Hooked on Homophonics -- NOT!

Re: Re: Inadvertant humor?

MathGirl said:
Dear Mr Harold,
It's a term used to describe what a happy male camper wakes up with in the morning.

I thought that was a "Tube Steak."
This is not a matter of homonyms, but there is one typo that seems to be so prevalent, that it almost appears acceptable.

I mean the use of "loose" where one should have used "lose." :rolleyes:

i.e. ‘If she's not careful, she will loose her boyfriend."

Had it been in a BDSM story, I would figure that I had misread, but I see the error frequently, and in quite respectable publication. :(
Weird Harold said:
I've just ben reading what would be a very good story if not for the fact that the author got nearly every possible homphone wrong.

There, Their and They're were used as if they were interchangable, To, Two and Too were all spelled "to," Heal and Heel were misused, Hear and Here were often spelled "her" when they weren't swapped.

I've become somewhat accustomed to this sort of error in amateur erotica, but this particular story seemed to just scream, "hukd on foniks wurkd four me."

So in aid of improving the spelling of homophones, tell me what tricks YOU use to keep them straight.

For Example:

There is a place that is noT here.
They're is a contraction of "they are"
Their is none-of-the-above and the possessive form of "they."

Another example:
Peek has two "Eyes" while a Peak is "Everything Above"
Picque, on the other hand, I just have to remember how tospell correctly when something picques my curiosity.
I know the difference in all of these. I guess I was listening in school. Reading through this thread, all of the good ones are already mentioned.

The only rule I remember from school is 'I before E, except after C...and when sounding like "A", as in neighbor and weigh'. I know that isn't one of the more common spelling errors, but it's one.

I find myself using it's and its incorrectly, when I know the difference. It's a totally subconcious act. Strange how we do these things, when we know better.