Happy Thanksgiving!

champagne1982 said:
I have an entirely new view of peking duck now.. hoi sin ;) sauce?
We 'Mericans pronounce that "whole sin" sauce.

I think it's the southern influence.
DeepAsleep said:
Speaking of duck fat:

I have the collected fingernail clippings of nine months of my life, powdered blood, semen, and spit, all painstakingly ground with a mortar and pestle.

We should cook a holiday pie.
Um, you have read this, haven't you, kid?

It's kinda like a "soul advisory" or something.

Or, maybe, probably, just dead white guy lit. Yew makes yer choice, yew makes yer chance.

Doesn't sound appetizing, though, I must say. Can I get fries with that?
happy thanksgiving, all.

it's been a small-but-seems-like-much-longer while since all my offspring were in the same place at the same time. that's happening this year, and in Brooklyn, no less, where we started.

we're all cooking, all eating, all drinking,

reminding ourselves life is good, if you give it half a chance.

and doing it smoke-free -- 47 days and counting.

enjoy yourselves.

TheRainMan said:
happy thanksgiving, all.

it's been a small-but-seems-like-much-longer while since all my offspring were in the same place at the same time. that's happening this year, and in Brooklyn, no less, where we started.

we're all cooking, all eating, all drinking,

reminding ourselves life is good, if you give it half a chance.

and doing it smoke-free -- 47 days and counting.

enjoy yourselves.


Congrats on the 47 days! That is excellent and certainly something to be thankful for. :)

Whew I'm exhausted. I've made cheesecake, pumpkin pie, cranberry relish, squash casserole and I'm getting ready to make stuffing with sausage and apples.

And just to think, it'll all be eaten (well lots of it) in a half hour or less. :cool:
In celebration of turkey day, here's one we'll be indulging in at my house:


Allow me to emphasize: STARRING Tor Johnson.
It's a pip. Highly recommend it.

blessings to all on Laugh and Get Fat Day. And hey Canadians: celebrate anyway. I mean, what the hell, right?

unpredictablebijou said:
In celebration of turkey day, here's one we'll be indulging in at my house:


Allow me to emphasize: STARRING Tor Johnson.
It's a pip. Highly recommend it.

blessings to all on Laugh and Get Fat Day. And hey Canadians: celebrate anyway. I mean, what the hell, right?


Hmmmm. Can I come to your house? We'll be watching football here. Lots and lots of football. I think I'd rather see Tor. And I have cheesecake.
Angeline said:
Hmmmm. Can I come to your house? We'll be watching football here. Lots and lots of football. I think I'd rather see Tor. And I have cheesecake.

I called the mate at MIDNIGHT last night to inform him that we're having SEVEN extra people on Thursday. He was perfectly calm about it. One more, especially someone with charm and cheesecake, would be most welcome.

In fact, why don't you ALL come - there was talk of a party recently in some thread or other, as I remember, and it occurred to me that hm, let's see: Canada, Florida, the Northwest, the East Coast... what would be sorta, I dunno, CENTRAL? Kansas, maybe?

Other turkeys we dig out for the holiday:

Bride of the Monster (Ed Wood, Bela Lugosi and yes, Tor.)
Queen of Blood (late 60's Italian SciFi - the writing and acting are horrendous but the spacesuits are stylin' and the hairdos are to die for.)
The Ape Man (Bela Lugosi being unnecessarily hirsute and cranky)
Teenagers From Outer Space (bonus! giant mutant lobsters from space!)
Escape from Planet Earth (possibly, and I say this with a certain knowledge, possibly the worst sci-fi movie ever made. It's got Bobby Van, even.)

Football. feh. Sneak away and come to my house.

unpredictablebijou said:
I called the mate at MIDNIGHT last night to inform him that we're having SEVEN extra people on Thursday. He was perfectly calm about it. One more, especially someone with charm and cheesecake, would be most welcome.

In fact, why don't you ALL come - there was talk of a party recently in some thread or other, as I remember, and it occurred to me that hm, let's see: Canada, Florida, the Northwest, the East Coast... what would be sorta, I dunno, CENTRAL? Kansas, maybe?

Other turkeys we dig out for the holiday:

Bride of the Monster (Ed Wood, Bela Lugosi and yes, Tor.)
Queen of Blood (late 60's Italian SciFi - the writing and acting are horrendous but the spacesuits are stylin' and the hairdos are to die for.)
The Ape Man (Bela Lugosi being unnecessarily hirsute and cranky)
Teenagers From Outer Space (bonus! giant mutant lobsters from space!)
Escape from Planet Earth (possibly, and I say this with a certain knowledge, possibly the worst sci-fi movie ever made. It's got Bobby Van, even.)

Football. feh. Sneak away and come to my house.


Heh. Would that I could. ;)

Oh well, as my son says, Happy Turkey Genocide Day, all. :kiss:
unpredictablebijou said:
In celebration of turkey day, here's one we'll be indulging in at my house:


Allow me to emphasize: STARRING Tor Johnson.
It's a pip. Highly recommend it.

blessings to all on Laugh and Get Fat Day. And hey Canadians: celebrate anyway. I mean, what the hell, right?

That is, I must admit, pretty excellent. I mean, Tor was only a featured player in Plan 9 from Outer Space (not to be confused with that other Plan 9), but his performance, um, stayed with me long after viewing that movie. In the kind of way past-dated sushi does.


Anyway, we watch football on T-day, but we've got a Lost marathon scheduled for Friday.

Scheduled. Neither of us has ever watched Lost, so that could derail quickly. It could turn into Casablanca (Hey, Ingrid!) and Murder, My Sweet before the third episode.

Pre-Thanksgiving? No, no. Not Carl Theodor Dreyer's Ordet, though that might be a worthy and intellectually engaging choice.

It's Nick Cage and Ghost Rider and popcorn. 'Nuff said.

Happy Thursday, all.
unpredictablebijou said:
In celebration of turkey day, here's one we'll be indulging in at my house:


Allow me to emphasize: STARRING Tor Johnson.
It's a pip. Highly recommend it.

blessings to all on Laugh and Get Fat Day. And hey Canadians: celebrate anyway. I mean, what the hell, right?

It just occurred to me that perhaps we should offer up a blessing to Conrad Brooks. I mean, the guy is second billing to Tor Johnson, fer gawd's sake. (Though in the emotionally nuanced rôle of "Man in Overalls.")

He was in a hell of a lot of movies, though. Good fer him.
Tzara said:
It just occurred to me that perhaps we should offer up a blessing to Conrad Brooks. I mean, the guy is second billing to Tor Johnson, fer gawd's sake. (Though in the emotionally nuanced rôle of "Man in Overalls.")

He was in a hell of a lot of movies, though. Good fer him.

It's an award-winning performance, I assure you. "Man in Overalls" is a complex character. You really, really should see this important film.

Tzara said:
(Hey, Ingrid!)
So Ingrid can keep her name bu I am stealin' her line. I'm using instead of hand shakes from now on...

Kiss me. Kiss me as though it were the last time.
It's 8.30 pm up here and we can hear the burps and groans, the loosening of belts and putting up of feet. Happy Thanksgiving down there.
Tristesse2 said:
It's 8.30 pm up here and we can hear the burps and groans, the loosening of belts and putting up of feet. Happy Thanksgiving down there.
That's not the humans! Someone better put out the dog :p.
Sara Crewe said:
Kiss me. Kiss me as though it were the last time.
Uh, okay.

Nice to meet you. Very nice.

Does your husband know about this plan? And do you know you have to say that like Keess me. Keess me as thhough eet were the lasst time!

Work on that throaty desperation thing, 'K?