
Angeline said:
And dances. I think she dances, too.
I'm not allowed yet. My surgeon wouldn't cotton dancin'... crutch swingin' sure but no dancin'.

We should ask TZed how many poetesses it would take to make being stuck in a snowbank in a Cooper with Don Cherry on the radio and jujubes coating his teeth the most fun he's had in a while... I'll bet us three, maybe Eve and Lauren... We could keep anyone warm who wants to go nekkid too.

Volunteers should leave their credentials here. It would help if you have an idea of the difference between an offside and an icing call.
champagne1982 said:
I'm not allowed yet. My surgeon wouldn't cotton dancin'... crutch swingin' sure but no dancin'.

We should ask TZed how many poetesses it would take to make being stuck in a snowbank in a Cooper with Don Cherry on the radio and jujubes coating his teeth the most fun he's had in a while... I'll bet us three, maybe Eve and Lauren... We could keep anyone warm who wants to go nekkid too.

Volunteers should leave their credentials here. It would help if you have an idea of the difference between an offside and an icing call.

I'm up for anything that involves icing, being nekkid, being kept warm by Tzara and jujubes.

I don't know much about hockey but I am quite capable of learning. Quite. Especially if some sort of conditioning is involved. Perhaps TZ has studied that...

unpredictablebijou said:
I'm up for anything that involves icing, being nekkid, being kept warm by Tzara and jujubes.

I don't know much about hockey but I am quite capable of learning. Quite. Especially if some sort of conditioning is involved. Perhaps TZ has studied that...

I'll bet he's written a book on it.. A Zen Hockey Guide For The Restless Kansan
champagne1982 said:
I'll bet he's written a book on it.. A Zen Hockey Guide For The Restless Kansan

Think I could get him to read it aloud while I eat icing-covered jujubes? or something?

unpredictablebijou said:
Think I could get him to read it aloud while I eat icing-covered jujubes? or something?

Aloud would be good and the icing I was referring to makes goalies all around the world raise their hand in the air. I think it's to tell their players not to bother putting on the wheels since the puck's called back as soon as it's touched by the defensive team... anyway.. I think any athlete that's been sweating for over an hour in heavy hockey pads should keep their arms down. No wonder no one wants to skate near him, even if he's got the puck!
champagne1982 said:
Aloud would be good and the icing I was referring to makes goalies all around the world raise their hand in the air. I think it's to tell their players not to bother putting on the wheels since the puck's called back as soon as it's touched by the defensive team... anyway.. I think any athlete that's been sweating for over an hour in heavy hockey pads should keep their arms down. No wonder no one wants to skate near him, even if he's got the puck!

okay. Big sweaty men getting all excited. A focus on words like "puck." And even though I was being facetious about the icing, I suspect that no one would really mind if I involved actual frosting in this activity somewhere.

Clearly, I need to learn more about hockey.

champagne1982 said:
We should ask TZed how many poetesses it would take to make being stuck in a snowbank in a Cooper with Don Cherry on the radio and jujubes coating his teeth the most fun he's had in a while... I'll bet us three, maybe Eve and Lauren... We could keep anyone warm who wants to go nekkid too.
Two? One? Any of the above?

I suppose it all depends. :)

I now feel like I am caught in the crease, wondering where the puck I am.
Oh, you Canadiennes is all Loonie
Toonies, however charming you may be.

I am just American. Bad poet.
But still am willing to trade currency.
wow - and DAMNIT! I wanted a gunfight and got one behind my, dare I say, *fucking* buttocks. Thanks for waiting, though, and damnit! I love it! I well, went to bed early that night, sorry, but I am living it up in Europe, 5 hours ahead of you A-mericaaans!
wow - and DAMNIT! I wanted a gunfight and got one behind my, dare I say, *fucking* buttocks. Thanks for waiting, though, and damnit! I love it! I well, went to bed early that night, sorry, but I am living it up in Europe, 5 hours ahead of you A-mericaaans!

Reminds me of a monologue from The Kids in the Hall. Inexactly:

I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
But I looked away for a minute, and I missed it.
My friends tried to tell me about it, but it just wasn't the same.
