Happy Birthday Angeline

Angeline said:
I didn't bring any pantyhose with me.

hmmm. that sounds....


and if ee tries to put his head behind his feet he may never stand again, and my birthday celebration will be ruined I tell you. just ruined.

Noooo it wouldn't. Think of the possibilities. You could roll him around in that position. Though it would make it more difficult for him to take the trash out.
A Birthday Poem

for the lovely Angeline.


Patty cake rhymes
in a rope-skip rhythm

how many spanks this time
should our girl be given?

Three times nine
and a couple to grow on

with an ass that fine
it's not hard
to get this show on.

One thing's for certain
and we all know it's true--

The sweetest girls
have their cake

and get to eat it too.

So for the poetess
who's both naughty and nice

let me hand you this angel food
heart-shaped slice

and say Happy Birthday to you!

Cordelia said:
Happy Birthday, Ang!!!

(pondering "eating around darkmaas")
Ditto on the wishes!!

(pondering a mouth full of virgin wool :eek:)

dancers anyone? :nana::nana::nana::nana:
Angeline said:
I didn't bring any pantyhose with me.

hmmm. that sounds....


and if ee tries to put his head behind his feet he may never stand again, and my birthday celebration will be ruined I tell you. just ruined.


Always bring pantyhose, even if stuffed in your pocket...
one never knows when it can come in handy :D

Happy Birthday Ange :heart: