HisArpy& "the concepts of Ordered Liberty found in the US Constitution" -- when lobbying against gun control.

Should have been carrying a Ruger New Model Blackhawk designed with a transfer bar ignition system and that probably wouldn't have happened.
Yes, every professional hunter should buy whatever an NRA stooge tells them to buy.
They don't do anything
.they are inanimate objects.

Now, what is it about those inanimate objects that upsets you so much? The color? Don't you like black?

Now, what is it about those inanimate objects that upsets you so much? The color? Don't you like black?

I saw a cute pink “Hella Kitty” AR at a shooting range. You should get them for you grand daughters.
You people that talk about "Freedom" and "The Constitution" are a bunch of hypocrites. I'm pointing at HisArpy and of course Rightguide-of-Many-Handles here. How many times have both of you spouted off about "Freedom" and "The Rule of Law," but yet- happily cheered from the sidelines as a would-be dictator flouted both, in an attempt to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a dictatorship- then claimed that both the traitors of Jan 6th and the far-right terrorists of Coeur D'Alene Idaho should be free from consequences for their actions, because "it's a partisan witch hunt."

As defined under the Constitution, Trump committed treason, and if you truly uphold the constitution, and believe in the Constitution AS WRITTEN, you would both understand that even if he is allowed to remain a free man, under no circumstances should Donald Trump ever hold any public office in the United States ever again.

NEITHER of you have any authority to talk about freedom or the constitution, since you would happily see freedoms of everyone else taken away while you have your banana-republic dictatorship in place.

Basically- shut the hell up.
You people that talk about "Freedom" and "The Constitution" are a bunch of hypocrites. I'm pointing at HisArpy and of course Rightguide-of-Many-Handles here. How many times have both of you spouted off about "Freedom" and "The Rule of Law," but yet- happily cheered from the sidelines as a would-be dictator flouted both, in an attempt to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a dictatorship- then claimed that both the traitors of Jan 6th and the far-right terrorists of Coeur D'Alene Idaho should be free from consequences for their actions, because "it's a partisan witch hunt."

As defined under the Constitution, Trump committed treason, and if you truly uphold the constitution, and believe in the Constitution AS WRITTEN, you would both understand that even if he is allowed to remain a free man, under no circumstances should Donald Trump ever hold any public office in the United States ever again.

NEITHER of you have any authority to talk about freedom or the constitution, since you would happily see freedoms of everyone else taken away while you have your banana-republic dictatorship in place.

Basically- shut the hell up.
Lol, someone has gone off his meds.