Help please from thoughtful submissive women.


That really is all we can do as parents, at least that's what I tell myself when I fret about it.

In my own case, I have my own set of unpleasant realisations to deal with. I went through a lot of this shortly before I met MIS' dad. He knew...

The distinction for me, is that when I can trust another to do no harm, to respect the other person's freedom, then I can say OK.

If my daughter WANTS to be submissive, spanked, collared, etc. AND it's a free choice that she experiences as liberating and fulfilling, that's OK. What I want is a dom who will respect her. I do not want a sadist mistreating because he's twisted. I want someone who works with her as she is and helps her be the authentic person she is.

And this is my stance to any submissive. It may sound contradictory, but I assume it's a deep expression of respect to care for a person in the way in which they can receive it. If pain and such help you be more you, good on you. But don't you dare harm someone I care about.

mis father is a lucky man, though he may not be able to appreciate why that's the case.