Happy Easter! Trump Attempts To Recite "The Lord's Prayer"

He's a religious zealot, who ties himself to the cross of Trump....I can get the ignore part, and he may end up there yet. But for now I am enjoying poking holes in his ideals.
He lost me for life with his insistence that separation of church and state was not only false but actually encouraged.
Life is too short to argue with Christian Nationalist white supremacists. Mock, Block and Move On.
Just giving some history to clear up misconception. The liberals do it and it's celebrated ... Because the liberal's own everything from the media to schools.... A conservative does it. And because we don't own everything And therefore our positions, no matter how accurate, are not the pop culture popularity opinions, we get blasted for it.
Oh Gaysecrets. You're at it again. Stop being such a trumptard loser and playing victim. You know you're an inbred racist asshat and so do we.

Why aren't you in your own thread?
He lost me for life with his insistence that separation of church and state was not only false but actually encouraged.
Life is too short to argue with Christian Nationalist white supremacists. Mock, Block and Move On.
I do believe I've said multiple times now that I am not a fan of trump as a person. He is not my favorite person in the world. I think he's way too much of a pragmatist to be trusted. So no, I am not one who is protecting or supporting or whatever you think it is with Trump. In fact I think for various reasons he is a poor choice as a presidential candidate. My guy is Tim Scott.

As for what I've said about separation of church and state, The fact is the judge ruled based on a statement by Thomas Jefferson in a letter that had nothing to do with the Constitution aside from Jefferson in the letter specifically stating that the government would never start telling pastors what they can and cannot say. Ironically enough, those of you who keep insisting on separation of church and state, many of you are also stating that pastors should not be able to speak out about things of the Bible speaks clearly about. So you are actually violating the intent of the phrase in Jefferson's letter. At any rate, The concept of separation of church and state did not come from the Constitution. It came from the courts and it came from the courts in relatively recent history. That's historically accurate. And I challenge you to show me otherwise. That is show me otherwise according to actual statements by the founders not statements by some judge in a ruling. I really don't care about that branch, in fact, the founders themselves considered the judicial branch the most dangerous.

As for calling me a white nationalist racist.... That's ridiculous. I have said nothing in any of this. That was anything about ethnicity or anything like that. You are imposing that on me because of your biases. I in fact have the utmost respect for all cultures and all ethnicities. And the party and the people I associate with are the people who have been the abolitionists then the party that upholds slavery then the party that wants to make sure everyone can make it including people that are minorities. And lest you forget, It was Trump not Obama that did more financially for the historically black colleges and for dealing with an incarceration rate of minorities that was out of control. It wasn't the Obama administration or Joe Biden... That was Trump. May not like it but that's why many in the black community actually support him.

When you resort to name calling and writing people off based on name calling instead of dealing with what they actually say, You are proving that you don't have an argument. I'm laying out history and facts. All you have done so far is name call. That's not a debate. That's not poking holes in arguments. That's just childish behavior.

And by the way, it was the Democrats who own slavery, Jim Crow, The gun laws that were designed to keep blacks from having guns, The abortion clinics that were intentionally placed in minority neighborhoods for the sake of euthanasia, And who attack viciously with the most racist terms. People like Tim Scott and Thomas Sowell simply because they dare to be conservative and black openly. It's the Democrats that are typically found to have been walking around and playing games in blackface. Your side has the racist issues. Yours is the party of the Klu Klux Klan. Yours is the party of the horrendous behavior that happened on Black Wall Street. Yours is the party of redlining. Yours is the party that opposed the civil Rights Acts. So please stop trying to impose your racism on me. You're the one who believe blacks can't make it on their own. I believe anybody can make it on their own regardless of skin color.
Oh Gaysecrets. You're at it again. Stop being such a trumptard loser and playing victim. You know you're an inbred racist asshat and so do we.

Why aren't you in your own thread?
Give me one thing I specifically said that says that I rabidly support Trump and his acolytes. I've come to the defense of him in that he speaks the truth on something, like I would come to your defense if you were being called a liar when you spoke the truth. You know nothing about my family... And in fact, my family is a very great family. I love my family. For you to attack my family by calling me inbred is once again uncalled for. But you don't know how to have an actual debate. So you just call names.

As for me supposedly being a racist... Point out one thing I've said here that is racist. Even one. I can point out multiple times where people on your side have attacked people like me on here for supporting Tim Scott or Thomas Sowell, which because you attack them the very fact that they are black and conservative, makes you racist. But you can't point out one thing I've said that is racist. So please stop with your purgitives and your name calling simply because you're afraid of the debate. Either have a discussion that deals with facts, or shut up. Cuz name calling Is only an effort to shut out someone else's voice because you don't want that voice heard at all. That's not very liberal of you.
Probably an AI fake.
Probably not. There is nothing controversial about this. Trump looks normal, befuddled, and anxious to get out of an uncomfortable religious situation and back into bashing others where he dwells most of the time.
No. You appear to be a Christian in your advocacy (correct me if I’m wrong). As such, you do not get, per the Christian Bible, to distinguish between the worldly man and his policy from your religious faith. I fu*#in hate fake Christians.

Titus 1:9​

He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.​

1 Peter 3:15

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
You most certainly can separate between a man and his policies. For example, I happen to think that among modern songwriters Elton John is by far one of the greatest. He does with lyrics and with a melody is brilliant. I don't agree with his lifestyle. I don't need to. I'm not listening to his lifestyle. I'm listening to his songs. I don't agree with the lifestyle that Eric Clapton has lived. That man in his behavior is arguably responsible for many deaths on drug overdoses. He has not been a good person in his life. The man is one of the most phenomenal guitarists and talented musicians ever. I love his music. I don't necessarily like the man.

Integrity within personal life in the presidency went out the door with the Kennedys, and really even before that. I'm not looking for a preacher in the White House so I don't need to agree with his lifestyle or his personal behavior. I need him to be a good CEO. That same Bible that you just quoted out of context- You just took verses that applied to the church and tried to apply them to government, and I do believe that government needs to stay out of the church, as much as I believe that a government without a conscience that is informed by religious belief is a very dangerous government- also says to honor those in authority both good and evil. That same Bible also says that God uses the just and the unjust to work his purposes. So yes, I can distinguish between a man who is not just in his behavior in his personal life, And the policies of that man that are informed by people who are good and who have been able to see good policies come through.
trump, the adulterer, rapist, liar, wolf in sheep’s clothing, anti steward of the Lord’s natural providence, demeanor of the poor and worshipper of the accumulation of wealth is unworthy of any kind of defense from a true practitioner of Christianity. GFY.
Let's go through that list one at a time shall we. Adulterer... Yes he did commit adultery on his wife more than once. I don't defend that. It's evil. It's wrong. And there are definitely consequences he's dealing with because of it. Rapist. Not one allegation made against him happened before there was political motivation for it. It was yet another case of liberals using that allegation to try to shut down a conservative because they couldn't do it any other way. In this case, not a true conservative, but one who was more and more willing to be a voice for conservatives because conservatives were supporting him. The allegations of rape were thrown out in court because they were not legitimate. They had to be brought up in civil court in front of a very liberal Justice who then found against Trump not as a rapist but as supposedly slandering her when in fact he was just defending himself, that you should be able to do as well if someone accuses you of something you didn't do. That case is going to find its way in front of the supreme Court. You might want to hold off your judgment until that comes through. You forget that there was a very, very valid accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden, with someone in his own party who didn't want to bring it up but needed to, she was forced to go away because it was politically inconvenient. Bill Clinton had multiple rape allegations against him, And anybody that knew him in Arkansas knew they were very very legitimate. You might want to be careful about throwing that word around with Trump. That could come back to bite you.

Wolf in sheep's clothing. That's interesting. He said he was going to do something, And he did exactly what he said he was going to do. He said he was going to push for the building of a wall on the border. He did. He said he was going to get rid of agency overreach from the federal government to free up small business. He did. He said he was going to get more funding to historically black colleges. He did. He said he was going to back off the federal involvement in the EPA when it came to small businesses. He did. He said he was going to oppose China's involvement in things. He did. The list goes on. My point is that a wolf and sheep clothing says one thing and does another. He did exactly what he said he was going to do. Whether you like what he did or not.

An anti-steward of the Lord's Providence... I'm not even sure what you mean by that. That's just a weird phrase you might want to clarify.

A demeanor of the poor. More people got pay raises under Trump because businesses had more money. That's just provably true. The economy got better under Trump which meant that money went farther. That's just provably true. I actually work in retail so I have seen this with my own eyes. Under Trump things got better. Under Biden things very quickly got worse.

As for supporting the accumulation of wealth, of course. If I work hard to build a business or my family worked hard to build a business, And that business gains a profit, I should be allowed to keep as much profit as possible from the business that I sacrificed or my family sacrificed to build. Those employees are replaceable because they simply show up and do stuff. If they break something or if they do something that messes with my money, they don't pay for it. I do. I on the other hand as the job Creator am not replaceable. If my company went away there would not be the jobs to get. If the employee that is that specific employee were to quit his job, I can just go hire someone else. So yes, those who are wealthy who build the businesses who gain that wealth, should be rewarded for what they do. Would support that no matter who that business is. And the lest you try to say money is the root of all evil, That's not what it says. It says the love of money is the root of all evil. There's a big difference. I can be poor and love money. I can be wealthy and not be in love with and controlled by money. It's not about wealth. It's about the attitude toward it.
Probably not. There is nothing controversial about this. Trump looks normal, befuddled, and anxious to get out of an uncomfortable religious situation and back into bashing others where he dwells most of the time.
AI fakes are pretty realistic if done right and remain a dangerous threat to our right to the truth.
Probably an AI fake.
"Probably an AI fake" has breathed new life into your stale Trump rationalizations.
They did an outstanding job of his weird little side-to-side sway if in fact it is AI!
"Probably an AI fake" has breathed new life into your stale Trump rationalizations.
They did an outstanding job of his weird little side-to-side sway if in fact it is AI!
AI is the last arrow in your quiver. When you don't have the truth on your side you have to invent it. That's how you roll on everything.
You most certainly can separate between a man and his policies. For example, I happen to think that among modern songwriters Elton John is by far one of the greatest. He does with lyrics and with a melody is brilliant. I don't agree with his lifestyle. I don't need to. I'm not listening to his lifestyle. I'm listening to his songs. I don't agree with the lifestyle that Eric Clapton has lived. That man in his behavior is arguably responsible for many deaths on drug overdoses. He has not been a good person in his life. The man is one of the most phenomenal guitarists and talented musicians ever. I love his music. I don't necessarily like the man.

Integrity within personal life in the presidency went out the door with the Kennedys, and really even before that. I'm not looking for a preacher in the White House so I don't need to agree with his lifestyle or his personal behavior. I need him to be a good CEO. That same Bible that you just quoted out of context- You just took verses that applied to the church and tried to apply them to government, and I do believe that government needs to stay out of the church, as much as I believe that a government without a conscience that is informed by religious belief is a very dangerous government- also says to honor those in authority both good and evil. That same Bible also says that God uses the just and the unjust to work his purposes. So yes, I can distinguish between a man who is not just in his behavior in his personal life, And the policies of that man that are informed by people who are good and who have been able to see good policies come through.
There is no book that rules over the lives of musicians/artists. Again - No true Christian would dare make that sort of analogy. I grew up with generations of republicans tying their faith to their beliefs and politics: religious right, family values, and caring Christian conservatives. Disingenuous for anyone to argue against this point unless they have just turned 18 and is oblivious to past American political history.

I did no such thing as take the Bible out of context.

JS: “I do believe that government needs to stay out of the church.” I will take this statement for face value. YOU then, as a Christian, should be the loudest voice here condemning trump for hawking his blasphemous Bible. There’s an active thread on this topic now and you’re free to condemn him there.
I'm aware that this was done by the liberals for a while... My issue is that this is the first time it has been officially declared from the White House to be such. That first time just happens to be on the time. It's going to be Resurrection Sunday? And from a president who claims to be Catholic? And you're telling me that's an accident? Or not intended to make a statement? You definitely have drank the Kool-Aid.
Why do you so blatantly lie about something so easily checked? Here, for instance, is the White House statement on the transgender day in 2022:

And at least Trump recognizes in his rallies and the things he's involved in the Christian heritage
Trump is not involved in the Christian heritage. He doesn't have anything to do with the Christian religion other than owning gullible evangelicals. He doesn't go to church; no, the Bible isn't his favorite book. I doubt he reads any books, but if he does, it certainly isn't the Bible. He grabs gullible knuckleheads like you by the balls and uses them for his profit.
You make this too easy...
And by the way, it was the Democrats who own slavery, Jim Crow, The gun laws that were designed to keep blacks from having guns, The abortion clinics that were intentionally placed in minority neighborhoods for the sake of euthanasia, And who attack viciously with the most racist terms.
1. Owned slavery, 150+ years ago
2. It was also the Democrats who ended Jim Crow.
3. No, gun laws were not designed to keep Blacks (or any other ethnic group) from having guns
4. You can't even get your right-wing propaganda right. The party line is not that abortion clinics were "placed in minority neighborhoods", it is that they were placed in or near minority neighborhoods. And here's the catch: in every major American city I am familiar with, you could be in the heart of the whitest neighborhood in town, and still be within just a couple of miles of a minority neighborhood. So what you are really saying here is simply that most Planned Parenthood clinics are in cities. Which is true, but so what?
5. No abortion clinic was ever started "for the sake of euthanasia".

Yours is the party of redlining.
Nope, that was primarily a Northern Republican thing.
Yours is the party that opposed the civil Rights Acts.
Look it up, Jay: more Democrats than Republicans supported the civil rights acts in both houses of Congress.
I believe anybody can make it on their own regardless of skin color.
I have no way of knowing whether or not you really believe that, but when right-wingers say that, it is almost always just a way of rationalizing their refusal to do anything whatsoever about the lingering effects of slavery and Jim Crow.
You most certainly can separate between a man and his policies. For example, I happen to think that among modern songwriters Elton John is by far one of the greatest. He does with lyrics and with a melody is brilliant.
Even when the topic isn't political...Elton John has never written his own lyrics. Bernie Taupin wrote most of them.
Give me one thing I specifically said that says that I rabidly support Trump and his acolytes. I've come to the defense of him in that he speaks the truth on something, like I would come to your defense if you were being called a liar when you spoke the truth. You know nothing about my family... And in fact, my family is a very great family. I love my family. For you to attack my family by calling me inbred is once again uncalled for. But you don't know how to have an actual debate. So you just call names.

As for me supposedly being a racist... Point out one thing I've said here that is racist. Even one. I can point out multiple times where people on your side have attacked people like me on here for supporting Tim Scott or Thomas Sowell, which because you attack them the very fact that they are black and conservative, makes you racist. But you can't point out one thing I've said that is racist. So please stop with your purgitives and your name calling simply because you're afraid of the debate. Either have a discussion that deals with facts, or shut up. Cuz name calling Is only an effort to shut out someone else's voice because you don't want that voice heard at all. That's not very liberal of you.
Do you blow your father with those lying lips?
I do believe I've said multiple times now that I am not a fan of trump as a person. He is not my favorite person in the world. I think he's way too much of a pragmatist to be trusted. So no, I am not one who is protecting or supporting or whatever you think it is with Trump. In fact I think for various reasons he is a poor choice as a presidential candidate. My guy is Tim Scott.
Well Tim Scott is not running, which means you'll vote Trump, which is what makes you a MAGA.
As for what I've said about separation of church and state, The fact is the judge ruled based on a statement by Thomas Jefferson in a letter that had nothing to do with the Constitution aside from Jefferson in the letter specifically stating that the government would never start telling pastors what they can and cannot say. Ironically enough, those of you who keep insisting on separation of church and state, many of you are also stating that pastors should not be able to speak out about things of the Bible speaks clearly about. So you are actually violating the intent of the phrase in Jefferson's letter. At any rate, The concept of separation of church and state did not come from the Constitution. It came from the courts and it came from the courts in relatively recent history. That's historically accurate. And I challenge you to show me otherwise. That is show me otherwise according to actual statements by the founders not statements by some judge in a ruling. I really don't care about that branch, in fact, the founders themselves considered the judicial branch the most dangerous.
I don't care where it came from, as long as you understand the church and government are separate. Religion (of any faith) has no legal standing in Government.
As for calling me a white nationalist racist.... That's ridiculous. I have said nothing in any of this. That was anything about ethnicity or anything like that. You are imposing that on me because of your biases. I in fact have the utmost respect for all cultures and all ethnicities. And the party and the people I associate with are the people who have been the abolitionists then the party that upholds slavery then the party that wants to make sure everyone can make it including people that are minorities. And lest you forget, It was Trump not Obama that did more financially for the historically black colleges and for dealing with an incarceration rate of minorities that was out of control. It wasn't the Obama administration or Joe Biden... That was Trump. May not like it but that's why many in the black community actually support him.
What, exactly did Trump do? Obama made healthcare accessible to 35 million more Americans. 1.2 Million more Blacks and 2.6 Million Latino's enrolled under Biden. Trump tried to end it.
When you resort to name calling and writing people off based on name calling instead of dealing with what they actually say, You are proving that you don't have an argument. I'm laying out history and facts. All you have done so far is name call. That's not a debate. That's not poking holes in arguments. That's just childish behavior.
It's cute you think you deserve our respect.
And by the way, it was the Democrats who own slavery, Jim Crow, The gun laws that were designed to keep blacks from having guns, The abortion clinics that were intentionally placed in minority neighborhoods for the sake of euthanasia, And who attack viciously with the most racist terms. People like Tim Scott and Thomas Sowell simply because they dare to be conservative and black openly. It's the Democrats that are typically found to have been walking around and playing games in blackface. Your side has the racist issues. Yours is the party of the Klu Klux Klan. Yours is the party of the horrendous behavior that happened on Black Wall Street. Yours is the party of redlining. Yours is the party that opposed the civil Rights Acts. So please stop trying to impose your racism on me. You're the one who believe blacks can't make it on their own. I believe anybody can make it on their own regardless of skin color.
Thanks for the history lesson, but we're dealing with today, where Republicans have become RINO's and the tea party has become Fascist. The Democrats have been left to try and hold the country together....

Rob put you on ignore, so I am taking the opportunity to answer on his behalf.
How can a Christian not recall The Lord's Prayer?
lol, he has no clue

Most Protestants don't use the lords prayer on any sort of regular basis. It's mostly a Catholic thing.

How many of YOU can recite it without googling it. I sure as hell can't. But let's see the video of Braindead Biden doing it.
Haha, with each post you continue to remove all doubt of what a partisan doof you are. Please keep it up!
Well Tim Scott is not running, which means you'll vote Trump, which is what makes you a MAGA.

I don't care where it came from, as long as you understand the church and government are separate. Religion (of any faith) has no legal standing in Government.

What, exactly did Trump do? Obama made healthcare accessible to 35 million more Americans. 1.2 Million more Blacks and 2.6 Million Latino's enrolled under Biden. Trump tried to end it.

It's cute you think you deserve our respect.

Thanks for the history lesson, but we're dealing with today, where Republicans have become RINO's and the tea party has become Fascist. The Democrats have been left to try and hold the country together....

Rob put you on ignore, so I am taking the opportunity to answer on his behalf.
Rob thanks you for "taking one for the team".
Integrity within personal life in the presidency went out the door with the Kennedys, and really even before that. I'm not looking for a preacher in the White House so I don't need to agree with his lifestyle or his personal behavior. I need him to be a good CEO.
Do you believe trump to be a good CEO?