Guys: Question about body types

I'm going to have to think on your question and reflect back on sociology and cultural anthropology classes from further back then I like. A lot of what we currently see though is perception largely influenced by media. One simple trick though is to find out what a sexually active male subjects Mother or Grandmother he most favorably oriented with looks like. In a nutshell we're discussing patterning.
Also people do want to date me. So it's not me per se, the perception here is more ephemeral. Maybe I'm just wrong.

judging by what i can see with your profile photo and avatar, I see no reason why you would be undateable.

edit: i read that wrong, oops.
It seems a lot, perhaps the majority or men, really want to fuck the curvy girl with a big ass and big tits. However they seem to want to date the petite ladies. Am I right? What's going on here?

When I look back at the ladies I've been attracted to, I can conclude that I dont hae a specific body type I go for. I like both slim, and curvy very much, as long as I can like the personality, which is most important for me.
It seems a lot, perhaps the majority or men, really want to fuck the curvy girl with a big ass and big tits. However they seem to want to date the petite ladies. Am I right? What's going on here?

Hubby an I Both prefer a BBW over a thinner woman ANYDAY
It seems a lot, perhaps the majority or men, really want to fuck the curvy girl with a big ass and big tits. However they seem to want to date the petite ladies. Am I right? What's going on here?

I don't really hold a body type for social class or think body type is related to personality or anything like that.

But there is something to be said for various body types!

Although a more curvy woman such as yourself might have a more sexual air about her. "doesn't break as easy as the fragile stick figures" So a more primal kind of sex could occur. [stereotyping and simplification warning]

And in this day and age of skinny models the skinny girl might have the allure for better "eye candy / Arm candy"

That being said, I don't think I ever tried to go after a girl because she had a specific body type, either because she was hot or had a good personality, but not because she would look good in a certain situation!
Really I think that where you are could be playing a part in it. I've also found that some women really project a certain attitude towards themselves that people pick up on. Guys to it too to some extent.

Personally I've dated more larger, curvy women, and I prefer them. It's not just about the looks and feel of a curvy woman, it's about who they seem to be. There's just more in common, and I have more fun with them. Why wouldn't I want to spend more time, not just in the bedroom but everywhere with them?

As others have said there is definitely a social norm thing going on, and that does change. I think we are watching it evolve again. The 90's super skinny model looks is starting to morph into something more realistic, although still idealized. But that just gets into the deeper discussion of the ideal beauty, both for men and women. It's a very complex issue.
No rolly-polies.

No pencils.

What's the term? Weight porportionate to height?
SV, I would like to show you how I feel about your body ...

I have a personal preference for petite women i.e. my wife 5'1" 110#, but not adverse to a
rubenesque physique. Just personal preferences. But your pics... HOT!~
No, I'm commenting on the fact that there seems to be a difference in implicit feelings towards woman based on the shape of their bodies.
This may seem like an odd answer, but I am most attracted by a womans face and eyes. Body type does not really matter to me if I am turned on by her face and eyes.
This is an interesting topic. Coming from a large metropolitan area, most of the men I know go for very thin women. However, after a few years of Lit, I've come to think that maybe this isn't the norm?
This is an interesting topic. Coming from a large metropolitan area, most of the men I know go for very thin women. However, after a few years of Lit, I've come to think that maybe this isn't the norm?

You'd better believe it. Even in 2D your erotic beauty arouses all but the most monk like gents!
It seems a lot, perhaps the majority or men, really want to fuck the curvy girl with a big ass and big tits. However they seem to want to date the petite ladies. Am I right? What's going on here?

I think you're right.

I've always seen a disconnect between the girls that men want to date versus the girls they'll fuck. I haven't seen an actual answer to why that happens on here, (unless I missed something) mostly just guys saying they are into curvy girls or into petite girls. Maybe it's too uncomfortable to actually answer honestly? idk. I think the answer is pretty obvious.

I just have noticed that there are guys that will fuck pretty much anyone, but when it comes to publicly dating someone it's usually a skinny girl.
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I think the perception is mostly media driven - often, if you go to any public place in any city and just watch couples walk by you'll see every imaginable shape and size of both men and women paired together.

There are environments where the quest for that imaginary standard of beauty is more prevalent, but I agree with the posters that in those cases its more about status.

Personally, I don't have a body type that draws me more than any other - though a basic level of fitness is pretty much one of my requirements, but that's driven more because I'm a physically active person and am drawn to partners who are also physically active.
Well, here's the thing. Men have shitty friends. It takes a some superior confidence to tell the friends who say "you like fat chicks" to shut up or fuck off or whatever. As someone who enjoys (and always has) a variety of body types, which is to say it's not really the most important thing to me, I learned early to own my sexual preferences and be comfortable and confident enough to be with whomever I choose and enjoy it. Some men, however, don't want to deal with the shaming that comes their way from their friends when dating a curvier girl.
This topic has come up on several threads about "curvy" ladies. I am sure there are men out there who would not date a curvy lady just as there are men and women who would not date someone for a variety of reasons of appearance. Having said that, there are also a lot of men who would have no problem with it and would not "give a shit" about what anyone else thought about it. It is really getting to know the person and not just the body type that matters. The media has proliferated the notion that a certain body type is best and that is not necessarily what people think or want.. Anyhow, that is my two cents for today and I will now shut up. Have a great day all....
Seems to me that what some men actually desire and what they think they should desire can be two different things.
Yes. When you're in a same sex crowd, men trash women who aren't thin. If you date one, or marry one, you're judged less successful, less hyper sexual, and have poor ambition. They don't necessarily like or love their trophy wives, but they think society elevates them for their success. If two similar men have the same income, same body type, same IQ, and same profession, the one with the "hotter" wife is accorded more status. That is, if you're mixing in white, upper-middle class, bigoted society.
It seems a lot, perhaps the majority or men, really want to fuck the curvy girl with a big ass and big tits. However they seem to want to date the petite ladies. Am I right? What's going on here?

What we really want is a washboard stomach with big T & A. Unfortunately nature doesn't make you that way.
This is an interesting topic. Coming from a large metropolitan area, most of the men I know go for very thin women. However, after a few years of Lit, I've come to think that maybe this isn't the norm?

I find most men (& women) love my curves and I grew up in NYC an moved to NJ (30 min from midtown)
I think a lot of the perception is strongly influenced by the individual and by their environment. I have friends who are obsessed with the media driven ideal. I have far more who are not and are more drawn to the person, with body being one of many factors.

I'd also agree that there are too many people who are influenced by their friends opinions and what other people think or might think. When you free yourself from that particular curse, you liberate the world.
I like what I like and my preference unashamedly one hundred percent of the time is a curvy woman. Skinny women just do not do anything for me. I do admire and appreciate a fit woman but when it comes to my sexual preference, curvy curvy curvy. I always dated and pleasured curvy women. i had plenty of opportunities for non-curvy women but intentionally chose the curves.

I don't prefer a different body type for dating than I do for casual sex. Don't know any guy that does.

But men in general, and I am no exception, have lower standards of physical attractiveness for casual sex than they do for relationships. On several occasions during high school and college, I had sex with women that I didn't find attractive at all. As long as they aren't boner-killing repulsive, having sex with any girl beats jerking off. I don't do that anymore, but mostly because I have better options. Women are just the opposite. They have higher standards of physical attractiveness for casual partners than they do for long-term partners. This difference between the sexes is exactly what evolutionary psychology would predict considering men and women's different reproductive capacities.