~~Haiku River~~

HotKittySpank said:
branches twisting
dead stretching
toward blistering skies
too long dry

too long dry ...

cracked borders
crumble. skim pickings
partially cease. pricked
bone by bone
as languishing livestock
dim, day to day
for nothing flourishes
from nothing ...

My Erotic Trail said:
a Felvis black-bellied whistling tree duck
whistled as it flew over
the river

coots and Muscovy ducks
fill lake Okeechobee with
waking sounds
HotKittySpank said:
mossy fields florish
beneath clear water skies
therefore light steps
take I

witty word wizard <grin ('I like')

slippery surface
walking on green algae
a living carpet
My Erotic Trail said:
witty word wizard <grin ('I like')

slippery surface
walking on green algae
a living carpet

sinking in silt it
slips oozing over toes
in the river green, slow