Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

"Yeah, let's piss in the pool."

Henry grabbed Toby's hand, edging passed the chaplain and the bible spread untidily across his lap which the boys had destroyed. There was light on the horizon when they entered the pool room, but Henry wasn't tired yet. Sore and spent, but not tired. He wanted to sit and talk. Toby had surprised him. The fucking had been relentless. Way harder than Henry had anticipated. And maybe even more debauched than he expected. He wasn't sure why he'd underestimated Toby except perhaps because he felt he was always dominant in any relationship. Indeed, the dom amongst all his peers at school even when he acted subordinate. Yet watching Toby ask for and receive Miguel and the chaplain and Henry himself showed him he had an equal and maybe a rival, if competing sexually was what Henry really wanted. He always thought of sex as a game with a prize even if what that prize actually was wasn't clear. He wanted to know there was nothing he couldn't imagine and participate in and enjoy, no man he couldn't seduce and bend to his will, no situation which would faze him however crazy or testing or even scary. Scary sex, Henry mused....scary.

And if Toby was his rival, what were they competing for? Gerry Metzler? Henry smiled to himself, thinking about sad old Gerry at home in the early morning watching the video he'd sent on his phone. Gerry was just a bump in the road, an easy lay, a means to some end Henry hadn't really identified, but knew wasn't Gerry. Sure Gerry was a nice guy even if what Toby had told him suggested that Gerry wasn't very good at protecting them from harm. Charlotte maybe? He didn't want to fuck Charlotte, but he would if it achieved something he wanted. Henry had never fucked a girl but he'd watched straight porn. It did nothing for him. Without a cock you might as well fuck a peach. A watermelon. A wet towel. But maybe Charlotte wanted to fuck him, or fuck them both, even if Henry was pretty sure she liked girls and not boys. And if Gerry was just a passing fad, then the chaplain was a piece of shit. Harsh? Maybe, but at least Gerry felt bad about what he did. The chaplain used god to counsel students and fuck them in equal measure. Henry couldn't even see what fucking the chaplain might get him. Gabriel Dance was an asshole in both senses of the word.

So maybe the weekend at college would help him understand what he and Toby were competing over. College or summer in San Diego.

He led Toby to the side of the pool and sat, his naked ass on the tiled edge and his legs swinging into space. His heels broke the water and immediately he wanted to piss. Henry relaxed, spread his legs and simply let himself go, the yellow stream spraying from his cock and arcing strongly into the water, bubbling and splashing merrily. He glanced across to see if Toby was doing the same.
Toby giggled. Piss in the pool? Not even over a drain? Henry was loosening up about piss, apparently.

He didn't sit down next to Henry. It was too soon to be able to sit, especially on a hard, unforgiving tiled surface. He stood instead, pointing his cock at the water, but watching what Henry did first. He gasped softly at the sight and the sound of Henry's piss stream leaping up from his soft cock and trickling into the otherwise pristine surface of the water.

Toby couldn't help himself. He didn't piss yet. Instead he slipped into the pool, finding to his relief that he could reach the bottom with his feet here and wouldn't need to worry about going under, inexperienced in swimming as he was. He immediately placed himself in Henry's piss stream and shut his eyes, sighing as he let the warmth splash over his cheeks, chin, shoulders, and chest and drip down into the water.

Once Henry was done, Toby dunked himself down to rinse off and came up grinning. "Awesome."

He gripped the pool edge and experimentally kicked his feet. He flipped himself over and propped his shoulders on the deck so he could safely float on the surface. Finally, he held his cock and started to piss, whipping it around in circles so it went wild, like a garden sprinkler, raining down on his body and the pool.

"Too bad there's no course for this in school. I'd ace Artistic Pissing."
Gerry Metzler sat up in bed against the pillows and checked his phone. It was very dark outside. Three forty five on the alarm clock. Who the fuck????

But he knew the number instantly. Henry Merton appeared at the top of the screen. He didn't place all his students in his directory, but Henry....well....and Toby didn't have a phone. Funny that I didn't fix that, Gerry thought, but then what school guidance counselor buys a kid a phone?

It was a video. At 3.45am. From Henry. Even as Gerry's finger hovered over the button, he hesitated. Henry was not the kinda kid who asked for help. Indeed, Henry's problem was he never asked. Over confidence was his problem. But if Toby was with him, he might be in trouble.

And then a close-up of something flesh colored. The corner of a mouth. A kiss. A smile. Teeth. Tongue. A cock. Jesus Christ! Stupid fucking Henry Merton sending dick pics to his counselor. Two dicks. Toby's face now. A little smile for the Not the camera. Looking at something else. A cock. Mouth open, cock inside, all the way to the back....all the way. Fuck! Now Toby looked at the camera, eyes wide, mouth full of cock, cheeks distended, feigning distress, but not Toby. Not my little teen cock sucker, Gerry thought. My cock sucker....

Gerry realized he'd teared up. Just for a moment. Toby with a cock in his mouth. Henry's? He couldn't tell, but probably. Henry Merton who'd sucked his cock earlier downstairs in the the front room. And Toby who'd sucked his cock...well, more times than Gerry could recall.

He turned up the sound. There was another voice in the room. Speaking in Spanish. Gerry didn't recognize it. Toby spat the cock out and rolled over, then just a flesh colored screen.

Henry watched Toby jump into the pool, then turn round into his piss stream. Henry wasn't big on being pissed on, but pissing on Toby was just dandy. The kid laughed and jumped, letting the piss splash all over his mouth and eyes and face, like they'd done with Miguel in the sauna earlier. So Toby liked piss. It was a thing. Henry had watched it on screen many times. Did all gay guys like to be pissed on? Did Gerry? The chaplain? His dad and Jay? Hmmm....

When Henry was done Toby dunked himself, then came up smiling. And then surprised even Henry. The sprinkler. Floating on his back, waving his cock about, pissing everywhere. Artistic pissing, Toby called it. And why not? Everything was art. Like Charlotte's pics. Like those guys who painted with their penises. Like....everything. No limits. Maybe I should get more into art, Henry thought.

He looked down into Toby's eyes as the piss stream began to subside. Something was up. Toby was looking over Henry's shoulder. He felt the warm breath against his head before he even sensed someone walking up to him.

"You little fucking little boy whores."

Henry turned, his naked ass twisting on the tiles. Gabriel Dance was kneeling beside him, not so drunk or high or comatose as they'd left him. The man grabbed Henry hard by the shoulder, pulling him backwards until his head contacted the floor. Heavily. Henry looked up into the crazed eyes. The man was still naked from the waist down, his hairy cock semi hard, swinging across the gap between them.

"Why don't you suck me off properly, Henry? Why don't you just lie there and choke on my cock?"
Toby's eyes narrowed at the chaplain's intrusion. He wasn't so keen to have more of pathetic Gabriel right now, but quickly he realized the man zeroing in on Henry wasn't the same sniveling creature as last night. He looked mad. And not just in the angry sense.

Toby yelped when he heard the unsettling thunk of Henry's skull against the tiled floor. Quickly he scrambled out of the pool and tried to get Gabriel in a headlock to wrench him away, only to find that the chaplain was stronger than he'd expected.

"Fuck off - fuck off!" Toby growled as he grappled with the man. "You weren't fucking invited here - get the hell out!"

"You're one to talk, you evil little cunt!"

He grunted as he took a sharp elbow to the gut and fell back onto the deck. Realizing quickly he wouldn't be able to save his friend alone, naked as he was and not exactly an athlete, he scrambled back from Gabriel's reach and pushed himself to his feet, darting out of the room and through the house, dripping and cold. He looked around frantically for either a person or a phone, but didn't find either. He didn't know much of the house, so he went straight back to the library, where he at least knew Henry had had a cell phone.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" he huffed, locating the device and fumbling with it.

His one saving grace was that he'd been close enough to watch Henry's phone last night in his bedroom, when the boy had unlocked it. He'd noticed the passcode Henry entered had made a neat box around the edge of the number pad. 1, 3, 9, 7, 1.

Toby exhaled with relief when the phone came to life. He didn't know exactly what to do now, but he found Henry's recent text messages and saw what he'd sent to Gerry. He tapped around until he'd figured out how to make a call to Gerry.

Paying no attention to what Gerry said when he answered, the boy talked over him: "Gerry it's Toby, we need you now! Fucking Gabriel's here and won't leave - he's hurting Henry! He's gone fucking insane!"
Henry’s head hurt. It felt somehow different, flat almost, like the tiles round the pool were part of it. Something was pressing into his stomach. A knee? And his face. A hand? Across his mouth. It‘s not like I’m going to scream or anything, he wanted to say. He didn’t have the energy. And anyway, there were fingers in his mouth, fingers that smelled of asshole, opening him wide, painfully, pulling and stretching…

Charlotte watched as her father drove away into the night. What the fuck would call him away at this hour? She couldn’t sleep. Something kept drawing her back to Henry’s text. And the pics she‘d snapped earlier. Lovebirds. What a fucking stupid word to use. Fucking lovebirds. Like she was writing lines in a Hallmark card. It was pornography. That’s what she wanted to do. Make pornography. Pure and simple. Charlotte laughed out loud in the early light. Pure and simple pornography. She scrolled through the pics again. Where had her father gone? She wondered if Henry was awake. ‘You lovebirds awake?’ she texted, then regretted using ‘lovebirds’ but it was too late.

Gerry could see a light on at the side of the Merton house as he drove up. It was almost morning, but the street was quiet. Gabriel’s car was parked opposite. Where the fuck were they? Inside? Outside? Was Gabriel still here? And what the fuck was he doing here in the first place? As the car slid to a halt he wondered if he should call the police. But then the whole thing with Gabriel and the students and the whole fucking mess would come out and…..better to deal with it himself. Whatever the fuck it was. Toby just going crazy most likely. Or pranking him. Better not be a prank, he thought to himself, throwing the door open and nearly falling into the road.
Naked, wet, and shivering in the pre-dawn haze, Toby stood outside on the deck, leaning intently over the railing as he watched for Gerry's arrival. It couldn't be long - they'd walked here from the Metzlers' in the first place. An easy stroll. By car, it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.

The phone in his hand buzzed. Charlotte?

You lovebirds awake?

They were awake alright. He considered briefly what to respond, but decided against replying at all. He didn't want to lie to her about everything being fine, nor did he want to worry her. He could catch up with Charlotte later. Right now he needed to watch for...

And there it was. Gerry's car. Gerry, bursting out of the car. Coming to the rescue.

Daddy will save us.

Toby bit the inside of his cheek, wrestling with a chaotic mix of emotions. Love and hate all at once. Resentment and hope. He didn't want to look at Gerry, didn't want to touch him or give him any impression he was still attached to him. But there were also parts of him that wanted to throw himself into Daddy's arms.

As soon as Gerry came up the stairs, Toby grabbed hold of him, stopping just short of wrapping himself around the older man but unable to resist the urge to appeal to Gerry as his rescuer. Like he had been before. The good guy, who saved kids from bad guys. Even if only for a minute or two, Toby needed to be a boy who believed in good and bad, black and white, heroes and villains, instead of remembering what a flawed and not at all heroic person Gerry Metzler really was.

"Oh my god, Gerry - I think he might have really hurt Henry," he said in a shaky little voice. "He just showed up at the house last night, out of nowhere. Drunk or maybe on drugs or both, I dunno, but he's fucked up. C'mon!"

He gripped Gerry's hand and pulled him swiftly to the pool deck.
Toby was standing at the top of the stairs, naked, dripping wet, looking like a sexy and vulnerable ghost in the half light. Gerry's heart broke. If only something wasn't up and he could stop and take the time to explain himself and maybe start again. If only....

"Oh my god Gerry...."

Toby sounded panicked, his voice cracking. He grabbed Gerry's hand and tugged him towards open French doors. Gerry had visited the Merton house before, but only via the baronial front door and into the first reception room. He remembered Mrs Merton, dressed in a barely-there satin robe, reclining on a couch while a maid served them tea in a silver pot, and then Mr Merton entering dripping wet, dressed in a black string-sided speedo. Gerry couldn't even recall what infraction of Henry's had brought him to the house. There were so many. All of them precociously sexual. Neither of Henry's parents had seemed especially surprised or concerned, and had happily let Gerry deal with whichever rule breach had brought a school guidance counselor to their door.

"...he might really have hurt Henry," Toby was saying urgently.

What the fuck was Gabriel Dance doing here in the middle of the night? A couple of half formed ideas flitted through Gerry's brain.

"...he's fucked up. C'mon!"

The chaplain was kneeling beside a long blue-tiled pool, his head down low and ass up. He was wearing a shirt, but the lower half of his body was naked. His knee was planted squarely in Henry's bare chest, pushing so hard that Gerry guessed any inclination of Henry's to scream was being cut off by lack of wind. The chaplain balanced on his knees and one shoulder while he appeared to be massaging Henry's face with both hands. But as Gerry ran round the pool he could see the chaplain was trying to feed his cock into Henry's mouth while holding his teeth open to stop him biting.

"Choke on my fucking cock, you cunt," the chaplain barked, oblivious to the arrival of company.

Prising them apart was simple. A well-aimed kick to the chaplain's bare ass saw him tumble into the pool, where he sank to the bottom. Gerry knelt beside the naked boy to examine his face and chest for any damage. He saw Toby kneel opposite, flailing his hands about as if unsure what to do next.

"A cushion," Gerry said. "Fetch a cushion for under his head."

Gerry brushed his palm gently across Henry's face, seeking a reaction. The boy's eyes were closed, and his cheeks and round his mouth were red and raw.

"Under his head," Gerry said, when Toby returned, slipping a hand under Henry's head and raising him ever so gently. "And...." Gerry paused. A mobile phone lay on the tiles a few feet away. It buzzed merrily as if the caller was trying to reach someone in a hurry. " haven't phoned the police, have you Toby?"
Toby slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle a yelp of shock when Gerry, beyond all of his expectations, literally kicked the chaplain's ass, sending him straight into the pool with a chaotic splash. He looked quickly back and forth between the rippling water and Henry before getting down onto his knees, waiting for some instruction.

A cushion. Okay. He could do that. Leaping back up, heedless of the pain that still lingered in his ass from Miguel's punishment - or was it God's punishment? - Toby swiftly examined his surroundings, looking for a cushion or equivalent. Was there a stack of towels nearby he could use in a pinch? But the closest thing turned out to be a couple of lounge chairs on the deck nearby, which were furnished with flat but squishy cushions. He grabbed one of the smaller ones and dashed back, his wet feet nearly slipping on the tiles as he returned to Henry's side. Ever so carefully, he slid the cushion in place as Gerry raised the boy's head.

"Is he okay?" he whispered, though he knew Gerry probably couldn't answer. "Is he gonna be okay?"

Gerry glanced toward the buzzing phone. It lay just where Toby had left it.

"Police? God, no! No, you're the only one I called. Charlotte's been texting, but I didn't reply back. We don't want the fucking cops coming around, do we? If he needs medical attention, there's always Dr. Phetmang...."

His voice grew quieter as he glanced back toward the pool, noticing the ripples were decreasing, and Gabriel hadn't surfaced.

"Oh shit!" he hissed. "He's not coming up - he's not coming up! If we don't want cops around here, we better make sure he isn't drowning. Fuck, Gerry - I can't swim!"
"Dr Phetmang..." Why did Gerry find himself thinking of the same guy as Toby did? At exactly the same time? And Charlotte texting? Toby and Charlotte texting in the middle of the night. About what? The trip to college maybe. That made sense.

And then Toby was shouting about Gabriel not resurfacing where Gerry had pushed him into the pool. Fuck Gabriel! Gerry almost wanted the fucker to die. But that would never work. Not if he wanted to keep things quiet. And the way Toby was yelling out, nothing would be kept quiet. If there was anyone else in the house they wouldn't stay asleep for long.

At Toby's urging, Gerry set Henry's head gently down on the cushion. The kid didn't seem outwardly damaged. He wasn't bleeding and his breathing was strong. Gerry climbed into the pool and pulled the chaplain to the surface. The man seemed shocked as much as anything. Maybe drunk or high. Not good combinations for a midnight swim. Or a midnight fuck, let alone fucking and assaulting his students.

With Toby's help from above, they managed to drag Gabriel onto the tiles where they laid him out. He was breathing too, coughing up water, but wasn't going to require the kiss of life. Just a massive head ache, hopefully, Gerry thought, except someone had to get him home unless he could sleep the night off in the Merton house. A question that would be answered soon anyway as Henry's mother, clad in a ridiculously short and sheer gown, a tall naked Latino man, and an older woman dressed as a maid all rushed into the pool room together.

"There's been some sort of accident," Gerry began. "The boys rang me so I came straight over. We just need to let the chaplain get some rest and I think Henry needs a doctor to examine him. Let me take him in my car."

Mrs Merton nodded her agreement meekly while the maid fetched a beach towel and draped it over the chaplain. No one seemed at all concerned that Henry and Toby were naked, or that the chaplain was half naked, but it was not yet 6am, all hell had broken loose, and Gerry's resolve was meant to calm the situation. Or so he hoped.

"So Toby, get dressed for me. Quickly. And find something for Henry. Just a Tshirt and shorts, yeah? And we'll get on our way."

Toby nodded and ran off.

"I'm not sure what's going on," Gerry said to no one in particular. Mrs Merton was leaning against the naked man, neither of them saying anything, but just nodding. "Some sort of pool party maybe?"

Pool party. Two naked teens and the school chaplain, two of them injured. Some party! But no one made that point or seemed to grasp the obvious strangeness of the situation so Gerry just smiled and adopted his best 'here to help' facial expression which was guaranteed to calm the savage parent. Except it was only the Latino man who looked in the least bit savage. Gerry noticed how he glared at Toby when the kid returned wearing Tshirt and shorts and bearing the same for Henry.

"Hold him up while I get these on him," Gerry said, surprised none of the adults in the room seemed inclined to help, even as the chaplain opened his eyes and groaned. "And then we can get going."
Gerry's efforts toward keeping the situation calm were doing the job, at least as far as Toby was concerned. Gerry knew what to do, he gave out instructions, and Toby obeyed. Henry's mother, meanwhile, hardly seemed concerned to find her son injured and two random men in her house, one of whom was about to take him away to a doctor. Clearly having money didn't make a mother any more responsible than his own, Toby mused as he walked right past the woman, her lover, and her maid, ignoring Miguel's intense glare in particular.

Carefully, he helped Gerry get Henry dressed, pausing now and then to glance at Gabriel as the man started to stir. Were they just going to leave the chaplain here? He supposed so. He could be someone else's problem. Let him try to explain his presence while they fucked off elsewhere. Maybe he'd just tell Mrs. Merton he'd come over to try to fuck his son and his friend - maybe that wouldn't seem at all suspect to this woman...?

Still trying to be helpful, Toby scrambled over to Henry's phone and returned to seek further instructions from Gerry.

"Is he unconscious? Are we gonna have to carry him? Omigod, should I tell Charlotte what's happening?"
Henry was dressed, albeit in a tiny pair of gym shorts and a crop top, which wasn't quite what Gerry had in mind when he sent Toby for clothes. Strangely, Henry's mother had left the room. Doped, Gerry thought. Eyes half open, pupils dilated. Probably a prescription sleeping pill. He'd seen it before with kids who took their parents meds. And the maid had helped her out of the room, just leaving the naked Latino with them. Did this guy talk? Or just scowl? An angry mute. With an enormous cock. Gerry tried very hard not to smile given the gravity of the situation.

"Yes, call Charlotte. I think she better drive. Tell her we'll pick her up out front."

Gerry helped Henry into a sitting position. The teen touched the back of his head gingerly.

"How are you feeling?" Gerry asked. "You've taken a knock."

Henry mumbled something about feeling OK.

"Can you walk to the car? We better see a doctor."

Henry mumbled again and with Toby's help, Gerry propped Henry on his feet. When he turned, the Latino had left the room too.

"What about me?"

Gerry turned to find the chaplain sitting up on the edge of the pool, also rubbing his head. Without a second's thought he lifted his foot and with a swift kick, pushed the chaplain back into the pool.
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What about Gabriel? Toby was wondering the same thing until the moment Gerry kicked the man back into the water. The boy couldn't help laughing at this, despite the grave situation. Now that he knew the man was at least conscious, he didn't need to have a potential death weighing on him. The wet and humiliated chaplain could show himself out.

As they flanked Henry, helping him along to Gerry's car, Toby pulled up the last text from Charlotte on Henry's phone and, with a few experimental taps, figured out how to call her.

Only once Charlotte answered the phone with a "Hey Henry!" did Toby abruptly remember that when the girl was leaving yesterday, she'd been summoned by her mother. It seemed impossible that Charlotte wouldn't know about him and her dad by now. For a few moments, he felt choked, expecting disaster.

"Hello?" Charlotte said, confused by the silence.

"H...hey, it's... Toby." Before she could react, he charged forward with the matter at hand: "Henry's been hurt - he's okay, probably, but his head got hit pretty hard, and we need to get him to a doctor. We'll be there in a couple of minutes. Your dad's with us. Do you think you could drive?"
Charlotte was standing in he street out front of her house when the car pulled up. Gerry jumped from the driver's seat, leaving the door open for her before joining Henry and Toby in the back. She could see by the interior light that Toby was supporting Henry's head as the taller boy lay across the seat. Gerry took Toby's place, and the teen sat beside Charlotte up front as she drove.

"It's an apartment over by the North Mall," Gerry said.

"But if Henry's hurt shouldn't we be going to emergency?" Charlotte asked, driving smoothly in the light morning traffic. She looked over at Toby for affirmation.

"It's complicated," Gerry said. "We're taking Henry to the doctor. A home visit."

He wondered if he was thinking straight. He could have called Dr Phetmang to Henry's house. After all, he had the Asian man's mobile number. But would he have come? And what then? A confrontation with Gabriel? With others in the house? Let them deal with Gabriel. Let him sober up and think about what he'd done. No, better to visit Dr Phetmang and fucking hope he was home. And as for Charlotte, he'd work out how to explain what was going on later.

Charlotte pulled up at the kerb where directed. The journey had been quiet. She'd listened for Henry's breathing. Or any other clues about what was going on. Nothing. And she didn't ask again. Even Toby had been uncharacteristically quiet. Not like him at all. She waited while her father and Toby helped Henry from the car and was pleased when she saw the teen walk with their help across the sidewalk and into the building. Her father had told her to move the car if she had to, but just to wait.

So she did. The sun rose. She felt like a coffee. Maccas maybe. Give them half an hour and then phone her dad. That was about right. Charlotte took out her mobile and checked her emails. Her texts. There was the one from her mother telling her to come home and not bring the boy. But her mother hadn't been home, hadn't phoned, hadn't left any other messages. What was the problem with 'the boy'. With Toby. Shit! Was it too early to phone her now while she waited?
Toby was tense. Very tense. He was worried about Henry... worried about Charlotte knowing about him and her dad... worried about the consequences of being around Gerry since he'd snubbed the guy. He'd just started believing he didn't need Gerry Metzler at all, but he hadn't hesitated for a moment to call Daddy for help. And Daddy came through. Did this change anything? Did he owe the old man something?

He wished he'd sat in the backseat with Henry. All he could do was stare out the window and hope everything would be okay.

Once they were out of the car and out of Charlotte's earshot, Toby, supporting Henry with an arm around his waist, said, "You'll like Dr. Phetmang. He's cool. He thinks I'm Gerry's actual son. He'll like you a lot too."

At the apartment building, they looked through the directory until they found the name "Phetmang" and dialed him up. Gerry did the talking and got them admitted, even though the doctor seemed quite shocked to find them at his door.

The Asian man was flustered and breathless when he welcomed them inside his apartment. He was neatly dressed but his hair was a bit wild - Toby suspected he'd just gotten out of bed and had to throw clothes on in a hurry. He explained to the doctor what had happened with his friend. Despite being obviously distracted by how scantily the two teens were dressed, Phetmang got to work, sitting Henry down and fetching his bag of instruments. As the doctor did a few basic tests, shining a tiny flashlight into Henry's eyes, Toby settled next to Gerry on the sofa nearby. There was nowhere else for him to sit. And soon, Toby found himself chatting to the old man.

"Did Henry send you pictures? Videos? You noticed Miguel, the Mexican pool boy, yeah? He fucked me last night. Amazing cock. He usually fucks Henry's mom. It's a great time at Henry's house. His mom doesn't give a fuck what we do. Would have been a perfect night if the fucking chaplain hadn't showed up and made a nuisance of himself."
Gerry was concerned for Henry. but as usual Toby was gabbing away. It was like static in the background at first as the older man watched the doctor examining Henry, but as his pulse slowed and anxiety quietened, Gerry found some of Toby's words were breaking into his consciousness. Videos? Miguel? Fucked me. Fucks Henry's Mom....

The school guidance counselor turned and placed his hands on Toby's shoulders.

"Hey, shush kiddo, while the doctor is doing his work."

There was a small balcony at one end of the room with the door slightly ajar. Gerry pushed Toby towards it, sliding the door open with one hand and guiding the boy outside with the other. The sun was up now, bright and glaring on the horizon across the grey rooftops. Below, his car lay by the kerb. Charlotte was visible in the driver's seat. Gerry could see she was on the telephone. As he looked down he could see her looking back, catching his eye.

"So, start over, Toby."

Andrea took so long to answer Charlotte was on the point of hanging up when she heard her mother's sleep voice.

"Sorry," she said, "I know it's early, but you weren't there last night and lots of things have happened and I thought....maybe you had something you wanted to say."

Andrea coughed.

"Yeah...Charlotte...sorry, I haven't slept...."

And then Charlotte heard the sound of a man's voice, indistinct, but close, as if in the same room.

"Are you at home Mommy?"

Of course not. They'd just left from home and no, Andrea hadn't been there.

"No....I'm....never mind. Where are you?"

Disturbed by a movement at the corner of her eye, Charlotte looked up. Her father and Toby were standing on a second floor balcony. She caught Gerry's eye as he spoke to the teen.

"Downtown. Seeing the doctor. Not me. A friend...of Toby's. Banged his head. I'm not really sure why we're not at the emergency room, but we've come to someone's private address. I guess it's early and it must be a doctor Daddy knows, but I've never been here before."

Charlotte heard her mother draw in a breath sharply.
Toby grumbled with annoyance when Gerry shushed him. The old guy probably wanted to concentrate on the idea of fucking both Henry and the doc. The boy shrugged off the grip of Gerry's hands, not interested in any gesture from the man that might suggest a pal, or even worse, dear old Daddy. It was all still too raw.

He accompanied Gerry to the balcony and leaned on the railing, looking up and then down at the street, following his gaze. Charlotte, down there at the car. He almost waved before he realized she was on her phone.

Oof. It was like a punch to his gut. He knew instinctively she must be talking to her mother. Immediately his shoulders hunched, and he edged a little further away from Gerry, now turning to lean his back on the railing so he wouldn't have to look at either of them.

"It's not important - I was just asking what Henry sent you last night," he muttered. "We had fun, until the chaplain invited himself and acted like a real asshole. We played with Henry's mom's fuckboy. The Mexican guy who came to the pool. You saw him. I just wanted you to know he fucked me real good, and I really liked his cock."

He glanced aside carefully, hoping to get a glimpse of the man's reaction to this.

"We might go stay with Henry's dad for a while. His dad's got a gay lover, so he's really cool. Turns out things are pretty chill and fun when people don't tell you they love you, or pretend you're their boyfriend. So if they turn around and treat you like shit, you don't need to give much of a fuck about it. Because there are always more cocks. Always more cocks and more asses, right Gerry? Plenty to choose from. I've got options. As for you... all things considered, maybe you should stay in your lane, yunno? Actually helping kids who need help. It's not like we need your cock."
"I might as well just come out and say it," Andrea said, "but your father and that...boy are in a relationship."

In a relationship. Charlotte wanted to laugh. It sounded so ridiculous. She meant fucking, of course. But her mother couldn't say it. For a moment Charlotte thought about correcting her mother and saying it. But the phone went quiet.

"Are you still there?"

"Yes, mother," Charlotte said. Mother. Formal. It sounded so cold and admonishing. As if she'd said 'as if'. On the balcony her father looked away as Toby glanced down towards her. She almost waved, but wondered if he could even see her through the reflections on the glass.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes. In a relationship. What? Like father and son or..."

"Father and son!" Andrea screamed with derision. "He's fucking him. Your father is fucking a student. Do you hear me? Your sainted father is sticking his cock inside that kid. And that's not all. He's fucking some other guy, some Asian guy."

Asian guy? So not Henry then, Charlotte thought.

"What do you want me to say?"

"What do I want? I don't fucking care about what I want," Andrea said, suddenly loosed from her polite phone manner. "I just want you to know your father is a pervert and a criminal and a useless piece of shit."

Charlotte paused and took a deep breath.

"And if Daddy is a pervert, who are you with Mother. Right now. At 7 am, Mother. I can hear him. Who is it?"

The phone hung up in her ear.

Toby was cross. And ready for a fight. Gerry stepped back until he could no longer see over the parapet and his car in the street. Go stay with Henry's dad. What a good idea. Breathing space. An out gay man who would be much better guidance for Toby than he ever could be. And give Gerry time to sort out what he wanted. Was he going to come out too? Was he gay? Or just a crazy mixed up middle aged school teacher who fucked his students? Did he even want to find out the truth?

"I think that's a good idea,' Gerry said. "Staying with Henry's dad. Getting away from here for a while. Finding out who you really are and what you want. Yeah. When will that be?"

Who you really are and what you want. A good idea for both of us.....
Toby peeked at the older man again while trying to maintain the appearance of aloofness. He'd expected to rattle the man a little, but the response was disappointing. It was as if he'd been trying to exact vengeance on Gerry, but none of his blows had any effect. If anything, the guy seemed happy about it. And was it relief he was detecting in the man's tone?

Fucking hell. The old man was glad to be free of him. Toby felt like a moron for even thinking he could rub it in and make Gerry feel bad. Of course, it all made sense now. He'd accused the guy of only pretending to care about him, and this was just further confirmation. Why wouldn't Gerry be relieved by his taking off to make his own way in the world? Gerry never really needed him at all. Why was he still trying to prove otherwise? It was a sickening realization - all Toby was proving to himself was that he was the one struggling to let go. He didn't want to be sad about Gerry, didn't want to miss him. That was stupid.

"Summer, I guess," he muttered. "Who knows? Maybe I'll just end up staying in San Diego. This town is nothing but garbage anyway."

Deciding he was done with this failure of a conversation, Toby stepped back inside to see how Henry and the doctor were getting along.

"Well, doc, is he gonna live?"
Charlotte sat still listening to the silence after her mother hung up. First her father, then Toby stepped away from the edge of the balcony. She watched the traffic for a while. Fucking. A student. Did she believe it? Why would her mother lie? Charlotte instantly felt her face smile at the ridiculous notion her mother wouldn’t lie. But about that? A sacking offence? How old was Toby? How old was her father? She almost verbalised ‘ewwww’. And then she set about imagining how they did it. Who was top. Who was bottom. In her parents’ bed. The day room. The office. The kitchen. This time her ‘ewww’ echoed round the car.

Henry felt fine. Not perfect. His head ached. But otherwise he felt ok. And he was enjoying the attention and not having to make the running or explain anything or take charge. Just letting things happen around him was not the usual way his day played out. The yelling and the sex and the crazy mixed up happenings were normal, but usually he, Henry Merton, gay thespian and artist, was making them happen. Deliciously and enthusiastically and enjoyably and mischievously.

And maybe he wasn’t ok. He woke up in the car and wondered how he got there with Charlotte driving and Gerry holding his head and Toby gibbering away, sometimes looking over his shoulder and sometimes not.

But he went along for the ride. Literally. Charlotte stayed in the car while Gerry and Toby helped him upstairs. He was surprised how strong Gerry Metzler felt holding him up. He’d always seemed like such an ineffectual man. Nice enough, but not the type to take charge. Henry had often imagined that Gerry liked to sit back and listen to students like him talk about their sex lives. And get off on it later. Or maybe he liked to watch. And yet he was fucking Toby which wasn’t the no risk Gerry Henry had thought him to be. And his teacher had let Henry suck him off earlier. Fuck it seemed a long time ago, but it was only yesterday.

And then there was Dr Phetmang. What a hot guy! Just lying there while the doctor touched and stroked him. Henry almost told Gerry and Toby to leave the room, but they stepped outside and left him alone with the doctor. If only it hadn‘t been his head that he’d injured but something a bit lower down. Something that was getting hard.

Gerry followed Toby into the room. The more he thought about it the more San Diego was a good idea. He could no longer tell if he and Toby had a future. They connected. They fucked. It had changed his life. But was it good for Toby? How the fuck could he answer that? Yes, San Diego for the summer. Space. Distance. Time to think. Time to….

He heard Toby ask the doctor a question about Henry. Gerry surprised himself that he had almost forgotten Henry was there.

“Yes, how is he doctor?”

But the doctor didn’t answer. The back of his head bobbed between the patient’s outstretched knees. Henry smiled broadly across the top of the doctor’s neat black hair. The boy was clearly feeling better.
Toby immediately broke into a grin to match Henry's when he saw what scene was unfolding here. Already he was stripping off his insubstantial clothing to join in the fun.

"Yeah, I think Henry's gonna be just fine," he giggled, leaning down to give his friend a sloppy kiss. He wouldn't expect much exertion from Henry after his injury, but he figured the doc was fair game. He stood behind the bent-over man and slowly slid down his bottoms, reaching around to find his rigid cock.

"Oohhh, yeah - Dr. Phetmang likes me bringing school friends over, hmm? I'm flat broke, Doc, but I can pay you in cum. I'm gonna fuck you, Doc."

He started stroking his own cock and grinned across at Henry as he stood in position to have the doctor spitroasted between them.

"Dr. Phetmang sure loves boy cock, and boy cum. He's a nice, enthusiastic cocksucker, isn't he, Henry?"

Ignoring Gerry for the time being, Toby bent down to make out with the Asian doctor's tight little hole, getting it nice and wet and relaxed in preparation for what he intended to do.
Gerry watched the scene unfold almost as if he wasn't there. Toby kissed Henry who seemed to be recovering nicely from his blow on the head, pretty much ignoring the older man. Gerry didn't mind. It was pretty clear to him that Toby had already grown beyond their relationship. Toby had needs, he had plans, he made things happen for him. Whereas Gerry....well, standing and watching the doctor between the two kids was satisfying for now. Indeed, Gerry felt some sort of warm frisson at the idea that he had brought them all together and was somehow responsible for giving Toby, Henry and the doctor the sexual satisfaction they were enjoying in the room before him.

Toby was playing with Doctor Phetmang's ass. The doctor had discarded his pyjamas and knelt naked on the floor in front of Henry who, trouserless, leaned back on the couch. The doctor was neatly shaven, Gerry noticed. Waxed probably. Professionally. The doctor was obviously a player, Gerry mused, and not just a guy who had gay sex when the opportunity arose like this morning.

This notion was confirmed when Gerry spied the lube on the sideboard, out on display for any visitors to the doctor's apartment and not hidden away discreetly. He handed the tube of lube to Toby who took it without comment and proceeded to douse the doctor's rear end in the goo.
Toby stood up so he could use the lube instead of just his spit to get the doc nice and slick, and then himself, turning his head ever so slightly to see Gerry out of the edge of his vision, wanting to know, despite all of his inner and outer denial, if the old man was enjoying watching.

Quickly he pushed forward, gripping Dr. Phetmang's hips as he pushed inside with a groan of satisfaction.

"Fuuuck yeah - so tight! You like having a boy cock in both ends, don't you, doc? Being used by two schoolboys. That makes you so hard, doesn't it, doc?"

And he knew who else would be hard. Toby could sense his presence nearby. He tried to focus, and pretend he, the doc, and Henry were the only people here, but it didn't feel right. Something was missing.

Daddy was missing. But Daddy was right here.

It felt like a failure and a triumph at once, but Toby finally tore his eyes away from his two fuckbuddies and turned to find Gerry, hoping the older man might get the hint to participate without him having to ask. His expression was like a puppy begging for attention but simultaneously wary of being kicked.
Suddenly Gerry found Toby had stopped preparing to fuck Dr Phetmang in the ass and instead was looking at him. Imploringly almost, as if it wasn't the doctor's ass which motivated the kid but something else. For a long moment Gerry was nonplussed. He'd convinced himself that things had moved on, approved of San Diego for the summer, given his consent if it was required for Toby to find someone else.

But the boy just stood, cock semi hard bouncing before him, lube in the hand to which Gerry had passed it, eyes wide, face expectant, arms open. Gerry went to nod, then stopped himself, anxious not to get this wrong, all the while the doctor's smoothly shaved ass bobbing in front of them while he sucked cock and Henry lay back, stretching along the sofa, luxuriating with low moans.

Toby wanted Gerry to join in. To fuck him. Fuck one of them. Fuck them all. Maybe partner the student in fucking the doctor. Double penetration. Maybe....Jesus!

The older man nodded now, slowly but surely, letting a slight smile melt across his face. He found his zip with his hands and pulled it down, letting his trousers drop to the floor, hoping not to snag his shoes. Gerry kicked them off, then the trousers, and let his cock, hard inside his underwear let Toby know he'd got the message.

He stepped forward, placed his hands on the boy and leaned down for a gentle kiss on Toby's upturned face. The boy was serenely beautiful this morning, face flawless, lips full, cock hard. He kneaded the bones of Toby's shoulders firmly. Serenely beautiful and dangerously aroused. Fuckable. Exquisitely so.

Dr Phetmang gagged loudly, but didn't back off, simply keeping the rhythm of his mouth on Henry's cock which he mimicked with the rocking of his ass.

"I get it," Gerry said. "Daddy gets it."
As soon as Gerry touched him, Toby knew this was a mistake, but he knew even more strongly that it was a mistake he wanted to make. Had to make. He pressed himself tightly against the older man and kissed him furiously in the heat of mingled desire and self-directed disgust.

Of course he hated himself for this, but what, in his entire sex life so far, had ever been anything but disgusting? Coming onto his fifty-something guidance counselor, fucking the doctor who'd looked after his overused ass, cockteasing the chaplain, giving himself to an entire roomful of sex addicts in the principal's office, begging to be pissed on, defiling a bible...? How could it get any worse?

But what really disgusted him was how attached he felt to this pathetic man. How he still loved him, still wanted to be his little boyfriend. They were both pathetic, he supposed. Could that make them right for each other, or was it just patheticness multiplied?

He didn't say anything, not wanting to provoke any kind of confession of feelings or any of the types of reassurances and tenderness he used to eat up whenever Daddy offered them. It was all bullshit in the end, but as long as they shut up about it, he could still pretend it was sweet and good and real. He kept Gerry's mouth busy with his lips and tongue while he fiddled with the lube again, this time using it on his own ass. He only needed so much preparation for a fuck, still sloppy from... last night? This morning? It was all a blur, and they definitely hadn't gone to bed.

"Fuck me into him?" he suggested breathlessly, the moment he broke the sloppy kiss, and turned quickly to press his cock against Dr. Phetmang's waiting hole. He glanced back to see if Gerry was getting in line to join the chain.
"Fuck me into him."

Was it a question or an instruction, Gerry pondered. He watched Toby hover his cock over Dr Phetmang's asshole, then applied the lube to his own cock.

Fuck Toby into Dr Phetmang. It was a supremely lewd and arousing idea. A line of men simply fucking themselves into each other, like hardware, like building blocks, like links in a chain. Pegs and places which pegs fitted into. Cocks and assholes. Male bits into other male bits. Men into men.

Gerry was so hard it hurt. The precum bubbled from the end of his cock like a leaking tap under pressure. Fucking Toby was the dumbest idea ever. And the best. The relationship had a future, but only minute by minute. He'd fuck Toby up the ass while the kid fucked Dr Phetmang and the doctor sucked Henry off. And then maybe they'd all fuck in a different way. Turn and turn about. Hole and hole about. Mechanistically. Animalistically. Acts of love or of crazed carnal lust? And did it matter? Gerry was hard. He wanted to fuck, Toby was inviting Daddy to fuck him. Later Gerry would drive the boys and Charlotte to college and in a few more days the boys would fly out to San Diego for the rest of the summer and Gerry would have time to sit and think about what he'd done and what he wanted in the future. A future more than thirty minutes away.

Fuck me into him....Gerry placed his hands on Toby's butt cheeks and prized them apart. The boy had lubed himself up. His ass crack gleamed with goo. His cute little asshole, all pink and puckered, winked like some marine organism sucking in sea water. The older man rested his cock head against the red flower, held tight to Toby's shoulders, and pushed himself firmly inside.