How Democrats Win In Nevada

Part of the issue with elections these days is that everyone has a voice, including people at the polls who see what they believe to be fraud to their Twitter buddies. It gets amplified even though nothing is really happening and people freak out.

You seeing what you think is fraud is not the same thing as fraud. And if you create an affidavit saying it was fraud, that still doesn't mean it was fraud.
Part of the issue with elections these days is that everyone has a voice, including people at the polls who see what they believe to be fraud to their Twitter buddies. It gets amplified even though nothing is really happening and people freak out.

You seeing what you think is fraud is not the same thing as fraud. And if you create an affidavit saying it was fraud, that still doesn't mean it was fraud.
Unless Hillary says it was fraudulent and continues to say her election was stolen? Her not accepting results, or the woman in South Carolina, they are good in claiming suppression and fraud. Right?
Part of the issue with elections these days is that everyone has a voice, including people at the polls who see what they believe to be fraud to their Twitter buddies. It gets amplified even though nothing is really happening and people freak out.

You seeing what you think is fraud is not the same thing as fraud. And if you create an affidavit saying it was fraud, that still doesn't mean it was fraud.
Oh, and Al Gore. Your side can keep saying THAT election was stolen too?
Unless Hillary says it was fraudulent and continues to say her election was stolen? Her not accepting results, or the woman in South Carolina, they are good in claiming suppression and fraud. Right?
This has nothing to do with what I said.

Here's How the Democrats Could Steal Nevada in 2024​

MATT MARGOLIS | 10:40 AM ON MARCH 20, 2024

On Friday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) filed a lawsuit against Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar, claiming the state's voter registration rolls are “impossibly high” because the number of registered voters outnumbers the number of adult citizens in several counties. The lawsuit claims that Nevada's voter rolls don't meet the standards set by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires states to keep “clean and accurate voter registration records.”

Related: Here's How Google Has Been Interfering in U.S. Elections for Years

According to the RNC's analysis, five out of Nevada's 17 counties have bloated voter rolls, suggesting a breach of the NVRA. The RNC contends that this discrepancy warrants legal action to ensure compliance with voter registration regulations.

“At least three Nevada counties have more registered voters than they have adult citizens who are over the age of 18,” the lawsuit states. “That number of voters is impossibly high.”

“Election integrity starts with clean voter rolls, and that’s why the National Voter Registration Act requires state officials to keep their rolls accurate and up-to-date,” newly elected RNC co-chair Michael Whatley said Monday. “Nevada has universal mail voting and no voter ID requirement, which makes Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar’s failure to comply with the NVRA and provide accurate voter rolls all the more concerning. Securing clean voter rolls in Nevada is a critical step towards ensuring that it will be easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

More here:

The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise. One wonders if the RICO laws can be applied to to it.
Pretty sure the governor of Nevada is a Republican.
Oh, and Al Gore. Your side can keep saying THAT election was stolen too?
Since we now know beyond a reasonable doubt that more Florida voters either voted for Gore or tried to vote for him than for BUsh, yes, we can. There ain't a shred of evidence anything like that happened in 2020, and you know it.
Many such examples were brought forward... And silenced by democrats who hold a huge percentage of local and and state government seats. I know because I live in a state where the silencing happened.
Here, here!!! And 2000 Mules should be celebrated as daring expose speaking truth to power instead of being excorciated!!
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Oh, for fuck's of my biggest beefs with the GOP is this kind of regular "sore loser" cry of foul every time they fucking lose. They usually know that they're lying, too, but they can't stand to admit that they lost and, you know, actually shake things up to try to win an election fairly. Look, dude, at the risk of quoting Obama, but "elections have consequences." If you lost, you lost. Quit crying foul every fucking time you lose. Just accept that you lost and see if maybe you can find ways of winning fair and square. It's a deeply unserious assertion and only makes the whole country think that you're a bunch of sore losers....and wastes everyone's time. If you lose, take your lumps, and move on. Quit dragging everything into court and find ways of appealing to voters.
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