Halgrim's Tower (PM to join)

LaVonda entered the dining hall with her buckets and rags. She was staying away from the tables where people were still eating at. There was several spills under three tables that required immediate attention so she set to work there to start.

LaVonda did see Thom and smiled as she knelt to clean the bench. She went right to work on cleaning the legs of spoiled eggs.

Some of the guards took notice of the large breasted girl cleaning the floor. A few were making bets on which of them would she choose for a.quick tumble.

Suddenly LaVonda.felt a hand on her waist. She bit down on her lip not to make a complaint. In one quick move her undergarments was ripped off and on the floor.

"Please Master permit me to finish my work. " LaVonda begged softly.

No answer but hands moving over her body and shoving her into the position for a fast fuck. LaVonda made no attempt to fight him or to move away. She closed her eyes and prayed he would be quick with it so she could get back to her work.

She felt his hand mauling her mound as if seeking her flower with his oversized fingers.

She heard a voice "you have to wait your turn. She is mine right now"

LaVonda heard Master Thom say something and became nervous. She hoped there wouldn't be a fight but from the sounds of men talking to one another. She would probably be whipped for starting a fight between the guards.
As he continued to watch her face, Tyann realized there was something else under all that shame, all that crying. Every time his cloth got close to the middle, he could see her lips quiver a little, as if she was suppressing a moan. Of course she could not allow herself to moan openly... even staying spread like that probably felt like an execution to her. But that little shaking betrayed that not all of her was feeling like that.

She was still perfectly stiff, but, as he reached her nipples, he could feel them rise a bit towards him. Her entire body was arching just a little, and it became more intense as he gave the tops of her breasts a very unnecessary extra cleaning. Soon, he even discarded the rag and twisted her nipples very slightly between his bare fingertips. His own breathing got harder, too, as he noticed the fascinating effect this had on her back...

In another completely unnecessary move, he lay down on her, his face just above her breasts, as he got ready to clean her face with some more fresh water. His neck was resting in between her breasts like on the world's greatest cushion, and he could feel her hard nipples brush against his cheeks as her breasts heaved a little.

"Just the face now, and we are done with your front", he said in a warm, soothing voice as he prepared to finish his job.


Guntar - the other guard - was not at all gentle with LaVonda. His hand was already under her slave dress, "caressing" her between her legs... though from the way he was moving, "mauling" would probably have been the better description. As the other guards, except for Thom, shouted and clapped, the hulking brute dropped his pants and revealed a quivering giant, ready to impale the poor slave girl.

Thom had to react quickly. He wanted nothing less than for anyone to discover that she was his...special girl. He was a guard. Prisoners were supposed to be meat for him! He could not get angry at him for what the others considered harmless fun... at least not openly.

"Careful with her, you stupid ox! Don't break her, others want to have fun with her, too! Or at least learn to share. Did the donkey who fathered you never teach you manners?"

That got his attention. This was not something he had expected to come from the mouth of Thom, the meek one-eyed archer. Yes, it had gotten his attention. Damn! He turned around, penis pointing at him like a dagger, and slowly closed his pants. Without a further word, the brute strode towards him, giant hands raised, ready to crush the young man without a second thought. Everyone else just stared in fascination.
Emmeline's eyes went wide as he toyed with her nipples. Part of her was terrified he was going to do it harder or maybe pull them until she screamed. Another part of her wanted to moan.

Her mind reeled at the idea. The more he played, the more she fought the odd feelings in her body, the more his breathing changed, the more the feelings grew. It was a strange circle of reactions.

The bed moved and Tyann was on her. She was trapped. His face was about her breasts, she could feel his hot breath brush over not hard and sensitive nipples. Then his cheeks brushed them and she let out a small squeak. It was impossible to tell if it was in fear, pain or pleasure. His body was against hers and all that kept them apart was his clothes. She wanted to pull away but his weight also felt...good above her.

Was this a form of torture? What did he want from her?

Emmeline tried to nod to show she understood that he would wash her face and then she was going to be free of him to roll over. Relief washed over her. On her stomach there was less for him to see and she could hide her face. She prayed it would be easier to quell the odd sensations her body was experiencing.
He finished washing her and turned her over, his knees straddling her hips from behind as he began rubbing her shoulderblades. They were clearly visible under her pale skin, especially now, after a few days of near-starvation. The trembling of her body under his hands was now obvious. Yet she was still hiding how much she enjoyed this!

Eventually, he was done wiping her down. She was now polished again, and seemed to almost glow from the inside. This was more than just the contrast between her skin and the gloom of the dungeon. More, even, than just the healthy glow from being rubbed all over. As much as she was trying to hide it, there was a glow from further inside.

"I am done. Sit up."

He got her slave dress ready, but paused for a moment. There was something beneath all that shame and crying. Something she would have been shocked to notice. Something impossible for her to admit. He would not force her to, but he had felt a warmth inside her. Maybe it was just gratitude for the first gentle treatment in days. Maybe her body was just hungry for a touch, any touch, after days of loneliness and isolation. But maybe there was more. Only time would tell, and that was something she now had plenty of.
"Careful with her, you stupid ox! Don't break her, others want to have fun with her, too! Or at least learn to share. Did the donkey who fathered you never teach you manners?"

LaVonda heard Master Thom clearly this time. She felt his hand release his grip and move away from her body .

LaVonda saw this as an opportunity for escape but winces as she notices the guard being taunted was a big man and not as disadvantaged Thom was

As much as she wanted to escape she couldn't let him pummel Master Thom. La Vonda bumped into another guard spilling water on his pants causing a chain reaction.

Guard with wet crotch stumbled into a table making it flip and send food flying across the room. The food hit another higher
ranking soldier who began pounding on the man who banged the table. Within minutes the whole room was involved in the fight .
Emmeline could barely breath she was so unsure of what was going on both to her body and to her mind. She was conflicted. He could be cruel and hurt her and then there were times when he was gentle and then there was this where he was touching her but not touching her.

Then there was the strange tension in her body.

She rolled, careful of her hands. Tyann repeated the process and even rubbed her back. Emmeline had bit the inside of her cheek to ensure she made no noise. She feared he would get angry.

She remained perfectly still until he was done. She got up carefully using the technique she had the other day, pushing her backside and hips up, knees going underneath for leverage.

He dressed her and Emmeline found herself looking into his face.

"Thank you." Her voice was soft and the tone rang of sincerity. "For the food, for bathing me." Pink rose in her cheeks. "Thank you master Tyann."
What had happened? Before Thom could even regret his words, suddenly, the whole room was filled with noise and flying fists. In the chaos, no one paid any attention to the slave anymore. He narrowly dodged a flying plate, then crawled to her. How had this happened? The last thing he remembered was her making a sudden move, and now everyone was trying to kill each other.

Everyone was still too busy with the fight to notice him as he grabbed her by the wrist and began pulling her out of the room.

Two guards were leaning against the wall, blood dripping from their heads. A third was passed out on the bench. Large groups here and there were still fighting, some with punches, some with kicks, one by swinging around a mug but, fortunately, not hitting anyone. He had to get out of her before he joined those two in the corner - or the unfortunate soul who was getting burned by a fellow guard with a torch he had ripped from a wall. His screams were horrifying...

This was not the first brawl in this place... or the last. They always seemed to forgive each other afterwards, even the ones who now had interesting new scars. Still, he did not want to die in there... and he did not want LaVonda to die, either.


Tyann looked her in the eyes and smiled at her. Her blush stood out red against her pale skin, now even paler after so much time in the dungeon and with all the dirt off.

He put his arms around her and hugged her head against his chest. Then he bent down and whispered into her ear: "See? It is not so difficult. This does not have to be a place of pain."

He let go and, to his own surprise, stroked her lightly on the cheek with the back of his hand. "I will send the healer again tomorrow. With any luck, you will soon be freed from this cell and get to work. I am sure you are looking forward to that. I would go mad from boredom in here."

As he opened the door to leave, he heard something from upstairs. Something loud enough to be heard through two doors. Something that sounded like a brawl. Again? He did not begrudge his men the entertainment, but did they have to do that every week? It was the reason he had to hire twice as many guards as necessary. Half were always recovering from silliness such as this. He sighed. There would be another round of punishments tomorrow.
LaVonda looked bewildered that things escalated from a bump to full fledged battle scene. What has she started?

When she stood up and views everyone, LaVonda blinks at how the pandemonium filled the dining hall
LaVonda realizes that she is going to whipped bloody for inciting a riot or at least she figured that would be her punishment. Tears begin rolling down her cheeks as The Master Jailer would be very displeased which made her heart ache from guilt.

When Thom grabbed her arm she dropped backwards into his body. * SMACK

Her face pales as she notices Thom's look of displeasure. Which only added to her misery.

They managed to get out of the hall with minor injuries but the man at the doorway didnt fare as well. He got hit with the hilt of a sword.

In the hallway LaVonda.dropped to her knees begging for forgiveness and asking Thom to take her to the Master Jailer for judgement.
He drew her in. It was oddly intimate and endearing. Emmeline had seen her father hold her mother like this though she knew the jailer wasn't doing it out of love.

His words, his breath on her ear brought a strange shiver through her body. She didn't even realize her arms had gone around him until she tightened them to ride out the sensation.

His hand brushed her cheek and again, unconsciously Emmeline reacted. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, just a little.

Then he was gone. Emmeline felt at a loss. She had almost begged him to stay. He was her only human contact of late. The guard, Thom hadn't come back. Tyann had been gentle and tender with her and though she didn't want to she found herself craving his attention now.

She didn't understand what she was feeling.

Emmeline moved back to sit on the edge of the bed. This place was playing with her mind. She began to pace. She recited the history of her family, of the kingdom. She named counties and the nobles in charge of them. She counted, recited poetry that she had memorized. Back and forth she walked the room.
Thom dragged her out into the hall and held her in a way that he hoped did not look too much like a hug. He gave her, and himself, a moment to recover from all this excitement.

He hoped Mathis would not be too angry about the shot to the balls. He was normally a good-natured guy, but he had been in the way of their escape. Oh well... with any luck, he would not even have noticed who had rammed the hilt of his sword right into his vulnerables...

He had not expected her to be on her knees, but it made a strange kind of sense. She was so submissive it was almost funny, and clearly she was blaming herself for the riot...

"What? Take you to judgement? Have you seen the kinds of judgments the old man hands out? He will have your back whipped bloody, or send you to the dark cells for years. Why would I want that? Why would I want that...for you?"

He gently pulled on her wrist as a signal that she did not have to kneel.

"No, with any luck, someone else will get blamed for this. Either way, I am not getting you into trouble."

With any luck... looked like there wasn't any. Just at this moment, the master jailer came upstairs.

Tyann did not mind the occasional brawl. They were rough men. But even rough men had to be punished for this. If there was to be any kind of discipline, they had to be punished hard.

He noticed one of the guards standing outside the guards' rooms, talking to the new slave. They both looked a little bit battered, but, then again, they were the ones who had gotten away from what sounded like a major battle in there. Time to get some answers out of the two of them.

"What is going on?", he demanded harshly, "Who started this riot?"

"I have no idea", Thom lied, "I was just sitting there when suddenly someone swung a mug at someone else, and then... well, you can hear it for yourself, my lord."

"Indeed I can", Tyann answered grimly and opened the door. The sudden sight of their commander stopped some of the smarter men from fighting, but, farther away from him, the brawl continued.

"Stop at once", he shouted in the voice that had served him so well on the battlefield.

They did. He strode over to the middle of the room and looked at his troops with the fury of a disappointed father.

"I want to know who started this riot, and I do not need to tell you the consequences of not telling me..."
"What? Take you to judgement? Have you seen the kinds of judgments the old man hands out? He will have your back whipped bloody, or send you to the dark cells for years. Why would I want that? Why would I want that...for you?"

LaVonda sighs and whispers. "I was the one the started fight to start. I spilled water on the one with the red Crest. He fell.into the table that spewed food across the room."

"No, with any luck, someone else will get blamed for this. Either way, I am not getting you into trouble."

LaVonda frowned since it was the same as lieing.

Then she saw the Master Jailer and knelt down showing respect to his role in her life. He decided where she would best serve and where she would sleep. His word was

"What is going on?", he demanded harshly, "Who started this riot?"

"I have no idea",

LaVonda went to say something but Thom spoke first

"I was just sitting there when suddenly someone swung a mug at someone else, and then... well, you can hear it for yourself, my lord."

"Indeed I can", Tyann answered.

LaVonda stood quietly next to Thom biting her bottom lip wondering why she shouldn't confess.

"Stop at once", he shouted in the voice that had served him so well on the battlefield.

It was amazing how quickly the room went so silent

"I want to know who started this riot, and I do not need to tell you the consequences of not telling me..."

One man pointed to the man with the food in his hair and beard
"He was the one throwing punches, he said I threw food at him but I already finished and the slave took my plates to the kitchen
Raynor growled being blamed. "Not my fault, I was defending me'self from being attacked again."

Several others pointed at someone else until one guard not wanting to be punished . "I believe it all started when Guntar was gonna have the slave that was cleaning floors. Someone said something and he beat on somebody but I didnt see who called him a donkey."

LaVonda suddenly became fearful that Thom would be punished and it wasnt his fault either. If she was wearing more then a slave shift which showed her bare ass, maybe the riot wouldn't have started. Or maybe Master Thom shouldn't have intervened.

LaVonda knew that somehow it would come.back to her ams she hoped The Masrer Jailer wouldn't be making her bleed to much
Thom knew where this was going. He had caused too much attention. The meek, friendly archer standing up and hurling insults at that brute? That had to have left an impression. Sure enough, his name did come up as the old man continued his interrogation. Tyann stood in front of Thom and LaVonda and gave them a long, hard look.

"I do not tolerate fighting among the guards. You know that, Thom. I am disappointed. I always took you to be a good man. And now you do that? I fear I must punish you quite severely for starting this riot. Not only did you endanger us all, I also expected more of you. Starting tomorrow at the beginning of your shift, you will be taken to the torture chamber and made to ride the Wooden Horse for a whole day."

Thom's mouth went dry and he began to shake. He had never seen that punishment, but he had seen the instrument used for it. The idea of having to ride it for a whole day made his skin go pale and sweat appear on his forehead. Still, he managed to stammer: "I...I understand and I beg for mercy for my crime. But please do not punish her so harshly. She did nothing in this whole thing. It was all me."

Tyann smiled and turned to LaVonda. "Protecting your Lady Love, I see? Well, I am touched. Slave, you will receive ten strokes of the cane on your bare buttocks, right here. If you want, though, you can give five to your noble protector there, and only receive five yourself. Or you can take all ten of them. But beware - I am not known for mercy when I cane someone. So what will it be? Five for both of you, or ten for you alone?"

Thom gave her a look that seemed to say "spare yourself, I can take it", but remained silent.

The jailer turned to the rest of the assembled crowd: "And the guards will be on half rations for the rest of the week. Hopefully, you will learn your lessons, then. And do not expect that you will get to slack off just because you will be hungry. I expect full shifts and your best discipline, or they will have to send me a new batch of veterans to bury your corpses. I hope you have all understood me, you herd of swine."

He was not all that angry, in truth, but he knew how to speak to soldiers. To them "herd of swine" was practically a term of endearment, and that is how they took it. No grumbling in the ranks, just attention focused on the pair in front of the jailer. Would the slave accept her full punishment, or cane her lover? By this point, they were sure he was her lover, and some of the guards called out remarks to that effect.

Tyann called for one of the guards to bring him the cane, then turned to LaVonda again. "Well, then. Bare your buttocks, bend over and choose. Will you take all ten strokes, or will you give five to him? You have time to decide until I have the cane in my hand, and then I will do my very best to make sitting uncomfortable for you for quite some time..."

Silence. Only one guard called out: "No! Not her buttocks! I wanted to fuck those!", to general laughter.
"I do not tolerate fighting among the guards. You know that, Thom. I am disappointed. I always took you to be a good man. And now you do that? I fear I must punish you quite severely for starting this riot. Not only did you endanger us all, I also expected more of you. Starting tomorrow at the beginning of your shift, you will be taken to the torture chamber and made to ride the Wooden Horse for a whole day."

"I...I understand and I beg for mercy for my crime. But please do not punish her so harshly. She did nothing in this whole thing. It was all me."

"Protecting your Lady Love, I see? Well, I am touched. Slave, you will receive ten strokes of the cane on your bare buttocks, right here. If you want, though, you can give five to your noble protector there, and only receive five yourself. Or you can take all ten of them. But beware - I am not known for mercy when I cane someone. So what will it be? Five for both of you, or ten for you alone?"

LaVonda saw the look on Thom's face but couldn't let him take two punishments. She would have to atone for her part in the riot. So she knelt at the Master Jailer 's feet and waited for her punishment to take place.

"And the guards will be on half rations for the rest of the week. Hopefully, you will learn your lessons, then. And do not expect that you will get to slack off just because you will be hungry. I expect full shifts and your best discipline, or they will have to send me a new batch of veterans to bury your corpses. I hope you have all understood me, you herd of swine."

LaVonda couldn't stop her tears. It was a quick reliving of what got her put in the prison in the first place. Only this time no one had died...yet.

Now the Master Jailer had looked down at her and gave the last chance.

"Well, then. Bare your buttocks, bend over and choose. Will you take all ten strokes, or will you give five to him? You have time to decide until I have the cane in my hand, and then I will do my very best to make sitting uncomfortable for you for quite some time..."

LaVonda didn't wait she spoke in a clear voice. "It is my punishment and I would take twice as many for Master Thom to be spared from the torture of a thing I do not know what it is. I would only ask prove my desire to be obedient with thee, Master."

She removed the shift and moved over to a bench. She leaned over and gripped the other side waiting for her punishment to begin. six days, slut... you will hurt for six days.. you could have spared yourself.. he would welcome it... stupid slut

Out of the silence came a voice. "No! Not her buttocks! I wanted to fuck those!",

There was her true humiliation. Why didnt the guard ignore the taunt and ravish her holes.as he intended. Her life was going to find a lot of What its during her tenure at this prison.

The only issue she had left was just how many strikes she would receive since The Master Jailer did not say anything in regards to her plea in Thom's punishment.
A guard had hurried to bring the master jailer a thick, sturdy cane. It was not a harmless school boy's cane. It was a sturdy length of wood, barely flexible, meant to be used two-handed. The end was somewhat wet as it had been soaked in salt water to make it slightly more supple. Tyann took it and held it by his side like a sword, but not yet ready to strike. When LaVonda made her plea, laughter erupted in the entire room.

Tyann gave her a nasty grin: "Oh, now you are protecting him! We have not had such a love story down here for quite some time. Very well. I will spare him the wooden horse - if you give him twenty strokes of the cane, right here. And do not even think about holding back. If I see even once that you do not put your full strength into it, you will rot in the dark cells for the rest of your sentence. But if you do agree to thrash him, hard, he will be spared the Horse."

This was going to be wonderful entertainment. The other guards had completely forgotten that they would be punished too and were now crowding around, eager to take in every detail of the drama unfolding in front of them. Would she agree to become her lover's torturer to spare him the agony of the Horse? Would she be able to stand having to beat him until he lost consciousness (twenty strokes normally did that)...? Everyone was having great fun.

Her naked buttocks got some applause, too. Tyann took up a practiced stance, brought the cane around behind his head and swung it around. The soaked wood rushed through the air and hit her buttocks with a sound of thunder. The stroke was so hard her soft flesh actually shook for a few moments when the cane had already been lifted again. Everyone was now leaning forward, eager to study the look on her face.

The next stroke. Right across the first one, the most painful place for the second hit. The jailer swung the cane more like he was cutting down an enemy on the battlefield rather than merely punishing a slave. He clearly had no one's safety in mind, and only the soft, bending wood kept him from breaking any bones. Already, a bright red "X" was forming on her buttocks, but there was no bleeding, her skin was unbroken.

To great applause, he planted the third stroke, then paused a little to give her the opportunity to fully feel it. The guards came as close as they could without getting in the way of the infernal length of wood. Every tear, every sound from her, would make the scene more exciting. It was their first chance to see what the new slave was really made of. Everyday abuse was one thing, but a punishment from Tyann was quite something else.

The fourth and fifth stroke came in quick succession and crisscrossed each other, each accompanied by a sickening sound as they reverberated through her buttocks and up her entire body.

"You have been punished, slave. Now pull up your clothes and tell me - are you willing to give Thom twenty strokes, as strong as those, to spare him the Wooden Horse? Decide, or I will make your decision for you. And I am very sure you will hate it."
When LaVonda saw the cane she trembled, it was as big as the one she had suffered under at the orphanage. It really left marks that took days to recover from.

",Oh, now you are protecting him! We have not had such a love story down here for quite some time. Very well. I will spare him the wooden horse - if you give him twenty strokes of the cane, right here. And do not even think about holding back. If I see even once that you do not put your full strength into it, you will rot in the dark cells for the rest of your sentence. But if you do agree to thrash him, hard, he will be spared the Horse."

LaVonda gave it some thought and came to the conclusion that that caning would be more merciful then The Horse. She just hoped that she could lift it enough to wield it.

The first strike shook her body. She gritted her teeth despite the tears then said firmly enough "one"

The second shook her harder and she felt wood poke into her hand "two "

LaVonda screamed as the third landed causing her body to bounce against the bench. Within the pause she sobbed out "the thhhree:"

She could barely hear the sounds of voices around her as the pain took any attempt to fog out the acute pain ebbing into the rest of her body.

The final two she couldn't say but bruising was showing across her asscheeks and her forehead had cracked into the edge of the table making blood drip from her brow and around her eye.

Her legs felt like rubber as she tried to rise and give the Master Jailer her answer.

"You have been punished, slave. Now pull up your clothes and tell me - are you willing to give Thom twenty strokes, as strong as those, to spare him the Wooden Horse? Decide, or I will make your decision for you. And I am very sure you will hate it "

LaVonda slowly picked up her shift and sobbed as she tried putting it back on. Gods her ass felt like it was burning off. The shift in place and a few grumbles LaVonda eased to her knees and placed her forehead at his knee amid her crying she uttered. "Tth...ank you.. Maaa Masstteeer."

A few of the guards close enough to hear her gave a quizzical look at the slave. Did they really hear her thank Tyann for her caning? A few others were making bets on if she would use the cane and the second bet was how many she would manage to give to Tyann's satisfaction.

LaVonda lifted her hands " I waaaa ill bbbe merrre ciii ffff ful ann yaya use the caaaa ane, Masss tttter J...ailll ller."

LaVonda rose to her feet and looked towards Thom with tears. She hated being the punisher and only hoped she would be able to do it as expected.

LaVonda wielded the cane like a rug stick used for beating dirt from rugs or furs. Swinging sideways she struke him from the hip to the short right side. The noise of wood in flesh made her feel sick.

Swish and smack was the sounds of the next six strikes. LaVonda took a small break and rubbed her hands that were stinging from the backlash. Her heart ached as she could hear Thom making strange noises.

The next three were quicker as it was getting harder to hold the cane. LaVonda ripped some of her skirt off to wrap her hands. How was she going to make it thru the last ten was going to be a miracle

LaVonda wiped her eyes and saw the Mark's on his body, his scars not her cane marks. She let out a strange scream and began to move the cane wildly she couldn't remember how many she gave but felt someone grab her arms and the wood wrenched from her hands.

A couple guards was in a void of shock that in her berserker fit. She smacked Guntar in the crotch before the cane was taken away from her .

Another guard muttered aloud. "Surprised she didnt hit Tyann with all that wild swinging."
Tyann smiled and stroked LaVonda's hair. "There's a good slave. So few of them are grateful for the correction I give them. Now for the second part of your punishment. Making this fool suffer for standing up for you. On the bench with you, Thom. You should know by now that no one is to stand up for slaves in any way. They deserve all they get, and anyone who defends them will get punished worse than they are. Go ahead, slave, give him twenty good strokes. And remember that even a single sign of mercy will get you sent to the Dark Cells until you go mad. So strike hard."

Thom pulled down his pants and bent over the same bench she had just received her punishment on. He knew he would be in agony soon - but he was grateful that she was doing this, and sparing him a whole day on the Wooden Horse, which would have probably driven him insane. "Ready", he muttered to her, weakly. He was not ready at all. And now she would be forced to do to him four times as badly as Tyann had done to her...

The first few swings. Thom tried to be brave, and managed to make no sound, even as his eyes filled with tears. She really was afraid of being punished even more, and was showing no mercy. Everyone else was silent, too, watching with interest as the slave flailed away at him. The only sound in the room was the sickening smack every time the wood slammed into his buttocks and made them reverberate.

More strokes, quicker ones. He lost it. He could not stop himself from screaming anymore. Wails of agony echoed off the walls and were mockingly imitated by the other guards. "Beaten up by a little girl!", he heard one of them shout. The humiliation barely registered under the fire she was stoking in his flesh every time she hit him. How many? He had lost count? He was losing his mind. He closed his eyes and began crying.

She was not stopping. She was not stopping! How many? He did not even feel single strokes anymore, just a feeling as if he was sitting on hot iron. In a break between screams, he could hear the cane smack into his flesh again, a sign that this was still going on. Was she done? Was she finally done? Those had to be twenty! It was feeling like a hundred, like a thousand. Sweat dripped from his body.

An agonized scream from her was the last thing he heard before he fell unconscious. His limp body was now draped over the bench before he was carried away by two guards and roughly placed on his bed in the dormitory. He would remember this for a long time, that was for sure.

Guntar stomped over to LaVonda and slapped her, hard, giving her a dirty look before sitting down, grumbling: "I'll do to her crotch what she did to mine later, the bitch."

Tyann had been shocked at her sudden berserker rage, but quickly caught himself after she had been disarmed. He also slapped her, twice, holding nothing back. "I very much hope for your sake you did not mean to hit Guntar like that. I have had slaves disemboweled for assaulting a guard, let me tell you. But you have been punished enough for today. Your bowels will be allowed to stay inside you for now."
"Take a last look at the sun, you little bitch. This might be the last time you see it." The giant man in the tin hat chuckled and pushed the girl's shoulder as she waited in the midday sun.

The girl was called Lark, and she had made herself a bother in the town. She had been punished several times in her short life, but it never got through to her. No more, it was decided. From now on, she would be interred at the tower.

She had been caught a few hours earlier, in bed with three women, engaged in intense sexual activity. The three girls had claimed with bated breath that Lark had used witchcraft on them, forced them to do her bidding and that they were helpless to resist. This was mostly a lie, though Lark did fancy herself having a way with controlling people.

She had been pulled from the bed, stark naked, and taken to the court where she had been declared guilty in less than five minutes flat. The sentence was to be marched naked through the town and taken to the tower, where Halgrim and his men would find the best way to correct her devilish behavior.

She stood at the steps, her hands folded over her bare crotch, her short black hair moving in the slight breeze of the summer day, her olive skin reflecting the sunlight. Outside of the two men set to guard her with their staffs and daggers, no one seemed to pay her any mind. There was to be some formal to-do, she figured, but it seemed to be taking forever. Her bare feet shifted on the stone beneath her.
It was noon, and Lark was about to begin a journey that would end with many screams, and most likely a sentence of lifelong slavery. While the court had found her guilty, they could do nothing to her without a confession. So the judge had ordered that she be paraded through town, naked, to Halgrim's tower, to have a confession tortured out of her by that old monster Tyann and his guards. Those guards who had been inside the tower pitied her a little.

The news that a young, beautiful woman was to be paraded through town naked had immediately stopped most work as everyone had gathered along the streets from the courthouse up to the tower, eager to see her. "The pretty ones always get such crowds", the older of her two guards mused, "almost makes you jealous." "Jealous?", his comrade replied. "if they drove you through town, people would lock their doors and close their windows.

The older guard smacked Lark on her bare left buttock. "Walk."

They began their long, hot walk up the hill as what seemed like the entire city stood there and watched. Men shouted lewd compliments about her body, some women shouted hatefully (especially those whose men were paying too much attention to her), and some religious fanatics began cursing her out in words that you would have expected from a sailor. Someone grabbed a bone with some meat left on it and hurled it at her.
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The bone landed near Lark's bare feet, and she snatched it up and hurled it back at the man who had flung it at her, then returned to her place, keeping her nose raised. The cat calls continued, and she could sense a few men trying to get a look at her backside. More than a few were demanding a better view.

The idea of putting the crowd out of her mind was impossible. Lark looked around at the town condemning her. She spotted a cute girl looking at her in shock and blew her a quick naughty kiss and a wink. The thought of what she would do with that girl gave her an idea, and she turned to the two guards behind her.

"You heard that I was caught with three women, right? Three women. Imagine what I could do with two men, with the equipment to actually satisfy me. Do you think that might be worth my freedom?"
"There's a good slave. So few of them are grateful for the correction I give them. Now for the second part of your punishment. Making this fool suffer for standing up for you. On the bench with you, Thom. You should know by now that no one is to stand up for slaves in any way. They deserve all they get, and anyone who defends them will get punished worse than they are. Go ahead, slave, give him twenty good strokes. And remember that even a single sign of mercy will get you sent to the Dark Cells until you go mad. So strike hard."


LaVonda started off well enough that she chewed no complaints

"Beaten up by a little girl!",

His screaming set off her strange change. When her strikes went wild several moved back not wanting to be struck. Several instead rushed at her before she hit Tyann, they knew all hell would bust loose.

Guntar grumbled "I'll do to her crotch what she did to mine later, the bitch."

. "I very much hope for your sake you did not mean to hit Guntar like that. I have had slaves disemboweled for assaulting a guard, let me tell you. But you have been punished enough for today. Your bowels will be allowed to stay inside you for now."

LaVonda blinked a few times and looked at Tyann with shock. She immediately dropped to her knees and sobbed . She leaned forward and placed her face on his left foot. "I'm sorry Master.. I'm sorry.... pray I served as you wanted."

Now her behavior was back to normal and a few guards wondered if they would be making things difficult. Many of them would talk about the battle rage she displayed for a while.

LaVonda waited in her prone position for Tyann to either send her back in the kitchen or to her sleeping place. Then she kissed his feet and wiped the tears she left on his boots with her hair.

What kind of slave was she to be so different from ones they had here before. It was like a fire that went out. Yet she felt devoted to Tyann which a couple guards were jealous.
As Lark picked up the bone, many in the crowd got a very good look at her shapely backside and one especially enterprising young man pushed through the guards and managed to slap her on her buttocks before he was forced to retreat with some strikes of the cane. When he was back in the crowd, despite the pain from his beating, he shared triumphant smiles with his friends who were waiting for him there.

The naughty look got mixed reactions. Some men went wild, clapping and shouting their approval. Others started picking up pieces of the ground - pieces of shit, essentially - and bombarding her with it. "Admit your sins, you filthy witch", shrieked a fat woman before taking aim with an especially big lump of what looked like horse droppings, aimed right at Lark's face. It became harder and harder to hold the crowd back.

The guards just laughed at her offer. "Girl, you are going to the Tower. We have friends in there. If we want to fuck you, we will just come to you."

The younger guard slapped her butt. "I would say I will definitely pay you a visit when you are in there. I just hope they tear you to shreds that are big enough to fuck. They are so rough on the ladies in there. I hate having to retrieve their remains."

He looked at his older colleague and they both laughed as they continued their walk through the streets.

The walk was getting close to the tower now, its doors wide open, where four guards were already waiting with chains in their hands, ready to put them on Lark and make her disappear in the bowels of the earth, to re-emerge only when she was ready to confess.


Tyann smiled at how sorry LaVonda was. She really was the best slave he had ever had. It was almost a shame he had had to punish her. Then again, that had really more been to hurt Thom, and to teach him a lesson she did not need to learn: That slaves were worthless.

The rage she had flown into had impressed quite a few of the guards. Some were afraid of her, but most found it incredibly funny how she had suddenly flown into a screaming beating frenzy and thrashed her lover unconscious.

"Hey, girl. Is that how you treat all your men? Poor Thom was lucky to escape with his life."

"Lord, may we cut off her arms? I don't want her thrashing me like that. Come on! Her hands, at least!"

Tyann gave the man a dirty look, but the rest of the guards apparently found that joke hilarious. He let LaVonda kiss his boots and dry them off, then gave her a gentle tap on the chin with the tip of his foot.

"Hurry off to the kitchens, slave. There is still the washing to be done. And don't worry too much about your lover. I think he was still breathing when they were carrying him out.

With the brawl solved, he closed the door and went to bed. They had a new prisoner arriving tomorrow. Wanton behavior and witchcraft, and no confession. She was supposed to be an insolent one, so he would have to work hard on her. Excellent. He loved a challenge. Especially one who was young and sexually wanton.

What a day! One slave caned, one guard off duty for a few days, the entire garrison on half rations. And poor, beautiful Emmeline still in her cell, waiting for her thumbs to heal. As for her, he hoped that the healer who was visiting her would find her ready for work in the kitchens. Even slave drudgery was better than to be stuck in a cell all day! So much to do. And yet, he had never enjoyed his work more.
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"Hey, girl. Is that how you treat all your men? Poor Thom was lucky to escape with his life."

LaVonda hated herself for causing Thom so much pain but at the same token was grateful she did give him the caning though harsh and from the sounds of it too severely. LaVonda hoped that Thom would be able to forgive her or at least stand the sight of her when she did her duties.

"Lord, may we cut off her arms? I don't want her thrashing me like that. Come on! Her hands, at least!"

LaVonda was worried about losing her hands. How would she be able to scrub the floors, or work in the kitchens, or give Master Jailor a massage? She spoke softly. "Please Master Jailer, take not my hands. They serve to clean the floors, wash clothes, work well in the kitchen, make the torturing place less smell of death.. please let this one keep her hands."

"Hurry off to the kitchens, slave. There is still the washing to be done. And don't worry too much about your lover. I think he was still breathing when they were carrying him out".

"Thank you Master. " LaVonda replied then crept on hands and knees back to the kitchens.

In the kitchen the head cook wasnt happy about any of the antics in the dining hall. He sent four males out to clean the room and bring back the dishes. LaVonda was ordered to wash everything and it needed to be done by the end of day or she would have another beating.

LaVonda thanked the Cook and went to the large tubs of dishes and started to wash, rinse, and dry wash and every dish, platter, cup, pots, and pans in the kitchen clean or dirty.

The others pulled stunts and made her redo a.few.stacks of pans

LaVonda.didnt complain she did her work as completely any other work she had done before. It was when she finished that trouble began. No one cleaned the dining room and since she was the last one remaining it was her job.

LaVonda returned to the hall and began scrubbing the floors. When she got to the spot where Thom was caned, she saw the blood. Now she cried again but a new pain was taking place.

LaVonda shut her eyes and began counting. She hoped she was wrong about these pains. LaVonda tried to figure when it happened... she paused long enough to draw squares and make marks. LaVonda.debated on whether she would ask for the healer or let nature take its course. She touched the teardrops softly then whispers "pray it is wrong. "
The next morning. The first one awaiting Tyann after his morning routine was - Emmeline. Her hands were out of wraps now, though her thumbs were still bandaged.

"Good morning, slave. It looks like it will be some time before we can use you in the kitchen. Good thing you are such a well-bred young lady, so I can use you as a scribe for now. I certainly need someone to help me out with all my paperwork. So, we have no time to lose. Your first task will be to copy all the interrogation reports. I have been meaning to do that for months now. The courthouse wants copies of all of them."

The healer had visited her the evening before and given him her medical opinion: It would take some time for Emmeline to recover from the thumbscrews. Putting her in the kitchen risked infection. She had put lighter bandages on her and recommended light duty. Well, there was no duty in the entire tower lighter than being a scribe. So the first thing he had done in the morning was to order her brought to his office to receive a new assignment.

She was still beautiful, even hungry, pale and wearing her slave shifts. Now he would see how good she would be at obeying. It was her first test in her new position as a slave. And compared to how they were usually treated, light scribe work was practically luxury. He had to be careful not get her too used to this, too soft. Otherwise it would be impossible to get her properly disciplined as a kitchen slave.

"You will sleep chained to my bed. I can not keep you in your cell because the guard I originally assigned to take care of you has had an...accident. I had to punish him for standing up for a slave. It will be a week before he can walk without pain again. I hope this will be a lesson to my men not to treat the slaves as people, which they are not. Certainly the other guards have learned that lesson much more quickly than him."

"Therefore, I will personally take care of you for now. Do not take this as a sign of my favor. It is just the best way to take care of you until you are fit for duty."

He was lying, of course. He was taking special interest in her, but he was not going to admit that to anyone. Let alone himself. After all, he had just had a guard thrashed senseless for doing that.

"Of course, it goes without saying that you are not to tell anyone about this. As far as they are concerned, you sleep in your cell."
She had seen the healer who had said nothing but changed the dressings. The new ones let her move her digits and hold things. That made her happy because she thought it would make eating. easier. But then, no food had come, no promised guard...

Emmeline had gone to bed hungry, woke up hungry and was promptly dragged from her cell. She stood in the office where she had begun her time here. She looked around. She jumped at little at the sound of Tyann's voice. She didn't know why it startled her so much. Maybe it was the memory of her arrival...

She listened intently. Scribe. Copying. She could do that. Her governess had ensured her penmanship was impeccable. Her thumbs might slow her down but the job would be done well.

Emmeline nodded. "Of course Master Tyann. I have no one to speak to but I would not tell a soul."

Thom had an accident? Punished?

She shivered thinking about what went for punishment in this place. Her mind then went back to his words.

You will sleep chained to my bed. I will personally take care of you now. Both phrases made her afraid and yet...not...

Her head down Emmeline moved to the indicated paperwork. She sat and began to copy. She didn't focus on what it said. She feared if she paid too close attention to the details it might trip her up. Neat writing appeared on the page. She paused occasionally to blow on the ink.

She ignored the sounds of her stomach. There was a great deal of work to do.
LaVonda had a restless night but woke earlier and was escorted to the kitchen. Before the rest arrived LaVonda has the floors clean, bread dough made, and bean snapped for a vegetable soup.

The cook was surprised as she was oiling the pans to bake bread in. He gave her a list of duties to perform and she was not permitted to.go into the dining hall Period.

LaVonda felt those cramps again and fought against the dizziness that followed. LaVonda tried to work thru her problems.

It was after the midday meal was served LaVonda went into the toilet corner and heaves up some bread and an egg. LaVonda thought her misfortune was from eating a raw piece of undercooked biscuits a few days ago

Another slave in the kitchen who was chopping up the mystery meatthe day noticed LaVonda's actions and told another slave what he believe

"The slave that was caned yesterday, today I saw her bringing up her food. I believe she is carrying someone's basterd.:"

The second slave grinned and before long the rumor spread thru the kitchen. And someone volunteered to tell a certain guard that seeks revenge for his damaged jewels.

"Excuse me Lord Guntar.."

The guard turned and saw one of the kitchen boys. "What?"

"Well I heard from some of the prattle in the kitchens. The slave that was caned. She carries a basterd in her belly.. it may have been fathered by the guard who was caned." He glances around being sure not to be caught. "I felt you should know since she harmed you."

He quickly picked up the dishes and retreated back into the kitchen and nods at the his friend. They chuckled as they begun to scrap the leftovers into a bucket to make slop for the tortured prisoners.
