~~Haiku River~~

rain drops fall gently
corrogating the river
curious waves rise

see a sheet of metal
taught as a moving drum
sounding in passion

picnic in the rain
with damsel and dulcimer
a jug of wine and thou
G in the jungle

lobomao said:
rain drops fall gently
corrogating the river
curious waves rise

see a sheet of metal
taught as a moving drum
sounding in passion

picnic in the rain
with damsel and dulcimer
a jug of wine and thou
ambient sounds drift
through shapes of spreading twilight
rain assembles heat

temptation in vibes
sway in dinner dance duo
burgeoning loins touch

pours into rivers of her
climatic chamber muzak
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she's so sweet ain't she
as her slippery slip dances
a hand on her waist

glide step and forward
fox trot your way over over here
you swing step vixen

shore to shore acrost
in rain in river we dance
this is more like it
steam from the surface
water skin rises soft waves
the air electric
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lobomao said:
sweet water bless me
your river stain on my lips
a light touch lingers

taste of fallen leaves
essence of orange blossom dew
tangled on our tongue
bluerains said:
taste of fallen leaves
essence of orange blossom dew
tangled on our tongue

sweet tea fresh brewed
from me to you back again
drink deep of this cup
the rising river
you can feel the flood coming
here we go again

a great big smile
floods the room with happiness
that spreads and grows

can feel its current
washing thru my curling toes
moving up my spine
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bluerains said:
the rising river
you can feel the flood coming
here we go again

a great big smile
floods the room with happiness
that spreads and grows

can feel its current
washing thru my curling toes
moving up my spine

a river's touch
trickles down my back