Halgrim's Tower (PM to join)

"See? I knew you were holding something back. Now, I am sure that is not the whole truth, but we are getting close to it"

He kissed her on the cheek and continued. "We have more to talk about, but as a reward for your honesty, you deserve a little break. Do not worry, you will get used to the pain. Just remember that it is a break, and that I would like to hear more from you before I continue."

He let go of the handle and crouched with his arms around her belly. He could hear her heart even from this distance, and feel her stomach muscles heaving through his thick leather sleeves. She was close to a breaking point now, and he was ready for a flood of fascinating truths from this beautiful and - as it turned out now foreign - little bird.
He kissed her cheek. Emmeline held her breath. He did nothing else immediately. He offered her a break. She sobbed as she felt him release the handle, the pressure lifting from her thumbs, just a little. Blood rushed into the digits.

His arms held her and despite herself Emmeline leaned back against him for stability. She was openly weeping to the point of being unable to breathe properly.

Eventually the tears slowed. Her body was numb. The pain was a dull ache. She managed to get her breathing under control. “I just want to go home. I am sorry...I should not have taken it.”
"Indeed you should not have. You should also have used this break to give me some more truths. Yet you decided to waste it. Too bad."

This time, he kneeled beside her as he tightened the screws further. Even more careful than before. Any turn too much could be dangerous. Suddenly, the sign he had been looking for: A tiny red drop oozed out of the screws and hit the dark wood. He immediately stopped.

"No further. What you are feeling now are bones about to break. You foolishly squandered your opportunity to avoid this, and here you are. Sobbing, nearly fainting... is whatever you are holding in worth this? It can get much worse if you do not help me."

He looked into her large, wet eyes: "Come on, Emmeline. Spare yourself this. Tell me more."
Her heart stopped as he told her she had squandered her break. She had not been able to breathe, let alone talk. Now he tightened the screws again.

Emmeline screamed. She felt as if she might pass out but the thought of falling and somehow wrenching her thumbs, or worse breaking them kept her upright.

“I am from Jura I should not be here. I am Lord Glenfeld’s daughter.” She gasped out the words. They were so breathy and soft it was almost too hard to hear.

“Please stop...please...” She turned her eyes up to him. They were wide and pleaded with him to free her from the pain he was causing.
"See? I told you I would get the truth. Did it really have to hurt that much, hm?"

He released the thumbscrews. He braced himself for a scream, and then some. Few things hurt worse than the feeling returning to a crushed body part. Still, it had to be done. The bar lifted, just enough for him to put his arms around her body and pull her out. He did not know what she would do now. Some yowled in pain, some fainted, some vomited. Whatever it was, she would get a terrible shock as a reward for her confession.

He shouted: "Slave! We are done for now! Clean the instruments, and then resume your other duties. Quickly!"
He released the screws. The flood of blood into her thumbs caused her to almost pass out. She cried out, screaming as if he had pulled her thumbs completely off. The blood pounded into her thumbs relentlessly.

She didn’t even register the fact that he pulled her out. She felt her arms drop and the pain in her hands, concentrated in her thumbs was even worse. Emmeline felt darkness creeping into her vision. She cried and tried to protect her hands but any movement caused fresh wave of pain to blossom.

“I want to go home...” She managed to half whimper as she lost consciousness.
He gently stroked her sweaty hair. "Little idiot... thought she could stand up to my instruments. Sleep tight."

So she was a noble! Well, she should have said that earlier. Nobles were always trouble. Commoners did not have friends - at least no friends who could send an army after you.

"Guards! Over here! Help me carry her upstairs!"

While he waited, he examined her thumbs. To anyone less experienced than him, it looked as if she would never be able to hold anything again. These red lumps, however, would take a few weeks to heal at most. Until then, though the wild pain and wilder colors would serve as a reminder to her about her idiotic stubbornness as she recovered.
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She woke up screaming.

The pain in her hands was terrible. Her thumbs aches and felt as if they the size of sausages. She was laying down once more. Emmeline felt completely defeated. He had had her returned to the cell. No mercy, no assistance. The muscles in her body were sore from the strain of what she had been under.

It was a small grace that he had stopped when he did. Emmeline felt her empty stomach heave. She turned her head as is she might vomit but there was nothing to come out. Bile and stomach acid burnt her throat.

She had told him who she was. He now knew she was from Jura and a Lord’s daughter. It would take little for someone to begin putting the pieces together. She was a lamb in the wolf’s den. Once they learned of her impending marriage and how the two kingdoms were going to rally to fight Halgrim.

Her hope was that maybe he would give her leniency and she might somehow get away before all the pieces came together.

In the meantime, as the sounds and smells of the tower assaulted her and the pain tore through her body Emmeline wept.
Tyann sat in his office for a long time, sorting this mess out. He knew very little of statecraft, but he knew that a captured foreign noble would cause interesting things to happen.

He wrote down what little he had managed to torture out of her, sealed it and handed it to a guard who immediately took off to notify the judge.

Emmeline, Emmeline... he had held her so close as she had withstood the pain. Ravishing even then, she had touched something in him. The look in her huge eyes... they stared at him in pain and fear even now.

He sighed and made his way back to the third level cells and stooped in front of her Hole, holding a lantern. There she was, cowering, sobbing, retching. He shone the lantern into the hole and touched her shoulder to get her attention over the pain.

"Why did you not tell me you were a noble? The Holes are no places for a noblewoman! Come out, show yourself - and show me your poor thumbs. Why, oh why did you risk the Hole and the thumbscrews to avoid telling me that?"

Why indeed. To be honest, he would not have gone soft on her in the torture chamber, but that was because he thought nobles had it too good anyway. Still, what had made her lie about this and endure a living grave of a cell, when she could have spent the night up there, in the light and the air of the first level? This girl had yet more secrets to spill.
The touch on her shoulder startled her. It did not bring pain. No, it brought a soft voice that asked why she had not simply declared herself noble. He called her out to him and like an injured animal she cowered but moved to him.

Emmeline held her hands out to him. Glassy blue eyes stared at him. “Because I am not from here. Because I feared what it would mean.”

Her voice was soft. He was questioning her and part of her wondered if it was trap but part of her sensed he did not know who she was or what it implied.

“And you said I stole something sacred. A foreign noble...I feared it would mean immediate death.”

Emmeline licked cracking lips. “Are you going to hurt me again?”
"No. Not until I know what the judge has in store for you. Probably not death. Executing foreign nobles is far too dangerous. But we will see about that."

He took her hands, careful not to touch her throbbing thumbs.

"To think that you stood that much pain over a misunderstanding! You were so brave... not many can stand the thumbscrews until they draw blood."

He stood up.

"You know what? I am tired of crouching, and I am sure you are tired of lying down. Come on out, and I will bring you to a much better cell. You have earned it with your tears."

She really had. Everyone broke under torture, but with most, threats were enough. She had defied the threats, defied a horrible night in a stone coffin. Breaking under actual torture was no shame now. Brave Emmeline. Beautiful Emmeline. A mysterious noble from another country who had become a thief and now his prisoner. He had to find out more about her, but without hurting her this time.
"Attention, slave! You may take a break now, but watch closely. This will be your daily work from now on, so learn quickly. I want you to assist me in this, bring the instruments and clean them after use. I want them polished to a shine, or you will be the next one to feel them!"

LaVonda watches carefully as he inspected each piece. She hoped he would be pleased enough with her work that she would at least have a chuck of bread to eat and calm her complaining belly. "Yes Master, they will be cleaned thoroughly. "

LaVonda heard him.speak to the other woman
"You still have not told me the full truth about you. I can feel it. You are holding something back, and I hope you help me discover it. You now have had a full night thinking about what I showed you yesterday, so I will not bother threatening you again."

LaVonda noticed a tuft of fur moving in the floor and quickly picked it up. She held on to it as she went back to her spot and listened..

"So far, I have been merciful, tried to use words to get to the truth. But now we are in the place where words end. So I ask you for one last time to tell me the full truth about you. It will be so much better for you."

LaVonda rose and came closer. She kept her eyes on the table.

"See how smoothly it operates? That is because it is absolutely free of rust and dirt. After I am done with this girl, I want it just as shiny and smooth as it is now, understood? Her thumbs might bleed a little, and I want that gone, too, do you hear me, slave? If I find a single spot of red on this table, you will not be quite as happy as you seem to be now, believe me."

LaVonda was.pleased he noticed her diligence on cleaning. Knowing he preferred his table this clean made her nod while in her heart she thrived on finally having some praise. "Yes Master."

"Well? You have had enough time to consider my offer. Reveal your secrets, and I may even spare you the death penalty. You might only get slavery instead. Now, admittedly, most slaves are not quite as cheerful about it as this one"

LaVonda blinked what was there not to be thankful about. She was getting a better sleeping place, at least one good meal every few days, and her life. Those were precious benefits in her opinion.

"but it is still better than entertaining an entire marketplace full of commoners by slowly choking to death, I would say. On the other hand, you can make me torture your secrets out of you, which would hurt a lot more and would also end with you as a slave. Only in that case, you would not be able to work for the first month or so of your slavery as you recover from the quite, quite serious wounds an annoyed jailer can cause with all the instruments here. So, what will it be?"

LaVonda wondered what the other woman had done. The silence bothered her and mentally LaVonds prayed the woman would give the answers the Master wanted. LaVonda had seen a variety of whips down here and some had sharp metals in the strips of leather that could tear off skin.

LaVonda heard the woman confess.

You know my secret. You know what I did. I stole the statue. I thought it just a bauble. I swear I did not know it was anything special. Please. I promise I did not know. I have no other secrets. I am a thief."

A thief, LaVonda felt her heart beat faster as she watched the women's punishment go on

"You are no mere thief!"

LaVonda grabbed the bucket and took it to clean it out and get fresh water and soap. She couldn't watch any longer it was breaking her inside sending back old memories from the orphanage into the present. LaVonda only hoped the Master would understand she would need clean water to wash away the stains of what punishment was making.

LaVonda returned as Master spoke "Indeed you should not have. You should also have used this break to give me some more truths. Yet you decided to waste it. Too bad."

LaVonda fell to her knees and silently wept. The memories were seeping thru her resolve. LaVonda was almost at the point of begging to trade places with the woman. She looked so young but just as LaVonda was going to speak she hears him tell the woman.

"No further. What you are feeling now are bones about to break. You foolishly squandered your opportunity to avoid this, and here you are. Sobbing, nearly fainting... is whatever you are holding in worth this? It can get much worse if you do not help me."

TELL HIM... PLEASE GIRL TELL HIM LaVonda's mind screams inside her head. The torture was killing LaVonda inside. One of the other guards notices LaVonda"s reactions.

"Come on, Emmeline. Spare yourself this. Tell me more.":

"I am from Jura I should not be here. I am Lord Glenfeld’s daughter.”

LaVonda had used her lip reading trick catching what the punished woman was saying. The girl was from wealth... why would she leave the safety of home to come here... was this girl an idiot or child minded?

Please stop...please...”

"See? I told you I would get the truth. Did it really have to hurt that much, hm?"

LaVonda wiped away her tears and rose off the flooring. She reaches for the buckets and brush just as she heard the Master speak. "Slave! We are done for now! Clean the instruments, and then resume your other duties. Quickly!"

LaVonda started by cleaning off the blood. She opened the screws completely and scrubs away any dust that might have gotten in the gears. LaVonda used the resin to polish the wood and quickly brought it back to a healthy glow.

Being finished LaVonda takes the buckets to another device and was cleaning up vomit and urine from the floor caused by another resident of the prison.

LaVonda finished her work when the room was empty. The floor cleaned several times. The smell of soap was all that remained in the torture room.

When the guard came back to take her to her cell, he found her asleep in the archway. That was when he saw the faint lines on her back. It was apparent why some of the items didnt seem to bother her. She had seen them before and bore the mark of at least one whipping in her lifetime.

During mealtime a few of the guards were complaining about the room being too clean and the strong smell of soap from her last scrubbing the complete floor. One even mentioned that she never complained even after he dumped dirty water over her head.
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He stood. He said that they rarely executed foreign nobles but then she was not just a noble. Her marriage would bind two realms against his ruler. Her capture here, her potential death changed the power struggle. Halgrim was going to invade Lotering and Jura. Their union hinges on her life and marriage. There would be no agreement without it and the rulers would have to appeal to others for help. All her father had as a bargaining chip was her.

She has made things very bad for her father and kingdom by coming here and getting caught.

Emmeline made her way out, her body protesting the whole time. He said he would take her to a new cell. She tried to cover up but moving her arms made the blood move to her hands and that made her want to collapse in pain. She was naked. dirty and ashamed. She could not go far as the guards had chained her ankle once more.

The best news was that until a judge made a ruling she would not suffer more pain at his hands. She had been spared the sawing ropes or the rack that would stretch her.
It took only a few orders before Tyann had Emmeline freed from the ankle chain and escorted up to the first floor. He walked close by her, his eyes occasionally shooting an almost guilty glance at her mangled hands and a very definitely lustful glance at her breasts, which were still unmarked and pale, shining beautifully in the torchlight.

Compared to the nightmarish hole she had had to spend the night in, the high stone room they entered now was a palace. There was a proper bed - though stuffed with straw rather than down, as she was probably used to, and a stool and table where she could sit and eat her meals of stew instead of the grain mush that was the sole sustenance of the common prisoners. Now, no one knew what exactly was in the stew, but he liked it to remain that way, or the prisoners would probably choose starvation instead. Still, she would get to eat animal and even, with some luck, meat. And when he had finally made her a kitchen slave, making this stuff would be her life for the rest of her days. Well, that, and maybe more. She was likely to be sentenced to lifelong slavery, so there was no need to hurry anything. It would not be the first time that slaves eventually began to develop feelings for their masters, and he much preferred that over the rough and tumble ways of his former soldier comrades. Why take by force what she would probably give him freely later, after she had learned that there really was no escape for her, that this was indeed all there would be to her life.

Another luxury her new cell afforded her was a narrow slit high up in the wall through which a bright strip of moonlight fell and lit up the opposite wall. The air in here smelled much fresher too. It was a warm night, and the wind came in from the hills, carrying with it a dainty smell of apple blossoms. He thanked his stars it was not from the other direction - the smell of executed bodies would have spoiled the atmosphere completely.

He led her into it and, when the guards were outside the door, kissed her goodbye on the cheek. "If only you had told the truth immediately, you little fool... but, well, now you are here. I will even have one of the slaves sew something for you so you do not have to run around naked anymore. Rough slave rags suit your new position much better, anyway. As soon as your thumbs are healed, I will ask the judge to assign you to my kitchens. Now, though, rest and recover from this nightmare of a day..."

Now for the cleaning slave. She had been brought back to the slave quarters after her duty was over, and that was where he was headed now. Not only was she an extremely pretty one, too - how lucky he had been to get two such new "guests" in a single day - he was still intrigued by how quickly and joyfully she had adapted to her new life. Also, his cruel side wanted to find out how to wipe that smile off her face - a cleaning slave in a torture chamber had no right to smile! Working directly with these instruments of horror was even more feared than slop bucket duty, and she had hummed. Hummed! Of course, she had probably not meant it as an insult, but it had felt like one, as if she was telling him that he was incapable of punishing her.

He found her sleeping on the straw that covered one side of the slaves' "dormitory" (more of a stable, really). Like the nobles, the slaves had the luxury of a slit for light and air. This was, of course, for very practical reasons. Total darkness and stale air tended to wear them out too quickly, and he needed them healthy. Most did not last that long, anyway. Halgrim's Tower was feared among slaves not so much for the physical punishment - mining slaves worked ten times harder, easily - but for the torment of the mind that was working in such a place of suffering for years. And unlike the guards, they did not get any of the...side benefits...he was so fond of, and were always under threat of being punished with the same equipment they had to see every day.

LaVonda was still in the clothes she had been brought in wearing, now much dirtier and grimier after a long day on her knees scouring every corner of the torture chamber. A heavy chain emerged from under her torn skirt and connected to a thick iron ring in the wall, as with all the other slaves, all of whom were also deep asleep, savoring their few hours of rest before another day of brutal labor awaited them. Some were naked, but most were either in ragged street clothes - they wore them until they fell apart - or one of the roughly sewn, sleeveless sacks of coarse cloth that the slaves had to sew themselves. It was one of these he would soon put Emmeline in. Perhaps it would even make her get used to her new position more quickly. It certainly would allow for easier access to her lovely body...

He knelt beside LaVonda and shifted her dress up a little until he found the massive shackle that had been closed around her slender left leg. Good. She was securely attached and sleeping heavily, like everyone else. The thick metal was a little tight around her leg, but thankfully, it was not rubbing her raw. His fingertips stayed in that place a little, stroking the place where cold hard metal met her soft, warm flesh. Then he took her by the shoulders and shook her strongly to wake her up.

Looking into her eyes, he said in a soft, warm voice: "Slave! Wake up! Don't be afraid. I just want you to wake up and lie down on your belly, with your arms crossed on your back. I mean you no harm...yet. I just need to talk to you somewhere else. And try not to make too much noise. Your fellow slaves deserve their rest."

He really did mean her no harm, yet. He just wanted to take her to some private area and determine exactly where she came from and how she dared to be so damned cheerful in his dungeon.

Lustful and intrigued he was, a fool he was not. He had brought a pair of transport shackles which rattled in his hands as he put them down next to her legs. Wanting a talk and maybe something more from this pretty, mysterious girl was no reason to give her a chance to escape, after all. Therefore, she would be in hand shackles before he even released the leg chain. A deep scar on his belly sometimes ached in nights like this and reminded him of the one time he had forgotten this precaution.

He gave her time to wake up and do as he had told her. Thankfully, the other slaves were far too exhausted to notice anything and slept peacefully on the straw left and right of her.
LaVonda sat up and.blinked a few times. In her semi awake daze she muttered softly. "I dont have permission of the Mistress to service at this hour. "

"Slave! Wake up! Don't be afraid. I just want you to wake up and lie down on your belly, with your arms crossed on your back. I mean you no harm...yet. I just need to talk to you somewhere else. And try not to make too much noise. Your fellow slaves deserve their rest."

LaVonda shook her head seeing him clearly. Then she looked around at the others that were sleeping. LaVonda turned over and lowered to her belly and brought her arms behind her hoping they were in the right place. LaVonda notices her breasts were tender and the nipples hardening from the poking straw.

LaVonda heard the click of metal binding her hands. Her breathing changed as she willed herself to remain calm It was the sound that took her back to earlier times. When she was first sold. The bite of the whip as she was chained to the tree and branded with her first mark. The mark of her being a slave.

It took an little time but LaVonda pulled it together as He helped her to her feet. LaVonda went along the path he took her, shaking her head forcing herself to wake up more fully.

When they arrived where he wanted to go LaVonda wondered what was coming next. Would they talk or would he demand sexual favors. LaVonda had been too trained to disobey and too alone.to refuse him or his needs.
As expected, she complied without a word, and he quickly shackled her hands before freeing her foot. They went across the hallway to one of the "luxury" cells which was currently unoccupied. He pointed at the bed and put the stool next to it while he waited for her to sit.

"Slave... I want to know more about you. That is the only reason I brought you here. I am now going to remove your shackles,and you will do me the favor of not trying to run, right? There are at least two locked doors and some guards in the way. Just sit here and be calm. I still mean you no harm."

He unlocked her shackles and put them on the table with a loud, metallic clinking, ready to put on her again later.

Tyann pointed at the mark on her face: "Now, I have never met a slave who had only one mark. If you are anything like the others, your whole body should be like a book. So, yes, I am asking you to take off your clothes - all of them - and fold them neatly over there on the table. Let us read in your markings and find more about you."

It was not unusual for him to be that interested in his prisoners - especially the attractive ones. As brutal as he could be, he was the very opposite of uncaring. He wanted to know as much as possible about the people he was punishing. Especially if they were going to stay with him for years.
LaVonda sat down where he indicated and listened very careful

"Slave... I want to know more about you. That is the only reason I brought you here. I am now going to remove your shackles,and you will do me the favor of not trying to run, right? There are at least two locked doors and some guards in the way. Just sit here and be calm. I still mean you no harm."

LaVonda knew better than to run. Beatings usually came to a slave that runs, so why wouldn't prison have the same rules as the brothel.

"Now, I have never met a slave who had only one mark. If you are anything like the others, your whole body should be like a book. So, yes, I am asking you to take off your clothes - all of them - and fold them neatly over there on the table. Let us read in your markings and find more about you."

"Yes Master." LaVonda stood up and slowly removed her garment. She didn't mean any harm but she was trained to take off clothing seductively.

" The bitch on the face is my slave mark." LaVonda said calmly and not too loidly.

"The sleeves fell towards her middle and the marks on her shoulder followed by the arm were now apparent. LaVonda pointed to The black rose on her shoulder "this my Mistress's mark from the brothel that last owned me. "

The rose's size grew as the years passed. First the rose bud then an outside row went around three more times symbolizing her four years as a whore.

The arm had the teardrops. LaVonda touched them softly then said. "I lost two at childbirth."

Then she let go of her shift and it dropped to the floor. As she bent over to pick the garment up the date on her back could be seen . "The one back here is from the orphanage I lived at until I went to work the kitchens for Mistress."

LaVonda lowered her head, she knew he could see those seven faint lines across her back from a whip the one and only time she refused to submit to the patron who paid for her virginity. "O was once whipped for disobeying the Mistress on my eighteenth year of life."

LaVomda folded the shift and set it down on the table. Since he didnt tell her to sit down. LaVonda lowered to her knees putting herself within reach. As she lowered down her lion was revealed upon her belly. That was one mark she couldn't explain as she had it as long as she could remember
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As she demurely explained all her markings, he listened and looked at her. Some of her explanations were not strictly necessary - so many of his prisoners had orphanage markings - but he smiled at his prediction coming true. Her body really was like a story, and a tragedy at that. No wonder she was so calm about her sentence!

He carefully read the various marks, except for that one on her belly. He had never seen that one before. "And that one?", he asked, pointing at it, with a tone halfway between curiosity and menace. He did not like it when they hid secrets from him, but at least it gave him an excuse to bring his skills to bear.

As the gentle little slave girl knelt in front of him, he felt a familiar bulge. She was clearly used to all this, and to men getting hard at the sight of her naked body. The stripes on her back showed that she was no stranger to punishment, either. She made it easy for him, almost too easy.

An orphan, a forced prostitute, a mother of two dead and who knew how many living children... and now a prisoner. Now it made sense to him why she felt her life was getting better down here!

But before he could continue feeling for her, he had to take care of quite another feeling that was making his trousers uncomfortably tight. Also slowly, but far less elegantly than this trained seductress, he got undressed and stood opposite her, naked. He was an older man now, but his past as a soldier and his present regime of strict self-discipline had granted him a body that was quite impressive indeed, considering his age. At least if you did not mind scars. Aside from the one on his belly from an escape attempt, they were all war wounds. A burn on his back from hot oil during a siege. A ragged round one in his thigh where he had taken an arrow he was still convinced had come from his own side... his body told a story that was probably as interesting as hers, though it involved more fighting and less stumbling from tragedy to tragedy...

"I feel for you. And therefore, I will allow you to use your skills to get yourself a better life here. Serve me well, and you will not serve as the cleaner in the torture chamber for much longer. I am sure you can do it."

He stood up in front of her, took her hands - quite small and tender for someone who had been through so much - and gently guided them towards his erect penis. Then he stood, breathing heavily, confident that she had understood quite well what he wanted.
Emmeline was alone. A kiss in her cheek as if bidding a sweetheart farewell. He had it hurt her, had not touched her. Despite his earlier torture, she looked down at her throbbing hands, he had taken to being kind to her. She frowned a little. The man was a strange mix. From the way he had hit her to the gentle touch to her shoulder. Emmeline wasn’t sure if he was jailer or protector.

Perhaps that is what he wanted. He wanted her confused, unsure and broken.

She moved to the bed and laid down on it. After the cold harshness of the cell anything would have been better but right now this was heaven. Emmeline curled up, protecting her hands and fell asleep.

She dreamed of home. She dreamed of sneaking off to run in the woods. She dreamt of her father, smiling at her. She dreamt of her jailer...

Emmeline woke with a start. She pushed herself up but then her arms buckled as pain shot up them. She laid there, panting and whimpering.

She could hear some thing at the door. Fear grip her. What if he was back and this time he knew more? What if he planned to torture her again?

A guard entered and placed a bowl down. He gestures to it and then left. Emmeline inched her way out of the bed without using her hands. It only took her a moment of looking at the bowl and spoon to realize she wouldn’t be able to eat. Every movement of her hands brought fresh pain.

This was a different sort of torture now. He had given her comfort but with limitations. Perhaps they meant to starve her. It was better than the torture to her thumbs at least.

Emmeline carefully laid back down on the bed.
While Tyann was taking care of - or getting taken care of by - LaVonda, Emmeline had been granted some rest. She needed it. With her injuries, it would be weeks until she could be assigned to the kitchen. Until then, monotony and isolation would hopefully break her spirits enough to make her into a good slave. She would be thankful for any variety after that, even if that variety involved dissecting various barely-edible animals in a hot, steamy kitchen. As a noble, she was used to luxury and company, so misery and boredom would be especially effective in defeating her.

A messenger had already been dispatched to the judge with a letter informing him of Emmeline's confession and her noble status. He had also included a more personal appeal to the Lord Justice, Wymar of Woodstown. It had taken all his limited political and diplomatic skill to compose and pointed out, quite rightly, that a public execution of a foreign noble would be a scandal, and even a secret death would deprive his Majesty of an important hostage. He was sure he would agree.

Some of the guards did take liberties with the prisoners at times, but they knew better than to do so with the Master Jailer's, at least tacit, approval. Did these girls even realize how much his attention spared them? The common prisoners would serve the common guards' needs. These two were his, at least for now. And so far, he was not doing anything to LaVonda that was worse than what she had seen in her sad life in that brothel. He was not making their lives better, true, but he was preventing them from getting much, much worse at the hands of some of these brutes.
"And that one?",

LaVonda looked down and shook her head. "Forgive me, Master but I do not know. It has been there as long as i can remember."

"I feel for you. And therefore, I will allow you to use your skills to get yourself a better life here. Serve me well, and you will not serve as the cleaner in the torture chamber for much longer. I am sure you can do it."

LaVonda understood he meant sex. She was surprised when he took her hands into his. She smiled then peeked up to his face. To her he was a handsome man. Well seasoned with a better amount of knowledge in the pursuit of lust. Once her hands covered his erection as she knew what was expected of her. She scooted closer while stroking his engorged member.

LaVonda leans forward and takes his cock in her mouth licking the sides that was in her mouth. She gave it kisses of passion and suckled at the cap, she was listening for a moan or groan. The cue to take more and truly worship his cock.
The warm, wet feeling around his penis made him shiver with pleasure. He breathed out a loud moan when he felt the tip of her tongue on it. She really was that good! He closed his eyes, rested his hands on her head and concentrated on nothing but that feeling.

He was not quite sure if that smile had been well-practiced, or genuine, but she really seemed to be enjoying this.

Slowly, without any shame, his breathing got louder and his groans of lust more frequent. Let the slaves hear what was going on! The more frequently they were reminded that they could be made to be done anything here, the better for their punishment.

The darkness behind his closed eyes dissolved into a golden glow as he forgot where he was for a moment and let himself fall into the world the slave girl had created with nothing but her gifted tongue. A warm relaxation; from time to time, another shock of lust shot up from his penis and made him let out a long, satisfied moan. Everything else disappeared until only he and his captive were left in the world.
LaVonda heard his moan and begins to bob up and down over his.pulsing cock. She was aware of his flavor and aroma of manliness. Deep down this was what LaVonda had grown to love. Man scent was what some of the other women at the Brothel called it. To LaVonda it was a sign that she was doing well and usually a soft caress on the cheek followed

Then LaVonda began suckling on his cock. She rolled her tongue around the cap and softly groaned as his cock started wriggling in the back of her mouth.

She could taste those tiny droplets. She thought to herself, mmm yes Master please give me your drink.

Now she hollowed her cheeks and swallowed his cock causing it to fall slightly. Once she felt it was centered she began giving his cock more firm tugs with her throat. Urging him to cum down her mouth and warm her belly.
His fingers curled into her hair as the waves of lust came faster and faster, until they became a single, overwhelming tone. Warm, yet commanding, it took control of its entire body and made him let out a long, wavering moan, his head thrown back wide. He could feel it!

There it was! All the pressure released at once; he could feel it shoot out of his penis and flood down her throat. For a few seconds, he was paralyzed with pleasure, the golden glow slowly fading behind his eyes. When the darkness was back and his breath had slowed down a little, he opened his eyes again and slowly pulled his penis out.

He pulled it out, wet and shiny with her spit and remains of his cum. A few milky white droplets were running down her chin, but she had swallowed nearly everything. Good girl! He loosened his grip on her and stood in front of LaVonda, hands on her shoulders and watched her face with interest. He always did after this; it was fun to watch their expressions as they swallowed.
LaVonda pouted when Master pulled his cock from her mouth. His taste was wonderful and she regretted being so hasty. Innpirsuit of giving pleasure she ruined the chance to feel his cock fill the emptiness

Suckling had its perks though. She would be savoring his taste for most of the day.. LaVonda smacked her lips then licked them catching stray droplets. "Thank you, Master. "

Then she leans forward and used her hair to wipe off the remaining fluids from His cock like a good slut does when being able to bring her patron sweet.pleasure.