Hey, everybody! Come tell cymbidia congratulations...

congratulations cym, I remeber the jubliation when one of my close friends from in the women's movement got her divorce - we partied for the whole week!!!

enjoy life!

:kiss: :kiss:
Ooops! i almost MISSED it!

Again i am "the LATE Doctor Blue"! :(
Awww...that never lasts, i'm always back in time for something this important.

cym, my dear friend, we've both been through a LOT since the middle of March when i first met you here. My heart is filled with great warmth and happiness for you.

When you get to be my age, you'll have had years to enjoy your freedom. Odd, that the joy you seem to savor most is the "freedom you find in restraints". :confused: i'm getting used to it!

i hope that during that time, we'll stay close enough to share our joys and sorrows. We'll be able to rejoice in such times as this, and lend the loving support we can during the darker times.

You are one of the many great joys i have found in this weird little corner of Lit, and without you that list of joys would have been quite a bit shorter.

Time to blossom in the sunshine, my sweet, yet hardy orchid. :rose:

Definitely not the vanilla one! :D
Ah, cym... closure and a new beginning.

Just what you need to start again. You have great things to look forward to and I know that new Dom/me is out there for you!!

The best to you.


There's more than one way to skin a cat!

And I always thought the number one reason for making babies was to have your own personal slave cum toilet cleaner once their little heads were high enough to see over the rim.

Take my advice cym. Instill in your children the joy of a clean toilet. One they got down on their grubby little knees and labored over intensively themselves. It's the only way.
cym, congratulations on the divorce... that doesn't even seem right saying it that way.. but i have a very close friend who just got divorced last fall, and it was the best thing that ever happened to her... she found her soulmate shortly afterwards, and was extremely happy..... i'm sure this is going to lead you to the best years of your life.
You have been a rock for me the last couple of months, with your never ending encouragement, and kind words.... i treasure you as a friend, just as if you were living right around the corner... i'm sure alot of people here at Lit feel the same way as i. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you! biggest hugs to you.... :heart: sierra
Congrats and best wishes. Each new begining holds new promise even and sometimes especially when one has had to go through a lot to get there.

KM, you crack me up.

Cym, congrats. I'm so happy to know that it's all over... you're really truly, honestly free to be Cym, and no one else.
as usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short.

Congrats, cym. Divorce is seldom a picnic. Mine wasn't. Best wishes for your new life.
Take a Deep breath,

exhale... and let it all out!

Now...Go get 'em, cym!

Ebony <Freedom's just another word, for nothing left to lose... hmmm... sounds like a song!>
RisiaSkye said:
...on finalizing her divorce today.

One ticket to freedom, straight up. ~:rose:~

Congrats, b. You've waited a long time to get out there. Enjoy the hell out of it. (And of course, tell me all about it later. ;))

Congrats to you
may U future be bright
Congratulations on gaining your life.

Oh, and toilets? They're really not a problem. I recommend my own regimen of seven years working in Fast Food Service as a way to get over the aversion. The manager sending you to clean the restrooms at closing for seven years, simply because you're the best there is in the store at making 'em shine... Will make you positively grateful for the one, already very clean (by comparison) toilet you have and use at home.



Even I'm not that cruel.
Not long ago I was a few hearbeats away from being divorced. I went through most of the pain you have to go through to get there, but without getting the final reward.
I'm glad you made it!
RisiaSkye said:
...on finalizing her divorce today.

One ticket to freedom, straight up. ~:rose:~

Congrats, b. You've waited a long time to get out there. Enjoy the hell out of it. (And of course, tell me all about it later. ;))

Putting all sarcasm aside, I truly wish you the best in all your endeavors, I believe everyone has the right to happiness!:rose:

Hi. Now that your life is your own to do with as you see fit, I guess you will have more time for movies. (evil grin) With all candor I just want to say, good luck. The toughest part is over, at least the paperwork and the actual going down to fill out the papers was the toughest for me.

Big Ole' Bear Hugs, and just a phone call away.

may your new life bring you all that you wish for. peace n appiness b
OKay, forgive me, i am really late to this one... having a baby puts ya waaaaay behind on threads, lol. CONGRATULATIONS CYM!!!!!!
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Congrats Cym :)

It must be such a relief to put this all behind you.

Onwards and upwards !
Most hearty congratulations, b, I wish you only the best of all things as you conquer the world! :D :rose: :kiss:
