Happiness is...

Seeing a 12 day old baby who 7 days ago you were sure wasn't going to make it, be off the ventilator and morphine only 72 hours after open heart surgery. If I never believed in miracles before, I do now. :)

Seeing the AV attached to this post. Good to see you around TBK.
Seeing a 12 day old baby who 7 days ago you were sure wasn't going to make it, be off the ventilator and morphine only 72 hours after open heart surgery. If I never believed in miracles before, I do now. :)

Good news, indeed! Lighting a candle and saying prayers for a complete and speedy recovery for the little one. :rose:
Having a crying-since-8am kid fianlly leave at 4pm

Oh and going out on a movie date with my wife.
Happiness is teaching your kids new skills. I'd forgotten how much fun roller skating can be.

* Having a friend 'talk you down' as you stand in front of a wall of candy.

* Getting a package of cookies from said friend. Yummmy. Thank you.:heart:

* Crushing on someone ~ even if they don't have a clue, especially because they don't have a clue maybe.
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Happiness truly is...

Telling him to take my corporate job and shove it! Wow, I feel better all ready.
Listening to Paul Okenfold as you write erotica on a hot summer afternoon.
Happiness is: creating those mother/daughter rituals - such as matching earrings, joint mani/pedicures, shopping for shoes. In short - relishing our girly-girlishness together.
Having a relaxing unplanned lunch together and browsing through Pier 1 together afterward. Later the exchange of little gifts that the other had eyed.
Being pleasantly surprised to see W&U. I hope all is well with you.:rose:

*smiles* definitely a happy moment to be remembered after such a long time.

And yes, all is well with me. Been pretty good actually. I'll go blurt and catch you up.