Hello new-to-us members...and Welcome

I dont' mean to pry...

but if the issue is still an issue, should you have announced your former nick on this thread?

Or is he gone for good ?

Just wondering.

Be safe.
MissTaken said:
I dont' mean to pry...

but if the issue is still an issue, should you have announced your former nick on this thread?

Or is he gone for good ?

Just wondering.

Be safe.

lol well.. thing was.. this person had a few conversations with me, etc. he was a poster here on Literotica. so, our last conversation, I politely told him that I just wanted to be friends (he was older).. and he didn't accept that so well.. and more or less, went on like a 5 minute phone rant calling me a hoe and all this other stuff I rather not say. so, after the first minute of his bantering.. I saved our little phone call.. the high noted parts where he wanted to come to my house and rape me.. and the stuff that follows (I'm sure you can guess all of it).. and I took all that to where it should have went and they dealt with it. so, I think I'm safe
didn't you have a different avatar? like a tie dyed sorta thing? a lady arched back or something? I seen that name before.. I just can't place it....

didn't Laurel make you a moderator.. *thinking*..
CyberVixen said:
didn't you have a different avatar? like a tie dyed sorta thing? a lady arched back or something? I seen that name before.. I just can't place it....

didn't Laurel make you a moderator.. *thinking*..

Yes, I put the illuminatrix away for Halloween :)

Yes, I mod the Story Ideas board.

You debuted on one of my threads on this forum, I believe :)

I know, so many names , so little time!

Hello one and all...

I would be one of the common "lurkers" come out of the shadows. I'm a 21 year old Switch from northern Ontario Canada. I have really enjoyed reading all the postings on the various boards, BDSM in particular. I have a feeling posting here shall soon become addictive! :p

~ Rora :rose:
Welcome, Rora.

I have read some of your posts and certainly hope to see more!

It isn't addictive.
I can stop anytime I want to.

No. Really!

MissTaken said:
It isn't addictive.
I can stop anytime I want to.

No. Really!



Uh huh.

Like the fact that I have a fever and am seeing double doesnt keep me off of here. ;)
lovetoread said:


Uh huh.

Like the fact that I have a fever and am seeing double doesnt keep me off of here. ;)

You, too LTR?

I think my cold has moved into my ears or something.

I am so dizzy!


Here...I can share my chicken soup with you?
You know, I get sick so easily, I'll prolly be in bed tonight with a cold just from reading about them

HI all, new to this board. I am 34 yrs old, living in NJ right now. I had a brief experience a couple years ago, exploring my submissive side, and I loved it. Was a little too intense then though, and I backed away. Enjoying starting to explore that again.

I never knew much about this whole arena, so have really been enjoying the reading :)

Mysticcal said:
HI all, new to this board. I am 34 yrs old, living in NJ right now. I had a brief experience a couple years ago, exploring my submissive side, and I loved it. Was a little too intense then though, and I backed away. Enjoying starting to explore that again.

I never knew much about this whole arena, so have really been enjoying the reading :)


Welcome...I know how it is to back off a little after things get too intense...I think it's a defense mechanism in a way.

Hope you find a level of exploration you are comfortable with :)

btw, love the spelling of your nick
Shame on you, MissT! Sharing soup is probably what got you sick in the first place. Now go lock yourself in an isolation cage for the remainder of your convalescence, with only your vibrator and nipple clamps for company.

We all know that's what you really need...
NemoAlia said:
Shame on you, MissT! Sharing soup is probably what got you sick in the first place. Now go lock yourself in an isolation cage for the remainder of your convalescence, with only your vibrator and nipple clamps for company.

We all know that's what you really need...

*blushing prettily* (or is that the cold taking over?)

Yes, ma'am.

You are so right!

Vibe and nipple clamps! Just what the doctor ordered :D