Help needed. Contributions welcome

pu-lor'ny n. A story of any length, but tending to be less than two lit-pages long, indecently full of cheap, gratuitous sex and no-brainer plots. word origins: A contraction of the Americanism 'pulp fiction' and the world-wide abbreviation for pornography, 'porn'

lit-page n. A web page containing a banner ad for a valued advertiser, a header stating the title and author's name, one half of a computer screen of approximately 4 standard A4 pages worth of lines and the other half, massed full of the words " erotic stories" on a blue background.
champagne1982 said:
pu-lor'ny lit-page
Dear Champ,
Two excellent words. They filled gaping holes in the languate. You win the gold star for today.
Pumpinkin : Refers to, a lit Holloween story that includes incest

random "blah blah blah": for one to say get to the point in a meek rude fasion, commonly used after a long winded post
Version no. 2 of an already mentioned term:

Blacksnake, v. = to expose a male genitalia, as in "He was arrested for blacksnaking and sentenced to pay a heavy fine."
Re: Yoko

PierceStreet said:
Yoko v. the disruptions of male friendships when one gets a girlfriend
Hi Pierce. I don't think this needs to be limited to gender sides. In a very good episode of BtVS, titled, "The Yoko Factor", Buffy and her friends were pitted against each other to separate and alienate them to keep them from "saving the world". Spike, whose plan this was, explained it by saying 'the Yoko' was merely the catalyst, didn't really matter who it was (in the show and in the Beatles' lives).

Just making a point for what it's worth. I think a man could just as easily 'pull a Yoko'.

Doin the Spanky...

Another way of saying masterbation. Though normally confined to places in public where no one can see you doing it. As in your car while driving, or behind a brick wall that is only waist high, or at dinner where the table is covered with a large cloth.
A Buckwheat:

Obviously an interracial affair, but has the understated implication towards the male's hair as being either unkept, or radically different than the norm such as dread locks.

An Alphalpha:

Finding out during the appetizers that you've dated a real dork, and can thus eat the steak and lobster dinner without feeling guilty because you're not ever going to go to bed with this guy.


(I seem to be stuck on the Little Rascles theme here.)
The Richter-scale n. The scale of severity of a cum-shot, esp. that produced when reading a Lit. story. It goes by the following scale:
M=1 to 3: Recorded on local seismographs, but generally not felt.
M=3 to 4: Often felt, no damage
M=5: Felt widely, slight damage near epicentre
M=6: Damage to poorly constructed buildings and other structures within 10's km.
M=7: "Major" cum-shot, causes serious damage up to ~100 km.
M=8: "Great" cum-shot, great destruction, loss of life over several 100 km.
M=9: Rare great cum-shot, major damage over a large region over 1000 km.
(M: The magnitude of a cum-shot is a measure of the amount of energy released. Each cum-shot has a unique magnitude assigned to it.)

Screen-saver n. A protective transparent cover for computer monitors, for use when reading a particularly hot story on Lit.
As in "this one's a five on the richter-scale, time to whip out the screen-saver."

Lou :D
Doing a Darla:

This is when a woman dresses to tease without giving the store away. The skirt is almost too short, the top is not quite see thru, but...

Re: Doing a Darla:

Dirty Slut said:
This is when a woman dresses to tease without giving the store away. The skirt is almost too short, the top is not quite see thru, but...


I could have used that one a couple weeks ago...
Excellent contributions. They will all be incorporated into the Author's Hangout All Purpose Lexicon.
Point and Click v. Loss of Mojo just before injection.

Double-click v. Repeated Point and Click.

Drag and Drop v. Female guiding of an inexperienced or otherwise straying wang.

Plug and Play v. to combine the in-and-out game with melon-juggling

/Ice - needs to spend more time avay from the computer
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MathGirl said:
Dear Champ,
Two excellent words. They filled gaping holes in the languate. You win the gold star for today.
YaY me!:nana:

Phal-A'cid Test n. Term used to denote the ratings system for stories at Erotic Stories web site. Generally, from worst at 1 to best at 5. eg: That story when subjected to the Phal-Acid Test scored a 2 because I had to pump my wiwi a full 4 minutes after I was through reading it and I only cum-shot an M2.4 on the Richter scale.
champagne1982 said:
YaY me!:nana:

Phal-A'cid Test n. Term used to denote the ratings system for stories at Erotic Stories web site. Generally, from worst at 1 to best at 5. eg: That story when subjected to the Phal-Acid Test scored a 2 because I had to pump my wiwi a full 4 minutes after I was through reading it and I only cum-shot an M2.4 on the Richter scale.

For some reason I'm reminded of a contest Playboy magazine ran shortly after the movie 10 came out. They wanted readers to submit creative rating systems.

My favorite -- don't remember what they called it -- was a rating based on how many miles you'd be willing to crawl through shards of broken glass to jack off in her shadow.

Another was the minihelen. It's based on the premise that Helen of Troy had a "face that would launch a thousand ships." So a minihelen was the unit of beauty required to launch a single ship, and of course the system works on a scale of 1 to 1000.
From the Portuguese fodor - to fuck, with anglo-saxon overtones of feasting at the trough.

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From the Portuguese - fofo a descriptive term applied to anything light and puffed up, general used for cakes.

As in "My, but your fofotalia look like they've had a good foddoring." (see above)

And an old favorite of mine

A person that can eat pussy whilst speaking several different tongues.

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Dear Wills,
Excellent contributions. Not bad at all for a newkie.

Fardel v. To yodel whilst farting to cover up the sound. Contraction of "fart" and "yodel." E.g. "She fardeled, but that didn't hide the stink."