Have you changed?

To say I was disappointed with the responses I received, would be an understatement. I sensed that a few people wanted to fess up, but were scared to, for fear of a slapping by others.

There were a few that told of their true feelings and to those, I thank you.

Then there were the usual crowd who's only mission in life is to put others down. Deborah, who can't seem to speak on anyones thread without being abusive. Lasher who thinks only he can bring up a topic and expect serious responses. Lasher's someone who bothers a lot of people here, and upsets quite a few, why? Usually I go straight by him in a thread, if it is more than three sentences long, simply because I know he's in one of his ranting moods. Yet strangely I like him, go figure.

Then there is Laurel, if anyone had been changed in life by this site, it is surely her. Yet she chose to preach to us all about the right of anyone to say anything, but not even mention her thoughts on my post. And no, I'm not going to say how much I respect Laurel, if she doesn't know that by now, she never will.

I don't have any regrets with starting this thread, and still stand by what I said, it has changed me.

Right, let the slapping begin.

Your ever loveable rougue Carl.
Jeez, Carl... I can understand people not liking Lasher, but how can you not love Deborah?? If I was half as funny as she is she'd be twice as funny as I am now...(er, something like that)

Perhaps someone will bring out a cheese tray and make it all better.

(see, I tried to keep this short enough that you would read it, LMAO!)
You want to know how this BB 'changed my life?' Fine. I don't know exactly what you mean, but tell me if any of this is on the right track?

Carl East said:

Then there were the usual crowd who's only mission in life is to put others down. Deborah, who can't seem to speak on anyones thread without being abusive.

Ohhhhh, you mean the incredible woman who helped give me confidence enough to feel sexy, and who even snail-mailed me a little 'gift' to aid my first attempt at seduction, and which resulted in the loss of my virginity?

Oh yeah. What a bitch. Never has anything nice to say or do.

*rolls eyes* You know, the first thing she ever posted to me was a slam.. And I loved it. Funny as hell.

Carl East said:

Lasher who thinks only he can bring up a topic and expect serious responses. Lasher's someone who bothers a lot of people here, and upsets quite a few, why? Usually I go straight by him in a thread, if it is more than three sentences long, simply because I know he's in one of his ranting moods. Yet strangely I like him, go figure.

Me too.. Because in my experience on and off the BB, Lasher is one of the goofiest, most irreverently fun people I've met here, another one who helped bring me out of my shell. I -look- for his posts, but that's just me. *shrug*

I'm not gonna slap anyone, but I don't like other people being slapped either, kiddo. This site hasn't changed me, it's just brought me to fuller terms with who I am. And I don't really consider myself part of a clique-- the people I do talk to off the BB can tell you I tend to be a bit distant in my tone if not my words-- but I -do- consider myself a part of the Literotica BB. Which is a VERY cool place to be..

Most of the people I correspond with can't stand eachother.. But I dare to say I've never met a single person on this board I've actively disliked. (No, wait, there was one.) Point is though.. EVERYone here is cool. It's a matter of not being so damned quick to judge, eh.
Carl, in some areas I have changed. I am more confident about my writing now in regard to my skills and the knowledge that I can, indeed, finish something of length.

My sex life has changed for the better. My husband and I have explored a lot together as a direct result of things I have read and discussed here.

Yet, in some ways, of course, I am also still banging my head against the wall. I have learned a couple of lessons here about the nature of bulletin board interaction and about myself. And some of those lessons have yet to sink in completely. <grins wryly> Despite firm resolution not to do "such and such" again, I have repeated mistakes, to my chagrin.

Ah, well, we all continue to learn, thank God.
Yipeee! An honest answer.

Dear Endlessly,

Why oh why, couldn't you have said how much deborah had changed your life from the beginning, instead of waiting. Were you too embarrassed to admit it, or not mature enough to say how you feel. Also Lasher being someone who brought you out of your shell, don't you see, that was the exact thing I was looking to find out, from my original question. Thank you, at last someone else had the guts to say how this site has changed them.

Lasher: Very good, but still scared to say how much you enjoy this site, keep posting Lasher I want to laugh with you. You see, I do read your posts, I just never take you too seriously.

The ever lovable Carl.
Yipeee! Another one.

I am sorry Whisper, I was in the middle of my reply when you posted, so my reply never mentioned you. It is refreshing to see a good and honest Mention of how this site has affected you. That was all I wanted, but some don't seem to want to open up. Thank you.


I'm sorry Lasher, I have just done the same to you, as I did to Whisper, I was writing something out, while you were posting.

Does the fact that I never saw the post you're referring too, have any meaning what so ever.

But thank you, for at last telling me this site has changed you, I look forward to further entertaining correspondence with you.

My dear friend.

Dear Siren,

no apology is necessary, I know how you can get dragged into one of these debates. I also knew how much this site means to you, for you are one of my closest friends. The thread now seems to be going how I had intended it to go, and hopefully others will see that it is an honest question, that doesn't have to be put down or catagorized.

You are all good people, so don't be affraid to say how you feel. I know, I'm getting soppy again, but that's me, accept it.

Sorry, wrong question.

Noooooo.. I was mature enough to point it out. Were you perceptive enough to get my point?

Just another example I'd like to use of what I meant when I said people are too damned quick to JUDGE sometime. I didn't bring up what Deborah did for me because I'd never read this thread before posting on it. Not because of any shyness or gross lack of maturity-- which I hope the people who know me can attest are not problems that I have.
Dagnabit, I'm a pervert!

Well, yes I've changed. I'm a pervert now!

Okay, perhaps I always was a pervert, but I can admit it now! ;) Is that progress or what?

Yet she chose to preach to us all about the right of anyone to say anything, but not even mention her thoughts on my post.

LOL! By the spin of your question, I took it to be a question for other BB'ers - how visiting Literotica has or has not changed them. I don't "visit" Literotica - I eat, sleep, breathe, think, and sweat Literotica. Manu and I both put a tremendous amount of time, effort, tears, and (yes) money into this site. Has Literotica changed me? You betcha. Can I answer your question in a BB post? Nope. It's way too complicated. Maybe I'll write a book about it someday, but a post just won't do. Plus, I like to read the experiences (positive and negative) of others.

The only reason I intervened is that I wanted to try to keep the thread on track by heading off a negative, off-topic potential argument. Maybe I only helped to feed it - if I did, I again apologize. Patryn had every right to respond with her feelings on the site. The only thing I (and a few others) objected to was the term "clique". That clique issue is something that bothers me very much. We want Literotica to be open to everyone. We're not an exclusive club. We don't force people to register to be here, or take an IQ test, or be submitted to frat-style hazing. We try to foster an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable speaking their minds - about topics and about other people's opinions on topics. So on the odd occasion that this subject is brought up, I tend to react strongly to it because it DOES bother me. So I, like her, spoke my mind on that issue. And I encourage her, once again, to let me know more specifically what makes her feel uncomfortable at the site so that I can do my best to help her and anyone else who may share her feelings.

Anyhow, that's my last word on the subject. Now, I'll shut up, 'cause I'm more interested in reading other BBer's impressions of the site. When my book comes out, Carl, I'll send you a copy. :)
Changes caused by Literotica

Hi Carl,
Yes, I think that I have been changed by the intellectual stimulation which occurred when I tried to participate in the writing of stories, and the review of other's work product and reviews.
Since I have had a secretarial pool type all my work all my working life, I had little knowledge of my computer,or basic writing skills.
As my skills have improved, I find that my general thinking, and speaking with friends, has become embellished, as I mull several ways of posing a topic.
I have traded e-mails with two people, met through this site, that I wish lived near by.
Literotica is the best run site on the web. Period.
The only thing that I do not like is Lasher. An idea for a story was posted in the general board. Lasher's reply was a put down to the person, as well as directing him to post it elsewhere. What was the reaction to that by the poster? Will he ever post anything, anywhere, again?
Can't we all get on?

Dear Laurel,

That is true, the question was for other BBer's but you have joined in on questions posted before, so why not this one. I also know how much time and effort you and Manu put into this site, and would be the first to praise your professionalism. As for the book, I would treasure such an item.

You have no reason to apologize to me, if anything I should be begging your forgiveness. But you didn't defend my sincere wish, to find out if this site had changed anyone else, due to your and Manu's efforts.

I have also witnessed new people being stomped on, and not getting any support. This is perhaps going off the original question, but a valid point never the less.

I can tell by the sarcasm in your response, that this has upset you, and for that I am sorry. You are and ever will be one of those I choose to call friend.

I am a changed man - Halleluja!

I guess there have been a lot of benefits to visiting Literotica but I think the main one is that it has given me something of my own, something special that's mine and that I don't have to share. The stories that I have posted and the personae I have created are only shared with other Literotica members and guests. Of the many people I know and love in RL, not one of them knows about my involvment in this site. And I think that's whats special - Its my little secret.
Also, I have had the great fortune of meeting the best person I've never met - laurel.

P.S. Laurel - can I suggest you create a page on the site entitled Laurel's BB Lectures You can then place a link to the relevant lecture in the BB when someone is annoying you! You'll give yourself RSI if you're not careful!

P.P.S. I've no idea how to spell "halleluja" as you may have noticed.

P.P.P.S Damn VB Code!


[Edited by Flagg on 06-23-2000 at 05:12 AM]
Has this site changed me?

Yes. Most certainly. I was, and still am, a very private person. Scared of crowds due to past problems with a stalker, and open to very few people. But this site has taught me that I needed to let go. Not to drag my past around with me. In doing so I was still letting him stalk me. (I hate that word) In doing so I was letting him win.
Not anymore. Thanks to posts by many people here, whom I shall probably never meet physically... and that doesn't even matter, I feel more sure of myself. More open to knowing people better, and in doing so, have met myself.
I have discovered a side of me I was hiding. A side full of fun and experimentation. a side that likes to tease a man and then hug him close. A person who sits on the front stoop and blows bubbles with the neighbors kids.
I am more confident as a writer. Though I still haven't submitted anything.
I have met a few people here who have become friends. True friends. And though we live on opposite ends of this Earth, I feel connected in a way I shall always cherish.
It has also improved my sex life... ooh boy has it. I try things now that I would never have even thought of before.
The things it has not helped with...
Getting my housework done. To hell with that I need to check the board. I am behind in my other writing... only been writing erotica lately. And if I don't do something with this mop on my head soon I will be trying out for the Big Hairy Ass contest.
Okay. I rambled and wandered but hope you got the general idea.
I love this site.
Laurel and Manu have given everything to it. And I still think we should send them on a cruise!!!
Oh, but then who runs the site? Lasher? or maybe Roger?
Gingersnap, no way should you let Roger change your underwear. Last time you'd ever see those panties. They'd be on his ass, licketysplit (no pun intended). Ya know, I think we need a new definition for the word "clique." Maybe "clique" should mean "a French thought." Like "click, click" I had a thought, a French thought. I mean, in the dictionary the word that follows the word "clique" is "clitoris."

Lasher, I noticed the resemblance between your "My Hairy Ass" and the pic in your Member Profile. Reminds me of a story in "The Arabian Nights" entitled "The Tale of the Bull and the Ass."

Endlessly, you doll, and nice pic! You are giving me waaay too much credit. Must have been Magic. LOL! Laurel, please send that gift certificate to Endlessly. I asked you before and I promised her before. Now Endlessly, I want you to get one of those strap-on ding dong dildos and go fuck Roger.

Carl, money talks and bullshit walks. I'll make you a little wager. For every newbie you can find who got bashed unfairly, I bet I can find two who deserved it. I just luv debating with you'uns over yonder on the White Island. I have never been able to figure out if you'uns lack of logic is due to lack of guns or penis envy.
Deborah, dear - have you still not finished in that garden yet? Once those hedges are TRIM I'll let you act out that scene from '1001 Nights' where the mischievous genie-girl forces Shazah and Shazalah to 'take her' on the beach and then tricks them out of their regal gold.

Dear Merelan,

You said almost everything I feel about this site, which is what I was after. Like you, I was a private person, who was not open with other people. I also found people with whom I could share my thoughts with, and would love to meet. But I know that will probably never happen.

Where the writting is concerned, I've had some of the very best advice, from these same people. I couldn't say it has improved my sex life, although my wife would probably disagree.LOL

As for the board, well, I'm hooked, the very first thing I do whenever I get up or come in, is to turn the computer on just to check out the board.

I bless the day Laurel and Manu thought up this site.


I haven't been around long and you can see that I haven'y posted much. The truth is that this is the first place I have ever posted or written to anyone on the web. To me, that's quite a challenge and it is a change. I haven't had much luck at thinking up a second post on a thread (or carrying on a dialogue), but I'm hoping that's just part of being new.

Second, this place has brought out the idea of getting some stories (fantasies in some cases) out of my head. I don't know if I can write, but I'll try and I'd like to get feedback of any kind (mostly positive, but the nature of the beast is negative). I've looked at some of the feedback and have seen lots of positive stuff so it is reassuring.

Third, even as a newbie, I've gotten e-mail that has taught me to quote and I'm thankful for the info (except I was rude and didn't even respond with a thanks now that I think about it). Wierd Harold, I hope you're watching and I do thank you.

Finally, yes there is a lot of bashing that does occur, but in some cases, I don't think that it is meant to come out that way. When you're talking, the inflection of voice and the look on the face can totally change the meaning of a sentence. The BB just is the words on the screen and I know that my mood can change how I see them.

I'm one to wander on sometimes, but the energy on this board can be intoxicating
