Gun politics.

My bad. Thanks for the catch.

Yeah, you're not welcome dumbass.

And everything about your posts has been "bad".

Try to educate yourself on gun proliferation and ease of acquisition for criminals and children, as well as ease of access during times of intoxication, stress, anger, and depression in public and in private. All those things are exacerbated when the person who owns or possesses the guns has diagnosable mental health issues; like a "borderline sociopath".

Yeah, you're not welcome dumbass.

And everything about your posts has been "bad".

Try to educate yourself on gun proliferation and ease of acquisition for criminals and children, as well as ease of access during times of intoxication, stress, anger, and depression in public and in private. All those things are exacerbated when the person who owns or possesses the guns has diagnosable mental health issues; like a "borderline sociopath".


Awww. Another who grasps at straws flinging glittering generalities that gun ownership is a surefire way to have your kids smoke themselves. Tisk, tisk. Don't you see yourself as above this? Are you seriously implicating that is the fate of all households with guns? Copy and pasting, slapping a few slogans in, and you think you've made a point? C'mon. You're better than that.

You can't separate housholds of ghetto assholes, redneck dbags and parents that share an aire of safety and reverence with thier children concerning guns, can you? Your 90 seconds of research on the topic doesn't support that variable. So you have nothing else to stand on. You dumbly assume presence of guns equates to death. How drawl, simplified, and thoughtless. The holes in your statistics don't account for things like parenting. The same parenting that teaches a child a 1.5 ton vehicle they drive will kill other humans.

But you are not knowledgeable in this. Have no basis to comment on how a good parent dispels simple curiosity, takes their kids shooting and prevents them from taking a gun out at the behest of another child with lack of this respect. Here in the South and in the Wst (sans California), we have generations of families that have guns everywhere and....not a single kid offs themselves. Yet hunt and shoot and enjoy firearms in many safe ways.

As far as gun "proliferation ", it's an uniformed point. The BAR and Thompson sub in 45 ACP were available via Sears and Roebuck a couple years after the military adopted them. How many school shootings did we have in the 1950s? What changed between then and now? The human.
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Uninformed DroolinFools are the worst.

Google the 2021 report for the states with the highest per capita gun deaths.

There's also a 2016 report that flags seven states with unusually high numbers of accidental gun deaths.

Guess which states are the worst.

You're assuming all ARs discussed here are chambered in 5.56 or .223 Rem. I have 5 in 6.8 SPC, 1 in 6.5 Grendel, and a few other ARs that I tinker with in other calibers (277 Wolverine and wildcats). 223 is not optimal, but shot placement is king. 6.8 SPC is an awesome deer round and works much better on humans out to 250 yards. Don't sell the platform short.

I'm not assuming anything. I said AR-15. An AR-15 is chambered in .223/5.56.
A Saiga 12-guage with a 50-round barrel.

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Fair enough.......because 50 shells ftw.:D

I've said it before and I will proudly say it again...


:D :nana: :cathappy: