Halgrim's Tower (PM to join)

The way she cleaned off his penis with her hair was almost...adorable. It also tickled a little, and he let out some involuntary chuckles, mixed with a few soft groans. She really was a perfectly trained prostitute! Every movement, even every facial expression and word were perfect. What price had she commanded in the outside world?

He patiently waited for her to finish with her hair, then patted her on the back. "Thank you, slave. You really know your trade well. I can not wait to test what else you can do."
"Thank you, slave. You really know your trade well. I can not wait to test what else you can do."

LaVonda blushed at his thanks. He wouldn't know that it was a first for her. Normally she was yelled at for the way she gave orally. Yet he was older and knew of these rare talents.

If the axe man was to take her head she would have died knowing at least one man gave her something she craved for years. Praise... acknowledgement of her desire to please.
He took her by the shoulders and gently draped her on the rough straw bed on her back. Spreading her legs, he knelt between them and looked down at her, their eyes locked. Then he placed both his hands on her breasts and very gently cupped them. Firm and warm, feeling them made new lust rise in him. He remained in this position for quite some time, taking in every detail of her face, preserving the memory of that wonderful night.
LaVonda's breasts were sensitive and she moaned softly as Master played with them. These moments fulfilling an emptiness she felt for nearly a year.

LaVonda mouthed "please" as their eyes locked. She wanted what he was willing to give. She opened her thighs and waited for Master's voice or deepening touch..
He smiled and ran his hands down her body, his searching fingers feeling her toned muscles under her soft, warm skin. Eventually, his right index finger found her pussy and gently pushed inside. She was gushing wet, and he took the opportunity to explore inside a little.
As Master's finger pressed into her drenched slit, LaVonda raised her hips bringing that finger to the second joint inside

Now those vaginal muscles set to work tugging him further in her honeyed channel.

"Master" she moaned as he brushed over the spot that makes a woman squirt.

What a surprise to see her quim flood past his finger and arc from her slit and land on her legs.
She immediately tightened up and began moaning. He loved this! His finger stayed in and moved forwards and backwards regularly through her gushing wet insides. Her moaning became longer and heavier.

Meanwhile, his left hand rested on her left breast and lightly squeezed it. Her nipple stood straight up and was soon between his lips. His tongue played with the tip while his lips sucked on the rest of her tit.

He grinned while he sucked. He did not even mind that she was now covered in dirt, grime and sweat. A few licks, and the sweet, sweet girl underneath was revealed, ready to be devoured.
LaVonda was caught in the flow of sex. She was grinding her mound to his hand, wanting more, needing it to sate the fire they were creating.

His lips at.her breast was a.wonderful feeling. She could feel.jolts.of electricity go from her chest to her cunt. Then something she didn't expect began to aid to the delights she offered.

Sweet milk dribbled into Master's lips. He had stirred those glands to produce milk again. Apparently three months didnt dry out those pockets of milk like the healer said they would.
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Something sweet squirted into his mouth... when he realized what he was, he moved his lips farther up her breasts and began to concentrate on milking her. He had not expected to drink from her breasts like a baby, but now he wanted nothing more than to suckle her empty as if he was only a few months old. More of her milk shot into his mouth and he began to drink greedily, eager to take in as much of the slave as possible.
LaVonda moaned again as Master fed upon her breast. It was an elated feeling and now she had nowhere to place her hands. So she stroked his hair back from his face and with her other hand stroked his left side gently.

LaVonda came again and whimpered as the suckling made her feel even hornier. Would nothing sate this hunger she felt? LaVonda moved from rubbing his side to lightly rake his back.

"Ooo" LaVonda hissed as his mouth pulls the milk fully. She can feel the change in the weight of her breast. LaVonda closed her eyes and let the swirling sensation lift her.as she bounced her hips upwards.
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He drank her left breast dry of the last drop, then switched to the other one. An eager tongue licked the grime off, then his lips sucked and licked until more of her sweet milk shot into his mouth. Somehow, drinking her empty like a starving infant felt great... she truly was giving her all to him, and holding nothing back, not even her milk. He was being suckled like a baby, but he was also taking everything from her.

He felt her body quake as she came and slowly pulled his finger out, all shriveled and covered in her juices. He traced it up her body, past her navel, between her breasts, leaving a shiny trace all the way over her neck and up to her mouth. There, he gently parted her lips and gave her something of her own to suck on.
LaVonda felt his finger upon her lips and opened her mouth obediently. She could taste herself on his digit and slowly rolled her tongue around the tip.of his finger.

Now she was kissing the tip to the first knuckle. She tilts her head and moves his finger back and forth over her tongue before sucking on it like she did his cock.

The hand that was on his back now covered his hand helping her push his finger further into her mouth. Her eyes became glazed as her cunt churns on emptiness.

Now.his finger was.clean of her juices and she still sucked on it
Mentally hoping he would fill her empty cunt with his cock. LaVonda knew it would hurt since his cock was thick and big but that was one of the things she liked, which gave her a large following of patrons that had "deformed beasts".
He was now finished drinking her milk and smiled at her as she licked his finger. He could read in her eyes what she wanted now...soon, little slave. He could feel himself getting ready for it, too.

He slowly pulled his finger out and sat up for a moment, looking down at her naked body on the rough straw bed. She looked so serene and peaceful, even happy, in such a place of horrors. Her tits, firm and with hard nipples, were licked completely clean and stood out from her dirt-smeared body like two snow-covered hills. Her legs were spread invitingly wide.

Well, time to give her what she wanted. His penis was now fully erect again, and as he lay down on top of her, it quickly found the way inside before that familiar tightness gripped it and pulled it ever inward, into her eager body. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.
LaVonda winced when his cock first went in. Lawd he's big.

Now her body takes control and tugs him deeper. LaVonda let out a low guttural growl as her muscles began to work harder. Her cunt walls spasm and take more, she can feel his balls tap at her ass.

"Ohhhh thank you Master" LaVonda moaned as her legs moved along his sides. LaVonda's body contracts as she bucks up against him. She pushes herself on his cock quicker as the walls tremble and spasm. LaVonda tried to lock her ankles so she hugs his body between her legs but he is too large. Still it dodnt stop her from using her body to fuck him like a bitch in heat.

A new pulsing took over and she started convulsing over his girth. LaVomda cries out as her cunt spasms again and liquid floods from her depths ans washes his cock while her muscles clamp on his cock to entice his own eruption of fire.
Emmeline woke. She had not even realized she had fallen back to sleep. Her body it seemed had simply taken over when her mind could no longer handle the situation. She groaned somewhat loudly as she shifted to sit.

Her hands were in her lap. Her thumbs were red, angry looking and swollen. She couldn't help but wonder if they were ever go back to normal. She had never been hurt more than a scraped elbow or bruises. Smacked knuckles were the worst she could ever remember.

Emmeline stood and went over to the bowl of stew. It was cold now, looked unappetizing yet her stomach rumbled at the sight. She tried to grip the spoon in just her fingers but it was hard to grab and the movement of the digits cause pain in her thumbs. The spoon clattered to the floor. She gave a frustrated sigh.

She figured she had two options - get down and lap at the bowl like an animal or see if someone would help her. She knew there were guards out there but the last time she had let a guard near her he had tried to touch her. Her teeth worried her lower lip. Getting down and eating would be hard, she could not use her hands to stabilize herself.

Emmeline went to the door. She braced herself, ready to take the consequences of what she was about to do.

"Is there anyone out there? I need help please..." She sounded pitiful and Emmeline hated that. She had always thought herself independent, resourceful despite her father's attempts to keep her sheltered and meek. She had learned very quickly in here that that was not the case.

"Please. I need help." She pleaded but feared it fell on deaf ears. She leaned against the wall next to the door.
Tyann's breath was taken away. With all the skill of a seasoned luxury whore, the slave girl had taken possession of his body and bravely impaled herself on his massive blade. Moans of lust - or pain? - reverberated from her and filled the little cell with the most joyous sounds it had known in ages.

He was also moaning and panting now, his penis feeling every detail of her tight insides as they spasmed around it, massaging it with their powerful muscles, and bathing it with her juices.

He managed to open his eyes for a moment and looked at her face, contorted in an inscrutable mixture of pleasure and pain. Her eyes were shut fast, and her powerful little body was tensed up, completely rigid.

He was also working hard, one shiver of warmth after another overtaking his body as he moaned loudly with each one. The tight embrace of her insides almost felt like a powerful hug, promising to never let go of him.

An urge for release welled up in him. It wanted him to come, to release the tension that was making his whole body shake and sweat. Not yet! Not yet! He fought to hold on to this feeling, to delay the inevitable for just one moment more so he could keep tasting the sweet delights hidden in this small, yet delicious package of surprises. His fingertips dug deep into her shoulders as he mustered all his willpower. Don't end yet!


Thom paused outside the door to one of the first level cells, shuddered and smiled. He was new to this job, assigned to it only two months earlier, after an incident with some bandits had cost him an eye. The tavern wenches had all assured him that it made him look dashing and that they would still love him just as much, but he was not so sure. Losing half his eyesight had been one thing, but now he had been assigned to the most feared garrison in the entire kingdom. He still had to get used to the daily suffering - and to his superior's nightly excursions.

He was a very tall, lean young man, a former archer in Halgrim's army. His pale skin and delicate features made him look handsome in a shy, feminine way. And now there was also the eyepatch, apparently enhancing his looks...

Tearing his attention away from the master jailer's lovemaking session, he heard something behind the next door. Well, Tyann sounded like he would be busy for some time, and surely he did not mind someone checking up on a prisoner who obviously needed help?

He decided quickly, pulled out his keyring and unlocked the door. Standing on the other side, illuminated by the bright moonlight, was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. That is, until his gaze fell upon her mangled thumbs... he suppressed a shriek of horror and, somewhat shakily, tried to sound authoritative: "What is it, prisoner?"
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LaVonda kept bucking her groin to his body and wished he would roll them over so she was astride his delicious cock. She knew from past experience that to see a woman forcing herself down over a man was a sure way to build up the need to cum.

LaVonda was coated in sweat and her heart began beating wildly as she repeatedly grinded into his body and the tap of his balls caused another orgasm to ripple thru her cunt and body.

Her breasts felt empty and it was a good feeling. Still she would hate the dribbling of milk for weeks until the ducts stop making milk. But for as long as her Master nursed them, they would leak until the milk dries away. Or worse, he plants another child in her belly since she wouldn't have the tea that would prevent another pregnancy.

It was getting late and LaVonda had taken over an hour of his love making before she let out an exhausted shriek as the head passed over the second barrier. Master passed into her womb where it was even tighter then her cunt. Her hands locked around his neck as her whole body undulated under his body the she went limp gasping for her breathing to calm. Her eyes even more glassy as she gave him a kiss before succumbing to darkness of deep sleep
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Emmeline was sure no one was coming to help her. After the way the guards had treated her when she first arrived it was clear the only kindness in this place came from the jailer himself. She rested her head against the stone wall.

What was her father doing right now? Had they had a big meal? Was he wondering where she was? Surely it was known that she was gone by now. He would have no idea where to look for her though. She had never snuck this far off before. Her horse still waited, tied up on the outskirts of the city.

She had truly been a fool.

The sound of the key in the lock made her jump. The man who entered was not the jailer. No, he was younger, taller and wore an eyepatch. Emmeline looked up at him. He was looking her over and that was when Emmeline remembered she was still naked. She swallowed, fearing in that moment that calling for help was going to prove a very grave mistake. She had thought she was prepared for whatever might happen but now, faced with the guard she knew it wasn't true.

His eye fell on her thumbs and shame washed over her. It was bad enough that he could see her body but now he saw what had been done to her.

"I cannot hold the spoon to eat or use the blanket to cover myself." She looked down, demurely. Not out of an attempt to flirt but out of years of courtly training. "Could you help me?"
Tyann lost track of time as the slave girl pulled him deeper and deeper into her cave of delights. He was floating, completely unaware of the outside world, until the sudden discharge caught him by surprise. One last thunderstorm of lust crackled through him, then all the tension was gone and relaxation came over him; a relaxation so deep he almost fell asleep.

Only after quite some time was he ready to stand up from the bed where LaVonda was now sleeping peacefully. An adorable heap of spent energy was lying there, naked, clearly as deeply relaxed as he was. She had probably forgotten where she was, like he had. He hoped so. She deserved a break from this.

He kissed her goodbye on the navel and slowly got dressed, casting one final glance at her. Still out of it, still enjoying her break from the bleak reality that her life now was.

He put his arms under her shoulders and dragged her back to the slave quarters, her slender legs bouncing along on the rough stone floor. Once he was there, he reattached the shackle to her leg. Then he returned to the other cell, collected her clothing and gently placed it right on top of her chest. He wondered if she would think she had dreamed this all when she woke up back in her slave quarters... but, then again, her insides would probably remind her of him for quite some time now that the pleasure had stopped masking the discomfort.


Thom felt a knot form in his gut, as this beautiful, naked woman lowered her head and so sweetly asked him for help. He entered the cell, gently taking her by the upper arm - anything to avoid touching or even looking at her thumbs! - and leading her to the bed.

As he got ready to feed her the revolting mess, which was now also cold, to make things even worse, he got his first good glance at her. His first impression had not deceived him. A pale marble statue of ideal beauty was standing in front of him, freezing, starving and in pain. He played with the thought of rescuing her - but he had no idea how he would do that, and besides, she certainly had to have done something to deserve being treated like that.

As tempting as it was, he tried to keep his gaze above her neck, where a hungry mouth waited to be fed revolting animal mush. Not below, where two pale, shivering mounds rose from her chest. No. He would not stoop to Tyann's level. And besides, what if she seduced him and escaped? Not even perfection in female form was worth a slow, torturous death!

"You are new here, right? Good thing you are a noble and get to stay up here. I have been to the cells down there, and I would not even keep animals in those conditions! But... you have been to the torture chamber, haven't you? Please tell me you confessed..."
Emmeline tensed as he took her by the arm. She expected to be yanked, moved roughly but his grip was firm but gentle. He guided her but did not shove her. There was confusion in her eyes as she sat. Then she realized he was taking her to the bed. Once again, Emmeline tensed and began to shiver. He was going to force her. Her hands were such a mess there was no way she could fight him off. She considered running but to where? It wasn't as if she could get the key from him and use it.

She blinked back tears as he got the bowl and tried to keep his eyes on her face, on the bed and it seemed anywhere but her body. He was being...respectful?

"Yes. I am new. Three...no, two days..." Her voice was soft. "I was in the cells below. I did not tell him who I was..." She looked down and then back up. "He did this until I told him." She gestured to her hands, to the swollen, angry thumbs. "He said they will not execute me but I do not know if I believe it."
"Oh", he said as he carefully inserted the first spoon of slop between her lips. "I am sure you will survive. Nobles are too valuable as hostages. You will probably spend eternity as a slave here, though."

That last part made his feelings mix like crazy. He pitied her, and knew the misery of the slave's life would be far worse than a short date with the executioner's noose. But his heart also jumped in his chest at the thought of having her down here forever.

He fed her spoon after spoon until the bowl was empty, then noisily scraped the bowl to catch even the tiniest remains. She could not starve! He would take care of her, whatever it took.

"Empty," he said apologetically, "now please lie down so I can put the blanket over you. Poor you! I can not imagine spending an entire night in this cold, damp hole without one!"
Emmeline tried not to gag on the cold stew as she ate. She was grateful he was helping her. His kindness, his manner was like a breath of fresh air in the room.

"I just want to go home." Tears pricked her eyes as the bowl was emptied. She tried to wipe them away but the movement pained her and she hissed through her teeth.

Emmeline looked up at him as he told her to lie down. He wanted to cover her. "Thank you."

Large eyes looked up at him as Emmeline shifted slowly to lay down on the bed. "Why are you being nice to me? The other guards they - " She couldn't even speak it for fear of losing the food she had only just consumed.
"I know. Many of them are just...terrible. No remorse, just play with the women here, treat this at a free whorehouse. Not to mention those who go for the men instead..."

He stopped himself from saying too much about his comrades. As much as this poor woman touched him, he was still a soldier, and did not like badmouthing them. So he said nothing instead.

He sunk into her eyes for a few moments, unable to avert his gaze from these shiny, beautiful lakes of sadness. Something else beside pity was also rising in him. If only she was free! If he took her here, he would be like those other guards, just taking the prisoners at will. He wanted her. But he wanted her to give herself freely. Not out of gratitude for being the only one here who was not a monster.
Emmeline laid there on her back, naked in front of him. She tried to cover herself but again, the movements hurt too much. She waited for him to cover her with the blanket but he seemed to be focused entirely on her eyes.

Not a brute. His gaze doesn't stray. His hands have not touched me.

He was clearly not pleased with how the other guards behaved just barely stopping himself from fully vocalizing his thoughts.

"You are far more honourable than they are. I feared asking for help but it was a risk I needed to or I would have starved. You have offered me more than food." She wanted to sit up, take his hand and offer her thanks but she remained laying there. Weariness was creeping in. This place seemed to drain her of her energy, of her fight. She feared it would drain her of her will to live. Right now, this guard's kindness was enough.

"I am Emmeline. What is your name?"

He automatically reached out to clasp her lower arm in salute, as soldiers did. At the last moment, he remembered that she was not a soldier - and that he would have caused her agony.

What now? He wanted to tell her so much. How beautiful she was. How strong she must have been to stand that much torture... and, of course, what he felt for her. But wasn't it foolish to confess your love to a woman you had literally met minutes ago? He decided not to say it.

Still, keeping her company could not hurt, could it? He sat down on the edge of her bed and looked into her face, so much more peaceful and calm now. Putting a blanket over her perfect body took him a huge amount of willpower, but he did eventually manage to cover it under a thick sheet of rough brown horsehair. Now only her head was visible, and that had to suffice for now.

What could he do to improve her condition? Bringing her extra food would be very difficult, and he feared the whipping post more than death. The scars from his last encounter with it were now only faint white stripes, but the pain in them flared up every time he remembered how he got them.