His Sister, His Niece, His ???? (Closed for angelofyournightmares)

I was surprised at just how good it felt in my uncle's arms and how damn wrong I knew that was...he was my uncle...and moments ago I was checking out my mother, was I completely fucking out of mine, maybe everything that was going on with my father was making me unable to think
straight. Watching you hug and hold our little girl awoke so many things inside of me that it made me feel crazy this was our daughter...our love alone was unmatched...I was no longer jealous a part of me knew this was how it was always supposed to be no matter how wrong it may be, but could I subject Angel to that? I mean look at what me and you have gone through...I try not to think about that at the moment and just focus on what is ahead of us.

I loved watching you and Angelina together, it filled my heart with so much joy and I knew it filled her with so much joy as well. Seeing how happy the both of you were, well it made me feel that everything really would be okay after all. I giggle at my little girl's excitement...she was the sweetest thing ever maybe even more innocent than I was at her age, it was part of the reason I felt the way, I felt...and she was beautiful we looked a lot alike, and yet at the same time she had her features as did I that could tell us apart.

I look over at you and give you my smile that I only hold just for you.
To be honest I did not want you to let me go and at this moment I did not care that it was wrong, being in your arms stirred
something inside of me that even when I kissed a few boys it had not felt that way...but again my mom came first and I refused to allow myself ever to hurt her, she was not just my mother but she was my very best friend, and I would never leave her side or be the reason she went through any type of hurt or pain...she had protected me against my father, I often watched her sleeping in front of my door, or when he raised his voice to me she always threw herself out there...she loved me more than life... as did I, as long as she was happy then so was I.

I laugh unable to hide my giddiness, I should have known you would forgive me the moment that I told you about Angelina, but at the same time...would you abandon me if you started the feel the same about our daughter as you did me? It was a hard thing to think about, but if it made you happy then I would step away...you were that important to me as was she. I blush when you wink at me and then giggle..."I could never be embarrassed by you or Mom! I can't wait to be with both of you." If only I knew how true my words were going to be soon.

You and Mom given your ages, not that either of you was old, but you both were in great shape, I knew Mom worked out I am sure you did as well. I see Mom blush and I do once more, it seems that was all I was doing this evening...things may just work out for the better, even though I would be going away soon to college I was accepted by many, I was not sure I wanted to be too far away from my mother or you. I was grateful that you decided to do this for us, I knew my Angel girl needed this and I knew now that you know you are her father, you will do anything and everything to make her happy just as you did with me.
I had loved this store the moment I had walked in to get Angelina's prom dress I had been worried that I would not have enough money to cover the dress and the woman who had been on shift that day had given me a great deal and I would forever be grateful for that and her. I could not believe what you told the clerk and I can see Angelina is as well... no one has ever offered that to us...we both bite our lips, yes we both had that bad habit. We both nod our heads excited to show off to you, I could see Angelina was a little nervous.

I look at my little girl. I smile sweetly at her and we both go and do as I told her to. We meet in the dressing rooms and both change, I tell her to go first and call my lover over. I watch as she walks out and I can see you intently looking at him as well with a smile.

I come out first feeling more than awkward hoping you both would love my dress...I felt a little strange kind of wearing something this fancy, but excited at the same time, I heard mom gasp first and smile as if you are seeing me for the first time. I watch as my mom goes into her dressing room to also try her's as you and I wait outside for Mom.

I could not believe how stunning my little girl was, she was always stunning but it was even more so now...how could anyone resist her, even I why having a hard time...and I had never thought of women in that way before...maybe I was sick in my head for these feelings...I mean for you it may have been normal but with me, I was her mother...that was odd I think to myself as I try my dress on. I come back out nervous myself...why the hell was I nervous...then again I often was when it came to you...and I try to fight back my insecurities that you will want Angelina more...it was a crazy thing to think...but one could not hide their feelings after all. https://pin.it/4HHRO6A51
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I tried to wrap it all up into the emotion of the moment, finally holding Angelina as my daughter and not my niece, I didn’t want to acknowledge how good your young body felt pressed against mine, your strong but flexible frame and how your body seemed to naturally wrap around mine, sending a jolt of electricity that I would know, if I allowed my mind to go there, was far more carnal in its appeal than fatherly. It was like the first time I had really embraced Angel and the same thrill and undeniable need I had felt every time since.

Even as I released Angelina there was a beating of my heart and an unstoppable flow of blood rushing to my cock, I was always hard for her mother, could I train my body to do any less for my equally beautiful daughter? Of course the clear difference being, Angel and I were lovers and that could never happen with Angelina.

I saw Angel’s smile as I let go of our little girl, yet the look was far more knowing than I realized as once again you were far ahead of knowing what we all needed and not allowing any conventional aspects of right and wrong or morality coluld the inevitability and beauty our mutual bonding would create. I was touched by the way you looked at each other, how protective each of you were of the other, yet what I was slow to realize, was now, given the removal of the threat of Tommy, and both of your desires beginning to flame for me, and me for you, how that would also transfer to each other.

Both of you were so stunning, Angel, older and more experienced, a body that knew what pleasure it could feel from the right man, from me, and then Angel, just having sensations and curiosities rage through her young innocent body, with no idea what they mean or how they might be released and realized?

Of course, neither did I, only Angel had a premonition that like herself I would be the right guide, the perfect guide for our daughter into womanhood. When we get in the store, Pamela introduced herself, she was a five foot six raven haired beauty, with more of an athletic build, and quite attractive in her own regard. After she had assisted the two of you in selecting an initial dress to try on, I took the opportunity to pull her aside.

“I want today to be special, Angel is my sister and Angelina is my niece, and their husband and father has never really spoiled them. I want today to be about making every inch of their body feel beautiful, and ….” I hesitated, wondering what she might think, but then tossing that concern aside. “… sexy! Angel deserves that, and Angelina is growing into a woman and should feel like it.”

Pamela absolutely beamed, and while I did feel her eyes rake over me, I wasn’t sure if that was to better understand my real intentions, or more that she would like a man to want to do the same for her? “So intimate things as well as dresses?” She asked, I nodded. “Please use your judgment, but yes, and cost is no object.”

Thrilled she mentioned intimates, as I watched her move away, grabbing boy shorts, high cut French panties, thongs, garters, stockings, beautiful silk bras, camisoles, nighties and even short kimono robes. “Do you think they’ll like these?” She asked, a bit of a wicked tone in her voice, “How could they not … and I’m sure the men in their lives will truly appreciate.” She gave me a wink and moved on to look at dresses.

She moved quickly, knowing exactly what she wanted, first a shorter black dress, my eyes immediately drawn to the matching choker, almost a collar, as I let out a soft moan of approval. Then another, a long gray dress, a pink, a smoking magenta, a red, some shimmering, others more classically elegant, and last she pulled out a black dress that was almost obscene, I loved it but needed to be careful. “Do you think that’s too much?” I asked, trying to impart a brotherly/fatherly concern, hiding the lust I felt at picturing my Angel in just such a dress.

“Welll…. I know I’d wear this for my man… “ She responded, “Perhaps we let your sister and niece, you’d be amazed at some of the things the younger girls are wearing?” Oh God, I hated that my mind went there a second, suddenly picturing sweet little Angelina and feeling the twitch of desire in my cock. “Of course, they can decide …” I tried to say in the least enthusiastic way I could muster.

She began to walk away, “You’re new in town aren’t you, perhaps we might grab a drink sometime?” She made sure to be holding up the shear black dress, letting me take the invitation however I wanted. I had no intention of having any woman in my life other than Angel from this point forward, but needed to be careful for appearances. “I’m just getting settled, but maybe in a few weeks?” I wanted Pamela as a friend through today and at the same time not let her speculate to hard on mine and Angel’s relationship.

Just then the two of you walked out, a gave a sailor’s whistle and smiled. “Beautiful, spin so I can see….” And it was fun watching each of you, Angel in the off the shoulder blue gown, Angelina in the clingy, and I was pleased sexy, orange. “You are both stunning, but I have a few more things that Pamela has picked out to try on also… I have no intention of letting either of you leave here with less than a handful of things…”

My eyes lingered and raked up and down both of their bodies, both me lover and my little girl. Was it wrong to do so, did Pamela see? I couldn’t help myself, with either, and that was probably a problem… or was it?
I was excited to be in your arms...you were my Uncle and I was sure my Mother's lover as well so I should not enjoy this the way I was I could never hurt Mom like that, I knew how wrong it was to have these feelings I wonder if you and Mom feel the same way it was a strange feeling if I had to learn you were my father would I feel differently probably not and perhaps it was just teenage hormones, nothing more or nothing less, however, this felt like something more and it made me nervous and excited all at the same time, excited I should not be however.
There were so many new thoughts and feelings running through my mind and my body it was hard to sort through them and make sense of them, I glanced over at Mom making sure she did not seem upset she didn't if anything she looked um excited, yeah that was the word I was looking for...how did I not notice how beautiful Mom was before? No wonder why you loved her so much it made sense.

Watching you two together made my heart happy and content I could see Angelina was having the same
effect on you that I do, and I do not blame you if anything I completely understood you, because hell I was having the same feelings, was this what it was like for you when we were first together? Should I be feeling this way I was a mom and yet I was becoming sexually attracted to my little girl what the hell was wrong with me? But it made me hot seeing how she turned you on, and yet at the same time a part of me was worried, she was much younger, and your daughter would I be left alone? I could not bear the thought then again I knew you better than that, but the nagging stayed fresh in my mind. I bite my lip, now is not the time to think of this.
I knew it was wrong to think of this think of you and her together, me being turned on at the thought me joining in even but at the same time, I wanted her to experience the best thing just as I had with you. I knew you were the right man to give her just that, and I also wanted nothing more than to join in maybe even get her nice and wet and ready for her Daddy. I bite my lip just like Angelina often does when shy or nervous we were alike in many ways but different in many ways also.
My heart was racing at all of the carnal thoughts that were going through my head at the moment I needed to clear these thoughts right now because it was the last thing I should be thinking of I mean look what being with me had done to you I could never hurt you or Angelina in that way again and you had suffered so much. My god this was all so damn wrong but it felt so damn right to me at the same time. I smile at Pamela remembering she was the same one that helped me and my Angel when we came here for her prom.
I watched as you pulled the woman aside I thought nothing of it, I trusted you completely and I always knew the only woman you truly loved was me until our sweet Angel of course which I am more than okay with. I knew you were up to something because you loved to surprise me and it always meant so much to me I should have come to you sooner than now I think to myself. I look over at Angel what would she think of her mother if she knew the truth of what I wanted to have you two do together, hell what I wanted to do to her as well.


I noticed the way Mom looked at me and you but it was not in anger or hurt it seemed like something more, but I was more and likely overthinking things considering what we have all been through. I bite my lip trying to tell my thoughts to go away and just enjoy this evening, because yes I needed some fun in my life, but Mom deserved it more than anyone, I wonder if you even know what Mom has been through I may not have always seen everything, but I heard almost everything my heart breaks thinking about that, but I have to remind myself that is all over now all that matters is our little family and seeing a smile a real smile on mom's face.

I think with you here, we can finally be happy Mom can finally be happy and safe and loved once again and not just by me. I was excited to be here, and I knew Mom was as well, neither of us have felt safe or loved by anyone in a very long time aside from one another of course. I look at myself in the mirror I do look a lot like Mom, but I can see small hints of you in me, but I suppose that is a normal thing of course. I am trying to keep my raging thoughts under control or was it my raging hormones I wonder to myself I was at that age and they were running wild but no one had ever really caught my fancy until you which is completely wrong and insane of me.

I wonder if this was what Mom felt like I mean if you and her were something? How could they not be I noticed the way you looked at one another and you did not look at one another like a brother and sister I noticed that every time you looked at one another. My heart was pounding, I could not wait to go out I wondered if Mom was just as excited as I am sure she was, it had been so long since she had an actual good time without worrying about getting smacked around or belittled.

I smile to myself at the thought of going out with the two most important people in my life I knew for certain things were going to change one way or another and I was excited and scared at the same time but I wanted this and I knew you would as well but our Angel had to want it as well. I could not wait for you to see us, I was excited for my little girl to feel special just as she so deserved and you were the man to do that for her and I was just the woman who could teach and show her all the pleasures that you have given me and will still give me sure things would be hard at times but together we could get through it.

I sighed inwardly I needed to put on my motherly face I could not let you or Angel know the thoughts that were going through my head at the moment especially you what the hell would you think? I was your sister but she was your daughter, it was different on another level wasn't it? I shake my head these were just feelings normal no but feelings none of the less. I wonder if Pamela was out there flirting with you, I would be if I were her and I could not blame the woman one bit.

I was thinking about you taking me into this dressing room thinking about Angelina hearing us and walking in shocked but then asking questions about us and what it was like considering we are family I groan to myself at the lustful incestuous thoughts that are ravaging my mind was my face as red and hot as I feel? Fucking Angel get it together, you know me too well and you would be able to see right through me if I did not calm myself down right now. I take a long deep breath and gather my composure before me and Angelina show ourselves to you.

I look myself over in the mirror I blush I feel like a princess I haven't felt this way in a very long time. I smiled to myself, I felt awkward because I knew the prices I knew you did not care about that but at the same time, I and Mom both were not the type of woman who was not used to this and also did not like accepting gifts especially when they were so expensive. I knew Mom told me to accept these gifts because you wanted to do this for us, but that did not mean I could not feel guilty about it inwardly.

I looked at Mom as we both walked out of the dressing rooms...holy fuck my mother was hot...not beautiful but so hot...well damn no wonder you wanted her...if I were you I would have too...I had always looked at women and found them attractive, but never really thought of going forward with it...but seeing my mother in that dress was...wow. I see Mom blush at your whistle as my face turns a bright red. We both spin with giggles and chuckles and blushes...I knew we both hadn't felt like this in a very long time.

We both blush once more but you can see the excitement in our eyes.
I was excited to see that smile on my girl's face I would never be able to thank you enough. "Well then we shall put on a fashion show for your Uncle Ricky right my Angel?" She asked not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. "Yes, mom...I think that would be fun." I say in sheer excitement. I see you nod your head in agreement with a soft smile. I notice the way you look at Mom...I didn't think you were looking at me that way, but I loved that you looked at Mom that way she deserved a good man and it made me incredibly happy.

I see the way you are looking at me, but I also know you are admiring Angelina as well...as was I, you know me well so you would see the lust in my own eyes as I look at you but then study her, I am glad she does not notice that would be awkward as hell...but then again what if you questioned me...you know all my tells...hopefully you were going to be to distracted to notice. For the next 20 minutes, we both try on everything and show you it all and show you every outfit that you have given us. When I put on the sheer dress I could not deny that I looked stunning, and when I stepped out of the dressing rooms, not only did you're jaw drop but Mom's did too and so did mine when I noticed the red dress that my mother was wearing... Jesus, you had great taste...however, I did feel very awkward in this dress... too noticeable maybe...I would ask both of your opinions once you guys picked your jaws from the floor.
Of course I had no idea what was going through each of your minds in these moments, I was trying too hard not to go there myself. It was one thing with Angel, we had perhaps started something we never should have, but that had happened long ago, and there was no turning back. Angeline, my daughter, was quite the different matter.

This little session was important to me, and I hoped it was important for each of you too. I knew in her marriage, Angel never felt really beautiful, and doubted she even wanted to? But for me I knew it would be different, she would blossom like the beautiful flower she had always been with me. My bigger question was Angelina, how would she be dressing up for her mother and uncle, let alone not knowing I was really her father?

My first reaction, the whistle was not an exaggeration, and yes I saw the blush, the quick downcast of glances of two women who were natural submissives, but then those eyes looked up and I saw the pride, the sparkle at finally being appreciated, and … although none of us allowed us to verbalize it, desired!

Closing the distance between the three of us, I went to Angelina first, knowing she was the most vulnerable and knowing how my Angel already knew what I was feeling. Cupping my hand so I could raise Angelina’s eyes to look at me, I wanted her to see the sincerity in everything I said. “Do you realize how beautiful you look, how beautiful you are? Look in my eyes, look into your mother’s, every single person in this room, and then look again in the mirror and never, ever doubt just how stunning you are, Princess….”

Letting you do as I said, and seeing your eyes lighting up, your smile undeniable. I watch the two of you go back, trying on dress after dress, each one a feast for the eyes, my look a combination of pride, love and I could not deny, even for Angelina, lust. Yet the last two dresses are absolute show stoppers, and while I first see Angelina, the shear lace like fabric leaving nothing to doubt, I quickly look over at my Angel, also staring her mouth open, but I also knew that look in her eyes, I’d only seen it before when cast on me. Was my Angel also lusting for our daughter? I knew I was crazy, it couldn’t be, but that look, it had to be my imagination or a function of my own guilt.

First to Angel, coming over careful not to touch in front of our daughter, but my God I wanted to. The deep cleavage, the short dress, she could not have looked more beautiful or sexy. “You are wearing that tonight …” I say about the emerald green, sexy slip dress. And then turning to Angelina, “And you are wearing that…. I am going to be with the two most beautiful and … “ Chuckling, “I can’t help it, sexiest women in town … and we are going to do that when I am there to protect you.” Is that what I was doing, I hoped so, particularly when it came to Angelina, Angel and I had passed that line long ago and neither ever wanted to go back.

“Well, that is quite a brother and uncle you two have… “ And yes I blushed at our saleswoman’s comment. “I’m jealous …” She continued. I begged off, “Okay, and I know no brother or uncle should say this, but we need to find you both just the right lingerie to accompany these outfits … but I will leave it up to you, if you still want me to judge and give you my thoughts?”
I should not be having these thoughts, I should not be thinking about watching you reach our daughter in the ways of sex and love… and I should not want to be in the middle of you two me showing her as well…it was so wrong was this how you felt all those years ago when I came to you in the night I wonder to myself. Was I completely losing my mind, I have been attracted to woman before of course… but not like this, this was different I wanted to feel my little girls lips against my wet pussy while you fucked her… I wanted to do the same to her while you fucked me… so many dirty lustful thoughts were going through my mind I wanted to completely be a whore for you and turn our princess into a whore for you also… but I also knew it was wrong I also knew I didn’t want to lose you, Angelina my darling little angel was much younger than me, tighter, firmer, less experienced what if you would want her more and then wouldn’t want me could I actually handle that… I guess I would have to find out…eventually you would see my wheels whirling you knew me better than I knew myself sometimes. For now however I should just focus on the evening ahead and let us all just enjoy one another’s company and just have fun together.
It had been a long time since I had really felt this happy… having Angelina was one of the happiest days of my life and losing you was one of my saddest now I had both it makes me brightly smile. I have never felt more loved and wanted than I do in this moment, being with you always made me feel that way. I hope my Angelina would feel the same way, she deserved that much. I hoped this would not make my daughter feel awkward and I hoped she wouldn’t see the want on my face when looking at her it felt as if I were seeing her in a whole different light.
I bite my lip at your whistle and look over at my sweet Angelina and seeing that she does the same thing but instead there is a bright red blush to her cheeks, I know that look I think to myself… I know that look very well she thought with a prideful smile. I knew she needed this and you were giving her that I couldn’t love you more, the look on my face clearly would express that she thought to herself.
I watch as you go to my Angelina first and I completely understand that, she needed this… she had never felt the way I do when I am with you and she deserves to feel wanted and loved and beautiful.

~ Angelina~
The minute you touch my chin and make my eyes meet yours I melt feeling butterflies in my tummy that I have never quite felt before. I understood now what mom meant when she told me I would know the feeling when I met the right boy never did I think I’d feel that with my uncle and that felt so wrong to me I was feeling guilty and excited all at the same time. I blushed at your comment about how beautiful I looked mom told me often enough how beautiful I looked, but this felt different and I don’t miss the way mom is looking at us, not in jealously but it almost felt like she was looking on with need or something else that I didn’t really understand in her eyes just yet, but my god she was stunning. Again I blush as you tell me to look in the mirror and in this moment I do feel absolutely beautiful.
I smile wide and I do not hide it one bit as I watch both of you, eyes full of pride and love, this is what a family should be I think to myself. Trying on all these beautiful dresses and seeing the look on you and moms faces only made me enjoy trying them on even more. Coming out in a stunning emerald dress my mother looked not beautiful but sexy a goddess, I was lucky to look like her, but what I really noticed was the way you both were looking at me with what felt like desire… no that was wrong just my imagination.
I look over at Angelina my god she was sex on legs I think to myself knowing how wrong I was thinking those thoughts I mean this wasn’t my brother she was my daughter for the love of god… hopefully you weren’t paying attention. I am breathing deeply and I have to tell myself to get it together. “My god my sweet angel girl you are absolutely stunning.” I tell her softly and see your look of approval. I see her blush and smile to myself.

I watch in excitement as you walk over to me my heart accelerates you always did have that affect on me and fuck it was hard for me not to want to get down on my hands and knees and beg you to let me take your cock in my needle mouth so I could be your cum guzzling whore. The look on your face tells me you feel the same. I blush all I wanted to say was yes daddy but now was not the time or the place for that. When you turn and look at me and tell me I am wearing this dress I nod my head… for some reason all I want to do is please you and mom and make you both happy. “I can’t wait.” I admit another blush on my face. I look at mom and know she feels the same. I knew what I was feeling may be just simple teenage angst and hunger but to feel it not only for you but for mom as well was confusing and I didn’t really understand it.
“We are lucky.” I say softly as does mom. It was cute watching you blush.
She had a good reason to be jealous the only woman I planned to ever share you with was my pride and joy in the sexiest dress I have ever seen…. The only woman I wanted to be with too. I look at Angelina I didn’t want her to feel awkward in front of you, or nervous. “If you don’t want to I understand but I think it will be fun having uncle Ricky’s opinion.” I say softly to Angelina as I look at you your eyes dark with lust and I know not just for me… and yet I am feeling the same way. “I would like that…” I feel nervous and somehow it felt wrong but I didn’t care at the moment I wanted to impress you and mom and I could see mom wanted this as well… so we were doing this. “Let’s go put on a show for uncle Rick.” I tell mom as mom’s cheeks heat for some reason and I drag her to the same dressing room as me…I was nervous and didn’t want to do this alone. My breath hitched as I looked back at you but head into the same dressing room as my beautiful daughter and we try on several things to show you.
We each come out with different outfits on. Sexy frilly cute. I know we are both excited as we show you each and every outfit.


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The dresses are done, I will buy many and enjoy as they wear each of them, but we will start with the most daring. Why was I pushing this, not because I wanted to enjoy my sister and daughter sexually, in fact I was doing my best to avoide thinking of Angelina in any way like that, not wanting to push something she didn’t want, but just as much, not wanting Angel to feel threatened. Little did I know what was running through her mind. No, for both of them was to let them come out from under the rock they had lived in, not feeling appreciated, or sexy, in fact living in constant fear.

They were both the most beautiful of flowers and even though I was sure I would be jealous, but I wanted them to not just see themselves through my eyes, but every other man in the restaurant tonight who I knew they would turn their heads. I wanted them to feel powerful, sexual and know they were not at the mercy of men, like Angel’s ex, the man Angelina thought her father, he was scum and only degraded and hurt them due to his own pathetic self image. Tonight they would be coveted, at least visiually, although I had no intention of allowing anyone to worship from anywhere, but afar. Should I be this possessive of both of them? That I couldn’t help, it was my nature, I am a dominant and I will cherish and take care of, but make no mistake, at least for tonight in Angelina’s case, and for what I hoped was the rest of her life, in Angel’s, they were mine.

I had laughed at the saleswoman’s comments, but found myself curious at Angelina’s, “We’re lucky.” I corrected them, “Ha, look at you and look at me, there is no doubt who the lucky one is!” Except the saleswoman once again intervened, a lusty, throaty laugh, “I’d say you all are, and so will everyone in the restaurant who looks upon any of you.” She again gave me a look making it clear she would be more than happy to make our threesome a foursome, likely thinking I would need some relief from the visual stimulaton of my family, but there would be no room at our inn.

“I know just the things, you don’t mind if I’m wicked with them, do you?” I chuckled and looked quickly at both Angel and Angelina, “Feel free, after those dresses, I think anything is fair game.” However having said that, I was still in awe as they walked out in their various outfits. The first one had Angel wearing the soft pink bra and lace panties and stockings. “Oh my, I like that very much, you know how much I love pink on you.” Yet my eyes were moving down her, eating her up, and then resting, staring at her crotch, for she knew the pink I enjoyed the very most on her. “Spin for me Angel?”

I moved toward her as she slowly spun, revealing herself from every angle. I came up to her, running the back of my hand over the thigh of her stocking, sliding my hand up where the garters attached to the silk, sliding my fingers along the intersection of her panties and her thigh in a way no brother should, and I heard the gasp and small moan from the sales woman. “Just makeing sure they fit her perfectly, that they are the right size, and they are, they could not fit you better.”

With the way my hand was my finger tips were mere inches from the slit of your silk covered cunt and I could feel the heat radiation out. “Now let me look at MY Angelina….” Did she hear the possessiveness of my pronoun, the gravel in my voice. She was wearing the baby blue with the stockings and thong, more of a bodice that held her young firm breasts perfectly. I could barely find the words to speak as I couldn’t help how my eyes devoured her. “Oh Baby Girl, you could not be more precious or perfect. The way that accents your curves and brings out the soft blue in your eyes, you do realize you are any man’s dream, don’t you?”

Like her mother I asked her to spin, and while wanting to be more careful, again took in every angle, before sliding my fingers through the thin single thread, of the back of her thong, and giving it a gentle tug, knowing how it would tease teh line that ran through the lips of her pussy and likely teased her clit. Another gasp from the audience, or was that MY Angelina. “It is spectacular, you must keep it.”

They continued and to each I gave them praise, small touches and adjustments each time, assuring each fit their gorgeous bodies like a glove. I was sure I was smelling the musk of arousal but I tried not to over indulge, after all it was my sister and, to all but Angel’s and my knowledge, niece, and I had to keep some sort of discretion. But the last item was too much, and they came out in matching outfits, the red, highly risqué but simple stunning bra, braces panties and gloves. “Oh my God!” I dared not touch or comment further, simply stating, “I would like each of them to have those in every color, yes the red, pink and black. Wrap those and all the rest.”

We also bought shorty robes, more panties and bras, and anything they wanted, including several pairs of heels, a pair of thigh high boots for each, and gold bracelets for their wrists and ankles. They had a list of chokers and I gave Angel a look, it was too soon for such, but we would indeed be back, now that we were together, she would want and I would want her to wear my collar. We took a few items with us, had the rest delivered to our hotel. The store had the finest of cosmetics and cleansers, perfumes and oils, I bought anything they needed so that we would not have to go back to the house.

I am going to drop you off at the hotel and go buy a suit for myself, I will be back at 7 to pick you up. When they got to the hotel there had been a mistake, and we would be given only one room, and in it a single bed, but there was a sofa, and I could sleep there, while the women could have the king sized bed, or at least that was my assumption at the time….
I look at my Ricky and then at my beautiful little girl was I wrong in finding her attractive the same way I had my Ricky all those years ago… it was a strange feeling almost as strong as how I had felt my pull towards you… yet this was my child your child… I wanted nothing more than to tell you how I am feeling yet at the same time I was worried what you would think of me… you were the love of my life… and the other part of me was also afraid of losing you… not because of my feelings but because you may love Angelina more than me which would be expected she is of course our daughter… losing you would kill me and yet at the same time I would gladly walk away if it was what you would want eventually. I have to make sure you cannot see what I am feeling because you knew me better than anyone else in the world. I have been alone with my Angelina before many times with us naked but it all felt so different now. I felt almost like a deviant as I stole glances at our sexy gorgeous daughter… what the hell was wrong with me?

I kept catching mom glance at me… she seemed rather lost in thought. “You okay mom?” I asked her with a smile.

“Yes, my love… you’ve just grown into a wonderful young woman before my very eyes… you’re breathtaking.” I say and smile softly at her. I catch the blush that creeps to her cheeks and it makes me smile. I hoped she would not notice the way I was actually looking at her, she had enough to worry about with her so called dad soon that would be all over and then me and you would be able to tell her the wonderful truth no matter how hard that may be. “If at any time you are uncomfortable, tell me.” I say to my sweet girl, I wanted her to feel comfortable and loved by me and you… and I knew that’s what you wanted as well.

“Mom you know I’m always comfortable with you, and even though uncle Ricky hasn’t been around often I trust him because I can see how much he loves you and how much you do him as well.” I say and blush once more as I smile at her.

I had loved the way you had mom looked at me it made me feel so many different things, things I didn’t really even understand. When the saleswoman had told you that you were lucky I knew mom felt the same way and we both said we were lucky, I wonder if you even know how hot you are? I know mom did… most people would be freaked out if they thought that their mother was sleeping with her own brother but for some reason I understood it as well. The saleswoman was practically throwing herself at you and who could blame her but I noticed the way mom looked at her and then at you, it made me smile I could see mom was completely possessive of you and who could blame her… I would be as well… maybe that was another part that made me feel so strange I would never hurt my mom that way… I would never want to take something that made her so happy…the sad part was is I was feeling things for mom too, sexually… I didn’t understand it really.

“Let’s go show your uncle Rick just how stunning you look.” And my god she did look stunning. I had to catch my own breath before we both walk out wearing our outfits the ones I knew you would love the best. I noticed the way your jaw dropped as we walked out and it made me smile… and I looked over and seen that my girl was wearing the same smile. The way you looked at me always made me feel giddy but with Angelina right there near us as you basically devoured me with your eyes… especially lingering on your favorite color of pink that was very hot and wet between my legs. When you tell me to spin my heart races but I oblige knowing you would also see how very hard my nipples are.

Fuck the way you look at me makes me hotter than I ever felt before, but it’s more so the way Angelina was watching us… it was almost the way I watched you before I came to you that stormy night. My breath catches at your small touches, and I hear the way the saleswoman gasp… that’s right honey he is sexy as sin and he’s all mine… I give you a knowing look and I know you will know exactly what I was thinking you were as possessive as me even more so than I. I could not stifle my giggle when you tell the saleswoman that you just wanted to make sure it fit correctly. I bite my lip and look back at the poor woman who was clearly turned on just in watching us.

“Tease.” I whisper with a smile as you give me that sexy smile letting me know you will more then make it up to me. I watch as you turn to our Angelina and she looks a little shy which made complete sense.
I see the way mom watches you and I also noticed the way you look at her…it made me happy because mom was happy… that’s all I ever wanted. The way you look at me this time makes my heart skip a beat it was the same way you had looked at mom and her at you… I never felt this way before…no one ever attracted me this way and I could feel it down there, yes I was a virgin but I also knew what sex was and also knew when my body was excited when I had watched porn… and master-bated. I blushed at your words and noticed mom nodding her head in agreement. I didn’t really see myself that way but when you say it I actually feel it.

I felt like a little doll on display and it made me feel so good and when I looked at mom I could see she felt the same but when I feel you lightly tug the line on my thong making it rub ever so slightly against my clit more than one person in the room gasped and I knew mom was one of them and that only excited me more. I nodded my head after my own gasp almost having to clasp my thighs together to control my wetness that was forming more and more.

Each touch sent electricity through my body… more than anytime I had touched myself before. I noticed Angelina’s gasp and I knew she was as turned on as me as a woman that was yours I knew exactly what she was feeling I couldn’t keep my eyes off either of you… and I wondered if you would catch me and be weirded out and or feel bad about catching me… I loved you both so much and I didn’t want to make things complicated for us. Your voice at our last red outfit made us both blush and I giggled as did Angelina. I almost objected it was to much money but I also know if I did you’d have me right over your knee… and at the moment if you did that I would cum right on the spot considering how turned on I was with seeing my Angelina all dressed up… and seeing the way you looked at both of us… I was going crazy with want and need.

“Uncle Rick you don’t have to buy all of this.” I say sweetly and mom shakes her head confusing me a little…apparently she knew you wouldn’t hear any of that. If only I knew the real reason mom had looked at me that way I may have been shocked or excited who knew.

I looked over at you. “Trust me your uncle Rick wants to do this… let him have this moment.” I say and Angelina smiles and shakes her head okay this time. The thought however of me or you bending our sweet girl over our knee and spanking her for not listening to us only made me hotter… I was not going to make the rest of the night.

“Thank you Ricky this means so much to both of us.” I say but you can sense there is an undertone in my voice and also I knew you would be able to see that something was on my mind. “I am so excited and so is our girl… now drop us off so we can get ready for you.” I say almost forgetting for a moment that the sales lady and Angelina were nearby cause I was this close to kissing you right then and there… calm down Angel I had to remind myself I had a lifetime with you… and hopefully soon with our beautiful daughter.
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I knew how beautiful the two of you were going to look, and I wanted to try to do the same. I remembered a high end men’s boutique that only carried the top brands, and were most well known for their custom suits and shirts, but I would have no time for that. I was sure I would need a bit of tailoring though, off the rack never gave me the look I was seeking and particularly not tonight.

It wasn’t as if I knew where tonight would lead, except I wanted it to be special, allow the two of you to forget for a moment the ordeals of the last year, or years, and simply lose yourself at being wined, dined and beautiful.

I had called the restaurant and made sure we had a corner booth, one that would not be seen by others, but gave us a beautiful view. However, I had only dropped you off when the hotel called me, “Sir, we have made a mistake, I misunderstood your request, but we only have one room. It is a beautiful suite, but only one master bed, but there is a living room area with a large sofa …” There was not really anything I could do, and I was sure the girls wouldn’t mind sleeping together, and I could sleep on the couch. At least that was what I was thinking at the moment …

I agreed and gave them my credit card number so all you had do do was check in for you and Angelina. I could only hope you two liked it, and would enjoy getting ready using the luxury shower, tub, French soaps and oils that were offered. I wanted this to feel like a slice of heaven, even if it were only for a single night.

As for me, I headed into Antoio’s Boutique and immediately like the navy suit in the window. I had it fitted, whille I shopped for the perfect white, pinpoint tailored shirt, a white linen pocket square, a steal gray tie that complimented by eyes, and a pair of black Italian, crocodile loafers and belt. When I had it all on, I even smiled as I looked like a million bucks, and deserving of the two women I was meeting.

I dressed there, after using their back en suite to shower, dabbed on some Lagerfeld cologne, I also purchased. Dabbing behind my ears, and down my jaw line, and then dabbing a slight bit on my balls. It was funny, I knew it was wrong to even think that way, as there was no way I would get time alone with Angel and that was certainly not appropriate for Angelina.

I wondered what you two were up to, if you were having fun, but dressed in my suit and tie, my old clothes in the bags in my hand which also included some new short and t-shirts and a pair of gym shoes in case I wanted to work out in the morning. It was 6:45 when I gently knocked on our hotel room door, we were up on the penthouse floor, and we didn’t have reservations until 8, but there was a bar and restaurant up stairs we could get a drink if you wanted?

Befor going up, I arranged for a bottle of champagne on ice and a small bowl of chocolate covered strawberries to be waiting in our room from 10:30 on for when we got back. I was determined to make this night a night the two of you would never forget, but I had no idea … how true that would be.

Opening the door slowly, I stepped inside, “Angel… Angelina… “ I chuckled, “… your Prince has arrived….”
I have never felt more beautiful and loved than the way you and mom have made me feel… not that I don’t always feel loved by mom… but for some reason it was more intense… was it because my hormones were raging… or just because mom was truly happy. I was so excited for tonight and I knew mom was too… she deserved this so much more than me but when I mentioned that to her she was having none of that telling me that if it wasn’t for her that I would have been able to live a better life I assure her she has always given me the best life and protected me at all cost. I told her I was the luckiest girl in the world to have a mother like her and now that you were here I knew mom would be safe for good that thought brings me great joy… I know mom loves you but I never knew just how much… and yet I completely understand why and how… how could she not and how could you not love her in that same way… it made my heart feel happy.

I watch my Angelina carefully as I can see she is so deep in thought… I hope she’s okay it had been a long few days… but tonight she just needed to let go and have fun.

I love watching you too… I’ve always loved you but now the way you are taking care of our little girl means so much more to me than you know… fuck in this moment I just wanted to climb into your lap and kiss you until our lips were sore. As you drop us off I wonder if you could see the lust in my eyes for you… i know with Angelina around we couldn’t do anything but we could always sneak into the bathroom how many times have we done that before. The first thing I noticed about this spectacular room was there was only one bed… I don’t think much about it we could deal with that later I think to myself. Me and Angelina take in the whole room together and admire the beautiful view and the atmosphere. “Come on baby girl.” Why did saying that to my little girl turn me on so much. “Let’s have a drink… you won’t be able to at the restaurant.. then again your uncle Ricky has ways of persuading people… but just in case… let’s hit the mini bar.” I say with a little giggle as she looks at me and nods her head excitedly. So that was what we did I mix us a tequila and orange juice, and hand it to her as she taste it and the look on her face was one of pure wonder… god she is beautiful I think to myself.
“Mom you okay?” I ask her as she seemed to zone off for a moment.

I shake myself from my thoughts. “Sorry babygirl I was just thinking how beautiful you are, and how proud I am of you…you are becoming a incredible woman…” I let my voice trail off because what I am saying is true but it means more I was feeling the same way about her as I had about you all those years ago and I was feeling incredibly guilty about that. “Now let’s go get a shower and get ready to enjoy the evening.” Wait did i just suggest we take a shower together. “I didn’t mean together.” But she stopped me. “It makes sense that we shower together mom… I don’t mind.” I think to myself… maybe I just wanted to see you wet and naked oh good lord what is wrong with me am I attracted sexually not only to my uncle but my own mother? Was I sick I wonder to myself. I see mom nod at me and smile as she takes my hand and leads me to the huge walk in shower… we both undress slowly and i cannot look away moms body is amazing!!! “Mom you’re stunning.” I say surprising myself as I notice a blush creep to moms face… I wonder if she was somehow feeling some kind of way for me also.

I looked at her young tight naked body… I have never been attracted to women… well at least not like this… fuck I wanted to reach out and touch your firm young breast… my heart was pounding as I watched you soap and lather your body… I had to pry my eyes away and do the same. As we finished we dressed and did our hair and makeup… I could see she was as excited as I was. We hear the knock on the door and I can see the blush creeping to Angelina’s cheeks and I smile knowing to myself hoping she didn’t feel guilty like I did with her feelings.

“Finish your drink babygirl I’ll let d uncle Ricky in.” Fuck me that was so close I almost said daddy is at the door I hoped my slip up went unnoticed. I walk to the door to let you in you could read me like a book so I know you may see a little unease in my eyes so I instantly try to hide it.

When you walk in my eyes instantly open wide my heart pounds especially looking at you and mom together, holy fuck seeing you two stand side by side was spectacular…”Uncle Ricky! You look so hot… and mom you are so sexy like a model.” Oh god did I just say that… I see the look you and mom exchange and I worry that I just embarrassed myself. “Sorry I mean you look nice.” I say shyly…
You were dressed like I asked, the two sexiest dresses of the lot, my Angel, wearing the short, low cut, magenta, which had me eyeing her up and sown, wanting to turn her around and bend her over the nearest anything I could find. And then, My God, “Angelina ..you look incredible!”

My little girl was standing before me, her dress completely shear, other than the thin triangle of her black lace thong she wore underneath. “I have to tell you, I wasn’t sure you would have the courage to wear that, but I am glad you did, you look incredible.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off either of them, going back and forth, and it wasn’t even a matter of which woman, my sister or our daughter was making me harder, the reality was the combination was breathtaking and I could barely believe I would have each of them on my arm tonight.

I knew I had to look away, that it was so wrong to be looking, feeling and thinking these thoughts. Angel was one thing, she and I had crossed that bridge long ago, our destiny was set, but Angelina was still so young, so innocent …. My eyes once again drank her in….Innocent yes, but my God her body was built for sin. I found myself smiling, how could it not be with Angel and I as her parents.

It was only as I looked away that I noticed the open bottles of alcohol, laughing, “So, I see you ladies have started this party without me.” Looking at Angel with that devilish twinkle in my eye, “That was very naughty of you two, you’re lucky I don’t give you both a good spanking.”

As soon as I said it, I knew I had taken the teasing too far, crossed a line, that put far too much of my wanton desires on display, exactly when I should have been trying to be a good example. Instead I walked over to the minibar and took out a small bottle of Tito’s Vodka and a small bottle of soda, and as I poured myself a drink, looked back over my shoulder, “But instead, I think I’ll join you, if that’s okay?”

Raising my glass, I wanted to get everybody comfortable. “Baby Girl …” I used my pet name for Angelina, “that was nice of you to compliment me, but I know when I am outclassed, but if you two beautiful women don’t mind being seen with me, I would love to take you out on the town.”

Walking back toward them, raising my glass, “Here is to a night that let’s us forget bad things, where the goal is nothing but fun and trying new things…” And then, holding my glass to my lips, “… and to making new memories that are just ours and no one else’s!”

They looked so beautiful and I felt so good, a broad smile on my face, extending my arms, I looked at one then the other of you. “Come here, I want to hug my two girls and then I think we will just make our reservations!”
I was grateful that you hadn’t noticed the apprehension or perhaps the nerves that I was feeling and the thoughts that were going through my mind at the moment about the three of us. I knew you loved this color on me so it was a no brainer to wear this… now looking at Angelina and how she was dressed made me have so many taboo thoughts go through my head… what I needed was fresh air the last thing I needed to do was ruin our evening… Angelina had been skeptical about the dress but I insisted because she was gorgeous and should show off!

I blush at your words I was surprised that you actually had wanted me to wear this dress it made my heart pound and I felt unstoppable at the moment… mom seems uneasy about something… but I am just sure it is because of everything that had happened. I blushed again at your words… you flatter me. “You picked it out and mom told me it would please you both if I wore it.” I say with a bright smile I notice the heat in mom’s eyes or was I just imagining that.

I knew me and mom were both thinking carnal things her about you her brother and me about my uncle and my mother… I of course had no idea my mom was actually thinking of me the same way.

I have always been so close to my little girl and the way I am thinking about you having her bent over the table and taking her, as I watch and please myself… or tied to the bed… my cunt straddling her face while you fuck her nice and slow and the you fucking her face and me licking her little virginal cunt… fuck it was driving me insane! I was snapped out of my thoughts suddenly and it was a good thing I should not be thinking of my child in this way!!!

I looked at you with a fire in my eyes at the thought of my hands behind my back as you spank me like you often had in the past only now I am imagining my sweet girl bent over my knee… me spanking her while you choke her with your cock! What the fuck is wrong with me!

I noticed that you too more and likely were having the same thoughts then again knowing Angelina was your daughter and knowing how wrong it was I doubted it… I look at Angel and I can see her nipples are rock hard… and I can imagine me sucking on one nipple while her daddy you sucks on the other as we tease her getting her primed for your cock… “Of course! Yes please get over here!” I say sweetly and Angel enthusiastically nods.

I see my Angel turn three shades of red yes I see my Ricky has the same affect on her as you do with me and it makes me smile… I wanted to be jealous… maybe I should be but I couldn’t yes I was worried you may want her more if we did cross that threshold though I am sure it will not.

My god I couldn’t have asked for a hotter mother or uncle they were both attractive and I didn’t understand these feelings they felt so very wrong to me and yet so right at the same time… I mean you were only my uncle not that it would make it right… but mom Jesus she is my mother and I’m not even a lesbian but she makes my blood boil and I could feel the heat at my little cunt and the juices flowing that I almost didn’t notice the toast you had made.

Neither me nor mom hesitates to get into your big strong arms I felt moms hand on the small of my back sending chills through me and I could feel my breast pressed against uncle Ricky, his hand on moms breast nonchalantly of course…. This was wrong my feelings are so so wrong… yet I didn’t care I just wanted to enjoy the evening with the people I love most!
Smiling at Angelina’s words, unable to keep my mind off my daughter or resist thoughts that I couldn’t help but have. “But does it please you? Look at yourself Angelina, look at what a beautiful young woman you are, how… “ I give her a wink, “Sexy my d .. niece is.” I almost slip and I know this is a conversation we need to have soon, as I can’t keep on carrying on this charade, I want her to know she is not only Angel’s but my little girl too, but first she needs to know my relationship with her mother and I don’t know how she will feel about that?

It is impossible not to see how hard my baby girl’s nipples are as they poke through your see through top. I realize I would never let you out like that with any young boy, but for some reason, not only myself but clearly Angel too has no problem and seems to be enjoying it as well.

Was it possible that you weren’t only turning me on, but Angel too. In all the time we were together I had never known Angel to be attracted to women, but now looking at you, flesh and blood or not, how could anyone not want to enjoy your incredible young body.

This was so bad, but I knew it was safe, I knew I wouldn’t ever try something with you unless … well if it was consensual, but whether it was being discussed, your hard little nipples only confirmed the sexual electricity that was in the air and the undeniable chemistry that seemed to exist between all of us.

I could feel those nipples pressed into my chest as we all hugged, and raised our glasses. This was going to be a fun night. “I feel like the luckiest man in the world, a man with not only the most beautiful queen in all the land, but the fairest of princesses… I only hope I am up to being the Prince Charming you deserve.”

For a moment I was caught up in the role play, and instinctively first leaned in and softly kissed my Angel on the lips, and then turned my head and finding my little girl there, did the same to her. Each kiss was soft, lingering, while lips were closed there was no mistaking or hiding the passions being exchanged.

I broke the kiss. “I’m sorry, I think I got carried away.. “ And I began to let my arms slip away slowly from holding you, each of you, hoping that I wouldn’t see terror in either of your eyes? It was clearly time to head out, hoping desperately I hadn’t ruined our night before it ever started.
I know this is wrong these thoughts and feelings I am having towards my mother and uncle… maybe it was just because you were both being nice and kind to me. “I feel a bit exposed, I won’t lie… but at the same time I feel sexy.” I admit my face more red! Your words only make me blush ten times more… I look at mom and see a look in her eyes I have never seen before. I take a deep breath feeling strange sensations go through me more and more and it was very confusing… I mean this is my mother and my uncle for fucks sake!

I could feel how hard my nipples are and I also can feel how fucking wet I am… I am breathing a little heavy as I have so many thoughts and emotions going through me! I know you and mom wouldn’t let anyone come near me… because with you both I know I am completely safe! I feel flushed I hope you and mom cannot see that.

Seeing how sexy my daughter looks is almost to much for me… I am so damn hot watching you interact with her… but I feel so guilty for how I am feeling almost like I did when we together for the first time. I’ve never been with a woman and this is my child what the fuck is wrong with me… if you looked at me I know you would see the emotions in my eyes you know me so damn well.

I need to get some air but I didn’t want to make it obvious to you the guilt that I was feeling because I am sexually thinking of my daughter… and sexually thinking of watching you take her…taking turns with me and her… or me sucking your cock while my Angelina licks my pussy… or vice versa… or her riding your cock while I lick your balls and ass…so many different things!

I blush my face is red and hot! This is wrong I cannot be having these thoughts. I am kind of looking away a bit I didn’t want you to know what I am feeling or thinking. I hear Angelina giggle and I smile. “We have the best Prince Charming in all the land.” I say and smile at you…and I know I am right.

I watch as you kiss mom and I swear I hear a little moan escape mom’s lips… it makes me smile I am glad that she has you. Oh my I think now I know why mom moaned into your mouth it was soft and sweet and gentle. I felt shivers and trembles and goosebumps all along my entire body… I wanted to kiss mom I think… oh god I’m sick…


I needed some air this was rough… I couldn’t be thinking about this… cause I couldn’t let my little girl know any of this. “I’m going to get some air real quick…” I say and I can see you look a little concerned. I walk out the door and lean on the balcony breathing in air. “Angelina stay here, I’m just checking on your mom.” You say and walk out the door and look at me. I smile at you as you turn but you can clearly see the trepidation in my face and eyes. “I’m sorry.” I say softly biting my lip.

I think it’s cute because I know mom just wanted a minute to be alone with you and I tell you to go ahead and I start gathering mine and moms bags and shawls up to make it easier for when we leave.