Help with a story idea


I’m surprised anyone took you seriously. I guess they don’t pay attention to the news.
I’m surprised anyone took you seriously. I guess they don’t pay attention to the news.
Does this mean this whole thread was a setup? A takeoff on some real news story?

Yeah, I don't follow the news much anymore. It's all reruns. I'm almost curious enough to ask what happened.

Either way, I don't regret a moment of going along with it. It was a fun exercise.
Does this mean this whole thread was a setup? A takeoff on some real news story?

Yeah, I don't follow the news much anymore. It's all reruns. I'm almost curious enough to ask what happened.

Either way, I don't regret a moment of going along with it. It was a fun exercise.
Mea maxima culpa 😬
Wait, does this have something to do with whatsername that married that royal twat giving crossed fingers hand signals in some picture with kids? I saw something about this on Xwitter, I think. Didn't pay it any attention (like most things there).

Paint drying is more interesting than the royals. (I'm a bit OCD, so that might literally be true).