~~Haiku River~~

lobomao said:
hey blu -
yeah I found it nessssssssscessary to leave my messa fortress and wander into poetrytown for some supplies...
I am intersted in the hiaku river as it is my LEAST favored form of poetry.. tempted as i am to write snarky ones, i will rather jump in the river, splash around a bit and see if I can have any fun.
xo lobo


the moon now is gone
the sky it just doesn't care
the river rolls on by

hello lobomao

nice jump
fun getting your feet wet <grin
'great splash'
lobomao said:
awed by beauty
poets splash play on river banks
a game tossing sticks

buried beneath sticks
stoned philosophers delve
mornin' blu!

all of our dialects
merge as a river that rolls
while we ask why not?
you say sticks
but for some it is a house
made with love

the river flows
while clever busy beavers
have wet work
lobomao said:
you say sticks
but for some it is a house
made with love

the river flows
while clever busy beavers
have wet work


been busy
as a beaver
in a flood
we swim up slip stream
flat round tails flip and flicker
trying to beat the flood
well alrighty them...

My Erotic Trail said:
Tell A Tale

Let Your Fingers Trail
A Long A Tail

light glazes river
muddy footprints trail clear stream
mossy chorus sings
lobomao said:
my mouth goes dry now
with my tongue in your tale
river carry me

whispered me deep
carried my stain upon your tale
I bleed your blemish
bluerains said:
whispered me deep
carried my stain upon your tale
I bleed your blemish

lapping water curves around
as two bodies of heat
intertwine, into the depths
of hot springs