Help with a story idea

The opening section. Literally describing her clothes car, the flash bulbs. Headlines about girl plucked from obscurity. Rags to riches.
After miss Swift the highest number of followers. The scene setting.
Even simpler. S.O.S.

And she does it repeatedly, at several events.

It becomes an online conspiracy thing, websites dedicated to the photos of her doing it.
Maybe she intentionally flashes her panties from time to time as well?
The opening section. Literally describing her clothes car, the flash bulbs. Headlines about girl plucked from obscurity. Rags to riches.
After miss Swift the highest number of followers. The scene setting.
Premise? Not precise?
Any help appreciated.
Title: Medieval Steganography.

OK maybe not.

Does this story take place in modern times? Is this an electronic photo such that she can photoshop it? What about something like:

Message In A JPEG - Sex slave princess cries for help.

(Title sung to the tune of The Police)
Even simpler. S.O.S.

And she does it repeatedly, at several events.

It becomes an online conspiracy thing, websites dedicated to the photos of her doing it.
Shades of

As one of the earliest and highest-ranking officers to be taken prisoner in North Vietnam, Denton was forced by his captors to participate in a 1966 televised propaganda interview which was broadcast in the United States. While answering questions and feigning trouble with the blinding television lights, Denton blinked his eyes in Morse code, spelling the word "T-O-R-T-U-R-E"—and confirming for the first time to U.S. Naval Intelligence that American POWs were being tortured.

I swear my mind is a Trash Panda emporium.
Probably overwhelming @EmilyMiller but hey, she did ask lol.

One more random idea is the kidnapped woman has a deaf family member, maybe a sister, and it's the sister that spots the pattern.

But the authorities don't believe her, so she hires a private investigator.
Someone with a twist of the soul becomes consumed by the belief that all is not as it seems. In a stunning display of a non-computational process, the person emerges from a room with a codex that basically links her poses, choice of clothing etc to a steganographic message which reads "Duress - torture - mayday"

The rest is just a car chase.