Hijack This Thread!

Dear Quas,

I get these notices too. They seem to think I need to improve the length of my pen, or the breadth of my penmanship. I don't.

You don't suppose low-life, unscrupulous, bottom-feeding, scum-bag spammers stop after the letter "N" in penis so spam filters won't catch them, do you?

Wondering while wandering,

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:
You don't suppose low-life, unscrupulous, bottom-feeding, scum-bag spammers stop after the letter "N" in penis so spam filters won't catch them, do you?...

PENIS :confused:

Why ever would l "feel Shy or Insecure about my penis!" :eek:

It's my writing that lacks erotic content. :(
Originally posted by Quasimodem Why ever would l "feel Shy or Insecure about my penis!" It is my writing that lacks erotic content. :(
Dear Quaz,
Think how liberating it is to have neither and not be concerned about it.
MG is always clear - even about PMs.

I for one am grateful to the advance of technology. Before my acquisition of my Compaq Pocket PC with handwriting recognition built in, only researchers with advanced degrees in Egytian hyroglyphics were able to understand my handwriting.

Everyone else in my family writes just like they do in those books we used in school to learn that round method (whatever the hell it's called). I always got my report card late because the teacher was holding out for a lower grade than an F for my handwriting.

In high school I was told to become either a Doctor, or a Mathemetician (numbers are easier to scribble). Since I don't like the sight of blood, I decided to take math - which, OK I love math (MathGirl, too, even MathAuntie) which led to computers, which led to Lit (is this a great site or what)?

Anyway, my iPaq 'learned' my style of writing and is now spoiled - meaning that it can no longer understand normal writing.

-FF (who knew all along that my writing was not normal)
MathGirl said:
Dear Quaz,
Think how liberating it is to have neither and not be concerned about it.

That’s the trouble with you California Girls. :rolleyes:

You can never know the immense sense of achievement derived by peeing your name onto the snow. :D
Quasimodem said:
You can never know the immense sense of achievement derived by peeing your name onto the snow.
Dear Quaz,
Yes. That has been frequently blamed for suicides among women who can't think of anything else to be depressed about.
Gee, I thought sure I saw a big yellow MG in the snow at Tahoe last Februrary.

Must have been a tribute.

-FF :D
There was the strange case of Mable Hoggridges. A girl from three farms over, who wrote her name, like all the other boys. :rolleyes:

Course it covered two acres. :(

And took the better part of Christmas Vacation. :eek:
Well, you know what they say. Practice makes perfect.

-FF (and this little piggy went wee, wee, wee, all the way home)
is it still potty humour if you don't use the potty?
destinie21 said:
Are you sure it's a sign and not a force

Next dog you see lifting a leg . . . he's "signing" an autograph. :cool:

See: "Never Cry Wolf"
destinie21 said:
Just what is an 18 hour bra?

It is the bra that goes with the 18 hour girdle that ladies are supposed to be able to wear for 18 hours without feeling cut in two.

I think that truth in advertising was lost long ago.

18 hour bra - how long it took me to figure out they use those stupid hooks when she told me they were snaps.

-FF (I don't care how many of you guys decide to post your photos, I am NOT freaking-out the kids - I don't know if it would bust anyone else's screen, but it sure as hell would bust mine)

ps. If I sound pissy, it's all Isabel's fault.
oggbashan said:
It is the bra that goes with the 18 hour girdle that ladies are supposed to be able to wear for 18 hours without feeling cut in two.

I think that truth in advertising was lost long ago.


I have never worn a girdle in my life.
Anyway I don't want to be C cup anymore. God why me.
Originally posted by destinie21 Anyway I don't want to be C cup anymore. God why me.
Dear Des,
Oh, poor, poor you! My sympathy knows no boundaries.
Re: 18 Hour Bra

Lime said:
And here I thought it was some standard issue, time-lock device the Vatican supplied to all girls attending Catholic School.
No, dear, we were given the 24-hour versions.

Perdita ;)