Has this happenned to anyone else?

Has it happened to you?

Hi Suzy,

Good work,

Don't let those sicko get you down, you did well and sometimes people haven't got what it takes to understand what fantasy is, let them croll in their caves and get on with what you enjoy most.

:kiss: :heart: :rose:

Haven't had THAT problem........but I HAVE received several feedback emails with people who were either upset that the story didn't turn out the way they thought it should.....or even made suggestions for re-writing it with a different ending. Always get a kick out of those.......


I remain,
Initial fright and apprehension...

Feedback on one of my first postings (The Beast in Control) was so varied, it frightened me into laying off for quite a while.

I was threatened with legal action ("I'm going to report you to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania for immediate investigation and incarceration"), called a misogynistic pervert because my main character preys on women (those who had made life rather miserable for him as a teen-ager), told that my work was "...not good enough to clean up the cum from the floor in an adult book store...", etc.

I foolishly allowed those comments to rule my thought processes for a few months and withdrew the story from the site. After a conversation with some other authors and with the site monitor, I re-submitted it and have enjoyed quite a number of positive replies.

My tips for any fledgling authors on this site: bask in the good comments and totally ignore the ignorance of those who would denigrate or criticize your efforts in any manner that is other than constructive.

Just my thoughts...

There is unfortunately no such thing as pleasing everyone all the time. More often than not, if you say something, there is someone who will disagree. Erotica just tends to bring that out in people. Either they have a problem with the topics discussed, the style of writing or the content used. Sometimes they just cannot seperate fiction from fact. But really, that is their problem.

Yes, it is understandable to be hurt or feel angry about feedback that is negative, but it is something you have to face when putting your work on the line. As mentioned before, you DO have choices. You can get upset, you can try to understand the viewpoint of the criticism or you can press that magic lil "delete" key. Just don't let it stop your creative process. Afterall, why did you write the stories that you did? Because YOU enjoyed them!

~ Rora :rose:
A pleasure...


It is truly a pleasure to read your comments. Ego-centered as we men usually are, I thank you for bolstering mine when it needed it.
Just my thoughts...

There is unfortunately no such thing as pleasing everyone all the time. More often than not, if you say something, there is someone who will disagree. Erotica just tends to bring that out in people. Either they have a problem with the topics discussed, the style of writing or the content used. Sometimes they just cannot seperate fiction from fact. But really, that is their problem.

Yes, it is understandable to be hurt or feel angry about feedback that is negative, but it is something you have to face when putting your work on the line. As mentioned before, you DO have choices. You can get upset, you can try to understand the viewpoint of the criticism or you can press that magic lil "delete" key. Just don't let it stop your creative process. Afterall, why did you write the stories that you did? Because YOU enjoyed them!

~ Rora :rose:
I write my stories for a very selfish reason:

I have a particular fetish of -nude realities-, of people who get to go for very long times or live in worlds were nudity is accepted.

I want to read stories about this, and the best way to get there is to write them.

That brings people like me out of the woodwork and hopefully some of them will try their hands at writing as well.

Of course, most of my stories right now are 80% done on my harddrive ;) , so I'm not getting as far down this road as I'd like.

That said, feedback is important to me, it lets me know if I've found my crowd yet.

Negative feedback can hurt. It can also make me indignant or ticked off if it is not about my writing, but about the issues I address in my stories.

I like complex stories rather than stroke stories, so I tend to raise a lot of social and political issues. If you complain about that, expect me to go after you.

If you complain about errors in my writing though, expect me to thank you for helping me improve.

All added up though, the tone of a given feedback message is what can really set how it's recieved.

If you're reading this thread thinking "well I really want to tell author X about the problems in their story, but it looks like these jerks only want to have their egos stroked" then it's you I'm addressing here.

It's OK to tell an author they have faults, and that they need to fix something, do better research on a fetish, or better characterization, or whatever...

But so it with tack and manners.

Try to say one good thing for each bad you put in, and try to offer at least one way to improve any fault you find.

If you do that, you will eliminate the need for a thread like this.

We want your feedback, we especially want it when you have found things we need to improve or fix; you just want you to be nice to us about it.
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Re: A pleasure...

ReturnedOne said:

It is truly a pleasure to read your comments. Ego-centered as we men usually are, I thank you for bolstering mine when it needed it.

Returned One ~

I am glad that you enjoyed my comments. I was just speaking truthfully. I hope that you do keep on writing. It's good for one's mind! *smiles*

*isn't sure why she got posted twice for that last comment...weeeeeird!*

~ Rora :rose:
Don't fret//

deliciously_naughty said:
Thanks guys...it isn't so much that the person got under my skin as annoyed me momentarily....in a wtf kind of way. I guess I just wanted some reassurance that it happens to others as well.

Deliciously-naughty...I found your stories extremely well written, erotic..and turn me on completely....keep up the good work...
Readers not being able to make the distinction between fact and fiction reminds me of a true story a friend of mine told me. She's a tour guide in London and she often gets the question from tourists: "Can you show us where Sherlock Holmes lived?" She always gets a chuckle out of that!

Someone pointed out that our aim as writers is to make our characters as believable as possible. Granted, that is our task, but I think however believable the characters are, a discerning, intelligent reader still knows it's fiction...:cool:

The Dance They Knew

Fireworks on the Beach
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In the past, there have been voting events wherein all the stories in a top list received so many one votes that they fell thirty or forty points, thereby placing them either on the last two pages of a top list, or off the lists altogether.

This is exactly what happened to me! Unfortunately, my story reached the number one position with only 11 votes, so now I am WAY OFF the top list all together - like from number 1 to number 1000. Very discouraging. And this was my first submission. Bummer.

This is my story: http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=62159