Happy Thanksgiving!

Angeline said:
Except maybe her:


But I don't know if she likes crullers or Tim Horton's.

Neither. I think her taste runs to dalmatians...
darkmaas said:
Neither. I think her taste runs to dalmatians...

If you keep up this chatiness you'll have 1,000 posts and you can pick a new title. And it will have only taken you five and a half years to do it. :)
Angeline said:
If you keep up this chatiness you'll have 1,000 posts and you can pick a new title. And it will have only taken you five and a half years to do it. :)

Aren't I just an effing word whore!
Angeline said:
If you keep up this chatiness you'll have 1,000 posts and you can pick a new title. And it will have only taken you five and a half years to do it. :)

He'll always be a Guru to me................there's a song there somewhere.
Tzara said:
Well, that's a problem, then. I'd have thought you would have made a quite fetching Queen of the Night.

Perhaps I had something else on my mind.

I don't like the pressure and responsibility of being 'Queen" of anything. How 'bout I be the Duchess of the Dawn?
Sara Crewe said:
Hm, so if a dog trips me while I am going down the stairs and I break my wrist, I chose that pain?

I love Bob and Doug actually, and I have all of Gordon's CDs.

yes otherwise why would a German Shepard be lurking on your stairs?
( those frightful Germans)

Gordon has a cool voice
i think he likes a wee taste every now and then
but that could be projection on my part
Sara Crewe said:
I don't like the pressure and responsibility of being 'Queen" of anything. How 'bout I be the Duchess of the Dawn?

how about the duchess of debauchery?
darkmaas said:
Ouch! Such cruelty in a cruller so sweet.

Did you just call me a wrinkly pastry?

*deciding whether to be offended while estimating how far away I am from the nearest Tim's*
Sara Crewe said:
Did you just call me a wrinkly pastry?

*deciding whether to be offended while estimating how far away I am from the nearest Tim's*

Tim's what?
Sara Crewe said:
Did you just call me a wrinkly pastry?

*deciding whether to be offended while estimating how far away I am from the nearest Tim's*

Never more than a few blocks. Watch out for circling RV's.
Tathagata said:
yes otherwise why would a German Shepard be lurking on your stairs?
( those frightful Germans)

Gordon has a cool voice
i think he likes a wee taste every now and then
but that could be projection on my part

Ah, I had no idea what an idiot I have been my whole life...this gives bruises a whole new shade of blue.

I love Gordon. Sundown is one of my all time favourite songs. Taste schmaste...he's a freakin' alcoholic....if his eye balls sank any deeper into his head he would be able to see out the other side.