Guys, how long do you last?

depends on a whole list of criteria! can be really quick (as in we only have a short time) or a long slow session when we want it that way.
It all depends... but most times I last longer than my wife;) I love watching her cum so it's more gratifying for me if she cums first then that usually turns me on and helps me cum.
Be honest now, guys. How long do you usually last, from the first stroke inside that pussy or ass until you cum? Assume the type of foreplay that you're used to, and that you haven't already been almost ready to cum before you got it in there. How long for you on average? I hope nobody's watching the clock, but, ballpark?

Is there a difference between vaginal and anal sex in terms of how long you last?

Based strictly on your question...5 minutes.

But as others have said.. depends on other factors like how horny I am...if I have been drinking, the position etc..

Compared to others here, wow....I am no stud but I trying to work on it.

In my defense (Pride dictates I need to defend myself), I am very oral and my wife always cums before I do. So usually I have been worked up for sometime.
OK as you ask. I dont have to lie or boast, I'm to old so here are the facts.
I have lots of experience and many happy memories, I used to cum very quickly, but as I got older I have found that I now stay erect longer (with out Viagra) and can go for a long time with out cumming, but when I do climax it the most wonderful feeling in all the world. I dont want it to ever go away;)
Never measured the time. Usually unitl after she cums a few times
Depends on my partner, sometimes hours on end and then oops sorry. But normally a good thirty to fourty minutes for this Scorpio male! My last partner once told just a while back "i forgot how long you could last mmmmmm, give me more honey"
Usually, and I love this, right after she does. Watching her cum puts me over the edge almost instantly and I usually can hold out until she cums

I'm with hardcollege, and I love it too. I had to learn this. For me, the key is to pause from movement at all for a while when I'm first full in, and then alternate between fury and slow motion.

Now I'm older, I sometimes don't cum at all, and I'm fine with that for two reasons: we love me staying in her massive right through her come-down and while we kiss and talk some; it means we can go again anytime soon.

If she's multi-orgasmic: Wiener pill, four hour erection, don't tell a soul. Trust me. :D
Usually 20-30mins by edging it a few times first I like to go till I'm on the verge pull out and go down on her for a min or so get it nice a wet then dive back in and do it all over again
really depends on the situation, as a rule of thumb around 7 to 10 minutes for the first time, the second time will be longer though.
Typically 30 to 40 mins, with the right amount of pacing. Edging maybe 1 1/2 hours. The longest was about 3 hours but I had just smoked a joint for the first time in years.
What a great topic. I am so grateful for all the honesty! I have felt like a failure sometimes, or not sexy. I kind of feel like it all depends now after reading this. :kiss:
It all depends for me.
When was the last time I came?
How intense is the foreplay and have they already cum.
It depends. It has been as short as a few seconds, many years ago, and as long as several hours, also a few years ago.

Last night was the first time I had seen my wife in four days, and about a week since we had sex. It only lasted a few minutes. She came, then I came.

Usually actual sex last from 10 - 20 minutes, with foreplay taking more time. I would be happy with an hour on occasion, but my wife has no interest in going that long.
The first time can be anywhere from a few minutes to 10-20. The second time will be much longer. The other night we went 3 times. the last time was over 45 minutes and she asked me to stop. Wife is a squirter and multi-orgasmic so she was more than pleased at that point, I still had some juice in the tank
To echo others here, I can last the 10-20 minutes until she's satisfied. Then either seeing her happy or letting myself go will put me over the edge.:D

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