How challenging is to talk about fantasies, kinks etc.?

The heart wants what the heart wants.

The only thing I disagree with you (I'm nitpicking here) is your choice of words at the end.

"Put up"... For me, I wouldn't say I put up with my husband. That makes me think that I'm somewhat unhappy and I'm settling. I'm not. I want more that doesn't mean I don't have enough already. I'm greedy lol

I can get a sense of how you feel and I know you didn't mean it that way. As I said, I'm nitpicking

Also... Missionary position is one of my fav, so don't you dare bad mouth about it lol
NO you are correct I did not mean that.

I wouldn't bad mouth missionary as it does have it's intimacy of being face to face and in fact is how in most times I wish to finish, it's just that leading up to that finish I would love so much to use different positions. I know certain things I will probably never get to have with her, she tried oral with me and it's something she is adverse to but luckily she likes it done to her so that is a relief for me as I love it so and I am a good guy I always pleasure her before I want my pleasure sometimes when she takes way to long to pleasure we have many times forgone my own pleasure because of the need to get up early, her not I as I am retired.

Anal is something I have always wanted to do with her but she won't even allow me the use of fingers inside her there so that's a never gonna happen thing so and I won't say put up with as I know you might admonish me for it so I'll say I accept that is something that I can only fantasize about.

I would say that I also have that I have that same greediness in me, wanting more but accepting that is not about to happen.