Wow. Charlotte could already picture herself and a bevy of journalists in a gallery with walls full of grossly enlarged pictures of cocks and mouths and cum. Cumming to a gallery near you, she thought. Cum hither. Cum what may. Cum quick. Cum.....

She glanced in the mirror again. Daddy and Toby were exchanging glances. They were lovers. Fuck buddies. And Toby knew she knew but he wasn't saying anything.
Toby shifted awkwardly and chewed the inside of his cheek. The silence in the car was deafening. Charlotte knew, and Toby knew she knew, and she knew he knew she knew, and Gerry didn't know she knew. It was twisting him in knots, especially as the silence stretched further and further onward.

Something had to give. He had to say something, at least to one or the other of them privately. He toyed with the idea of taking Gerry aside, whispering to him that his daughter not only knew he was fucking boys but had witnessed it. He couldn't begin to guess how the old man would take this news.

On the other hand, he could find some excuse to send Gerry away, maybe ask him to check on Henry while he had a debriefing with Charlotte over what she'd just seen and clearly enjoyed.

Toby mentally flipped back and forth between these options, and grew steadily more frustrated, unable to form any coherent sets of pros and cons.

He was overthinking all of it, he decided. Damn the consequences.

"Okay, enough of this awkward bullshit," he huffed, leaning forward to poke his head between the two front seats, looking back and forth between father and daughter. "We just need to get this out of the open. Gerry, Charlotte just saw everything and she clearly didn't hate it, so can we just stop pretending we all have secrets?"
"What the fuck!"

Gerry heard himself react before Toby's words really sank in. Charlotte saw everything. Everything?

The older man climbed back out of the car and stood on the sidewalk. The morning traffic had built up now. People walked past on their way to work, oblivious to what had just been said in the car or had happened, was still happening, upstairs in the doctor's apartment. As if it mattered to them. Any of them. As if it mattered...

Charlotte saw everything? Like Andrea, Gerry realized, when he and Toby and the doctor had fucked on the hall rug. And Andrea had told Charlotte. Of course she had. Just as Toby might have done, or probably had done. Just as he'd said now. Charlotte saw everything. Through the fucking door. Open and unlocked. Fucking fuck!

But did it matter? Gerry turned and walked a few steps away. Charlotte and Toby sat unmoved, the boy in the back behind his daughter in the driver's seat. Not talking. Inanimate, it appeared from where he stood. Not fighting or arguing or having it out.

And what was he supposed to do? Get in the car and chat to his daughter about her Daddy fucked his students? Is that what Toby wanted? Happy families? This is Toby, Charlotte. Your new....what? Daddy's boytoy. Daddy's little fuck buddy. Daddy's semen swapper. Daddy's....

And yet maybe the kid's done me a favor, he thought. Out in the open. No more hiding. No more lying. No more denying who I am and what I want. Jesus...

He glanced at his watch. Way past time to leave for college. Did Toby have a bag packed? He hadn't seen anything go in the car. Nor Henry for that matter. Or Charlotte presuming she was staying at college with the boys. Fuck!

Gerry looked at the car, almost longingly. Get inside and talk things through. He was a school guidance counselor for fuck's sake. Talking things through was his profession. His speciality. But he hesitated. The momentum was lost. Behind him the door to the doctor's condo was open, beckoning like a sanctuary. Gerry stepped inside and climbed the stairs as fast as he could. Time to get Henry out. In the car. On their way. Somewhere. Anywhere. And a precious few seconds of non-resolution gained.
They watched the older man stand on the sidewalk for a minute or so before retreating into the condo without a word. Toby shrugged and sighed. He slipped out of the backseat and circled the car so he could sit beside Charlotte.

Had he fucked up? Was Charlotte upset? Had he destroyed a friendship? Severed the last remaining thread of his already fickle and tenuous relationship with Gerry? He still felt new to having both friends and lovers and he wasn't sure what he was capable of salvaging. Maybe this was all beyond him anyway. He might have just put the nail in the coffin of a relationship between a father and daughter.

"Sorry if it was... kinda reckless to blurt that out," he said, pulling his knees up against his chest and hugging them.

"I couldn't take it anymore. I don't really know what to do about any of this anymore but be honest. It... it hasn't been going on for very long. And I don't think it would have happened if your mom hadn't cheated first. That's sort of why it started. Gerry was so fucking sad, and... I wanted him to feel better I guess. He was the only person who'd been decent to me. I didn't think a hug would lead to... like, everything else."

He searched Charlotte's expression, trying to figure out how she was feeling right now. Maybe everything Toby was saying was unnecessary and redundant - he didn't have to justify his relationship with Gerry. Charlotte clearly hadn't been upset by it while she was watching.

"I guess your dad has some issues, like... processing things. I think it'll be okay. Especially if... if he knows you're not mad at him. Assuming you're not mad at him."
"I guess your dad has some issues...."

Charlotte wasn't quite shocked as much as confused. She listened to Toby prattle after the reveal and her father clearing out. Was she mad at her father? No. Not mad. She wasn't sure how she felt. But she was fairly sure she didn't really want to talk about it with Toby.

"If you and Daddy are happy, then I'm happy," she said, hoping that might satisfy Toby at least for now. Except he'd want her to tell her father she was OK with it. Ok with her father fucking his students and the guy upstairs who was supposed to be a doctor, but looked more like a Thai male prostitute. Could he be both, she wondered.

If anything, sitting in the car was boring while watching men gangfuck through a crack in a door was highly stimulating. Maybe she should go upstairs in case what? To drag Daddy and Henry outta there and keep going? Or in case she could watch again? And Toby? He could just sit in the car and talk to himself.

"I'm going back upstairs too," she said, climbing out of the car before Toby could say anything.


The door to the apartment was cracked open. As Gerry pushed it he imagined his daughter standing here, watching. He guessed she'd seen everything. Her father milking his cock onto Toby's outstretched tongue. The thought of doing that made Gerry's cock stir. Even before the door swung back he could hear the doctor mewling in half pain, half ecstasy. Although when he saw how far Henry had inserted his hand in the doctor's ass, perhaps it was all pain.

The doctor was on his back, legs apart, ass high up on a cushion, his face turned towards Henry, imploring with his eyes, mouth opening and closing without speaking, just emitting the moaning sounds. As Gerry went to speak, Henry let out a stream of filthy abuse, calling the doctor a cumslut, a fuck jockey, a mancunt. The teen was snarling and spitting, driving his hand as deep as he could into the doctor's overstretched orifice. Could this possibly be safe, Gerry wondered. Sanitary? What damage could fisting do to a person?

Fisting was one of things Gerry felt drawn to and revolted by at the same time. Something he watched in porn by glancing away half the time. It didn't help that this was real and not acting, but it did help that he desired both Henry and the doctor. Two beautiful men doing something decidedly unbeautiful, or questionable at least.

"Come on, Henry," he said as if he was interrupting the boy watching TV. "We need to get going."

Far from objecting, Henry turned and smiled, almost sweetly, a contrast with what he was doing which nearly blew Gerry's mind.

"OK" he said.

"The doctor's had enough I think," Gerry said, unable to look away as Henry withdrew his hand with a slurping pop, leaving the Thai man's abused asshole gaping and greasy. Henry's hand was slick with juice.

"Clean me up doctor," he said, wiping his soiled fingers and palm across the doctor's face before standing naked and turning.

"Charlotte," Henry said. "I'm just done here so let me get dressed and we can go."

Gerry turned and made eye contact with his daughter, and the two of them watched Henry proceed to the bathroom, naked and unfussed, before turning back to the doctor, who lay panting and wrecked on his living room carpet. Gerry was at a loss for words.
Toby was dumbstruck. If they were happy, she was happy? Was it really that simple? It couldn't be that simple. Could it?

He watched Charlotte dash back inside, wondering if it really had been a mistake to say anything. Toby didn't feel like it would be right to follow her inside. Instead he sat brooding, wondering whether Charlotte had left the car because she didn't want to talk to him, because she needed to talk to her father, or because she just wasn't ready for the peep show to end.

By the time the trio was ready to leave Dr. Phetmang and return to the car, Toby had quietly retreated to the backseat, where Henry joined him. Oddly, the discussion that happened then centered purely around where they would go next, rather than what had just occurred. Perhaps both Charlotte and Gerry needed to think about something else right now.

"Do we risk going back to your place?" Toby asked Henry. "I guess we were in too much of a rush earlier to think about packing you a bag...."

"Fuck it!" Henry snorted with a shrug. "I promised to take you shopping anyway - let's just go to the mall. I'll get myself a few things while we're there."

"Really?" Toby smiled and perked up a little. "Awesome. Shopping spree. Thanks, 'sugar bro'! Maybe Charlotte can help pick things out too. Make me look sexy. It's gonna be so cool having new things for once."

He glanced up briefly to glare daggers at Gerry, who hadn't bothered getting him so much as a toothbrush despite how many times he'd not only dropped hints but specifically made requests.