hey KillerMuffin- or anyone who might know-?


[....][that] I am the Great Female Evil.

I prefer to think of her as
La Grande Mademoiselle du Mal du Sexe Feminin.

or LGMMSF to her friends, or

Le Grand Mal to those who enrage her.

Puro, I embrace with fervor La Grande Mal; she gives me exquisite tremors.

Hers, Perdita
Put on the breaks

Before trying to get this horror story banned, think about it for a moment.

For one, I wouldn't have read as much of the story had it not been posted on the thread. If I would have gotten past the category that it is in, which I doubt since non-consent don't interest me, and the title, I would have preferred not to read about such things.

I think that the story should stay completely unedited based on principle along.

God, you're like an alligator at a high veldt watering hole. I'm tired of the death roll and the impromptu swims.

Sorry, old man, got to shake you off my snout now, or I'll start getting nasty.

I don't think free speech hurts women. I think acceptance and promotion of bad will does.

I also find it funny that you think I'm some kind of cock-twisting womanista. I'm more of a man in a woman's body. Do you really think you boys would put up with the shit we do? Somehow, I doubt it. And yet you take it personally when we protest. Can't really win, can we?

Outright lack of empathy I can handle.

It's the subversive ones that are troubling. Statements like Fiery_Jack's are the worst to me.

Apparently so, not that it's at all surprising. Anyway, who's next on the hit list? I've read that there are people being killed over in the Erotic Horror section, maybe some would-be murderers need chasing off?

The fact that we're talking about fiction is irrelevant-

Where the fuck do you get off blithely dismissing the painful relevance of rape by equating it to supernatural werewolf attacks?

Rape is a tough one. I can't *show* you how it feels, or what the ramifications are.

I don't think a good deal of you understand what a truly nasty business it is. So let me help you, to the best of my limited ability.

You see, your genitalia is external. That may not seem like such an important distinction to make, but oh, trust me, it is.

You stick your dick in something, that's still you intruding on your environment. Maybe you stick your dick in something icky. So what. Wipes clean.

When we are raped, that is a revolting someone ripping their way inside our bodies. INSIDE our fucking sanctified temple of self. It ain't the same, Jack, and don't you dare minimalize it's impact.

Not until you are held down by someone who hates you, crying for your mother, because she's the only person you can think of in your fear and anguish. Not until some unworthy piece of shit decides to punch your face and wrench open your legs, tearing muscle so that you scream and pray for death.

Not until some sick fuck of a guy lurches and spits and shoves his ugly fucking cock into your body beside your heart and guts and heaves and you're so nauseous you can't breathe, so soul-sick you can only sob.

And you hemorrhage. He rips you. You're dry as a bone, and yet he keeps brutalizing you, and the pain is relentless. This bastard piece of shit who never knew you, never saw you take ballet lessons or win the spelling bee, who has no right to be where he is, who doesn't care if he hits your ovaries and makes you double over in pain, choking on your own tongue.

And all the while, you struggle and scream until your throat is as raw as the piece of mutilated flesh that used to be your soft, pink cunt, that good men had done nice things to when you lay in the safety of their arms- now at the mercy of some nameless, hideous presence who continually reminds you of his reality with every stabbing agony and chunk torn off your soul.

And then he fucking comes. INSIDE you. Leaves his sickening taint crawling all over your innermost places like napalm, like plague. And with a final kick to your ribs, he's gone, leaving you in a mangled pile of inhuman ruin. Silent tears stream over your cheeks, every fiber in your body shot through with livid pain and the most horrific sorrow you'll ever know. It hurts to move. It will hurt for a long time.

Maybe he doesn't kill you. Maybe it doesn't matter. Rape murders your soul.

It doesn't end there. Maybe you get pregant. They have to wait to abort, because you're so ripped up. So you carry the fucker's DNA around, now fused with your own, and you are screaming inside, wishing you could just grab a knife and cut out every part of you that touched him, that you could burn your cunt, cauterize your womb, die, die, die.

Your father is devastated. He tries to make it better, but he can't. He couldn't save his little girl from the disgusting monster, and she suffers, and he can't bear it. He cries at night, and you've never heard him cry before.

You are dead inside. Every day is like the next. You long for sleep, oblivion. You sleep all day. Consciousness hurts unbearably.

And years later, like pond ripples, it taints your life like disease. It damages you. It destroys your trust, your innocence. Hate smothers your joy. Food tastes like dust. Hate blackens your eyes when you turn them inward. You crawl over the wreckage of your soul every morning and bleed invisibly through the day. The memories are a snapshot from hell.

You are walking dead.

And that's how erotic real-life rape is for women. I feel helpless, inadequate in my description- it seemed like there were no words to articulate how wretched and wrenching it really is.

The irony is, someone out there probably found that passage arousing.

So, Fiery_Jack, it isn't like a ghost story at all. Or even a murder.

To trivialize the reality of rape is the ultimate betrayal of respect for us.

It's like equating the social importance of slavery to the human plight in Planet of the Apes.

Do you think even a fictional story about the holocaust might have a few more connotations and ramifications than say, oh, Independance Day?

I mean, they're both about genocide.

Men, I cannot say this clearly enough. We can be outraged, furious, even- at the crime of rape, and still love you.

I just wish all of you loved and valued us as much.

I got lucky.
Pure, I beg you not to respond to this. I beg all you men not to say a fucking word.


Mlle, that moved me more than you will ever know.

I know.

It was awful to read, but you wrote it so well. Thank you for your bravery in writing that.

It is with trepidation that I say this Perdita...

I don't think free speech hurts women. I think acceptance and promotion of bad will does.

This is the essence - pure and simple.

Please don't think that violent, intrusive rape happens only to women. And your description is just as applicable.

I truly wish you could publish your entry with no editing at all in a national magazine or newspaper. Any jury that read it before the trial of a rapist would have no choice but to ask the judge for maximum punishment and then complain that it was too lenient.

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I'm just being honest.

Pure or anyone who wants to is free to respond, in any way they please. I'm not playing a cheap trump card here, and I think that's important to say.

I just think that sometimes certain boys kind of toss off rape in their minds as a crime on par with robbery or assault or murder, because that's their frame of reference. They can't even conceive of it. It isn't reality for them.
I just wanted to give them mine.

From there, they can take it or leave it. I'm immutable as water on a stone.


(and no, it doesn't only happen to women. But women were the topic du jour)

{Carmen, Lou, you're very sweet. I owe my all to the first wave.}
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ffreak said:
I don't think free speech hurts women. I think acceptance and promotion of bad will does.
Well, duh. I was mostly disappointed you didn't give the merest small time of respectful silence, but now La Grand Mal has welcomed you.

I know there are a variety of rapes. One of my sons was molested at age five by a friend of his father. He did not tell me until he was 25. If I could, despite reading the above and knowing so much more about the atrocities of this world, I would change places with him on any level of physical and mental pain. But I can't, and so I bear my own cross remembering my little boy and trying to take in what happened during the absolute zero of my knowledge and perception then.

So none of us are immune to the headlines and laws and consitution. I am an outraged mother outraged at the Catholic church for over a year now.

I am nothing to so many, but I am Mlle's friend and wish I could be her chair or rug or hairbrush, if not her mother.


Rape is a tough one. I can't *show* you how it feels, or what the ramifications are.

I don't think a good deal of you understand what a truly nasty business it is. So let me help you, to the best of my limited ability.

It truly is a nasty business, as shown in the new bio called _Lucky_ in case anyone knows it. A couple very close friends came with a hair breadth of rape, having been overpowered.

If the nastiness and terrifyingness of rape of women is the topic, and you are the proponent of that claim, I'm not sure who the opponent is. Certainly not me.

Eloquently put, and deeply felt.

I so want to give you the benefit of the doubt, Pure, but like most of your posts, esp. to Mlle, they're all about you and wanting to be right and the last word (just witness this and all the other threads you reference back and forth and back and forth (to no avail IMO).

Above, e.g., you read a book on rape (who hasn't?), you have friends who were almost raped (who hasn't?), then you dare pose a question of defense and leave one of your empty roses. God let this be a final Feh! and Sheesh! Good grief! too,

THIS was the statement, Pure. THIS. THIS. THIS. As stated plainly.

/////I just think that sometimes certain boys kind of toss off rape in their minds as a crime on par with robbery or assault or murder, because that's their frame of reference. They can't even conceive of it. It isn't reality for them.////

Fiery_Jack was the catalyst, not you. I didn't like his ad hoc hasty apples and oranges correlation. That's it.

But since you rang-

Lack of a realistic empathy perspective also makes well-meaning individuals like you support the eschewing of all social responsibility for rape-loving hack scribblers.

Bottom line: your telling us when we can and can't morally be justifiably outraged about something implicitly and solely directed toward us is tantamount to impotent old men in the legislature having opinions about my dominion over my own body.

For you to imply that all I was saying with that post was a juvenile and shallow "raping wimmin is bad" adds insult to injury.

But thanks anyway.
Pure said:

Rape is a tough one. I can't *show* you how it feels, or what the ramifications are.

I don't think a good deal of you understand what a truly nasty business it is. So let me help you, to the best of my limited ability.

It truly is a nasty business, as shown in the new bio called _Lucky_ in case anyone knows it. A couple very close friends came with a hair breadth of rape, having been overpowered.

If the nastiness and terrifyingness of rape of women is the topic, and you are the proponent of that claim, I'm not sure who the opponent is. Certainly not me.

Eloquently put, and deeply felt.


Just let it go pure you'l never be able to grasp what's being said.
Rape not only come as a physical affront it also is an invasion of the mind and soul really.
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Statements like Fiery_Jack's are the worst to me.

The point of my post was that, if people can persecute someone because they dislike a story, where does the line get drawn? Laurel posted the story in nonconsent because it, apparently, followed the rule(s) for that section.

To me, the fact that we're talking about fiction is relevant. It seems to only be you who felt i was "dismissing the painful relevance of rape", when for me it's about the right to post stories here that the owners of the site deem 'acceptable'.

Personally, i don't give the nonconsent section a second glance, never mind opening a story with the word cunt in the title.

As for the rest of your post, i'd appreciate it if you saved your patronising for the likes of americandemon, and others who might not comprehend the reality of rape. If you knew more about me than the few posts i'd made on these boards, the biog in my profile, and the nick that i chose, then perhaps you could be entitled to lecture me on the details of something you (unfortunately) are all too aware of.

The reality is that i probably know as much as your partner does, with the woman i happen to be in love with having suffered a similar experience to the one you described. Living with her means living with the consequences every single day, from the fear that something i do brings another flashback, to coming to terms with knowing you'll never be able to start a family together.

My opinion of rape being a more heinous crime than even murder, has only been reinforced by experiencing its repercussions. Maybe it's just easier to jump to fucking conclusions, than it is to ask.
This discourse is killing me. I speak selfishly now and wish for consolation - for myself and all. I keep repeating to myself Portia's famous speech:

The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes...

Can we not somehow 'crown our griefs in consolation'? I do not see any possibility for objective discussion now, nor do I desire it beyond this pain.

at wit's end, Perdita :(

//your telling us when we can and can't morally be justifiably outraged about something implicitly and solely directed toward us//

A cheap shot. If I said it, quote me and I'll admit the mistake and apologize.

What I did tell you is that there's no reason to label the author of the story of a psychopath as himseslf a psychopath, a mistake you can't admit to.

I'd let that pass, but for your latest incarnation of this claim, that he is a 'rape loving hack scribbler': equally without evidence.

Indeed his withdrawing of the story and great discomfort over the characterization counts as evidence he's not 'rape loving.'

It's quite surprising to see you take someone's differing with you in discussion about how violent stories are to be handled, as _taking away your right to feel the way you do_. My last posting affirmed that right, and your right to denounce the stuff you hate.

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Perdita is right. I jumped in way too fast because of something in my own past - which does not belong in this discussion.

My apologies, I am bowing out because it is too much for me.

See you all elsewhere in a different (and hopefully lighter subject.)
Pure said:

//your telling us when we can and can't morally be justifiably outraged about something implicitly and solely directed toward us//

A cheap shot. If I said it, quote me and I'll admit the mistake and apologize.

What I did tell you is that there's no reason to label the author of the story of a psychopath as himseslf a psychopath, a mistake you can't admit to.

I'd let that pass, but for your latest incarnation of this claim, that he is a 'rape loving hack scribbler': equally without evidence.

Indeed his withdrawing of the story and great discomfort over the characterization counts as evidence he's not 'rape loving.'

It's quite surprising to see you take someone's differing with you in discussion about how violent stories are to be handled, as _taking away your right to feel the way you do_. My last posting affirmed that right, and your right to denounce the stuff you hate.


I have to tell you that you're one of those people who is mind numbingly and pedantically insipid. I can only assume that you purposely misconstrue things to be slanted as you wish so that you can comment in the manner that you wish with no culpability. Also I'll go even further and ask how is it that Mlle is being vilified for stating what has always been her opinion of AD's physce, When you say and I quote

"Indeed his withdrawing of the story and great discomfort over the characterization counts as evidence he's not 'rape loving"

I object because you don't know his motivation for removig the story here's a little "fable" for you. Maybe Mlle was right all along and AD really is a mysoginistic so-and-so... (Who as per statistics and case studies) Would be a more likely to be a coward in RL as rape is about mentally and physically domination as opposed to sex. So here's AD just as he was described in all his cowardice so when confronted he backed up and took the story away. Incedentially we haven't heard hide nor hair from him since.

Or maybe Ad is a normal guy who wrote a horribly macabré and sick piece of erotica in some liqiud X induced alternante reality and now he's missunderstood and on the literary lam.

Who knows all I'm saying is it's nice to be up on your soap box but be careful the only one who you can't see when you're up there is yourself.

Unless you have a fairly complex system of levers and pulleys a mirror and some chewing gum:D
Destiny galloped forth [quote below]:

Ah Perd, the coals are stirred, new attacks; get some discipline in those troops! I had retired to Gandhian silence to contemplate your picture knowing you'll always be perdida to me.

I leave my complex system of levers and unstick some chewing gum to pedantically reply.

Hi Destinie: A couple days ago, when we learned of his withdrawal, I posted here, that AD might have done well, ... or not:

Pure: Alternatively, he may be such a cunning psychopath that he's trying to quiet you [Mlle]; and having seen your exposure of his "diary" and plans, he simply wants to withdraw that from public view.

This is essentially what you propose, as one alternative, below.

The other person may always be bad, despite his apparent doing right; and you may always be good, despite all your slander and collusion in others'-- e.g., against AD, myself, and fiery jack. No doubt all the nastiness, inaccuracy and slander of some in this thread appears to you only in sanctified light. Were demon to build a sanitarium for lepers you'd think of his skulking in the cellar planning rapes. A comfortable view. Simple. Bless you.

If your point, however, is simply:
I object because you don't know his motivation for removig the story

Well, I have an email from him giving his reason. I know. Lies. But why, may I ask, was this point [applied to the writing and posting] never made to Mlle and others who still talk about his motivation, e.g., most recently that he's "rape loving" according to Mlle.

Anyway the thread is dead. Rape is indeed horrible; the only appropriate reaction is silence, we're told. So, end of discussion;
presumably that's what was wanted.

insipidly, I offer you


(which, coming from the enemy, could conceal a ticking bomb)

The Pedant.

destinie21 said:
I have to tell you that you're one of those people who is mind numbingly and pedantically insipid. I can only assume that you purposely misconstrue things to be slanted as you wish so that you can comment in the manner that you wish with no culpability. Also I'll go even further and ask how is it that Mlle is being vilified for stating what has always been her opinion of AD's physce, When you say and I quote

"Indeed his withdrawing of the story and great discomfort over the characterization counts as evidence he's not 'rape loving"

I object because you don't know his motivation for removig the story here's a little "fable" for you. Maybe Mlle was right all along and AD really is a mysoginistic so-and-so... (Who as per statistics and case studies) Would be a more likely to be a coward in RL as rape is about mentally and physically domination as opposed to sex. So here's AD just as he was described in all his cowardice so when confronted he backed up and took the story away. Incedentially we haven't heard hide nor hair from him since.

Or maybe Ad is a normal guy who wrote a horribly macabré and sick piece of erotica in some liqiud X induced alternante reality and now he's missunderstood and on the literary lam.

Who knows all I'm saying is it's nice to be up on your soap box but be careful the only one who you can't see when you're up there is yourself.

Unless you have a fairly complex system of levers and pulleys a mirror and some chewing gum:D
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