Has anyone written a Mind Control story?

dr_mabeuse said:
I don't think the subject appeals to women the way it appeals to men. Men are just so physical that most of them probebly wouldn't mind screwing a zombie. I don't think a woman would find that the least bit appealing, though 'd be willing to be proven wrong.

In fact, now that I think of it, I can't remember ever seeing a story where a woman controlled a man's mind. I've seen women write stories where other women have their minds controlled, but never where they get to call the shots. I would love to see something like that: just what a woman would have a man do if she had total control of him.


Good point. Most of the time, mind control scenarios are nothing more than 'sophisticated' rapes. Just like the whole "humping a drunk/passed out/drugged roomate/sister/date/whatever"-stories, which I just find plain dumb. Why not buy a Real Doll and get a room instead?

That's partly why the Cupid idea appeals to me. It would involve living, breathing and thinking pepole, just nudged in different hilarious directions.
Thanks Earl!

I did write a mini series called Mental Telepathy and put it in mind control because there was no where else to put it. I struggled with the concept of unbidden (sp?) advances for a while. THen figure what the hey it's a fantasy right?

I don't particularly care for the stories where the participants are are brain dead targets either. I thought it was a very difficult exercise to walk that fine line between something people enjoy and something that is a lot more sinister. I thought it was kind of fun to think about the fringe where the object of his attention was receptive and then to make it fun. It was a challenge and a whole lot of fun to write.

Again Earl, Thanks for the mention.


ps edited because I can't type tonight.
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I've written several mind control stories, and I like a good one. However, so many times, I"m reading along, getting into the suspense, getting into the sexuality. The next thing I know, the controller takes over the controllee's mind and wrings his/her will out like mopfull of dirty water.

I'm like, great, just fucking great . . . the main character is now officially dead, and just when I was starting to like 'em. Boy I wish I had mental powers sometimes. What I would do to authors who did this.
Couture said:
I've written several mind control stories, and I like a good one. However, so many times, I"m reading along, getting into the suspense, getting into the sexuality. The next thing I know, the controller takes over the controllee's mind and wrings his/her will out like mopfull of dirty water.

I'm like, great, just fucking great . . . the main character is now officially dead, and just when I was starting to like 'em. Boy I wish I had mental powers sometimes. What I would do to authors who did this.

The two Hypnosis stories I wrote (Mercy Stop Smoking Clinic series) got LOTS of feedback. Women Hated it and called me a rapist (?) Guys Loved it.

I have not as yet received any feedback from my characters.:rolleyes:
Really Jen I loved the stories and cotures as well . As long as the story is well written I'm all for it. I especiall like in a mind control story when the controlee is aware of the control and tries to fight it. That aspect makes it that much more interesting. I don't really dig where the character is none the wiser. I can tell when I've had sex fluids and such so having the character controlled to the point where they're merely a mindless puppet doesn't appeal to me.
destinie21 said:
Really Jen I loved the stories and cotures as well . As long as the story is well written I'm all for it. I especiall like in a mind control story when the controlee is aware of the control and tries to fight it. That aspect makes it that much more interesting. I don't really dig where the character is none the wiser. I can tell when I've had sex fluids and such so having the character controlled to the point where they're merely a mindless puppet doesn't appeal to me.

I liked Jenny's nerd doctor story. At the end of each session the victim is comanded to clean themselves. The results were pleasing to me, but like she said...guys digged it.
I know I was saying good thinking. on her part. in some stories the woman just go home and I guess go about their business w/o cleaning up. Or having some line in there about hmmm I wonder why I feel and smell like sex. oh well back to cooking.
Mind Control stories often get a bad rap (and often deserve it) because so many of them are about turning someone into a fuck toy, but it doesn't have to be that way.

There's a whole sub category of the genre that explores consentual exploration of giving up control. Sometimes it's a couple who take role playing to a different level, sometimes a group that likes games, I've even read it some where the mind control is almost therapeutic. There are lots of different versions, some funny, some romantic. The thing that groups them together is the lack of humiliation or coersion in the stories. Best of all no one ends up a brain dead sex slave.

Two of the best writers of this kind of mc are Artie and Wiseguy. I don't know if they post on Lit, but you can find them through the link that Dr M. provided or through their web sites at ASSTR if you want to check out what I'm talking about.

edited for grammer
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dr_mabeuse said:
I don't think the subject appeals to women the way it appeals to men. Men are just so physical that most of them probebly wouldn't mind screwing a zombie. I don't think a woman would find that the least bit appealing, though 'd be willing to be proven wrong.

In fact, now that I think of it, I can't remember ever seeing a story where a woman controlled a man's mind. I've seen women write stories where other women have their minds controlled, but never where they get to call the shots. I would love to see something like that: just what a woman would have a man do if she had total control of him.


When I was young (very young) all my fantasies where either non-consent or mind control. (Because someone had to 'make' you- you have the fun, but are still a good girl.) Usually it wasnt' one person with mind control over another, but everybody under a spell of some kind that just made them want to have sex- right where they where. Since everyone was under the same spell, it was ok for everyone to start having sex even in publick. Now that you've got me thinking of my earliest sexual fantasies, some of them where really dumb. (ie, what if somebody had an obscene name, what if somebody's dick was as long as repunzels hair...) course they might make a good humor/satire...

As to controling a man, of course I want him to control me. That way I'm not responsible for the naughty things I do. Of course I could make him want me so much that he tries to control my mind, but I'm really secretly in control but don't have to admit it!

...Ah yes, and I consider myself 'liberated'

besides, Women don't need magick or hypnotism to control men's minds. When it comes to getting layed, there minds are already turned off!
Mind Control sories and women

One of my readers sent me this thread and sad I HAD to respond. I receive many emails and IMs from women telling me how much they like my stories. I emphasis how hypnosis can help women relax and enjoy being controlled. How it can increase the intensity of the orgasm, etc. It is NOT a subject just for men. The best hypnosis writer I know of is Wiseguy on ASSTR. Very romantic.
how about "Laura" if you are thinking of the spirits of the dead haunting the mind of the living? sorry its probably off topic wait not its not. the topic is mind control right?

if you need to control by hypnotism i think you are a loser.
KillerMuffin said:
I don't like mind control because to me, it's the worst kind of rape there is. Not only are you violating the person's body, but you are violating the mind--the sacred place where a person is solely a person and belongs solely to the self--in a way that's indefensible.

That's the exact misgiving I had when I started to write my first Literotica story, "Willing Slaves." When I began, it had a much stronger Mind Control element to it, but I soon realized it felt too much like rape. I wrote my own doubts into the main charactor/narrator, then changed the situation from creating sex slaves to releasing already existing (though repressed) lust in the women involved. I've continued with this in other stories, and gotten highly positive feedback from both women and men.

Mind Control is just a category title.

What an author makes of it is up to them. It can be virtual rape; it need not be. It could be benign and helpful.

Many "Non-Consent" stories are not actually "Non-consent". They only appear to be.

Explore the possibilities. Read a range of stories in each category and you will find a wonderful variety of responses to the category title.

KillerMuffin said:
I don't like mind control because to me, it's the worst kind of rape there is. Not only are you violating the person's body, but you are violating the mind--the sacred place where a person is solely a person and belongs solely to the self--in a way that's indefensible. This is why I made my mind-controlling protagonist a serial killer.

The nice thing about mind control is that it really doesn't exist the way fantasies present it.

That last line is what makes it acceptable to me.

See, I have a serious thing against rapefics, the non-consent fantasy, and the like. But I like most of the mind-control stuff, and have even written some of it myself. After thinking over this contradiction for a while, I came to a conclusion that made sense.

The more outlandish a mind-control story is, the more I am able to relax and enjoy it. If it's about (for instance) a guy who gets three wishes from a genie and uses them to make women his willing sex slaves, I can enjoy it because there is no such thing as a wish-granting genie. This will simply never happen in real life.

On the other hand, take a story about a psychologist who uses hypnosis to achieve seduction. If the doctor takes a single session to transform a prudish, uptight patient into a raving slut, it's fairly unbelievable and therefore it works for me. If he seduces the patient over a number of years by slowly building up trust, and if it's clear the patient is being turned against her will, then I can't enjoy it because it's too realistic.

Likewise, I can't read stories that are about someone getting brainwashed, tortured, or drugged into their roles as a sex slave, because these things do happen in real life and I find the idea repellant.

But there are no magic necklaces, there are no hypnotic sunglasses, and there are no accidents with radioactive materials that can transform someone into the Sexmaster. As long as it's obviously fake, I can sit back and enjoy it. I suspect the same thing allows us to laugh at Wile E. Coyote getting maimed when most of us would be appalled at seeing a real coyote fall off a cliff and being flattened by a passing freight train.
I like the idea where the woman controls the man, but he thinks that he is in charge. (of course she doesnt have to hypnotise him to make him want her, but just to get him to do it the way she wishes.

I have a mind control story, should be posted in a couple day, called "The Witches Rune--Part 2." I tried to do something new and eliminate the 'zomibe' aspect of mind control stories.

It's actually up, if anyone wants to check it out. It's doing pretty well actually. I guess it pays to try something different.
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