Hostility or Fear?

Norajane said:
That's kinda what torques MY twinkie about these debates - having sex creates babies, dammit, and anyone who has sex needs to understand that means them!!!

It's like people are soooo surprised when someone gets pregnant, like they've never considered that might happen. You have sex, you have to accept the risk. If you don't like the risk and potential consequences, keep your pants on or take responsibility for your own birth control.

Why is that so hard for people to figure out?
Absolutely, this is where the line does get blurred. You tell her you don't want a baby, but then you don't wear a condom. You take a rick she might get pregnant. Hell with a condom there's a risk! Nothing is certain and you have to be willing to take responsibility for those actions. That is NOT a question in my mind. The issue though is what rights shoudl the father have? Should he be expected to pay support if he has no say in his child's life? Only IMO if his rights were revoked for some reason(abuse, etc.). If he's taking responsibility for that child, he has rights to help raise that child.

But shoudl a man be able to force a woman to get pregnant? No this is a decision that must be achieved mutually I think. Likewise I think the decision to have an abortion should be one that is achieve mutually. EVERYONE has to take responsibility for their actions. That's just not something that is taught to kids anymore. I'll be honest, I was never worried about STDs as a teen, I was worried about getting a girl pregnant, because it was drilled into me that I would have to take responsibility for that. It was never a question for me, it was just what a man does.

It was also the best form of prevention that I ever could have had, not just about sex, but about everything in life. If I wasn't willing to take responsibility for my actions, damnit I wasn't gonna do it. That's still the way I am, and it has served me well. If there's only one thing I could teach my kids, I think that's what it would be.
TBKahuna123 said:
It was also the best form of prevention that I ever could have had, not just about sex, but about everything in life. If I wasn't willing to take responsibility for my actions, damnit I wasn't gonna do it. That's still the way I am, and it has served me well. If there's only one thing I could teach my kids, I think that's what it would be.
Exactly. If I were Matt Dubay's mother, I'd be ashamed of him.
TBKahuna123 said:
The issue though is what rights shoudl the father have? Should he be expected to pay support if he has no say in his child's life? Only IMO if his rights were revoked for some reason(abuse, etc.). If he's taking responsibility for that child, he has rights to help raise that child.

But shoudl a man be able to force a woman to get pregnant? No this is a decision that must be achieved mutually I think. Likewise I think the decision to have an abortion should be one that is achieve mutually. EVERYONE has to take responsibility for their actions.

I guess in my ideal world people would talk about this stuff and understand each other and agree on what they'd do before they start having PIV sex. :)

Or, failing that, they'd at least act responsibly afterwards, and with some respect for each other and without needing courts to get involved. :)

Failing that, I believe if they can't get their shit together and have to go to court about it, it's often the child that loses most, so it should be avoided at all costs.

TBKahuna123 said:
EVERYONE has to take responsibility for their actions. That's just not something that is taught to kids anymore. I'll be honest, I was never worried about STDs as a teen, I was worried about getting a girl pregnant, because it was drilled into me that I would have to take responsibility for that. It was never a question for me, it was just what a man does.

It was also the best form of prevention that I ever could have had, not just about sex, but about everything in life. If I wasn't willing to take responsibility for my actions, damnit I wasn't gonna do it. That's still the way I am, and it has served me well. If there's only one thing I could teach my kids, I think that's what it would be

You'd be welcome in my ideal world. :)
Eilan said:

I must admit that I didn't go to I didn't want to have to buy a new monitor. :eek:


I used to read a lot of Cosmo in my college years, and the site strikes me as being very much like that. A lot of it is misguided, some of it is funny, some of it is ridiculous, some of it is right on. It tries to give guys the 'real' female perspective. For me, it's interesting and kinda funy to see what men think women are about.
I'll pick up an issue of Cosmo maybe once or twice a year, but I've found that I've pretty much outgrown it. Because I've spent so much time at Lit in recent years, I yawn when I read their sex advice/articles. The rest of it pretty much doesn't interest me. Except for their little Confessions section. That's usually pretty funny.

Maybe I'll suck it up and check out the site. If I'm not around for a while, you'll know that I broke something. :D
Eilan said:
I'll pick up an issue of Cosmo maybe once or twice a year, but I've found that I've pretty much outgrown it. Because I've spent so much time at Lit in recent years, I yawn when I read their sex advice/articles. The rest of it pretty much doesn't interest me. Except for their little Confessions section. That's usually pretty funny.

Maybe I'll suck it up and check out the site. If I'm not around for a while, you'll know that I broke something. :D

Stay away from Doc Love. He's got The System for dealing with women...The Rules, reversed. :eek:
Norajane said:
Stay away from Doc Love. He's got The System for dealing with women...The Rules, reversed. :eek:
So is Doc Love the personification of the Tom Cruise character in Magnolia?
midwestyankee said:
So is Doc Love the personification of the Tom Cruise character in Magnolia?

Kinda, but I see him more like Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire.

Edit to add: actually, it's like Magnolia Cruise giving advice to McGuire Cruise, now that I think about it.
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