~~Haiku River~~

you have spawned my thoughts
to a free range run.

spun untill a golden cocoon
has appeared.
catching the light
of sprouting wings, glitter
to be sure.

a goddess of sun
light and fire
come to spirit
your wishes away.

walk into the light my friend
spend a moment with this speckled
and watch as she turns
your days into night.

speak not a word. just
stand below, her essence
of harmony. spend
this moment spellbound
in awe
as your dreams appear
within your sight.

reality turns within a speck
of dust, brought to you
with love ... from us ~

OK, my free thoughts run amuck ... :rolleyes:
big smiles!

(since we are off 'form')

fairy's might amidst
daylily's bright set
fluted flowers fly
if she could turn
day to night these
flowers would still
bloom by her light

: )
waves caress
river rocks
feet fall
on slippery

mossy fields florish
beneath clear water skies
therefore light steps
take I

slippery surface
walking on green algae
a living carpet

sinking in silt it
slips oozing over toes
in the river green, slow

embalmed lovers
forever embraced
beneath their boggy river...
bluerains said:
waves caress
river rocks
feet fall
on slippery

mossy fields florish
beneath clear water skies
therefore light steps
take I

slippery surface
walking on green algae
a living carpet

sinking in silt it
slips oozing over toes
in the river green, slow

embalmed lovers
forever embraced
beneath their boggy river...

hmm... like to see how things fit together...

eddys turn reveals
entwined arms of love concealed
roots under soft foot
HotKittySpank said:
hmm... like to see how things fit together...

eddys turn reveals
entwined arms of love concealed
roots under soft foot

footprints in submerged sand
wake of water gently waves
over a trail in the river made
loon calls;
dark bodies sliding along the lake
diving between their song

(sorry - loopy from meds)
My Erotic Trail said:
bathed in green
leaves brushing against me
blue as a river

blue as our deep murk,
long lost leaves melting become
mud beneath our feet
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My Erotic Trail said:
green grows blue
as clouds dance on the river's
glass surface

green and blue glass smoothed,
crushed and bruised against rolling
tides in oceans deep
My Erotic Trail said:
atop a hill
the river valley below
blends with the horizon

this horizon line
defines our simple circle

a world in bubble

(i can't help but rhyme... i just think that way)
HotKittySpank said:
climbing rocks to see
ocean views, so much easier
going up than down

seal barks battle long
with seagulls squaking o're head;
war upon the rocks
HotKittySpank said:
climbing rocks to see
ocean views, so much easier
going up than down

I like this... and so very true <grinin'

flesh and bone
conquers a hill side cliff
for vision's quest
brown slither eddy:

looking downstream
for my fly.

it's what's expected