~~Haiku River~~

tungtied2u said:
grind beans each morning
aromatic measure embraces me
addiction is exacting

Jamaican Blue beans
flavor of ground perfection
full body connection

Earth moves
sprouts, limbs of memories
a life begun


growth reaching
towards the warmth of the sun
rising, a sapling
I thought

it should belong on the river...cause it floats on the waves...
you need to pull the reply one also...sigh..blue

tungtied2u said:
moonlight on mountains
rustling in the underbrush
darkness in degrees

darkness fell
between slivered silver
life showed its age
Welcome L..

lobomao said:
full full moon
the river and the tears
reflecting it all

so glad to see you posting on the forum..
am not into sudoku...math is not my forte
but, I found this little haiku ...don't know the author, however..

Life is like a box
of chocolates. Sudoku
has much less sugar.
hey blu -
yeah I found it nessssssssscessary to leave my messa fortress and wander into poetrytown for some supplies...
I am intersted in the hiaku river as it is my LEAST favored form of poetry.. tempted as i am to write snarky ones, i will rather jump in the river, splash around a bit and see if I can have any fun.
xo lobo


the moon now is gone
the sky it just doesn't care
the river rolls on by