Hey folks say hello to a new friend.....

Re: LadyAura

MzKaren46 said:
:p :nana: Thank you........ I will be back to learn stuff.. I am new on here....... but everyone is soo nice....

Yes most are very nice. Just ignore those who are not. They go away eventually. Don't feed the trolls. It has paid off for me.

Wizard really helped me last night........:heart: Keirena is a good friend of mine.. Do you know her?

I don't "know" her, but I have read her posts a time or two. I think she has replied to my posts once or twice. I have a bad memory forgive me. I do think she is the kind of person I would want to associate with here at literotica. Seems very kind and friendly. (Waves to Keirena. Nice to meet you too Keirena.)

I just want to learn new things........ Since I am single.......I want to learn and make new friends.......... I wiggle very good.. LMAO

I am not single, but I enjoy meeting new people and having online friends. I feel very comfortable here. I love reading the stories. That's what brought me here in the first place. I hope you find what you are looking for. I like to wiggle too! ;) See you around. PM me sometime if you like. LadyAura
Some of my message to you MzKaren got mixed up in the message left by you. Please read the whole message. Sorry for the mix up. LadyAura
Welcome Karen,

Both of us wish you a very good time here, if we can help just let us know.

Francisco & Catalina.
PS. We have been known to bark really loud, but you know what they say about barking dogs.
catalina_francisco said:
PS. We have been known to bark really loud, but you know what they say about barking dogs.

Just feed 'em raw meat?
FungiUg said:
Just feed 'em raw meat?

oh yes.....some in preference to others....I personally like thos soft, fleshy bits that get tougher as you chew on them nice and gentle like.:D

Re: Daedalus77

Do I need my armor with you??????:p [/B]

No, you should be safe with me. Then again I don't shy away from disagreeing if that's how I feel but I do try to keep it on topic and not on the poster.
To YOU all

:devil: Thank you all for welcoming me........ I will ask questions when I have some.....
:kiss: I dont know too much about it...... yet!!!

I can take what you dish out........ don't know about raw meat.. lol
Unless it is on a guy!!!:p
Man...............Talk about feeling like Charile Brown............"Why is everybody picking on me?".....

Good to see everyone..........:) :cool:
cellis said:
Just adding my 2 cents worth!

Welcome to Lit Karen!

Hi cellis,

Wow Karen your gettig to meet a bunch...........;)

:p :nana: Thank you for welcoming me....... and Wizard.... You are a sweetie.........
You all seem so cool...... :) Have a great day.... sucking and licking.............
Sucking bananas and licking ice cream cones........ mmmmmmmmmmmgood practice..
:nana: :nana:
Welcome to the Community, Karen.

Glad you're here. I like someone who jumps right in.


:p :nana: Thank you..... Oh I jumped head first..... LOL
Wizard introduced me........

Love to suck :nana: Good practice ya know?? Well I cant stay long..... Must do my 4 miles of walking.........
Have a great day.......... If you get naughty send me a post..
Ta Ta................... :p