
Shadowsdream said:
welcome to a wonderland of "human resourses"..information and friendship...
...collaring...should be thrown out of Your thought processes..in My opinion..until You have been on this journey for at least a year.
Your perceptions will change and change and change as You grow and find the playstyle/ lifestyle/ love/style that will be unique for You.
With the collaring thought in Your mind at the beginning of the journey there is a danger that it is seen as a goal.
Collaring is ONE of the very last steps in a long term stable relationship that W/we hope will last a lifetime.
"velcro collars" in My opinion...ñever~

Thank you....I'm still learning about this after all, and, after your post and a friend lamblasting me about even thinking about a collar at all this early, I've started to learn what they mean, what they signify, and thus, I have decided to treat it with all the significance and respect that I would treat a wedding band for a woman I love.