Hey Trolly?

WickedEve said:
I'm in the process of commenting now. I'm offering suggestions to those I know will appreciate them enough to at least consider them.
And what's this about avs with paper bags? I've had this ongoing problem. Some posters seem to think I had a bag on my head in one av. I didn't! It was my hair. Hair!

that AV looks likes Cousin It with breasts
which is kinda hot in a sick way.....
Tathagata said:
that AV looks likes Cousin It with breasts
which is kinda hot in a sick way.....
You like really hairy women, don't you? I have a panty ponytail, but don't tell anyone. I'm knitting you a sweater, and I don't want everyone asking for one. I could probably do a sweater and a scarf, but that's about all I have to give.
Tathagata said:
Well you know Ange is just saying that so I'll continue to be her friend ( not to mention her hot latin cabana boy)

Mi caliente chica bonita

I don't care about being right or wrong
My first reaction was to say who cares about this shit?
Just fuckin write..and the people who are suppose to get it will..
And if you get feedback that you don't like...don't pay any attention if you dont want to.
It's really simple.
I've worked with people through PM's and email.
I used to send a preview of my stuff to a few people and say...what do you think??
they'd give me great ideas that, in my mind, would make the poem better in many ways...and what happens??
I submit it like that and someone else isn't happy with a line, or doesn't get a line break or whatever,
No One is ever going to write anything that Everybody likes.
get used to it and do what you FEEL expresses you best.
Learn along the way, but don't take what Anyone says as gospel.

I'm sure she won't mind if I mention this but Tara, whom we all love and respect, used to pre edit a lot of my stuff.
she'd suggest 5 changes, I'd agree with 3
the other two weren't ME
not that they were wrong..I just don't talk that way.
and she always understood that.
That's why I'll say again...it's all opinion and you will always have people who will say " I'd have written it this way"
and I'm always tempted to say
" But you didn't"

Anyway thats it
I have nothing more to add
there are people here who like my stuff and people who don't...and it will be the same way if and when I ever get published or not.

It's 12 degrees here and you're Irish, but what the hell. Bring me a towel and a margarita, chico.

On an upside, I've just procrastinated shopping today by a good twenty minutes reading through this thread! woohoo!

I rather wish I was half as good as Jim (or appearently this YDD fellow I'd never had the pleasure of knowing) at reading and analyzing poetry, cause I've never given a shit about scores or ratings. I still hold that the whole voting thing is that first chapter of the book that Robin Williams has his students tear out in The Dead Poets Society. Hell, can't even give a public comment (I have this resistance to putting those two particular letters in close proximity still :p) without putting up some sort of a vote, and I hate that. But, in the hopes of improving my poetry reading skills (never mind the writing skills) I hope to have the time to send feedback via email now, or PMs.

And yes, I am more inclined to write to those authors I recognize, but that's because I know they value the comments (or at least know me well enough to know that some totally left field observation is completely normal for me and not something to worry about :p).

I suddenly realized that this response was as much a means of procrasintaing the whole holiday shopping some more and I'm about to start rambling much like this particular line which is already on it's third line in the editor (fourth line) and hasn't had a comma or period yet.... there, made up for it with a few extra periods there.

Gawds I hate holiday shopping.
HomerPindar said:
On an upside, I've just procrastinated shopping today by a good twenty minutes reading through this thread! woohoo!

I rather wish I was half as good as Jim (or appearently this YDD fellow I'd never had the pleasure of knowing) at reading and analyzing poetry, cause I've never given a shit about scores or ratings. I still hold that the whole voting thing is that first chapter of the book that Robin Williams has his students tear out in The Dead Poets Society. Hell, can't even give a public comment (I have this resistance to putting those two particular letters in close proximity still :p) without putting up some sort of a vote, and I hate that. But, in the hopes of improving my poetry reading skills (never mind the writing skills) I hope to have the time to send feedback via email now, or PMs.

And yes, I am more inclined to write to those authors I recognize, but that's because I know they value the comments (or at least know me well enough to know that some totally left field observation is completely normal for me and not something to worry about :p).

I suddenly realized that this response was as much a means of procrasintaing the whole holiday shopping some more and I'm about to start rambling much like this particular line which is already on it's third line in the editor (fourth line) and hasn't had a comma or period yet.... there, made up for it with a few extra periods there.

Gawds I hate holiday shopping.

Hehe. I always thought you were a smart guy.

But you better get yer shoppin done. Galleria oughta be hoppin bout now.


CharleyH said:
Well, here is a dilemma. While I have yet to review (soon to make a brief appearance to review) the new poems, I have had two recent experiences with trolls, one of whom I know and the other whom I do not.

Having critiqued a story recently, I was met by an insane individual who completely misunderstood what I was saying. So much so that the person not only resorted to an essay length PC on what a crap cunt I am, but bombed and left personally directed PC's regarding how crap I am on nearly everything I have written, posted several times on a thread about how crap I am, and PM'd to reiterate how crap I am just in case I did not get it. :rolleyes: It was laughable, but at the same time actually disheartening to know those types of people are more plenitful than I imagined. Similarly, I had commented on only several new poems the other day (positive comments), and suddenly all my poems took a mysteriously sharp dip.

So, I am a bit concerned about commenting on over 300 new poems, since the possibility of hitting up freaks is a thousand times more likely. And after reading Jim's post, I ask myself will all of my work be over-doused with napalm?

I mean it ends up being a lot of extra, needless work for Laurel, and for me to have to email a sweep form for everything I write.

Should I create and review under a new alt. name? Is there a benefit in this, or should I just hold high and post under my own name?

I sure wish I had a poem up. Your reviews are good, Charley! I don't mind a bit being critiqued if one is bad. But I just get silence. When I was reviewing there was one poet who's work I refused to even look at. I got 1 bombed a few times; no doubt it was him, but I'm like Ange. I don't care. It's the comments I look forward to. If you get hit all at once, let Laurel know- she can fix it.

Or you could change your nic, but somehow alt nics always get found out.

Just take a deep breath and be fair- what else can you do? Wanna borrow my Smurf? He always soothes me. Or does he creep you out, too?
HomerPindar said:
On an upside, I've just procrastinated shopping today by a good twenty minutes reading through this thread! woohoo!

I rather wish I was half as good as Jim (or appearently this YDD fellow I'd never had the pleasure of knowing) at reading and analyzing poetry, cause I've never given a shit about scores or ratings. I still hold that the whole voting thing is that first chapter of the book that Robin Williams has his students tear out in The Dead Poets Society. Hell, can't even give a public comment (I have this resistance to putting those two particular letters in close proximity still :p) without putting up some sort of a vote, and I hate that. But, in the hopes of improving my poetry reading skills (never mind the writing skills) I hope to have the time to send feedback via email now, or PMs.

And yes, I am more inclined to write to those authors I recognize, but that's because I know they value the comments (or at least know me well enough to know that some totally left field observation is completely normal for me and not something to worry about :p).

I suddenly realized that this response was as much a means of procrasintaing the whole holiday shopping some more and I'm about to start rambling much like this particular line which is already on it's third line in the editor (fourth line) and hasn't had a comma or period yet.... there, made up for it with a few extra periods there.

Gawds I hate holiday shopping.

Well, do your shopping online and you can procrastinate all day! Makes sense to me!
BooMerengue said:
Just take a deep breath and be fair- what else can you do? Wanna borrow my Smurf? He always soothes me. Or does he creep you out, too?

lol - As long as it isn't Grandpa. I hear he's a real Perv ;) Or maybe that's the point? :eek:

thanks btw
CharleyH said:
lol - As long as it isn't Grandpa. I hear he's a real Perv ;)

lol It's not. His name is Sean Selleck Smurf. I just call him Sssssss..... He thinks he's a cross of Tom Selleck and Sean Connery. I don't quite get it but I dont want to hurt his feelings. He just wants to know if you're pretty and do you wear a bra? (I don't think he likes bras much- when I wear one he gets a choked look on his little face..
I skipped to the end because the thread is growing and I wanted to sound off before I forgot my initial feelings in my reaction to other's comments...

If I have something critical to say I am more likely to do it in email or PM. Most who have said critical things to me have done the same. I have absolutely no problem with someone using the PC feature in that manner. But I am personally more comfortable saying such things in a more private forum.

In the poetry sections, we tend to be more of a community interested in each other's growth. But in stories there are some mean people out there who just bomb to bomb. The "kid gloves" I have grown accustomed to because of that travel over.

I would never give a "1" unless the work was completely lacking in apparent effort or value. I have given one once. I have not given a 2. I have given many 3's.

I admit to giving 5's to newbies to encourage them. The more styles we encompass in our forum, the more chances we will be exposed to something that triggers our own growth...
Ok, having failed to buy a single thing for anyone (even myself - except breakfast), I figured I'd hijack this thread to give you all an update. Yeah, nothing like using it for the important stuff.

The online idea doesn't sound so bad, but I don't do malls, galleria or otherwise :p Can't stand the places.

My dad suggested printing out some of my photography and framing it. I did a price check at the local photo place on how much it'll cost and the details - like do I have enough time to do this (want a good production after all), and figure between that and some gift certificates at a book store I'll be all set. Yeah, right.

As for the troll (oooh yeah, the topic here...eh hem) I can't decide if being nice to them really works, or if a good ol' healthy flame war might not give them high enough blood presure that their doctor restricts their online time....
HomerPindar said:
Ok, having failed to buy a single thing for anyone (even myself - except breakfast), I figured I'd hijack this thread to give you all an update. Yeah, nothing like using it for the important stuff.

The online idea doesn't sound so bad, but I don't do malls, galleria or otherwise :p Can't stand the places.

My dad suggested printing out some of my photography and framing it. I did a price check at the local photo place on how much it'll cost and the details - like do I have enough time to do this (want a good production after all), and figure between that and some gift certificates at a book store I'll be all set. Yeah, right.

As for the troll (oooh yeah, the topic here...eh hem) I can't decide if being nice to them really works, or if a good ol' healthy flame war might not give them high enough blood presure that their doctor restricts their online time....

For the record, Homer, I've actually never been to the Galleria--well, maybe I was once. My mall visits are usually done under protest. I totally get your opinion on this. :D
Hey Ange,

I don't have a troll. Would you be my troll? I'm feeling left out....:D


On second thought, I don't want a troll, I want an ogre. Ange, would you be my ogre?
The_Fool said:
Hey Ange,

I don't have a troll. Would you be my troll? I'm feeling left out....:D

<following you>

troll, troll, troll

Only problem is I don't think your poems are crapola. I like them. That's ok, right? (And you're the only man I know who can toss off a sestina, in spite of your pissing and moaning.)

The_Fool said:
Hey Ange,

I don't have a troll. Would you be my troll? I'm feeling left out....:D


On second thought, I don't want a troll, I want an ogre. Ange, would you be my ogre?

Now you've gone too far. I think I'll go comment on a few of your poems. :D
On my stereogram seduction poem, I got a blundering troll. A blundering troll who apologizes. :D

12/17/04 by Trolly in U S of A
Sorry. The screen stuck on me and I hit the submit button a couple of extra times.

Kiss, kiss.

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly
WickedEve said:
On my stereogram seduction poem, I got a blundering troll. A blundering troll who apologizes. :D

12/17/04 by Trolly in U S of A
Sorry. The screen stuck on me and I hit the submit button a couple of extra times.

Kiss, kiss.

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

12/17/04 by Trolly
Prolific you be
A long list I see
When I look at the list of your postings.

Terrific you see
Is not what you be
On your laurels you seem to be coasting.

But, keep trying. Many (for whatever reason) seem to enjoy you.

Kiss, kiss
Yr Trolly

You need to see this--perverse as it is--as flattery. Nobody takes the time to do something like this unless they're jealous or resentful.

And you know you're good. Praise doesn't come from a vacuum. I know you're good. You don't write a perfect poem every time, but who does? Still, I think your work in general sets the bar higher for everyone here.

Now compare that to Trolly's poetic effort.

Anyway Trolly, I don't think winning poem of the month here, which is nice, amounts to "laurels" (well except that it's Laurel's site, lol.) When Eve wins a serious poetry award someday--something I think is likely to happen, I'll be happy to watch her coast on her laurels if she so chooses.

Think I'm kissing her ass? I am. I like her and her poems. In a nonsexual way.
Angeline said:
Think I'm kissing her ass? I am. I like her and her poems. In a nonsexual way.
Of course, in a non sexual way. And I accept your compliment--in a non sexual way. No sex here. Nothing kinky to see here folks. Move on along to the next post.
I admit it, it is a conspiracy

12/18/04 by Anonymous in Bali
Why are so many people leaving the same comment so many times????? Can it be a ruse to icrease the number of 'comments' to get into the lists?

um Bali, it is really nothing that exciting! I just pressed the button with impatience while my computer acted as if it did not get the message. The number of comments means nothing really. Does it? Did I miss something?
12/18/04 by Anonymous in Bali
Why are so many people leaving the same comment so many times????? Can it be a ruse to icrease the number of 'comments' to get into the lists?

um Bali, it is really nothing that exciting! I just pressed the button with impatience while my computer acted as if it did not get the message. The number of comments means nothing really. Does it? Did I miss something?