Have you changed?

Who's Lasher

I'm sorry Softly, I only saw the first two lines of Lasher's post and went straight by.

White Island?

Carl, now here is what I do not understand. Apparently you think it is perfectly OK for your buddy Flagg over there in UK land to call me a "crazy gun-loving psycho bitch" but you say I'm abusive.

White Island? You dudes don't know that story? You are standing on it. I bet Roger knows. Hey, Roger, give 'em a clue and maybe you'll get laid again before next X-mas.

Tony, I'm done mowing the grass. Now I'm doing a little target practice. Click, click. I bet Lasher knows what that sound is. Pump it baby!
Dear Deborah,

I can honestly say, I thought that was some kind of joke between the two of you, and had no idea, it was an insult. As for the newbie comment you made earlier, does that mean it's alright to stomp on them, as long as MOST deserve it, I think not. Thanks for the input.

Firesprite - your post put a lump in my throat! It's users like you who make this site what it is, so it is yourself you should be thanking, not us! And I thank you and all the other members who've helped to make this BB (and this site) what it is today. It's way exceeded Manu's and my expectations.

And thank everyone who posted here to tell how (and if) the site changed them. This is an interesting topic. I've enjoyed your responses and input on the site tremendously. You all make it worthwhile for me. :)

Carl - don't worry, Deborah knows perfectly well it wasn't an insult. I've been calling her a gun loving pscyco bitch for months (as the little wink ;) might suggest) If even deborah can't take a joke of that genre (and god knows she hands it out often enough) then this board really is too neurotic for my liking.

Peace to all you violent psychotic souls.

P.S. I still don't know what White Island means. White cliffs of Dover???
Bang, bang!

I don't think I ever answered the original question. No, I have not changed. I'm still a "crazy gun-loving psycho bitch."

Well yeah, Flagg, I thought perhaps you might be joking, particularly since we used to be girlfriends when you were Crystal.

Over three thousand years ago Britain was known as Albion, which means "white island." Then Brutus of Troy arrived around 1100 BC and named the country Britain which is Hebrew for "covenant land."
Albion huh? Well you learn something new everyday.

Crystal says hi by the way.


Firesprite said:
Oh whoops wrong essay.

How Literotica Has Changed Me

Now, I spend all my time here. I have to pull myself away from the board by my own hair (on my head) or I wouldn't get anything done. I risk loosing my internet access at work when I read the board, I risk loosing my job because I am late from reading deep into the night. I spend 40 hours a week on the internet at home, and 40 at work.

Firesprite, as I don't really know you I don't know how to say this, but is risking losing your JOB for a website really worth it? I love this site just as much as the next gal or guy, but damn...ALL your time here? I really hope your exaggerating. For your wellbeing, I do, really. If you're not supposed to come here at work, wait 8 hours...we'll all still be here.
Damn it.

You know guys, Im sick of this.

The slamming Lasher. Bitching about cliques. This is not high school.

*turning on lightswitch*


We are adults. *and if your'e not, please read Laurel's disclaimer at the first page..* If you don't like what another is posting, Do not reply. Its that easy. Personally, Lasher is dead on. And I wish I had the guts to get as bitchy as Deborah does at times. (reminding self not to step on her toes) Laurel and Manu work their ass off. For what? To read how unhappy some of you are here? Theres the door pardner... This site is free..and you are free to leave.

(going to stand in corner now..I've been a bad girl)
Beebeeblue said:
"If you don't like what another is posting, Do not reply. Its that easy. Personally, Lasher is dead on."

I agree, but I think everyone including Lasher needs to heed this. On more than one thread he has come in and ranted about the stupidity of a thread. Then when others post what he feels to be irrelevent posts on a thread that interests him, he tells them not to post unless they have something to say. I say this as an outsider who comes here to be entertained: Lasher, I think you've got a great wit, but lately as you're more on the attack your posts are less funny. Subtlety is the key to comedy, many of your recent posts including the fake apology on this thread aren't subtle and they aren't all that funny. The warlike atmosphere has caused a decrease in posts for the last two days. Laurel, do you really want this board to be only Lasher and his friends?
Well Sir, excuse me for enjoying the posting of others first off. I have been coming to this board for a long time (like last Oct) and I have seen many arguments come and go. They all insists that the cliques are driving them away. So Lasher is dead on when he pokes fun at the "Im leaving because you hurt my feelings" posts. Why? Because they are ridiculous. This is a webpage on the internet. Its a place to come and talk about your feelings on erotica, and a few other things. To let your feelings 'get hurt' because some of us like to have fun...well thats a bit immature. Like I said in my last post, its 18 and over here, and there are some who claim to be much older acting less mature than my 19 month old daughter.
With due respect, beebeeblue, I didn't say you couldn't enjoy the posts of others. In fact if you reread my post you will see that I too enjoy Lasher's posts as well as the posts of most on the board. I simply said that I found his recent endeavors to be more bile and less wit. If he has the right to tell Jeff he is naive for his statement on the one million dollars thread, then surely I have the right to comment on his posts, no?
Re: Umm...

Patryn said:

Firesprite, as I don't really know you I don't know how to say this, but is risking losing your JOB for a website really worth it? I love this site just as much as the next gal or guy, but damn...ALL your time here? I really hope your exaggerating. For your wellbeing, I do, really. If you're not supposed to come here at work, wait 8 hours...we'll all still be here.

Hi there Patryn.. yeah there was a wee bit of exageration there.. I just check on my posts, see if anyone has replied to me, and very rarely reply till I get home (unlike right now where I am at work replying to you!)

The only thing I really worry about is the banner at the top of the board displaying quite proudly and boldly about Pornstories etc. apart from that, I am at Literotica perhaps 1 hour total per day at work.. just interspersing it throughout the day. I don't shirk my work for the sake of this site, so the risk isn't that great, although it does exist. remember I did state that i was on the Net that long, not exclusivly Literotica
has this site changed me??? no i have always been an attention seeking bitch...this is such a good site that i can be myself...i love it
Dear rosebud,

You change part of me, the part that grows whenever your near. Keep smiling Rosebud.

Dear Carl

is that a banana in your pocket...or you happy to see me?
Absolutely, 100%, Bet your ass...

If he (Lasher) has the right to tell Jeff he is naive for his statement on the one million dollars thread, then surely I have the right to comment on his posts, no?

Yes, of course you do, Trueamerican, and I wouldn't have it any other way. There's no point in any of us posting if we don't want others to comment on what we have to say. I think the problem we've been having is that there are people in this world who are too sensitive to hear anything but good things about themselves. Fortunately for everyone here, I'm not one of them. I've said before, when I express an opinion I expect at least 49% of the people to think I'm full of shit on any given day. Wouldn't be any fun if they didn't.

Now, what burns my butt is when you get people that can't form a decent argument and the only thing that comes out of their mouths (or their keyboards) is, "OH, You shouldn't have said that, You're an ASSHOLE!!". What exactly does that accomplish? Tell me where I've fucked up, and I might be able to see what you're saying. It only takes a second to cut and paste a line and then say, "Ya know, Lasher, that was really out of line. That particular comment was nothing but mean-spirited, rude and cruel - and what you said does not accurately reflect my views on this subject." I've got no problem with constructive criticism, and it's certainly a lot more interesting for others to read then these continual arguments over personality. Those particular arguments are a waste of time - I am who I am and I'm not gonna change no matter how many times people whine about how mean and cruel big 'ol nasty Lasher is. So those of you who want to argue that particular point can go ahead, but that's one reindeer game that I'm not playing anymore.

And for those of you who don't believe that I'm open to a well constructed argument against something I have posted - I'll even give you an example:


Read DCL's post on this thread and you'll understand how an argument is supposed to be formed.

Oh, and about that "Fake Apology" post - I gotta agree with ya, Trueamerican, that wasn't some of my best work. I think it's cause I've been distracted lately.....

[Edited by Lasher99 on 06-26-2000 at 08:59 PM]
Lasher quoted.....

HEY! Does anyone remember the name of Paul Reuben's character in Cheech and Chong's "Nice Dreams"??? I think he might have said it better than I ever could, when he said...

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry..... I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry.... I'm sorry..... I'M NOT SORRY.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!"

HAAAAAA! HAAAAAAAAA! I have not thought about that in soooo long! I need to rent that again!

Oh.......by the way.....Everyone needs to lighten the fuck up!!

Thank you!

[Edited by Bodizefi on 06-27-2000 at 12:09 AM]