HELP ME PLEASE! All advice wanted

Why wait for chat roleplay? Here you are, talking to mostly women. Your niceguy side is coming out a lot, and you're warmly receptive to everthing everyone says, but this is becoming a flood of advice. We've all adopted you as our sweet little brother. Is that what you want?

"I think safety issues concerning women are a very valid concern. As I've brought up before, I'm a feminist [...]" and you go on to prove that you're a good guy. Hey, I appreciate that. Ok. But then you go on to say this: "I find the idea that ANYONE could find me threatening laughable. I'm a teddy bear."Well, if you really believe that, stop trying to date women, and just find some cuddle buddies. I weigh 118 pounds, and people can find me threatening, because I'm a powerful human being. Quit making yourself into a cuddly soft toy.

"Immaturity as an issue is something I've had to deal with my whole life. My parents always said I was born in my mid-thirties." So you're an intelectual. That doesn't equal maturity. Until you can find and integrate your body and desire, you're working on maturity.
"My problem isn't that I don't listen, its that I forget to shut up once I get going (on certain topics). I start thinking out loud like I'm writing a paper on it. " YUP. You're stuck in your head and you forget the other person, you forget your body, you forget your emotions. The thing that will save you from being stuck in the trap of your own brain is to feel. Feel your excitement, feel your body, feel your desire. Don't wait for a date. What do you feel now, reading this?
BrenVarouse said:
All right, we'll keep this one short and simple. How do I feel reading that last post: kinda pissed off.

No, I don't want to be a "sweet little brother" to everyone here. I want to be wanted. I want you to want me. I want every woman on this board to want me. I want you, and every other woman who finds this thread, to be sitting there fantasizing about fucking me while writing responses. I want to be sexually confident and desirable. Thats what I want.

What I need, is advice on how to do that. And I've gotten lots of it here. And I'm using that advice in real life to make changes and try new things. But I'm not going to be very successful at facilitating further discussion if every time someone posts something I don't like I tell them to fuck off. So thats why I'm a "nice guy" on here, because its the best strategy for getting what I want from this board.

I'm not a teddy bear. But I do think of myself that way. Its like how I still think of myself as weighing 250 lbs even though I'm down to 200. Its easy to slip back into those self-made molds when you're in transition, especially when describing yourself to others. Teddy bears aren't threatening. The idea that I was threatening to women had been forwarded and it was a way of neutralizing that critique. A more fitting animal would be a gorilla. Take that as you will.

Maturity is relative. I'm mature, relative to my age group. People are constantly maturing throughout their lives. Just because I have mind/body issues with women doesn't make me any less mature. I've got ass-loads of desire and passion. Just ask anyone who's had a debate with me how passionate I get when I get fired up.

I know I overthink things. Thats my problem. But I'm working on it as we speak. And I'm getting better.
That's hotter. Definitely.
Olivia_Yearns said:
We've all adopted you as our sweet little brother.

speak for yourself! after seeing his picture thread? not a chance.

Mr. Technicality- the devil is indeed in the details....appears you're a bit of a bad ass when someone uhhhhhh....rubs you the wrong way?

good for you...

i think the fact that you are willing to make positive changes in your life instead of whining about them stands as it's own testament to your level of maturity.
Did you feel that I was fucking with you or trying to rip your head off? If so, I'm sorry. It isn't my intention to mock you. I am challenging you, and only if you're interested. So there are two sides to you. Bring them together, and you'll have what you need.
i applaud you for your honesty and your willingness to accept a challenge, especially on such a personal level.

i think perhaps people should be looking to you for advice instead of the other way around....
BrenVarouse said:
Actually, I have to thank you. You reminded me of a side of myself that I had forgotten and neglected for a long time. That side of me is bold and confident. It goes for what it wants with focus and determination. I just needed a push to remind me it was there, and some guidance on how to get that side and the other side to make a healthy balance. So thank you.

I'm glad you challenged me. Its what I need. So don't stop. When you see the need, challenge me.

I'm glad to know that you can take it. So, have you looked anybody in the eyes in the last day or two?
i too, am terrible at taking my own advice. i appreciate your offer, i just may take you up on it.

i'm from new jersey.

good luck on your exam!
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BrenVarouse said:
Out of curiousity, where are the two of you from anyway?
I like that - turning it around, getting out of the "I need help" role.

I don't want to say things that could be identifying information, like where I live, what I do for a living and stuff like that. I don't live anywhere near you, and I'm canadian.

If you ask me an exciting question that doesn't involve identifying information, I'll answer it. I'll start. *looking you in the eye* I'm sure you've got a favourite lister somewhere in am pics. Don't tell me who. Just tell me one thing you would like to do with her right now.
Sorry about your exam and stuff.
Wow. That's great! I'm your sex-yoda. Isn't eye contact amazing?
Nice description.
Same question? That's cheating, really.
Hmm. Ah, here, I've got it: Same answer. I could do what you've described above to several of the women I've seen on lit. Yeah, that would be fun, and a bit unusual for me, so a risk in that sense.
at the moment our us senators are frank lautenberg and robert menendez. my state legislator is joseph palaia. there is a senate race this year, jon corzine was elected our governer in 2005 so his rep menendez is finishing out what would have been his last year as senator, and then running against tom kean jr. (son of former governor) for the senate seat. most likely kean will win.

so far the only real campaigning i've seen is on the municiple level.

and how dare you ask such a serious question after such wicked distraction. i had a bit of trouble remembering my own name for a second let alone the fucking senators....

oh, and sorry about the exam, but good work with the flirting! next time you get nervous talking to a girl, just think about doing to her what you mentioned in your last post.....let it run through your mind as your make eye contact with her....might convey some subliminal sexual static.....
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BrenVarouse said:
okay, now for an interesting question. I'm taking some inspiration here from Olivia's very titilating response to my cheater question. Have you ever fantasized about/been with someone of the same sex? Tell me about it.
Well, I already said I do, and I've had some experience with women, but not much. I've been posting fantasies all over lit today,
and I might be all fantasied out.

I've enjoyed posting in your thread, BV. I'm going to check back for BV news updates.
Here's to getting it wet!
i hope you have/had fun at your friend's birthday! you know what the kicker will be? you will probably meet someone when you are putting forth the least amount of effort...when you aren't thinking about it and just being yourself in some neutral situation...

by the way,the only person who needs to be convinced that you are a sexy and desirable guy is you. i'm talking from a first impression standpoint. you're a good looking guy, and women are not looking at you and thinking that you are ugly. some may be more into you than is true for everyone, but in a general sense of the description-you're good looking. i'm just trying to say that you don't need to "pretend" anything on that front.

as for your question-my answer is yes. i've been with another girl. what do you want to know?
BrenVarouse said:
Now, on to far more interesting things. Olivia, your response to my question was thouroughly arousing. Remember what you said before about my "intense" erection... :nana:
Ooh, my fellow insomniac, you're giving me your dancing banana! Woo hoo! Love to make your 'nana dance. So great, you're beyond "HELP ME PLEASE". That was interesting and fun for me too.

I suppose I'll see you on the boards somewhere, unless you're too busy with sex. Of course us eggheads are all secret egomaniacs. We don't just want to be attractive. We secretly think we deserve to be the most desired, sought after people in the room. You compare yourself to other men all the time because you are VERY COMPETITIVE and you want to be the uber-cock. I know. I'm an (older) female counterpart. I wasted too much time 'till I found out that I have everything I need. One day, you'll be the sexy older guy, and you'll want to look back at this time in your life and say "just take a chance. It's all going to be good."