Holidays on the Slopes (Closed for southern_slut)

I laugh breathily as you pull me up the inclined path. "Christmas Eve at your place sounds nice, but I'll pass on the club, thank you. I like my Christmas Eve nice and quiet, in front of the roaring fire with an old movie or a book." I raise my eyebrows. "But go ahead and head to the club. You can drop me off at my place on the way."

The snow is falling thick and fast and you keep pulling me along up the path. "Davis... Where are you taking me? Are your planning on taking me up here to kill me? Because I don't want to have to kick your ass too..."
I instantly make a plan in my head for a nice fire and a slow evening in tomorrow after dinner. I'd prefer having you in my place than taking you out of it anyway. I laugh when you ask about taking you some place to kill you.

"No, look," I say, pointing to an enclosed ski lift. "I figured we would take our drinks someplace where there's a view." I walk you to the lift and nod at the guy working it. He obviously knows me and opens the door to let you in. I follow and sit beside you, our thighs pressed together in the small seat. The lift carries us slowly up the mountain, where we get out and walk instantly into a small clearing where a number of people wander about. The area has an outdoor viewing area that looks down on the village below, as well as several fireplaces and open sitting areas for the public.

I walk you to the railing. "Beautiful, huh? I love it up here." I tell you. "You know," I say. "We could rent this place tomorrow. Sit by the fireplace up here."
I look at you with a quizzical expression. "You are trying very hard to make a good first impression. Do you do this with every girl you meet to impress her and make her swoon for you?" I shake my head and laugh. "I'm sorry but I'm not some floozy," I say, almost echoing the words Violet said to you last night, unknown to me. I take a drink of my Irish coffee and look out over the view. It is breathtaking. The air is sharp and cold up here and I pull my coat and scarf tighter around me.

I perk an eyebrow at you. "Renting this place won't be necessary. Anyway, you're going out to a club. Far be it from me to keep you from all the tasty young morsels out there." I turn to you, smiling and leaning on the railing, my body curving. "I mean, how else are you going to get laid on Christmas Eve?"
I appreciate the flirt and I appreciate the challenge more. I slide my hand gently to your side and pull you toward me. "What if I didn't go to the club?" I ask just before craning my head to kiss you. I press my lips firmly against yours for several moments, making it clear which tasty, young morsel I am interested in. My hand brushes your cheek as I kiss you, lingering in the crisp winter afternoon. I pull away. "What I am saying is that I want to spend Christmas Eve with YOU." I grin again, holding you close to me, both hands around you and resting upon your lower back. "It will be nice," I say, briefly kissing you a second time.
I smile as you kiss me.

"You don't even know me. And I won't sleep with you," I said, unsure myself. But I didn't know if that had come across in my denial or not. Your hands were around me, resting on my lower back and my own hands were resting on your chest. It was firm, and I looked down at your chest before your lips were upon me again. They took my breath away.

"But Christmas Eve would be nice. As long as you don't have any expectations..."
I hear your words, but at the same time feel your waist pressed closely against my own, and I refuse to believe you. I break the second kiss and simply smile at you, saying nothing in response. Your efforts to convince sound more like an effort to convince only yourself, and you appear to have forgotten that you began the conversation acknowledging that you, on at least one occasion, had a one night fling with another, less savory guy, one who I suspect was not gentle, kind, or particularly nice to you on that occasion.

I grab your hand and begin walking back toward the lift, ready take us back to the village. "You just come ready to unwrap your present," I say, cryptically, leaving the surprise for tomorrow. "Ready to get back? I'm meeting a guy at 4 to hit the evening run before dinner. If you want to meet up later, I'll be in town. Wouldn't want to distract you though," I wink, half serious.
"I have a few things I need to do. Plus a little last minute shopping, as well. But I'll look forward to tomorrow," I say, smiling as I lean in, kissing your cheek innocently. A thought rushes through my head of screwing you in the kitchen and I banish it. It's just a second date. Nothing more. "I've had a lovely time. Thank you for lunch, and I will see you tomorrow. I hope you have a nice night tonight, if you do go out..."

I disappear into the thickening crowds and the snow, and go about buying a bottle of good wine for dinner tomorrow, and a little something for you. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. When I get back to the cabin, Emma is still out with Roger, but Violet had returned.

"Late night?" I surmise. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah... Davis threw me out because I wouldn't fuck him."

I looked at her in disbelief. "What?"

She shrugged. "Things were getting hot and heavy and I chickened out. So he told me to get out."

My stomach tightened. I wondered if I would meet the same fate. I tried to ignore the gnawing feelings in my belly, even the ones in my other areas... The private ones. They were harder to ignore. So she had been with him last night. I decided this was just two friends meeting, having dinner. If he wants to fuck vapid, brainless whores like Violet, so be it.

I'm better than that. I'm better than some random one-time fuck. That was one thing Will had taught me.

The next day, I spent a lot of time grooming. I let my hair fall in it's fullest curls, made myself up to perfection. I pulled on a slinky black dress and high heels. I stood in front of my mirror. I looked damned sophisticated. Not some little college tart.

The cab dropped me off at your chalet, and I walked up in a long black coat, my heels clicking on the stones. I knock the door and you answer, smiling at me. You ask if you can take my coat. I let you slide it off my body as intimately as I can, revealing my killer outfit. I move into the kitchen, handing you the wine as I turn my body, letting your eyes roam over it.

"Good evening, Davis," I croon.
I am immediately attracted as you appear at my door, and moreso as I take your coat, your beautiful red hair contrasting agains your white skin and tiny black dress. "Wow," I say. "You,, you look hot." I tell you. I take the wine and check you out head to toe, hoping to see more before the night is over. I take the bottle from your hand. "Thank you," I say, grabbing two glasses and opening the bottle. I pour two glasses, and I hand one to you. "Cheers," I say, holding up my glass to yours before drinking from it. I turn toward the kitchen.

"Make yourself comfortable," I say. "I hope you like chicken scampi," I tell you as I pull the lid off a large, stainless steel pot from which rises a thick steam and the scent of garlic and butter. "It's almost ready." I sip more wine before walking over to grab your hand. "Come on," I say. "You get the grand tour." I walk you through the large kitchen and living room where you came in. I show you my private office and large media room with reclining sectionals and a movie sized screen. We go upstairs, and I show you the sunroom and two well-furnished, stylish guest bedrooms. "And up here," I say, heading to the third floor, "is my favorite area. We get to the third landing and nearly the entire floor is the master bedroom. A giant bed sits in the room, and on the far end are two modern chairs in front of a small fireplace. I take you past the chairs and open a sliding door. Behind it is another mid sized living room with a couch, a large fireplace, a television over the fireplace, and a massive, panoramic view of the twinkling night and the sparkling, snowy village below. You notice a hot tub on the patio beyond the floor to ceiling window. "I can come up here and rest. That's why I love it here during the off season," I say.
Your chalet is beautiful, decadent yet tastefully furnished. I am particularly impressed by the large expansive room that affords the lookout over the whole village. Not to mention the hot tub. And then there's the opulent bedroom. I think that the bed had to be specially made to fit in there. We stand at the windows, looking out over the village and you mention how you love it here during the off season. I sip my wine, and it's tinted by jealousy.

"I would love it too in a place like this. The only thing this house is missing is a library. I could move straight in, otherwise," I smile, winking playfully at you and clinking my glass against yours before taking another sip. The smell of the chicken scampi makes it's way upstairs. We walk back through the large bedroom with the lit fireplace. It looks so inviting, and I run my hand along the mantelpiece, glancing at you. My legs are silhouetted against the fire, the curve of my bottom and the way my red curls catch the light. I smile at you. "I like this fireplace. It must keep the bedroom very warm," I say, watching you watch me. I like how you look at me when you make a quip about how you don't need the fire for heat in this room.

I laugh. "Hmm, so I hear. Violet was telling me she was here last night." I smirk at you. "She says you asked her to leave because she wouldn't fuck you."

You look a little surprised, slightly annoyed, and it delights me. I laugh again, carrying my wine glass close to my body as we make our way down into the kitchen again. You start to serve the dinner and I sit on a high stool as you do. I lean to one side, crossing my legs and affording you a good view of the top of my hold up stockings. The look in your eyes is dangerous and it makes me squirm.

As we eat, we talk about your skiing, and my studying. I decide perhaps pressing the issue about Violet wouldn't be wise, so I keep the sarcasm to a minimum.
"Well, Violet may not have told you the correct story," is all I say when you mention it. I'm getting increasingly annoyed at hearing about Violet. I certainly haven't compared you to her, and I certainly haven't for a second thought of treating you like I would treat her. I certainly would not have cooked for her, not once. If a girl wants to fuck, and acts like she wants to fuck, and sets that expectation, then I am, as a single bachelor, happy to partake if she is cute and sexy. And if that is the expectation, and then it becomes something different, then yeah, I'll have her leave. But I haven't mentioned her, or any other girl from my past, to you, and I certainly have not rubbed her, or anyone else, in your face. But this interested/uninterested act irritates me every time a girl does it, and at 40, with independent wealth and freedom, I don't enjoy games. I swallow my irritation, but figure I will take it out on you later, given the chance.

I serve you and I both a plate and offer you some fresh french bread. "I'm sorry, I'm not the greatest cook," I say. "I don't practice as often as I like." I glance down at your stockings, enjoying how they wrap gently against your firm thighs, exactly what I thought existed beneath your jeans when I saw you last. I'll bet she's tight, I think to myself. You tell me a bit about your studies, and I listen with genuine interest.

"I never made it to college. I turned pro at 20," I tell you. "College might have saved me a lot of broken bones and medical bills," I say. "But the classroom might have made me go insane, so I suppose there is a trade off." I keep your glass filled with wine and after dinner, I pull out a box wrapped with red and silver paper and a white ribbon and bow. "Merry Christmas," I say, smiling. You tell me I shouldn't have gotten you anything, but I wanted to, and encourage you to open it.

Inside you find a green, with white trim, Irish Olympic team shirt and jacket. Beneath that is a red and white knit scarf and matching red and white knit fingerless gloves. "Your red hair," I say, "I had to get you the Irish team gear. My friend Finlay helped me out and it arrived today. And the scarf will just look cute in the village. I hope you like it."
I scowl at you for spending money on me, but I love it. The Irish Olympic shirt makes me grin as I hold it to my chest, I wrap the scarf around my neck and pull my hair out over it. It's warm and soft and I smile up at you. I reach into my handbag and pull out a small box, wrapped in black with a silver bow. You scowl back at me and I shrug as you scold me for buying you a gift.

I giggle. "It looks like we're both as bad as each other."

You open the gift and your eyebrows lift as you look at the platinum cuff links, shaped like skis. Today's date is inscribed on them.

"You probably have dozens like them." You shake your head and there's a moment of silence between us. I nuzzle into my scarf, and then lean over to you, kissing you on the corner of your mouth. I rest my forehead against your temple and whisper 'thank you, Davis...' My eyes linger on yours. You smell good, and I blink, sitting back and composing myself.

You clear your throat and lift your glass, and another bottle of wine, and you grab my hand. I kick off my shoes and I notice for the first time how tall you are. You pull me along, back upstairs to the room that looks out over the village. You put on music and take my wine glass from me, setting it on the coffee table. I'm blushing furiously. You smile, putting a hand on my waist, and holding my other hand as we start to dance in the firelight. I lean against you, and breathe softly, my chin resting against your lips. This is perhaps one of the nicest evenings I've ever spent here.

"Davis, I'm having a lovely time. I really am," I say genuinely as I look up at you. You're holding my hands against your chest and I have the warm lovely buzz from the firelight, the good food, and the wine. "Dinner was lovely. And this... This is beautiful..." I say, gasping and gripping your hand as you dip me back and kiss me deeply.
I pull you back up from kissing you. "I thought you'd like it," I say, deliberately unclear about whether I meant the kiss or the view. "This is my favorite place to get away." I continue dancing with you for a few more moments. The room is warm and as we dance, I notice the snow outside has not only begun to fall, but has begun to blanket the village. Giant, white snowflakes fall from the sky and blow in the brisk breeze. You may not make it home in what looks like a coming blizzard, but I say nothing, hoping that might be the case.

"Where are you originally from?" I ask you, genuinely curious about your background, having traveled nearly everywhere myself. As we continue to dance, the lights from the nearby lifts go out as the mountain closes, leaving only the golden city below lighting the horizon.
As I looked out at the twinkling lights of the little ski paradise below us, I began to raise my eyes to the sky as the snow started to drift down. I had spent enough time here to know when a blizzard was starting and I had seen the weather reports.

I was going to end up here for the night, or else I'd get caught in the blizzard trying to get home. And no cabs would come up here in a snowstorm. I look at you.

"Where am I from?" I smile, wondering why you are so interested in me. My education, and now my background. "Well... My mother's side are from Salem in Massachusetts. That's where I was raised. Dad is from Phoenix. He moved back there after the divorce. I like Salem. I love the history of the place, and the legends. Our family goes back to the time of the witches." I wink at you. "So be careful. I might cast a spell on you."

You smile and we look out over the beautiful view, your arm is around me and I lean against you. I look around at you and smile. "What about you? Where are you from?"
I smirk a bit. "Nowhere you would know of," I tell you. "Ardmore, Oklahoma." I say. "There's not a single mountain, a lot of clay, dust, beer, and high school football and high school girls that can get you in trouble." As I speak, I slip my hand down along your waist, holding you firmly against me, but not overly tight. I feel myself beging to grow hard. I uncouple from you for a moment and pour another glass of wine, and one for me. I look outside as the snowflakes swirl, casually raising my glass to point outside.

"You're going to be stuck here," I say, unconcerned in the least, and in fact preferring that you did. I draw close to you, seeking another kiss, and my hand snakes along your side and onto your lower back, pulling you near. "But it's still early," I say.
"Well then it's a good thing you got me that Irish shirt. It means I have something to sleep in," I smile as you press me against you.

I feel you against my hip. You're hard, and it makes me gasp, my eyes looking down and I blush. "God, Davis... I'm sorry." I bite my lip and hide my mouth behind the wine glass. You're smiling warmly at me, your hand resting on my back in that familiar way. I lean against you, feeling you stirring between us. My body reacts too. I shift my legs a little to adjust against the heat I begin to feel, the wetness and impending arousal. I don't want to ruin the nice atmosphere between us but I can't deny how attracted I am to you.

I take the wine glass from your hand and set it on the coffee table along with my own. I return to the warmth of your arms and they encircle me, one resting in the small of my back, the other at the nape of my neck. I put my arms around your shoulders and our bodies touch. You pull me towards you and I resist ever so slightly, but you pull me in for a kiss.

I growl the tiniest bit, and kiss you hard, my hands sliding down over your neck as the pressure builds. The kiss lasts for a long while and when we part our lips we are both flushed and breathing heavily.

"If I end up having to stay, can I borrow some clothes? I promise I'll cook you a nice Christmas Day dinner if the snow is too bad..."
"If you need them," I say, my hand tracing along your neck as I kiss you deeply once more. My other hand pulls you tight against me at your waist, and I listen to you as I kiss you. I break the kiss long enough only to take your hand in mine, and a few steps later, i am sitting on the couch before the large fireplace, and pull you to sit beside me. I lean in to kiss you one more, my hands now riding around your back and along your thigh.

"I want you to stay," I whisper before nibbling your ear, making my intentions very clear. "And you don't have to cook anything," I say with a grin.
You tell me you want me to stay, and you seat me on the sofa next to you. I moan as your teeth close on my earlobe, my chest rises and falls as my breathing accelerates with desire. I giggle, when you tell me I don't have to cook anything.

"But it's Christmas Day," I say. "Maybe I want to. It's tradition. And it's the least I can do to say thank you for letting me stay in a blizzard..."

The snow outside is whirling now, it gets heavier and the wind becomes louder. I cling to you as you kiss me, groaning softly. Your hands travel over my back, my hips, my thighs, just as mine move along your arms and chest. I shiver with need. I know what this is going to lead to, part of me, a huge part, wants it so badly. But there's another part that just doesn't want to be another notch on your bedpost.

I draw back, looking into your eyes before kissing you again, softly but urgently.

"Davis... I... I never do this. Not on the second date..." I whisper around our kisses.
"You don't kiss?" I ask, pressing into you a bit before abruptly and bluntly, but sincerely shifting gears. "I don't want to fuck you," I say, kissing your neck before looking into your eyes and kissing you again. "I won't if you wanted me to." I stand up and stoke the fire. I step back to where we were while you remain on the couch. "You see, I like you," I say, grabbing your wine and returning it to you. "And I know what you think of Violet. I know you're better than that, and I like that too. But let's spend the holidays together," I suggest. "You and me. See how things go." I sit beside you, my hand on your knee as I kiss you again.
When you get up and move to the fire, I feel cold as your warmth leaves my side. I immediately become embarrassed as you say you think I am better than Violet. I blush like a schoolgirl when you tell me you like me. "I like you too," I admit, taking a sip from my wine glass when you hand it back to me. When you suggest we spend the holidays together, I smile at you, a sweet, genuine smile. Your hand rests on my knee and I can't remember feeling like this for a long time.

Our lips meet again and you taste like wine and promises. I smile widely against your lips and I have to suppress a happy laugh. You look at me questioningly.

"Oh, I was just thinking how nice this all is. And how I haven't had this much fun in a long time..."

I scoot a little closer to you and your hand slips up my leg a little. It's obvious I don't mind as I nuzzle into your neck, kissing along your jaw. I mirror your actions by putting my hand on your leg.
I feel your thigh, and enjoy every inch under my touch. I lean you back on the couch, as I kiss you deeply, my hand traveling outside your dress and up your side. The fireplace pops a few times and lights the room. We make out a while longer before I stop suddenly. I get up once more and move toward the bedroom. "What do you want to sleep in?" I ask.
I rise to my feet, self consciously tugging the hem of my dress down.

"An old tee shirt will do fine," I say, hugging my arms around myself. I should have known about the blizzard, and I'm annoyed at myself. You go into the bedroom and return a moment later with a grey tee shirt. I smile at you thankfully, holding the shirt against me as there is suddenly a bright flash and then...


Thankfully the fire still lights the room, but the blizzard has knocked out the electricity. I look at you in the firelight.

"I guess I should get sorted. Does it matter which guest room I sleep in?" I say, watching carefully for your reaction.
I laugh. "You take the master," I say. "I'll take the guest room across the hall." I kiss you again. "Need anything else?" I say as I approach the fireplace to add some logs, before standing again. I look around the room, making sure everything in here is in order for you. I lead you to the master bedroom adjacent to us and pull some black and gold sleep pants from one of the dresser drawers, and you notice I take no shirt. "If you do need something, I'm right next door," I say. I kiss you again. "I'm glad you're staying," I grin.
I wave coyly as you leave the room, before taking off my stockings and my dress. I slip off my bra and drape it along with my other clothes over a chair before I pull your shirt over my head and knot my hair up. The shirt is kind of long, just skimming my thighs.

I get into bed and the warmth of the room, combined with a tummy full of good food and wine, and I drift off to sleep quite quickly, a smile on my face as I think of you sleeping nearby, having been so gentlemanly.

The storm outside wakens me at about 4am, and I get up, yawning sleepily. I wander into the living room where the fire has died down. The room is still lovely and warm and I stand looking out at the snow and the wind. The town is no longer visible, and the wind is so high the snow is practically blowing sideways. It makes me shiver. I bent in front of the fire and toss another log on, before feeling a slight draft. The door seems to have come ajar a little, and I see you in the doorway.

"You've come to check on the fire? I just put more logs on," I say sleepily. It hasn't even crossed my mind you would have seen me bending over and walking around in my panties. "I'm sorry if I woke you, the storm... I couldn't sleep."

The panties:
I pause a moment as I enter the living room, very much enjoying the beautiful sight of your cute ass, decorated as the best christmas present I would ever want to unwrap.

"Yeah," I say. "It's howling out there, and I need a couple of logs for my room. It's freezing." I walk close and stand by the now blazing fire where you are. "You sleeping okay?" I ask you, enjoying the heat for a few moments.
I nod, biting my lip and tucking a stray curl behind my ear as I look at you. Your body is very toned, and I can almost visualise it beneath me, on top of me, me wrapped around it, and before I know it you're asking me if I'm alright. I smirk, nodding, and banishing the wicked thoughts. I decide to play.

"Maybe if you wore a shirt you wouldn't be as cold," I giggle.